Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jesus Loves me This I Know, Even if Some of You Don't

Dog Poet Frothing at the Mouth.........

I’ve been watching a lot of movies lately. When I’m in trouble it is what I do. It takes my mind off myself until the tide turns. It’s starting to look like someone forgot to set the tide watches recently but let’s not concern ourselves with that.

Several of the movies I saw showed strippers showing up at houses for bachelor parties and or some reason. I’ve never had such a thing thrown for me and thank God for that because I would probably walk out of the house and my friends know that. I do have a certain amount of friends but we don’t see much of each other these days.

What is this oppressive focus on sex? Is it because when things get bad it’s the only way for people to escape? I’ve heard about what happens during bombing raids so maybe that’s it.

I’ve been catching a lot of shit lately. So far none of my sane readers have been responsible for it but it does beg the question of whether I am doing something wrong. I try to tell the truth and speak from the inspiration of the moment but maybe I’m either not bending over enough or I’m standing up too straight; sad to say for the detracting end; whatever I am is not going to change unless God asks me to and he hasn’t.

A passel of Fundie Christians have been writing me letters of damnation. It’s funny that I never get such letters from members of any other religious group. It’s also a tad ironic that it is only Christian nations that are making war on other nations at the moment. They’re also torturing and imprisoning and killing with the best weapons money can buy. As I have said many times, I like Jesus Christ just fine but I can live without his followers. Anyway... I thought the point was to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ... not anyone and everyone who thinks they have an in with him which... I personally KNOW they do not. I know this. You know you’re saved? I know just as convincingly that you don’t speak for him.

I am inclined to breathe a little fire here and really outrage you; show you just how fearless I am about your cotton candy God but... unlike those of you who have written me and showered me with four letter words in the name of Jesus, I’m not going to do that. How is it that you can curse me out like you do and damn me to Hell and pretend to serve the master of compassion? I’d like to understand but it perplexes me.

Some of you want to do me real harm- so much for forgiveness and mercy. Some of you have called the police on me and done other nasty little things but... I have some serious protection which comes from the very source you seek to malign me before and the police just laugh.

Some of you think I take drugs all the time. I take fewer drugs than any of you. It just so happens in this age of alcoholic rulership, I choose to speak out on behalf of other options. You’re fine and dandy with whiskey and cigarettes and prescription drugs that will kill you a lot more certainly than the so called illegal ones... and that is why they make them illegal in the first place, morons. Your drinking water has more drugs in it than I take, you infantile, self righteous, borderline intellects.

Let’s look at it this way. It you weren’t really stupid you wouldn’t think that scripture translated by people looking to control you was divinely- word for word- inspired. Let’s face it... you are stupid. I don’t think there’s a cure for stupid. I know they can do great things with prosthetics and all sorts of things but outside of Lawnmower Man, I have never seen any evidence of intelligence increase. If you’re stupid, you pretty much stay that way. I have seen really smart people be stupid but I have rarely seen really stupid people be smart.

If I am so wrong about my lifestyle and the serious amounts of exploration I have done then why am I in such great shape; great health, can make words dance anyway I want them to, reach people everywhere and do all kinds of things you know nothing about? How is that possible if you are right and I am wrong? Am I serving Satan as some of you suggest? If that were the case then how come I have nothing that Satan confers? How come I live in the most humble circumstances and no one is bowing down before me or throwing their underwear at me? Isn’t that what you usually get if you serve Satan? Satan can kiss my ass and so can you; not that I would allow it of course but hopefully you get the meaning. It’s hard to tell when you are talking to really stupid people who want to kill you because Jesus told them to.

And if Jesus didn’t tell them to then who did? This also perplexes me. I have NEVER presented myself as a Christian but I have been respectful of his teachings if not of his Nazi pretend followers who think the Bible is a studded club. I quote Jesus more than any other teacher in my writings because most of you are Christian and it doesn’t matter what tradition the truth comes from.

Let me put this out there clear and distinctly. No one is going to touch a hair on my bald head unless God says so. I KNOW this. If I did not know it then anything might be possible. Let me once again say that I do not know about most things but some things I know very well. I live by them and the proof is in the pudding. I’m not like most people. I live what I think and say 24 hours a day. I threw it into the wind and the wind sang back and carried me and I doubt any of you can much influence the weather or maybe you should go talk to Caliban or Prospero.

One never defiles their faith and their personal being so much as when they assume the right to kill someone who doesn’t agree with them and even worse... someone who reaches out unfailingly and pays his own goddamn way doing so and asks nothing of anyone.

Anyone in the course of my work here might disagree with me at some point. I am a work in progress and I am mightily tested and I fall down sometimes but I get the fuck back up and it isn’t because anyone lent me a hand. Everything that happens here and at the other sites is free and on God’s dime. I have served you for years and never asked anything of you except to question and inquire. I’m not your daddy and I’m not your fellow parishioner. I’m also not your punching bag. You don’t like it here then go somewhere else. This is not a popularity contest. I do this for free out of the goodness of my heart. I don’t know if it does any good but I do it anyway. You want me to shut up then move out of the range of my voice.

I’ve got zero respect for people who sell wolf tickets at a distance. It’s like people taunting tigers in a cage. If you don’t like what you get here then go somewhere else. The fact is that you do like it but you want me to say it your way. That’s not going to happen. I have no control over what gets said here. It just happens.

Sorry to rage a bit here friends but I am a tad sorely provoked and having certain problems also which tends to amplify the whole thing. However, this is the Petri Dish and that’s how it is here.

One word of advice to everyone; stop telling me how to do my job and stop waving your porcelain Jesus in my face. Why not just hop on a plane for Assisi and see what your religion is really like or better yet... head on off to Africa where your evangelists paint sugar water under the eyes of starving children to attract the flies during their photo op in their Banana Republic Safari Suits. Take yourself a Hunger Porn holiday and hold your limp white hands up to your shocked lips and talk about how you wish you could do something and then you just head off to the hotel for dinner and talk about how dreadful it all is.

End Frothing.......


Anonymous said...

If truth can possibly be possessed by anyone or possess anyone then certainly you are living proof that it is possible. I have to admit that I love the passionate angle. I really wish you had let loose about the cotton candy god. Though I admire your restraint I wish you had let it fly. Only truly great minds hold these things in reserve but dammit! sometimes it would be nice to see it for once.


Anonymous said...

Les...to paraphrase the bard - no need to protest quite that loudly man. I posted the comment about psychedelic drugs and yes, I called you an asshole (after you called me much worse).

Let's just say this. You're not the only seeker of truth and The Way that has been sucked down the drug drain. I do have personal experience with it and have seen friends I greatly respect go down that path. Some came back. Some didn't, among them my sister.

So, let's just say, I stand that drugs are no path to truth. They promise the world and deliver only pain and suffering in the end. I think anyone with any sense, and no perceived need to defend their own conduct, could see that. I don't condemn you for going down that road and I do pray it doesn't take you. I revel in your writings and music and rejoice that you are among us. I hope the drugs don't get you in the end - as they have others just as strong and creative as you are.

The Anonymous Ignorant Jerk

The Doktor said...

It's all good, Les, every Spirit has a voice & I'm glad I tune in to yours, Sir. As for addressing your site visitors:

"Say what you mean and mean what you say, for those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind..." - [Dr. Seuss]

Childrens author, go figure... life is so simple, but we as human beings make it SO damn difficult... sheez... :-?

You Rock-XOR Les... keep doin' that Voodoo you do so well! ;-)

Visible said...

Anonymous Ignorant Jerk;

Speak for your self and not me. You have no idea of what I do and that may be why you are an AIJ. If you didn't catch it in the post try to drag your sorry ass back to what i said and try to restrain yourself from commenting on what you either have no experience of or were too fucking closed off or stupid to profit from.

Some have made it all the way and through the gates with chemistry and there are serious records to that effect. In the age of Kali... and she seems to rule minds like yours, all bets are off.

I'm going to do what I'm going to do and at least have the courtesy to be informed about the substances that you obviously are not informed about or you would not group the actual killers in with the others. I do the others, rarely, but I do them and I do them because I am told to. You know so fucking much? Come to my house and see it in action. Then make your commentary... that is... if you are allowed to speak after.

Frog said...

From one who follows the walk of Christ; keep up the fight.
It's not Christian nations that are warring against the rest of the world, there are no Christian nations as far as I can tell. There is only satanism now.
As one who follows Christ, I apologize for the deluded (or deceptive) satanists that call themselves Christians in this world. They are a hate filled, ignorant caricature who would crucify the Christ in a minute if he came back in a form that allowed it.
I wish I could say something more but after looking around at the liars, adulterers, pedophiles, murderers that lead our churches and governments, what can one say?
It took me years to admit that "by definition" I was a Christian or "born again" because I found the people who take that moniker to be so evil in general.
In the end, God will sort things out. The good are few. Take care man. God go with you and Bless you.

Visible said...

Now... that's more like it. Thank you and I'll see you there.

Liz said...

Great post, and I, for one have no doubt that you are doing and saying exactly what the Creator intends for you to be doing and saying. I grew up in Roman Catholicism and then the born again xtian shit. Those glorious traditions of guilt and fear. Then one day I decided I was tired of other people telling me who god (still have negative feelings about that word) was, and what I was. I was angry, appalled, and horrified at the immensity of the deceit that religion had perpetrated on humanity. I recently told a couple of Jehovah's Witness ladies that their Jehovah was a bloodthirsty punk. The looks on their faces were priceless...and I enjoyed it just a bit too much. I still get angry, but reallly it's counterproductive and I remind myself that they are clueless, as I once was. So don't let them get to you. They're just doing what Jehovah requires of them, and I truly hope they too will one day wake up and realize that it's bullshit mixed with blood they are wallowing in.
Best to you

Anonymous said...

Im sorry if Ive been addin to your battle of wits. Im not here to tell ya anything just running at the mouth. Sounds like you need a long hot bath and a big fatty, hehee!

I gotta say it man (its not me saying it) but you have to be open to all forms and viewers of your work? Dammit, you know that. If you get pissed off, they win(what I dont know?)
Flipside, its always good to let it out too? Question is who is really listen? I say only you, and thats the plan? Hummmmmm........

The Fool

Visible said...

I'm not really enraged. It's just a persona. However it's got to have some amount of firmness or you'll never penetrate anything (pun intended). In this case I mean to say that sometimes it's important make a point and not die in wishy washyland. It's too crowded there anyway and I suspect most of the deaths are from lack of oxygen.

Anonymous said...

Persona, great word, I get it! Good, things arent as bad as you sounded like! Thoose silly bible thumbers, what can you do?
Say many things are wishy washy; the tide, the moon, life, but not you today!!! Cool beans Man!
The Fool

Rebel 4E said...

I'm definately unsane and as far as I know I've never thrown any shit your way...(-___-)

“The most thoroughly and relentlessly Damned, banned, excluded, condemned, forbidden, ostracized, ignore, suppressed, repressed, robbed, brutalized and defamed of all Damned Things is the individual human being. The social engineers, statistician, psychologist, sociologists, market researchers, landlords, bureaucrats, captains of industry, bankers, governors, commissars, kings and presidents are perpetually forcing this Damned Thing into carefully prepared blueprints and perpetually irritated that the Damned Thing will not fit into the slot assigned it. The theologians call it a sinner and try to reform it. The governor calls it a criminal and tries to punish it. the psychologist calls it a neurotic and tries to cure it. Still, the Damned Thing will not fit into their slots.”


“Intelligence is the capacity to receive, decode and transmit information efficiently. Stupidity is blockage of this process at any point. Bigotry, ideologies etc. block the ability to receive; robotic reality-tunnels block the ability to decode or integrate new signals; censorship blocks transmission.”

Love & Respects Dawwgg!

Anonymous said...

First, before I respond to a few of the other visitors, let me rant a bit in support and defense of my dear friend Les (even though he doesn't need any defense):

You judgemental christian fuckers know less than nothing about Les. you think have some right or authority to judge others? you don't. you obviously didn't listen to anything your supposed master and savior Jesus said, much less follow and do what he said. so you aren't real christians and you have no business telling Les or anyone that they are wrong. you are the ones who are wrong. the moment you criticise other folks (like Les), and for things that you know absolutely nothing about, then that is the moment you have turned your back on Christ and have become a servant of the darkness and evil. you are deep in ignorance and duality. you haven't got a fucking clue who God is or what Christ is all about. you are just a stupid petty little bullys with hearts of darkness. you have less understanding and than a worm in hell. what the fuck are you doing here if you don't like what Les writes about, or what he shares about himself and his own personal life?? and how would you know anything about another person's path? you don't. you don't know shit from shinola about Christ or the path of light. you are nothing more than stupid assholes and trolls. your pseudo-christianity is empty and rotten inside. and even the false facade of your pretentious self-righteousness is warped and cracked. you can't even talk the talk right, much less walk the walk. have you walked in Les's shoes?? have you walked in my shoes?? you are not even good enough lick the dust off Les's sandals, much less judge his life or path to God. if you were really true christians, you would drop to your knees in shame and repent of your false pride and arrogance for criticising Les. this is his blog, not yours. this blog is his labor, not yours. so you don't have any business judging his personal lifestyle, path, philosophy, religion, or character. there is no doubt in my mind that you fuckers are far more poisoned with drugs and alcohol and bad food and you are full of shallowness, weakness, iniquity and decadence. and thats why you attack Les. you are jealous of his light and righteousness. you are full of judgement and false pride because you are not really true christians. I don't profess to be a christian, but i have lived the way of Christ. I walked 10,000 miles in faith with nothing but a robe and a blanket and trust in God. Hve you done that? have you walked into the unknown every haour and day and taken no thought for what you would eat or drink or where you would rest?? I don't think so. In fact, i know you haven't. You want to know how i know that you phony christians haven't?? because you think you can judge Les and his reltionship with God, thats why. that tells me that you have never ever walked even a step or a mile in faith and humility. if you had, then you would never condemn another soul. you are full of arrogance and darkness and your real master is satan, not Christ. you have no idea who or what Christ is.

and fyi, the apocalypse is coming to get YOU, and all those like you, and cut you down.

[continued on in next comment]

-- long john

Anonymous said...

continued from previous comment...

You phony christians are prime examples of that old traditional song: "Gods Gonna Cut You Down".

Here is a music video version of it done by the great Johnny Cash:

"God's Gonna Cut You Down" -- by Johnny Cash


song lyrics:


And this next one goes out to my friend Les, and I and I... this is one of my all time favs, which really says it so well:

"For You" -- by Johhny Cash


So to all you pseudo-christian religious fanatics, put that in your weasely pipe and smoke it. If you were really the true and righteous souls that you pretend to be, you would humbly apologise to Les and you would repent to God for being such arrogant bastards and fools.

-here ends my rant-

-- Long John

Anonymous said...

To: "The Anonymous Ignorant Jerk" who posted at 1:18 PM

You are the asshole. You are the one whose soul "has been sucked down the drain".

Just because your sister fellow loserswent down the drain, doesn't have diddly squat to do with Les.

You say that "drugs are no path to truth". Who are you to say what the Truth is or what it demands? You don't call the shots.

If you ever hope to find or gain any proximity to the Truth, you must utterly surrender. got that mr smart ass??

The Truth is a very jealous god. So you don't get to say what or which way the path to truth is or should go. Thats for the Truth to say and to determine.

Your belief only applies to you. So where do you get off judging others? Go read my rant above, and stick it up your ass, you stupid asswipe.

As a matter of fact, I've done lots of drugs (of the sacramental kind) too, and I did not end up in any "pain and suffering in the end", none whatsoever. I am smarter and wiser and i embody more clarity and virtue and love than most... especially self-righteous punks like you.

You are the one who is defending. You are no authority over others, and nobody invited you to judge Les. Judge only yourself you dimwit. Other people's lives and lifestyles are none of your damn business.

And btw, are you the same guy supposedly named "David"?? - the guy who claims to be a so-called "hindu"?? if you are not then disregard the following.

But if you are, then you ain't no "hindu". I know, because i dare say that I know India and Indian philospohy and religion and culture way better and deeper than probably anyone else here.

I have known it up close and first-hand for 40 years. and i can say with utmost certainty that you ain't no "hindu". thats mainly because the followers of the various branches of the sanatana dharma the land of Bharat don't call themselves "hindu". the term "hindu" is made up and pertains to the people of Hindustan, not to the religion or the Vedic or Dravidian culture.

there's more, but i am not going to waste my time on fraudulent poseurs and trolls and pretentious and asinine bullshitters and liars like you. go find another blog that suits your self-rithteous narrow-mindedness better.

-- Long John

veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,..Leszek; right on! "...there are no Christian nations as far as I can tell. There is only satanism now." The Fool - just ran your speech pathology through an app that tells me you have either spent time in Israhell or you are constantly in the company of orthodox yids that are from israhell and are picking up thier accentuations and invective...post statement rhetorical expletives and gratuitous vulgar invective - you guys should take a look at this during your training sessions - fuck you!

Jesus never said "turn the other cheek", the actual statement was edited by yid scribes when they inflitrated our spiritual enclaves. The then Prophet Jesus said; "Never turn the other cheek!" You'll see Fool when he returns as the Christ, our Christ. Was he turning the other cheek in the temple as he kicked yid arses and their whores out of the temple - Whatever!

I believe we are engaged in a war for our spiritual eternity on a temporal plane.

This confuses a lot of stupid people and their confusion is exploited by satan's minions.

keep on keep'n on brother visible - fuck'em!

Oh,by the by, false churches and prophets are a part of ther grand plan - they are here to do what they have been programmed to do by G-d - that's why we are not supposed to make deals with them or compromise with them - for supporting information; see The WORD. Jesus's teachings are easy to find - google "The Nag Hammadi Library" or "The Sophia(wisdom)of Jesus"



sambhava said...

Hi Les, a very entertaining post. It reminds me of the "English Martyrs" catholic primary school I was forced to attend in England many years back. The "headmaster" often told our whole class of 12 to 13 year olds that if we "sinned" we'd all be sent to hell, where demons with pitchforks would prod us all over cliffs into the eternal flames below (no kidding!). I lost a lot of sleep over this at the time (being the sinner that I was!).
And now to digress:
It was mentioned a couple of times on the blogs that "nothing happened" in February. No "false flag" bombs etc.
I'd say a classic example of not seeing the woods for the trees...
During the early hours of the morning on December 9th I personally witnessed the "Norway Spiral" as it illuminated the entire western sky for what must have been about half a minute whilst driving through the Swedish pine forests on the way back from the introduction you arranged concerning a certain friend of yours here (you obviously work in mysterious ways!). They claimed it was a Russian rocket that exploded but they also claim that elephants have wings. Just two days after the spiral was "activated" the chaotic weather began all over Europe and even reached as far as the U.S. and Siberia. In total it cost billions of dollars in damage and disruptions. (They were obviously pissed off over their failed "swine flu" vaccination attempt and of course the Climategate fiasco, and this is how they retaliated) And then came even more chaos in the form of the German credit card system breakdown which you yourself had experienced (along with various other German friends of mine).
And no coincidence that the German military and healthcare services were the first to expose the bogus "swine flu" vaccines and sent out warnings to everyone, and of course refused point blank to use them themselves. And who owns and controls those very banks other than the very same subspecies responsible for the "soft-kill" the vaccines! And then came the Haiti and Chile quakes...
In comparison to the "expected" flase flag bombings, I'd say those incidents were equally - if not more - devastating in their effects, and certainly served as a warning to the puppet politicians that they still intend to go ahead with their Copenhagen "carbon tax" extortion scam.
Just a thought.

abe said...

Just lost what I was going to post just now, Oh well. Let the Scripture Nazis, who wont even read their Bibles without a zionist middleman, chew on this for a while:

Hebrews 5 (King James Version)
5So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee.

6As he saith also in another place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

7Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;

8Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

9And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

10Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.

11Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.

12For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.

13For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

John 10:16 (King James Version)
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

John 21:25 (King James Version)
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

So here you have Saints Paul and John themselves bearing witness to the continual presence of Christ in the world and his membership in the priesthood of Melchizedek(not a tribe or bloodline) which itself has been made known to all peoples throughout all time.

Origen the heretic said...

Les, you said it in your post -- If you don't like what you read here, go somewhere else. Has Jehovah got a meathook in your ass dragging you here? As for the "Christian" fundies, I've noticed over the years that they have a number of characteristics for the most part in common to wit: (no particular order)

A) Brainwashed.
B) Would much rather let authority figures do their thinking than do it themselves.
C) Very adept at Orwellian double think e.g. I'm a follower of Christ but it's OK to slaughter, maim, and torture the authorities' scapegoat du jour.
D) No realization whatsoever that the majority of their bible was written by the same people that are enslaving them now.
E) Freedom from responsibility for whatever they have done in the past (and often in the future) because they're "saved"

I could go on, but why waste my breath?

Rev. John

Anonymous said...

@ Sambhava and anyone else interested in the Norway Spiral.

I found this image of a promotional poster created a few years ago for Al Gores' book, An Inconvenient Truth.


As you can see, it looks like the spiral was a promotional stunt for the Carbon Tax cult.

iconoclast said...

Thanks for another good post.
The lashing out from those certain quarters reminds me of various scenarios; Jack Nicholson for instance in Easy Rider when he's talking about people who think they are free and how they react to those who suggest they are not (with the killing and maiming).

I get the impression that in the same sense, Christians may getting the notion or intuition that the curtain may be lifted on their charade; and they are not liking it.

The majority of 'religious' types I've ever been around behave in a similar fashion in that they feel it necessary to correct what has been said so it fits their formula.
The Cathars certainly experienced the full force of the Christian mindset.

I made a comment a while back re: an article to do with a certain type of 'special' hotdog now being served at sporting events. This dog is made kosher for those who believe they are the chosen ones. I opined at how nice that was for them, being the chosen ones and all. A person who identified themself as a Christian asked "how dare I?"...and went on and on about how since I obviously was not a Christian why did I not "get a life?"
My comment was about the article and they chose to insinuate themselves by commenting on my comment.
I articulated as clearly as possible that she should fuck off, in so many words.
I've always found these religious ass-clowns nothing if not intellectually lazy. They have been provided a script and are too lazy to do any fact checking; if you question the script you are off the project.
Keep up the good work.

Visible said...

Imagine my surprise when in a search for something else I found someone has been making videos of my tunes and putting them on youtube and interposing commentary from the blogs.

Here's a couple of them;

I'm Coming Back.


Right Thru my Heart.

and they never said a word to me. It brightens up my day is what it does. Sure would be nice if some well known singer would do some of the tunes one of these days and I could put our community together.

abe said...

Interesting developments in Germany-


Anonymous said...

Been following you for a long time. Thank you. And, thank you for being human.

Anonymous said...


If ever one liked you I wouldn't and readers come and go. Like you say

they aren't paying your bills

so they can't tell you what to do.

I been coming to your site since before you made Smoking Mirrors. You got at least one educated Algerian brother in your corner. If you come France wise to Paris you call me up

Sent you my phone number by email.

Visible said...

8:53 anon

You can't be useful if you're not human. We have had enough of Gods for awhile.

This time when he comes he is coming in the human heart and all who can resonate will hear the call within.I hope to make up for this business at Origami shortly.

Acme Inc. said...

The fundies got a twist in their undies. I left organized religion years ago, just couldn't get with the zeal to convert everyone and the sadistic streak in a lot of these so called christians. I am a conservative pretty much but hang out with old hippies, lesbians, satanists, yuppie surbanites, all kinds. If I tried to tell any of these people that I have the one true way convert now they would laugh their ass off and throw me out.

veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,.. I think I just hoodwinked myself; never read the other comments on those tube sites and then I looked down and saw 'Kikzit'- Kikz yeah? I'm such a lunk head all the time.

Sorry Brother.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Re. Flucase controversy: I have been to said website - spent 15 minutes looking around and can't find any evidence of criminal charges having been filed. I am not saying they were not!

Also, Jims email seems to be perfectly straight.


Visible said...

There's a new Visible Origami up-

The Cost of Truth and Honesty can be Severe.

Anonymous said...

Being exposed for several years to the presbyterian form of christianity I can concur with your observations about their doublespeak and double standard.

Almost all of them spew the rules of the bible at others while at the same time they do the opposite.

They are told not to judge, that is the creator's job, not theirs, yet that is all they do.

They are told help those around them, and I might see that happen 1/1000 times, cause they are to busy damning others, and when they do help someone there is usually a string or two attatched.

The few I have seen who are actively trying to find god/jesus, are confused, so they jump from church to church, looking for the right feel and fit, not realizing all the churches are the same.

I was lucky. cause I was given the insight early in life that a person does not need religion at all to get to the place he is seeking, and religion and spirituality have absolutley nothing to do with one another.

One is man made the other is divine made.

Christianity is hijacked and has been for a long time. When you look at it from the outside it is obvious....not so much from the insdie looking out.

Just gotta keep in mind jesus and hate is like oil and water, so if you are getting mail like that they are not really christians.....just smaller religious versions of false flaggers.

Scarlett said...

Christianity has been hijacked. What the mainstream Christian believes has been corrupted deliberately and I have to call it like I see it -- it has become a Judeo-Christian religion. Christians are allowed to still mention Jesus, but only if they bend over backwards to acknowledge that he was a Jew and spend all their time quoting the Old Testament, never the actual words of Jesus. Watch any televangelist or go to most any Christian Church and keep a count of how many times the words of Christ are quoted vs. how much time is spent on the OT. It will be a real eye opener.

Christ was a rebel. What those in power fear most of all are the rebels. If Christians were to actually LIVE the way Christ taught us to live -- those in power would be no happier than the Pharisees of Christ's day. Can't have a "prosperity gospel" if you follow his teachings. Can't have most wars -- since we only wage war against the weak and defenseless -- the very people Christ commands us to reach out to. Jesus was about inclusion, so this idea that Christianity is some exclusive club with the perk that everything good comes to you as long as you are willing to stand up and thank Jesus in public would piss him off to no end, I'm sure.

For me, the OT is some crazy fucked up stuff. You can't really be a Christian and spend your whole life focusing on the OT. If you live by the "eye for an eye" and "God loves us best" stuff of the OT, then quite frankly, you are not a Christian -- you are a Jew. I don't mean that be anti-Jew (maybe I am a little, but I try to always keep in mind that each person is an individual and shouldn't be automatically condemned based on the stereotypical behavior of a group). For the last 60 years or so, it seems to me that there have been a number of people working to make Christians nothing more than closet Jews. Sure, the evangelicals think Jews will burn in hell when Christ returns -- but they sure do kiss their ass now. The talk of this being a "Judeo-Christian" nation should clue everyone in to that fact.

So, I agree that the religion currently known as "Christianity" sucks big time. But, REAL Christians aren't the problem. And these fake Christians are by design working to undermine the Christian faith. Hollywood is one facet of this attack. Televangelists like Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, Jerry Falwell, etc. are another. I will give the enemies of Christ credit in that they prefer to infiltrate and destroy from within. That is the modus operandi and no one ever seems to catch on. Well, a few of us do ... but we're easily marginalized.

I feel often like I have woken up inside the Stephen King novel "Needful Things". The devil doesn't do anything to cause chaos. He merely plays upon our own weaknesses and desires to get us to do his dirty work. While we are killing each other off, he just sits back and enjoys the show.

I apologize for lengthy and rambling reply ... but when people start complaining about the so-called Christians (and they are accurate in their criticisms) I just want to scream because these fake Christians are turning away so many people from the great and timeless message that Christ delivered. I don't know if Christianity can ever be reclaimed, but I sure wish that his real follwers would step up and try.

veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,.. can we give it away with the fucking dissing of the Christian EVERYTHING now boss, or what?

Fuck me!

Check out the fucking NET fools it's not Christians fucking the WORLD!

Led by fools is led none the less - anyone seen the SEA SHEPHERD logo; the fucking guy that started Greenpeace has totally disassociated himself from the movement HE set up!


We fight and win as one - or Drooooool over reality TV! IN SATANS' WORDLY HELL! Until we are all blotted out of course.

A. No reference to 'Rapture' and no reference to 'Trinity' in the Bible.

B. So, I guess we are stuck here...hands up who wants to live in HELL?


Nameste Brother Vis.


kikz said...

nice post les. i also admire 'most' of what is attributed to the personage and ideology of j the c.

@veritas -

although i have no idea as to which 'tube' comments you refer...

2+2 does not equal 5, no matter how dark/confused it is under the hood of your self-imposed wink. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!
Ignore the crap, focus on your mission if you can figure out what it is. Don't get all distracted by trivia. You are a gifted writer and thinker, and I suspect you are very well educated. Ben there, done that for more than fifty years, it doesn't get any easier or more pleasant. There is very little help, companionship or sympathy in this old world, and it's gonna' get worse.
By: Southron

veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,.. Kikz, what-tha/ If you are despising me to fit in with the cognoscenti on Les's Blogs - fine. If you haven't been following the blogs; get a giddy-up. I have no thing but respect for you RIGHT NOW. The ball is in your court and I am researching YOU right now...



P.S. Brother Visible.. Your dependants are yours...not mine! If they want a torch flashed up thier Kaazi, that's thier shit: I'm sorry if Vis doesn't love me as much as you cuddly fuckers!

I am in a war - this not my 'time' away from the 'missus'!
Fuck being bullied by flower-mouths!

Visible said...

I suppose I wish I knew what was gong on but maybe it's better that I don't.

Anyway... cheers all round.

Anonymous said...

Matthew 7

13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

2 Timothy 4

3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;(Poor Translation there above. After studying the Greek it should have been written "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers to tickle their ears." Sound familiar with the many sects of Christendom?

Notice how all of the different sects of Christendom run contrary to one another on the meat of the word. I would venture to say that 90% of Christendom is currently those whom JESUS would proclaim that HE never knew them. It's not about a Sunday pew ritual or a WED pew ritual. The bogus church houses today are nothing but a modern day golden calf It's about loving GOD with all of your mind. It's about dwelling in heaven via our minds. Sadly, yet foretold most Christians are wolfs in sheeps clothing with absolutely no relationship with their Creator. They want to immerse themselves in outlandish biblical fables.

4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

I my self have never been a part of any church. I can tell you this much. I was 19 and strung out on drugs. One day walking through my house I felt overwhelmed to pick up a N.T. Bible and start reading. I've never been a part of any church or Bible College. I simply cannot stomach the vile that they pour our from behind their pulpits.

There is at least one guy here who doesn't know me at all. He makes he takes jabs at me out of his complete lack of any understanding of who I am every chance he gets as if I'm a blind follower of Christendom. But he makes a fool of himself with his ignorance of who I am on fool display.

My take on the scriptures are anything but the Christendom norm. Everything that I believe is from a tireless searching through the scriptures that gave me hope when I had none. I study the original Hebrew and Greek to maneuver through the poor translations and let me assure you Christendom is a joke. They are very much like Kevin John portrays it. Only he fails to realize I'm not one of them.

No hard feelings against you Kevin John. I totally understand why Christendom is spoken evil of. It should be. Take a look at their disgusting doctrine and their many hypocritical ways and what other conclusion can one come to?


veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,.. I'm going to wait, until I respond to Kikz ( I have it prepared); I meant no wrong, truly. If Kikz doesn't respond: I will send my next comment - you of course are the arbiter - I understand this and I am making no threat - just a warning of my intent. Because if I upset you, I will be upset. Your commentors are not my kin; you are. They, cum and blo!


Reincarnation? Are they fucking kidding; then how did our Prophet become our Christ? Fuck, it is me, I AM fucking nuts!

Kikz; you'll keep. Though I hold no grudge. I think you have misunderstood me. Nameste.

Laws63 said...

email me .....

2Peter 3:3 Know this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, mocking.

"It is only Christian nations that are making war on other nations at the moment" (umm, Israel is "Christian"? Geez, it is satanic. The USA is and always has been a tool of the devil.)

Les, stop pontificating. You are wrong on so many points, where does one with a sane mind begin? "Christian nation"? Where pray tell would that be so I can move there? USA? Canada? Britain? LMAO. A "Christian" nation would be one which is comprised of Christians. Canada has 3%, the PM is married to a talmudic jew, the USA is a jewpoodle.
You confuse the issue - we who ARE Christian, we who HAVE been regenerated according to the writings of His best friend, Peter: "1Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever "; we who ARE regenerated see and know the truth, we read the words of Jesus and His prophets and apostles, and over time, trust that God knows what is really going on and one day will return to TAKE CONTROL of this foul planet and purge it by fire, and re-create a NEW heavens and earth, read 2 Peter 3, written by a crucified martyr, who witnessed for 3 years the Master's preaching and miracles, and also fellowshipped for 40 days with the risen Christ after He rose from the dead in His glorified body: 2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness."

You are on the outside looking in, through the pane of your own limited human understanding; painting all who call themselves "Christian" as though they really are.
"Fundies" .... whatever you mean by that? I would suppose all people are "fundies" according to their own worldview, whether it be you or Tiger Woods aka self-deluded "budhist"; or whichever know-it-all/know-nothing pope. Every man thinks he's got it all together, none do in truth, however.
Paul wrote to the Corinthians: 1Cor. 8:2 And if any man think that he knows any thing, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. "

PS: Catholics aren't Christian; nor are Mormons, zionists, seventh Dayers, JW's, 99.9% of tv evangelists, Pat Robertson etc etc. Real Christians interpret the world through the lens of the scriptures, not v v.

Get a new KJV NT, read 1Peter, 2Peter.
Be quiet: Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in all the earth. "

Lawrence said...

email me ... Lawrence

2Peter 3:3 Know this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, mocking.

"It is only Christian nations that are making war on other nations at the moment" (umm, Israel is "Christian"? Geez, it is satanic. The USA is and always has been a tool of the devil.)

Les, stop pontificating. You are wrong on so many points, where does one with a sane mind begin? "Christian nation"? Where pray tell would that be so I can move there? USA? Canada? Britain? LMAO. A "Christian" nation would be one which is comprised of Christians. Canada has 3%, the PM is married to a talmudic jew, the USA is a jewpoodle.
You confuse the issue - we who ARE Christian, we who HAVE been regenerated according to the writings of His best friend, Peter: "1Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever "; we who ARE regenerated see and know the truth, we read the words of Jesus and His prophets and apostles, and over time, trust that God knows what is really going on and one day will return to TAKE CONTROL of this foul planet and purge it by fire, and re-create a NEW heavens and earth, read 2 Peter 3, written by a crucified martyr, who witnessed for 3 years the Master's preaching and miracles, and also fellowshipped for 40 days with the risen Christ after He rose from the dead in His glorified body: 2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness."

You are on the outside looking in, through the pane of your own limited human understanding; painting all who call themselves "Christian" as though they really are.
"Fundies" .... whatever you mean by that? I would suppose all people are "fundies" according to their own worldview, whether it be you or Tiger Woods aka self-deluded "budhist"; or whichever know-it-all/know-nothing pope. Every man thinks he's got it all together, none do in truth, however.
Paul wrote to the Corinthians: 1Cor. 8:2 And if any man think that he knows any thing, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. "

PS: Catholics aren't Christian; nor are Mormons, zionists, seventh Dayers, JW's, 99.9% of tv evangelists, Pat Robertson etc etc. Real Christians interpret the world through the lens of the scriptures, not v v.

Get a new KJV NT, read 1Peter, 2Peter.
Be quiet: Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in all the earth. "

veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,.. Does this kid mean Greek and Aramaic? "I study the original Hebrew and Greek to maneuver through the poor translations".. There is no ORIGINAL hebrew, that pertains to Jesus - HE WASN'T A FUCKING JEW; HELLO!! Nazzerene; trained as an Essene! ANYONE? FUCK ME! Taken by the Magi and schooled in the...yada yada yada...Please someone fill in the blanks.

I have waited all my life to .....fuck it...I'm gonna get on! See ya'll ta'morra..

Nameste DUDES!


Anonymous said...

@ veritas6464

Dude lay off the crack? Im a white boy from Wyoming. Say facecrack me, Matthew Alan Durkee. Whats your deal man? Im hoping you have a real messed up sense of humor?
What really make me laugh my ass off here, is, I have a big SS tattoo on make back from the good old army days. I once fell victum to hate and fear, not now friend. Im seeing you walk down that path, STOP and take a few deep breaths man?
The Fool

veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,.. Yo; The Fool.. Dumb fuck pathology that is racist and segregationalist is all the same to the machine FOOL! So ya'll a Nazi Yup! "Them niggurs are all bad yup, putooee. Skin me a coon an git sum ya'll".

I'm digging a hole here Les; past my night-nights - Fuck this; I am going to bed!

The Fool: Read and read and read and then CONSIDER a comment,ya'll.

No STORM warrior white trash I know would admit to an SS symbol on there back on a non WHITE & PROUD Blog - fuck you Schlomo!

Nameste y'all..


Freddamedgjedda said...

I did not take the time to read all the comments. That is because my little writer (inside my head) just had to write, and fast. So if I repeat things that have been said, so be it, its worth repeating anyway. Drugs. What is drugs? Drugs "tinkers" with the bodies natural chemical prosesses. The drug deos not make you high (or low)! You make you high (or low). Your own bodies "natural chemicals" gets offset. And so happens all the time!

When you eat helthy food, and feel good, it is your body "celebrating" by giving you a chemical boost which makes you feel good. The same thing happens when you work out and feel good afterwards, or reading some "sole food", or whatever makes you feel good. Feeling "high" is the most natural thing in the world. And wanting to feel "high" is the sole occupation of many if not all people.

That said, using drugs of any kind without knowledge of your own psyche can bring you places you will not like. Using anything without understanding of the result can bring about "negative" feeling and situations, but you may also learn from it.

From my personal experience people who condemn drugs, are like all other condemning. IT IS BECAUSE YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. We have all seen what "drugs can do", I lost my best friend to a heroin and prescription pill coctail. Hes body could not take it, he was 20 years old.The drugs did not kill him, his missing understanding of his own limits killed him. So to all who know a guy who died from it and condemn all drugs because of your one (or maybe two) experiences with it, are closed minded when it comes to drugs. You keep on drinking coffe don't you? You keep eating don't you? You keep drinking alcohol don't you? Any of theese three thing kill more people (way more) than all illegal drugs combined. So if you are going to stop people killing themselves, your work on this planet is exhausting!! So good luck! By the way, incorrect breathing might be the "biggest killer" OF ALL. So if you are going to argue health, get your facts straight!! The mental part of drugs is a question of one particular mental arrangement with one (or more) particular drug(s). Not the drug makes you this and the drugs make you that!!!! YOU MAKE YOU!!!

kikz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Good post Les. Those fires of hell are all consuming and I'm sure the fundies in all righteousness would love to toss you and many of the rest of us in. I went to Catholic schools and when I was young they had me scared shitless of that raging inferno. Fortunately sometime in high school I got over it. I find it amazing that people can go their entire life believing that Jew inspired bullshit. I guess when you think about it that is why this country is in such sorry ass shape. It is full of people that let others tell them what to believe.

..........."never seen any evidence of intelligence increase." And you never will. When people are born their brain is wired up for a certain IQ. Some never acquire the knowledge to live up to their potential IQ. If you had two people with the same exact knowledge the one with higher IQ would show more "intelligence" because of the creative way he used this knowledge.

Even RS is coming out in your defense. People calling you a Satanist/Luciferian, what the hell. Must be something going on I don't know about. You make your position clear. Guess Satan has a hold of these individuals. You write on a higher level than most, with the potential to wake those with ears to hear. Can't have any of that.


kikz said...

ewpz.. c/p gremlins after me today...

i'll resend.. and try to delete the prior one... i got too much of veritas' commentary in my previous reply...

oooook... um.. headscratch.

my first post 'here', in quite a long time was my poor attempt at a poetic ditty - w/a wink/nod to the vernal equinox/pagan gods/myth/astrotheology as heralding the 'songs of truth' - tied to - bennie's troubles in ireland w/the sex scandal.

yada X 3... bad daze for rome, in agreement w/les' bad daze for rothchildlanzia.

other than that.. not a peep here for quite a while.

ok, so i see this post, from veritas:

"Blogger veritas6464 said

Hey Papa,.. I think I just hoodwinked myself; never read the other comments on those tube sites and then I looked down and saw 'Kikzit'- Kikz yeah? I'm such a lunk head all the time.

Sorry Brother.


10:37 PM "

so seeing my nic mentioned, i replied. figuring somehow veritas had me confused w/you -les, or something one of us had said, somewhere somehow sometime.

and responded w/:
Blogger kikz said...

nice post les. i also admire 'most' of what is attributed to the personage and ideology of j the c.

@veritas -

although i have no idea as to which 'tube' comments you refer...

2+2 does not equal 5, no matter how dark/confused it is under the hood of your self-imposed wink. ;)

6:17 AM"

i hav no idea whaz up w/all this...*shrugz*

veritas - from other of your postings, over @ noby's place i know we don't see eye/eye on things Pike related.

which 'tubes' are you referring to? the 'intertubes"? i comment all over net, but don't comment w/any regularity on 'youtube'. in fact the only relevant comment i've left on 'youtube' was to a vid having to do w/pyramids - to which someone over at noby's linked to in the comments of noby's post on pyramids.

this is the only 'light' i can shed on this entire encounter...

(other than linking it all to veritas' earliest commentary on this specific post inre jc) or somewhere in the matrix of les' sites, (since new yr) i've utilized the jc attributted 'turn the other cheek' speech, in total once.
my take on the context of that attribution;

in turning your cheek, your eyes follow. in other words... don't obsess on something so long that it is the sole thing w/in your vision/mind... that's limiting.. and can drive one to insanity.

so to wrap up...
color me - lost... other than my nic was mentioned out of the blue... :) i was trying to figure out why.....?

Anonymous said...

@ veritas6464

Well you missed the whole story I was saying. Slow down a bit friend. I was once a nazi for sure. I worried about other peoples ideas and how correct they where to mine, a nazi. I dont hate or put down anyone or thing now. If you want to learn some really cool shit, learn hebrew and stop throwing out load words dude.
Look you have a bunch of hate and fear in you, it all good man, but dont put it on me. Youre welcome to vent and share anything with me, but clear your mind before hand?
The Fool

Anonymous said...

Rama Navami 2010

Belonging to Vishnu Tattva,
You shine on the Raghu Vamsha,
Beloved son of Kaushalya,
Your father is Dasharatha.

To win a bride, You broke a bow.
Though kshatriya, You made a vow:
Known by the name ” Eka Patni”,
Accepting only one devi.

Belonging to Vishnu Tattva,
You shine on the Raghu Vamsha,
Beloved son of Kaushalya,
Your father is Dasharatha.

To win a bride, You broke a bow.
Though kshatriya, You made a vow:
Known by the name ” Eka Patni”,
Accepting only one devi.

The sages say Sita to be
None other than Lakshmi Devi.
In qualities, being equal,
Your union was pleasing to all.

Ideal raja You were to be,
When, suddenly, struck destiny!
Jealous, the king's favourite wife,
Forced You to sacrifice Your life.

Tricking henpecked Dasharatha,
Queen Kaikeyi, for Bharata,
Obtained of Your coronation,
Ill advised the cancellation.

To unfair will surrendering,
In the wild You went wandering.
With this exile thus accepted,
Your father's word was respected.

Spotless in her fidelity,
To follow You, Sita Devi,
The daughter of king Videha,
Left the comforts of Ayodhya.

You both went through tribulations
Due to demons' evil actions.
To end up their atrocities,
You had to slay dark entities.

The worst of all was Ravana,
Lusting after mother Sita.
Using magic, the rakshasa,
Took her prisoner to Lanka.

Playing the part of a human,
You took the help of Hanuman,
Who in the realm of devotion,
Displays perfect dedication.

You had to plan an invasion
Of the island of the demon.
Gathering a monkey army,
A bridge was built above the sea.

You marched ahead with Hanuman,
Nila, Sugriva and Lakshman.
Having aroused Sita's anger,
The abductors were in danger.

Devastating the great city,
Jungle dwellers won victory.
And, at the end, the Ten-headed,
By one arrow was defeated.

Pious brother of Ravana,
Through Your mercy, Vibhisana,
Saved the sinner from suffering
Hellish torments never ending.

Upon Your chest, O Narayan,
Ideal servant Sri Hanuman,
Was pleased to place Lakshmi Devi
Were she belongs eternally.

abel said...

Thank you Les,
Your Jesus is my Jesus.
Peace, Al B.

veritas6464 said...

Hey Papa,.. Kikz...don't know what happened last night, I was working late and following the comments; I should not have stayed in the game, too fatigued. Sorry for doing your head in, oh, and I didn't know we didn't see eye to eye on Pike(really?), do you mean Albert Pike the beardo/pseudo-sage Mason? You have me at a loss, anyhoo, I appologise for my sleepy-head grumpyness; that whole volley got off and running on its own energy - sorry Kikz. The Fool; fuck you punk, one minute you drawl and dribble like a hippy 'man' and the next you are sharp as a tack. Your speech pathology changes too extremely between comments - suss dood suss! I have never been a Nazi, I don't care for those Jew manipulated muppets and you have no excuses for being a pain in Les's arse. Why are you so awkward(troll)? What's your point dooood/mannnn?

Sorry all I needed a nanny nap, please excuse me.


Oh, Dublin Mick, that tube link was a cracker. What a con, I laughed my arse off, is it real? Do they think that is opaque - what a spin-out.



TheSparkle said...

Perfect. Well said.

And regarding the trolls I am reminded of a sign posted at a friend's home by the swimming pool which said, "We don't swim in our stool, and we don't piss in our pool."

oh the word verification is liquised, how appropriate.


TheSparkle said...

I am also reminded of a tragedy once when Oral Roberts was badly injured by a hit and run boat while out walking his ducks.

wv: podog

Anonymous said...

Hi there Les,

I must say I am a big fan. When I hear you talk my spirit is moved. Your words are music to my ears. I would like to explain something that your last post has amplified. Those people who threaten you are not Christians. If they were they would not threaten you.:o) We live in a world where few people know who they really are. I am a Christian, a real one, I love Christ and am moved to tears when I consider his sacrifice for mankind. I also respect great masters like Buddha, Mohammad, Gandhi, Moses and many more. These men are of your caliber and it does not escape my well informed attention.

I might suggest that because you are so successful at what you do that much of your hate mail comes from those who you oppose. Please do not let them use deceit to lower your energy so that you are left defending yourself. For those of us who are enlightened it is not hard to see that you are truly at one with God. I would love to meet one day and talk about such matters, maybe it won't be in this world but in the next. So if a chick by the name of Kazz comes up and says hi, it was me. :o)

I find great inspiration in your words and urge you to concentrate on the positive. Satan uses deceit and the ignorance of stupid people to deflate us and bring us down. Stick it to him by not playing his game.

By the way I really like your music as well as your writing. I am studying Philosophy myself and I upset heaps of people by talking about the same things. It seems you and I share a common cause. Pissing of the bad dudes. LOL

Luv Kazz

Visible said...

There's a new Smoking Mirrors up-

Going Mad or Becoming Sane is the Nature of the Game.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% Les. I think one of the biggest problems with the world today is, that people are used to haveing so much smoke blown up their ass that they freak out when somebody tells them the truth without any sugarcoating. As a very funny comedian once said,"YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!"

God said...

"I try to tell the truth and speak from the inspiration of the moment but maybe I’m either not bending over enough or I’m standing up too straight; sad to say for the detracting end; whatever I am is not going to change unless God asks me to and he hasn’t."

Les, you know I got your back. Go Fuck em up. Fuck em up real good...


Lukiftian said...

Sorry Les, but you get the big 490 for this one.


Now... get right with GOD, Les!

Hey, like... really, man.

If these morons can get to you and press your buttons, then maybe they have a point, even if it isn't the one they think it is.

Visible said...


Still going with the alternating kiss and whip I see. It appears yours are the buttons being pushed. I'm fine. I'm not actually affected by these people. this is done for dramatic effect to illustrate something. It's a literary device.

In the meantime, I'll continue on according to my own internal understandings and take a certain amount of enjoyment from the fact that I don't work for you.

Freddamedgjedda said...

I forgot the link! Stupid stoner!




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