Friday, August 28, 2015

The Living Scriptures that are Vibrating in the Secret Chambers of the Heart.

Early morning European edition

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

We don't know why we go off in strange directions every now and again. Our recent posts have been solely focused on the divine and then we took a big segue yesterday and now we're in that chariot with her coming around the mountain after circling that landfill of contemporary culture that lies at the bottom of the mountain and circles it like the one in Guatemala City  We have a few more details about the human cost of that dump. 

This is what life is like in all those forgotten bad Karma zones that we hear about and then Game of Thrones comes on. On the other side of the coin in the Shake and Bake, instant manifestation locations of the west we have a different view of garbage and we are devoted to making it out of ourselves; some of us.

We hammer on about Materialism here because of its profound impact on our lives. Some of us may not be materialists and an argument can be made that we suffer even more than its devotees. One might say that regardless of appearances that a pig is never happier than when wallowing in feces drenched mud. Those of us without this particular addiction are not made happy by the sight of marching armies of mindless consumers that will march right over us if we don't get out of the way.

Our biggest problem is that there are fewer and fewer places to go where the culture is more spiritually based. I live in a pristine jungle garden but I have to get into my car now and again and drive into the shopping culture. I sit at the lights surrounded by other cars. The telepathic hum of human locusts resounds on the telepathic trampoline of my consciousness. Sometimes it sounds like legions of Taiko drummers. It's always some degrees hotter there because the press of humanity (euphemistically speaking) and machines raises the temperature. Underneath the seeming order of bodies coming and going, a rage smolders. That also brings the heat. There is a rage pressing toward ultimate incandescence. It is all about fire and heat. This is one of the larger byproducts of Materialism; heat and fire- the fire next time- the fire of out of control desire raging and it is all in the mind and so the mind is on fire for the objects d'art of Tinker Toy world and all those sim cities.

Why is there a smoldering rage? It is because the desire generated cannot be satisfied and that is why those who engage in recreational sex cannot find fulfillment because without genuine emotion there is no closure. Orgasms are brief drains of essence that have the endurance of a fast food diet and this is why it gravitates toward pornography and perversity. The mind imagines that if it just pushes deeper that satisfaction may be found. This is the drive in bizarre piercings and full body tattoos.

I'll share something about continence that may or may not be spiritually appropriate but I indulge all the same. The secret to true continence, like the secret to everything else, is in the mind. One is not continent simply by abstaining from sex. One must control and direct the imagery in the mind and route the passions into the love channel of the heart. If one can do this then remarkable events can occur when one sleeps. In the last weeks I have been transported into the most etheric realms of the subconscious. I have enjoyed beautiful pastoral exchanges with divine houris, all of them personified as prior objects of my affection in this life and previous visits. If there is intimacy and romance it is of a level that transcends anything I was ever able to accomplish in the shadow world through which we pass. The degree of satiation is beyond the capacity of words to express. The conversational exchanges are like a form of touching that reaches places I was unaware I contained. Let us leave it at that.

I have been in the most enchanted vales of the Six of Cups. I reached states of real beauty, the like of which was never accomplished between us in life. I danced with Svargo and Sally and Candy and others in the glimmering bowers of Tara and she was all of them in the time that they were there. We like to put a familiar face upon the ineffable.

Do yogis and mystics and spiritual teachers warn against such fascinations as a hindrance to true spiritual progress? Yes... but there wasn't any sex. It was something like sex but it hasn't been sex so... I'm in the clear (I think). Though I have had experiences like this in the past, since my assault, the frequency and clarity of these events has intensified to a palpable (accent on palpable) extent.

I am sharing this because it is available to all of us and in these times it can be preferable to having to toreador with the insufferable egos of male peacocks and hysterical damaged women who are looking for revenge on the ones who came before you. On the one hand you are disposable and on the other hand you've been disposed of. Without a sense of self worth, you are made incapable of a higher sharing and in some cases you gave that up because you couldn't process your loneliness and on the other hand it got purloined through the violation of your trust. To be necessarily crude at this juncture, we all get fucked out of our innocence because we are all in a separated state. How wonderful it can be when we can accomplish unity within. This is the definite and certain result of transforming the reproductive fluids into Ojas.

Here is a detailed and exhaustive treatise on sexual sublimation in clear and understandable terms.

My system of aspiration and spiritual pursuit are based on testing. I prove things out to myself. “To be objective is to employ empirical, rational, and scientific methods of inquiry to the topic of discussion, or if you will, any given subject under consideration. On the other hand, the term subjective signifies the personal, passionate, and practical approach to knowledge.” I do not have to prove things to others. That is their job. Some of us are inclined to take even the most absurd things on faith. Others are inclined to weigh and measure as far as possible before the whole thing becomes metaphysical. Love goes where the mind cannot and love possesses many a tool to measure and comprehend that which the mind will only find itself in conflict with. The mind is the closest it can get to truth and understanding when it is stilled. This makes it possible for the mind to operate as a mirror.

You can find all of what you need to know in the teachings of any of the great faiths but... how do you locate specifically what you need personally? Does revelation occur when it needs to or do the words crawl like worms across the page? There are two scriptures in every faith. There is the dogma and there is the revealed. It is my belief that the essence and truth of all spiritual teachings is inscribed on the human heart in living vibrating magical letters. I believe the real bible is written upon the walls in the secret mystical chambers of the heart. I believe that through devotion and directed Love; like a flashlight illuminating objects in a pitch dark room that one can activate that area of one's being that is able to interpret the timeless message of the inspired transmission of the ineffable. It is all within us. It is concealed within us. It is hidden beneath the overlay of appearances, beneath all the bewildering complexity of false assumptions made and also impressed on us before we were capable of objective thought. We must free ourselves of these. We must burn away these curtains of darkness with the passion of a divine yearning that ignites the spiritual fire which consumes them. Which passion are we disposed to ignite? The choice is always ours.

We get to this through a recognition of all the disappointments that brought us to the necessary awakening. We get there as a result of all this inexplicable suffering we go through and which we cannot understand the reasons for. We get there when we come to understand that there is nothing else worth our time and trouble because everything else has let us down; left us impoverished, bitter and divorced from true reality and pursued by indeterminate shapes of fear that inhabit the false world we somehow found ourselves living in. We begin to live in the real world when we ourselves become real. Everything around us becomes a projection of the place we are coming from. What we hunger after drives us and consumes us until we become it..

End Transmission.......


Anonymous said...

Much connection there is to be felt in this message.

None but he who dances with The Holy Ghost can ever imagine of such inspired writing, let alone effortlessly transmit these words in regular blogs.

May your hood be a beacon for us all.


Ray B. said...

Synchronicity again: At the exact time you were posting this column praising the Higher Female, I was listening to "The Lady of Glenshee." Glen Shee. In the original Gaelic, Glen Sídhe (pronounced 'shee').

Good 'human level' sources here and here:
(And no, they do not live in 'Mounds'.)

"The Sídhe (shee) are considered to be a distinct race, quite separate from human beings yet who have had much contact with mortals over the centuries, and there are many documented testimonies to this. Belief in this race of beings who have powers beyond those of men to move quickly through the air and change their shape at will once played a huge part in the lives of people living in rural Ireland and Scotland."

These are the beings whom I call (real) Elves. Amongst a group of them on the Isle of Iona, decades back, I met* one of their 'females'. Her 'beauty' (or 'presence') was such that I literally bowed and asked her what I could do for her. (Almost a 'pledge'.) Profound. I still remember the feeling...

(I suspect their 'males' are just as extraordinary to our womenkind... *grin*)

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

*This was on the level they 'project' down for us, in order for us to see them at all. As I found out later, their true 'shape' is more like complex patterns of energy, constantly shifting or weaving...

Ray B. said...

A 'benefit' from my last post: I got visited!

After I posted about the Sídhe - (real) Elves - I went out to the hot tub for my midnight soak/meditation. As I got quiet, I noticed that I had sent out a cord/pipeline to the Iona group, out of my longing. Well, one of them (male) 'appeared' at the tub! There was energy movement into me, and a long period of 'yakking' that was just too high-vibration for Ray to understand. The 'longing' slowly disappeared, and a sense of well-being took its place. Then, the entity 'popped-out'. Wow.

I had very interesting 'dreams' overnight, after that. I was at a college-type 'examination' with a group of people. The four-part 'test' was so difficult that I failed them all, miserably. One of the testees passed all the parts with ease, and even left early. Then, it was revealed that this was a 'teacher' type. We all gathered around 'him' and started learning...

When I woke up in the morning, all kinds of 'energy work' was going on, and continued until about noon. Interesting times!

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

maya seri said...


How true Alan how true spoken as it is. This is directed at the first comment by Alan.



torus said...

"We need only examine the logic of experience to see the structural contradiction involved in the myth of sexual fulfillment. On the one hand, the sexual revolution focused upon the individual's right to pure sensation. At the same time that it liberated sex from guilt, it encouraged us to divorce it from love and commitment. The necessary connection between love and marriage was proclaimed to be as obsolete as the horse and carriage. You can have one without the other. The sensate focus, the proclamation of the right of individuals to share sexual sensations with whomever they pleased, carried with it the idea that liberated sex could be divorced from continuity of caring, from consequences, from children, from community. Stripped of its context, sex became a happening between genitals that were only incidentally connected to persons who had a history and hopes for the future. Sensation was divorced from feeling and expectation. Thus liberated, sex became a game, a sport. "Sport-fucking" became the new metaphor, the well-trained sexual athlete the new model."
-Sam Keen, The Passionate Life,

torus said...

"The Self is Sat-Guru, you will get help from within. Here, your true guide is. Here, all knowledge and wisdom is. But due to your preoccupations you do not see it. The Sat-Guru is within. Meditate only on that."

"As did the philosophers in Classical times, so do the Sages of traditional India continue to use today the dialogue form to impart true knowledge.
If it is to bear fruit, such a dialogue requires a particular type of listening. That is, an effortless attention devoid of any strain, which reveals the deepest recess of the listener's being. It is indeed most important to listen not only to the teacher but also to everything which surges up from the depths of one's inner self. Through such an attitude we are spontaneously led, without conflict, to a state where we are receptive to essential knowledge. Then arise those true questions which are the props and the starting points of the search. This search proceeds by the reduction and the eliminatiin of questions. "
-Jean Klein, Be Who You Are

Anonymous said...

"My critics won't look through my telescope"


torus said...


The last time we made love was sad, violent, filled with the awfulness of endings.

For two years we had met on empty evenings and odd weekends in hidden

places. Not because ours was "an affair." Neither one of us was married at the

time. But we belonged to different worlds. She was twenty-seven, a romantic

free spirit, a psychedelic voyager. Her mind and body were given instantly to

the present moment. She asked no promises. Took no hostages against the

future. I was forty-one, burdened with seriousness, and trailing the chains of

broken promises and a good marriage gone wrong. I suppose she "loved" me

more than I loved her, or at least it was her way too have fewer reservations.

Her heart neither hesitated nor deliberated. She would have married me if I

had asked. I didn't.

Yet the more we rode the edge of mounting excitement, surfed the waves

of sensation, the more a mood of sullen, unspoken violence grew between us.

Something in us did not respect our contract. Our agreement to sever sense

from spirit violated our longing for the unconditional. The ghost of the bonds

we would not acknowledge returned to haunt us, until we came to hate

each other for all that was missing. As the novocaine of our shared pleasure

wore off, we were each left with our individual ache. Each orgasm reminded

us of abandoned and abandoning arms, days not linked to days by shared

memories, too many meals eaten with strangers, broken promises, the missing


Sam Keen, The Passionate Life

Anonymous said...

Maya Seri, do you wish ti dance with the holy ghost? Then do it. Get up, and start dancing :) believe the holy ghost has graced you with ita presence.

As a man believeth in his heart, so is he

And brother visible, you spoke of sex being unfulfilled without love, is that also the same reason a forced or accidental kundalini awakening leads to psychosis qnd perversion. Without Divine Live the serpent force is dragged into reverse...?


Visible said...

There are no accidents and it depends on the direction it is forced in and the quality of the character of the individual involved as well as the purpose of the demonstration.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, that answered a lot of my ideas. May I ask another. Once awakened, can Kundalini go back to sleep?

And you say it can be forced in directions? I thought Kundalini takes control of its host.

My love brother V

Alan, Perth

maya seri said...


Yes I wish to dance with the Holy Ghost I will dance with the Holy Ghost I dance with the holy Ghost forever the Holy Ghost has graced me with Her presence and I will dance forever.

Thank you my brother for bringing this up for me it needed to be said.

Visible... what is there for me to say that has not been said and will be said more forever you are the REAL THING my good sir. God bless you.


Visible said...

Kundalini; I was only responding to your question, not setting parameters but many thing follow thought. There are many kinds of Kundalini awakenings and many degrees of power. In the Osho encampments there were many faked Kundalini experiences. Major upheavals are impossible to control but one doesn't want to and these are always under the guidance of the master whether known or not known. Sure. If something can go forwards it can go backwards. It's a force but it is a conscious force. At a certain level it might be positively bestial, at another it is Godhead. You are the one who mentioned forced and accidental, I only responded to that. However, there is plenty of documentation for people forcing the experience, or trying to. Like I said, there are many levels of significance from minor to major. A simple shudder can be considered a kundalini experience. My first lasted for 3 years and there have been some number since but nearly always with significant time between.

In the Osho encampments you would see the general view of sex and the 55 gallon burning drums for condom disposal were an indication of something. One of the reasons that he was such a hot ticket item was the permissiveness and encouragement of certain behaviors as a necessary for liberation. I'm not looking to judge everyone who in anyway was connected to that particular movement. I met some fantastic people who passed through it.

I'm not one of those people who needs a philosophical system to convince myself that sex is either good or evil. It's too complex a subject to be able to pigeonhole. It's one thing here and one thing there. It's a force that can take a surprising amount of expressions and intention is a key feature. It is the force that paints and sings and sculpts and dances and so many other things. It routes with the breath and Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are the Nadis. Avedon wrote a great big old doorstop of a book about it. Whether one knows much after reading it I will leave to the reader. It is above all, mysterious and alive.

Visible said...

the latest radio transmission.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

Gazing into the Pool of True Recovered Memory.

steve said...

Very good Les



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