Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
This planet Earth, at this stage of progression, is The Devil's Playground. You don't have to believe in God or the Devil. Even if you do, the chances are good, in most cases, that you don't know what either of those mean anyway. All you have to believe in, is positive and negative forces ...and which is predominant in the time because that will certainly affect the effectiveness of whatever game plan you have cobbled together to get by. What this usually means, is that bad people prosper and good people suffer. Keep that thought clear in your head because it explains much, if you have managed to retain an operative level of understanding. Understanding is a very, very important part of the mental schematic of human awareness and that is why it counterpoints Wisdom at the highest horizontal polarity, on the Tree of Life. There are three things that I notice, which people undervalue and under-use. These are Understanding, Memory and the Creative Imagination. The other area, whose active plane is more on the self conscious level, is Attention concentration. It should come as no surprise that ADD and SSRI's proliferate in these times. It should also not come as a surprise that there is aluminum in the chemtrails (look up the effect of aluminum on life forms) and it should be no surprise, what is found in your water supply. This is all done intentionally. For some reason, some smaller amount of us are immune to these things, insofar as consciousness is affected at the level of perception. I suppose “wake the fuck up” can be terminally compromised, when you've been put into an induced coma; “Karma, neh”? (“Passage to India” reference).
I've said it many times and only those in deep shit for brains denial, or dumber than having something to compare it to... or those engaged in being an Accessory to the Darkness, would deny that madness is afoot in the heartlands and the hinterlands. Here's a good example. Be warned, unless you have a strong stomach, DO NOT click on this link. You have been warned. There was a time when there existed some standard of sanity. That time is no more. Incrementally the culture has been morphed to embrace more and more twisted examples of natural experiences and natural dynamics and conditions. This is being orchestrated by the same forces that are engaged in Zionist hegemony. I know there is that section of the public out there, even the alternative public, who likes to say, “Oh noooo, it's not them. It's the illuminatis, or the Free Masons, or the Jesuits or De Debbil. Anyone with a capacity for research can find out who founded the Illuminati and who corrupted the Free Masons. As for The Jesuits and De Debbil, you've got tandem conspirators to different intents and possibly similar ends and in the case of De Debbil, they are his offspring and chosen, so sure... you can accuse the source but one should not discount the employees and... the employees own most all of the media, entertainment, publishing and all kinds of things that make the 'morphing' happen. They are also the principle agents of war for profit, period. Period!!! The others, in association, are just their buttboys, production assistants and 'slaves in harness' chained by blackmail or coercion. Slice it how you like, it's doesn't change the composition of the pie. Dispute the angles and appearance all you like, the pie is still made out of what the pie is made out of. So, talking bout sanity and insanity, there are all sorts of expressions of the latter. At the high end of the Kingdom of Dumbshit, one should never discount the impact of hubris and the sense of privilege on one's capacity for ignorant and indefensible actions. Here is the sort of thing that a sense of entitlement, as well as a legal climate that would make the earlier robber barons blush ...and probably even embarrass The Pirates of the Barbary Coast, makes possible and... this is an every day affair.
Because the changes that have come upon us, have occurred in a progression of steps, we haven't noticed the extreme degree it has gotten to in every area of existence. It's complex, while being pincher-like and dovetailed. As the insidious march of nasty business has taken place, the technology of the devices of distraction, have kept pace with cellphones, video-games, porn, diverse media and media utensils. It's safe to say if they set a dinner table with these things you would definitely not know which fork to use. Of course you could always just grab any fork and compulsively stab it into your forehead until awareness strikes like some black adder off of a pantry shelf. Then again, you could just start stabbing yourself in the chest with it and screaming, “You're not making any fucking canoe out of me”. You'll need the joke that attends that punch line but some wag will no doubt put it in the comments section or... you 'could' find it... duh.
Israeli agents in Lebanon just launched another rocket, or mortar round, into an empty lot in Rothshillandia. Well, I guess that's understandable, they're under time constraints, given all the new weapons technology, being shipped around, to those they are trying to exterminate and have been visiting evil and genocidal force upon for so long. Israel is where the greatest hubris and sense of entitlement on the planet lives and lies to itself. They really believe you're all cattle and lesser life forms. Can you blame them? Can you blame them, when that is exactly how most of you behave? Hey, it's okay. You're the king in your castle. Who's to say there's anything wrong with sitting there with your dick in one hand and a can of Budweiser in the other? You do have to keep your balance (snicker).
Well, I guess it goes with the territory, when people not only don't know the difference between a cowpie and a Sacher-torte but don't see any variable difference in the taste either. I've always maintained that people don't mind eating shit if you serve it to them warm. We're past that limitation now, way past it. It all has to do with the sequence of steps from 'there' (now forgotten or incorrectly remembered due to insta-revision of history) to 'here'.
Now there is this feral abomination, Tribe Member, Adam Kokesh. I can't find the picture with him glaring like Clint Eastwood lite; two guns crossed across his wanna be Henry Rollin's neck but... that says it all. How anyone can be confused about the intent of this psychopathic viper is beyond me. One thing you can be sure of is, chances are, he won't be the one getting hurt but... ah if only, if only. Then there's Medea (or is that Medusa?) Benjamin, uh WTF? Is that yet another Tribe Member, heckling Obama in a 'made for dumbass TV' photo-op, where The Stepin Fetchit in Chief shows how understanding and generous he is about Free Speech? Course, if your not a flash frozen, microwave defrosted Chosen, I don't suggest you try the same thing, cause, that dog won't hunt. That dog will get euthanized.
Bad shit is in flight, planet wide, with no seat-belts, not just in Sweden and France, Indonesia and pretty much everywhere that government by usury is in operation, or some corporation wants something, under the ground that people are living on. In Chile and other places, corporation gold miners are transforming mountains into slag and pouring arsenic into the rivers and streams. Fuck em if they can't take a joke, right?
Sooner or later, it is to be hoped, those driven to mad violence, by despair, will say to themselves, “You know, it really is pretty stupid for me to take my aggression out on those in my environment, when all of my troubles are coming to me by banker fiat. All of my problems are being brought to me by robo-politicos, put into office, only, because they possessed the requisite venality and indifference to suffering caused, Hmmm... Hmmm”.
What a thing is critical mass... it too, comes by increments, until it looms upon the horizon in all directions. Are the fools propelling it to it's active state completely insane? As a matter of fact, yes, they are. They do not see that critical mass applies to them. They do not see beyond the black, smoking passion that compels them. They don't see. They're far too clever for that. Uh huh. What goes around comes around. You can fuck with most anything for a certain time, depending on what you are fucking with but, sooner or later, it goes through the chemical change that fucking with it brings. “I wonder what this button here is for”?
Every living thing is contained in a vibrating envelope of Karma, that resonates with something and is magnetized by something, or several somethings else; meaning it can inexorably draw you in or pull you apart. In scripture there is a reference to two men standing in a field and one being left and one being taken and other examples are also provided. This scriptural reference, is precisely due to this envelope. Children can see this envelope, up until the world divides on them. Animals can see it, some animals anyway. Plants are affected by the proximity of these envelopes, in various ways. Had you the eyes you would see the flame alphabet that is written into every manifest thing and vibrating.
It will be coming around the mountain when it comes.
End Transmission.......
'Underground (We shall all be)' is track no. 11 of 12 on
Visible and The Critical List's 1992 album 'Not Politically Correct'
About this song (pops up)

This post is more thought provoking than any I've read in a very long time. maybe it's me, but wow,or WOW.
All over, but connected.
Yes, animals see the envelope, sometimes I can too. I've been in the company of psychic vampires, the ones that incessantly steal your energy. i don't exactly see them, and they are always "J's" but know fairly quickly what they're about.
"Dick in one hand, Bud in the other", leaves no hand to help another. Hey that rhymes.
Thanks Les, Your writing is one of my only connections to sanity, and I truly appreciate it on the Memry Day Weekend.
"...they possessed the requisite venality and indifference to suffering..."
You bulls-eye gob-smacked the job requirements of a politician.
In keeping with the morphing mention of the posting there's this. One can't fault them for the subtlety displayed in the title, can one?
After more than 30 seizure attacks in 30 hours, Poncho is now in an induced coma state at the vets. He couldn't move well, was terribly disoriented and also fearful (noticeably) because he couldn't see very well and all of his senses were heightened (my observation).
Halfway through this traumatic run we called the night vet who said "don't worry about it, as long as the seizures don't go on for a really long time they don't matter". I said, "it has to matter if there are so many following each other that the dog can't recover". Later we find that this is the case. So... no telling if Ponch will be in any condition to motor on. It's possible (my observation)that two nights without sleep and the terrible cramping that came from the seizures accounts for his weakness and mobility problems. Otherwise he does seem responsive and alert.
I've been moving through a sustained sequence of bent out of shape moments and blanketing astral attacks. I guess I should have expected no less. My spirits are good, more or less and I'm maintaining and managing in a nine of wands sort of a way. We shall see. I just thought I would announce this. Maybe it has to do with removing my ties here, maybe not.
Once before he had 7 attacks and then sat in an hours long tremble beneath my desk in what looked like a sustained attack and I was sure he was gone, as I observed him for some hours. The next morning he was fine. Ah well, flesh is perishable and so are many another thing we knew not were so until it had perished.
My favourite...great essay Les I'm forever in awe of your wordplay. Trying to stay more centered despite the craziness that surrounds me. Your articles are a lighthouse in a sea of impending doom but hey we could turn that salt water in multi coloured rainbows if that was our intent.
Thanks again for your efforts, I'm forever thankful that I'm awake enough to see.
I was just outside my back door having a smoke, and saw a meteor burn up. Green colour, moving across the southern sky on a 5-10 degree angle. A lot larger and brighter than others I have seen. I thought it was a UFO at first.
The horse in the paddock across the street must have seen it too, because he started galloping around and stamping his feet and whinnying.
You and Poncho are an eternal match, no doubt. He's just gonna get to where you're going first. I hope I don't have to wait much longer to see my feline master again.
Media. We have no TV, I don't go to movies, concerts, anything, no credit card, no debt, don't waste my money on unneeded crap, buy cheap clothes, get my boots rebuilt until they're beyond hope. . . I also only drive when I absolutely have to these days, and that's less than 3000 miles a year.
No balls and chains known as children to hold me back or mess up my standard of living, either. Got fixed as soon as I was insured. Now imagine if more
people lived like that. Spurned the garbage in life that was fed to them, and concentrated on what was important, like their own personal evolution? Where would be the powers that think they arebe now?
Hi Les,
Sorry to hear about Poncho, it's got to be hard looking after the little guy when he is like this.
Anyway, I thought you might like to take your mind off everything for 15 minutes with something inspirational.
All the best
This picture of Adam Kokesh?
That pic of Kokesh you're talking about. . .Michael Rivero has it up on top for a while.
Anyone who is stupid enough to go to his march is gonna get what they deserve, and the world may be minus a few Darwin condenders for it.
Susanne called the vet who said they had brought Poncho out of the coma. I said that was way too soon. The vet agreed and he's back in to tomorrow morning which makes more sense to me.
So... he had been on my mind all day; not attachment wise understand. I can let anyone or anything go. I've done it more times than I can remember, sad to say but...
after I heard that I was compelled to grab a notebook and walk down to a nearby park because the sun is shining for the first time in at least two weeks and I promptly sat down and wrote 3 songs and edited another and I'm just going to run them by you. None of them have to do with The Ponch. Maybe that's a good sign.
Unedited except for one=
If you were free
If you were fortunate to be
If you were good
and born to brotherhood
Brotherhood, brotherhood
If you were wide awake and done with all your dreaming
if you were clear about
what others cannot see
if you could touch to the core
and never lose the meaning
Then I believe that you could dance with me
You could dance before the wind
Dance in and back again
Dance instead of dying like you do.
Then you could find the hidden way
and then you could be free
Then I believe that you could dance with me.
If you were strong and held out all along-
all along, all along
If you were truly real
Like no appearance could conceal
then you would shine, you would shine (note this did not rhyme by intention)
If you were wide awake and done with all your dreaming
if you were clear about
what others cannot see
if you could touch to the core
and never lose the meaning
Then I believe that you could dance with me
You could dance before the wind
Dance in and back again
Dance instead of dying like you do
Then you could find the hidden way
and then you could be free
Then I believe that you could dance with me.
I have been on this road for a long time.
I have been beaten down and left for dead.
I have been judged for things that never ever happened.
were these things real or only in my head?
I have seen things far past the bounds of reason.
I have gone past where angels fear to tread.
I have been baptized in the flames of living fire.
Did this happen or only in my head?
In my heads, old worlds are in collision.
In my head, the universe expands.
And the whole of our fortunes lies suspended
And held up by invisible hands- in my head, in my head, in my head.
Nothing is real, it's all permitted.
This is what Hassan I Sabbah said.
Is this true or perverse self enhancement?
Is it real, or only in my head?
The past and the future marry in my head.
My head plays that endless symphony.
In my head, imagination triumphs.
In my head, in my head, in my head.
There is more to you and me undiscovered.
On the mountaintops or shores of angry seas.
There is nothing that is true, except me and you
and only letting go will bring us peace- in our heads, in our heads. In our heads, in our heads.
When our hearts have swallowed our minds we will have peace.
When our hearts have swallowed our minds we will have peace.
In my heads, old worlds are in collision.
In my head, the universe expands.
And the whole of our fortunes lies suspended
And held up by invisible hands- in my head, in my head, in my head.
Okay- the edited tune-
Armageddon Train-
All aboard the Armageddon train
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
"" '" '" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
They're pushing and they're shoving
They're batshit insane.
corporate vampires get on board
Get a shoeshine, meet the lord
you been dancing with the devil for a thousand years.
Gonna punch your ticket for the sum of all fears.
The hour is late so have no regret.
Cause you haven't seen where you are headed yet.
Chorus! but not for now cause I want to refine it.
Next verse=
Gog and Magog are riding in first class.
With liquor and weapons and some quality ass.
The Armageddon train and I am geddin off.
I'm waiting on the nurse so I can turn my head and cough.
Yes the prophecy is true
and there is Hell to pay
But the zombie people sheeple won't have it any other way.
WE got fundie christian sun bathers down by the lake of fire
They're burning up with unrequited desire.
(bridge)The Armageddon train- it could have all been different but it turned out all the same.
We got apocalypse now on the Armageddon Train.
There's too cool for school sitting newt to Born to Lose.
We got Muslims and Catholics, atheists and Jews (same cats different costume).
I got off the train before the train went south.
I missed the big party down in Babylon's mouth
People will make fun of me, I stayed behind again.
But I saw Babylon...way back when.
I've seen the smoking engines where the mortal bodies burn.
The fools bought all that bullshit, somehow they never learn.
I'll see you in green pastures past the shadow of death.
There may be more still coming but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Incomplete I know but hey, I'm, trying to distract myself. (it's my party now) "You would cry too if it happened to you".
Not in sequence but I had no idea it would take this many entries; seemed small when I started.
Got a little cynical here-
Your youth is empty
and so is your mind
your only currency for barter is
your hard tight behind
some corporations would sell that as a warm penis glove but...
is that love? is that love? Is that love?
Is it love, when you don't care, don't ask why?
Is it love, when you burn until you die?
Is it love, something I don't want to know
and will you take that ass with you when you go?
Your middle years are upon you.
Your ass has lost it's way.
I guess the pounding that it took is the cause-
but I can't say.
You banged a lot of drummer boys,
or maybe they banged you.
You were the drumbeat of the moment
and now your note is due.
Is it love, when you don't care, don't ask why?
Is it love, when you burn until you die?
Is it love, something I don't want to know and will you
take that ass with you when you go?
Now you are walking on 3 legs-
Yeah Shakespeare had it right.
Now your broad daylight is the middle of the night.
God knows I want to help you out-
which way did you come in?
You can't call this Fat City when your options are so thin.
Is it love, when you don't care, don't ask me why?
Is it love, when you burn until you die?
Is it love or something I don't want to know and will you
take that ass with you when you go?
Speaking of chemtrails, here in Phoenix AZ, the sky was horrendous yesterday. I've been observing the effects of chemtrails on people for 13 years or so. And I've noticed that on certain days, people are affected to the point where their faces are drawn and haggard-looking, and their eyes are glassy, and they become easily agitated and hostile towards each other. Yesterday I saw aggressive, hostile behavior everywhere I went. People had that crazily confused look; you could tell they knew something was wrong, but they had no clue what it was. I wanted to yell "Chemtrails - Google it!" but my activist days are long gone. Let the mutts figure it out for themselves. There's all kinds of wicked shit in chemtrails. Barium is but one component. You can tell when barium is thick in the air, because you will start to salivate and drool spontaneously. Ah, well. All is right with the world. God, who created the Devil, is sending an emmisary to save the day - because he has a grand plan, yes indeed. He's just been letting the bad guys run the show for the last umpteen thousand years. But help is on the way. Oh yes. Keep looking at your watch and smiling. Should be here any second. Yep. Just like 12/21/2012 and the apocalypse. Yep, it'll be here soon. (And the Easter Bunny plays chess.) This is a level of hell, and we are prisoners inside it. Deal with it. All the religious avatars and demons, etc., were created in a cosmic think tank. Infinity (god, the universe, whatever you want to call it) is utterly impersonal. But it will do what you want it to do, if you can become single-minded - you can bend it to your will. Until you get your mind around that, it will bend you to its will, and you are doomed to fall into one Kool-Aid bowl or another (be it "good" or "bad"), and wait for some ersatz knight-in-shining-armor to rescue you. Which will never happen. Which is why they have you by the balls at the moment. But shit changes. Sometimes rapidly.
Killer verse, dude. I used to write, and no I can't put it up, here. It is published (NOT in the u.s.), it would give away who I am, and I can't have that.
I always knew you were a somebody pissed off at something. I tended to get that flight of thing but I'm generally east of the center of the evidence.
Hi Vis,
Praying for Poncho and in hopes that he suffers less - it is as if anything or everything happens according to will of the great Divine and your inner-self will know.
Our Poncho provides subtle messages and may speak with spirit. The eyes are typically the connection as I look into my lil pet and she tells me everything. I had a dream of her (cat) jumping as a tiger through the corner of living room between logs carrying us on her back into a different plane. She even spoke to us saying "it was time" and that we are ready.
Vis - keep being YOU as your reality is purely sane especially in times such as these for so many of us here.(Except the intruder trolls)!
Vis - nice - calming - soothing voice on your radio show too! So very refereshing from the norm and inspiring beyond words.
SeaShell Echoes
Hi Vis,
Praying for Poncho and in hopes that he suffers less - it is as if anything or everything happens according to will of the great Divine and your inner-self will know.
Our Poncho provides subtle messages and may speak with spirit. The eyes are typically the connection as I look into my lil pet and she tells me everything. I had a dream of her (cat) jumping as a tiger through the corner of living room between logs carrying us on her back into a different plane. She even spoke to us saying "it was time" and that we are ready.
Vis - keep being YOU as your reality is purely sane especially in times such as these for so many of us here.(Except the intruder trolls)!
Vis - nice - calming - soothing voice on your radio show too! So very refereshing from the norm and inspiring beyond words.
SeaShell Echoes
Is the pie a brown color and have steam coming off of it? But seriously WRH has all the goods on this kokesh or whoever infiltrator working for sobama. Only a dimble dumbass joins groups or marches that are infiltrated within the first fifteen minutes of their existence.
vis, good column - nice spiritual additions at the end. I hope Poncho is better soon.
I just saw the second 'alternate time line' "Star Trek" movie. I will not expose the plot for those who want to see it, but have some observations.
I think the 'bad guys' are seriously messing with the 'good vibe' of the original series. I suspect they want to warp the drive of the series (sorry; couldn't resist -grin-). Newbies, especially, are vulnerable to being led down a darkening path...
For example, they have cast Zachary Quinto as the new 'Spock'. In case you did not know/remember this, Quinto played the 'Sylar' character in the superpowers-based NBC series "Heroes" (don't bother seeing it). Quinto's portrayal of this ultimate psychotic/psychopathic 'bad guy' was utterly convincing and - in my opinion - reflects something ominous within. (I would express some psychic observations of my own, but I might get sued.) His 'anointment' as Spock was deeply revolting to the spiritual side of me.
Perhaps the single most jarring scene (actually, scenes) to me in the second movie involved a dark, militaristic insertion into the movie. Several shots involve many StarFleet personnel lined up in traditional military 'parade' formation, outfitted with tight-fitting, bland, unicolor uniforms that would be right in place at a drill today. Most disturbingly, all 'troops' (even Spock!) wore identical, same unicolor, army-officer-style (generalissimo-style) parade hats. I cannot tell you how much this felt jarringly out-of-place with the style of the original series. Brrr...
As others see this movie, maybe we can discuss whether this Series has been 'hijacked' (as opposed to 'extended') and what the motives might be.
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
so sorry for poncho and suzie had the same seizures and i was heartbroken when she left.
am sending love to you both.
Poncho will try to do what is best for you, Vis. Devotion is what dogs do best. All of us know how much you deserve that devotion, just as Poncho deserves and receives your love. Sweet easings to both of you. There was an episode in "All Creatures Great and Small" (by James Herriot) where a "botched" euthanasia actually created an induced coma which ended in a fully recovered dog after he awoke from a very deep and restorative sleep. Here's hoping.
Its true,we are holograms and our bodies are hologram generators.Oh death where is thy sting?lol
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me - thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
... no, I am not very "religious" in a Bible-beating kind of way, but I do so enjoy the poetry and solace I find in the old KJV. Pass along the sentiments, if you can, to old Poncho.
Check out this excerpt from a letter (to him) in the George Washington archives:
... we have been fighting the Rothshills for a while now ... and I, too, am burnt out on trying to get my horse to drink the water.
Google "potassium bromide". Your pharmacist can mix up the ingredients. I give my little buddy 3 mg. a day and it has worked wonders. Enjoy your writings and best wishes for Poncho.
Poncho knows you're going. Don't be afraid to cry. Attachment is not as unspiritual as we are told. The greatest agony can reflect the greatest love. Poncho hurt by separation. Him no want you go. Him sad, but him will be strong. Him eternal like us, like everything. Him love you like bones, like walks, like snuggles. Him true and knows you true too. True makes it all harder. Cry when can. Poncho lick tears. Poncho hug. Poncho never go away. Never
No Love Like Dog-Love,
Awesome as usual Les. Only you make awesome writing and insightful truth expected :)
I am thinking of you and poncho today, and knowing it will be as it is. Days go by and we wonder why...why...-jen
Inexplicably, unexpectedly and miraculously, all is well. Story to come in Origami.
Another way of saying, "How did you get in here without a wedding garment?"
via Homer..
"if you have managed to retain an operative level of understanding"
Dear Wendy Saddington (aka)
Gandharvika devi dasi has attained such a level.
"She is at her Melbourne home with loved ones and is reasonably comfortable and is in excellent spirits. She has been surrounded by loving friends who are chanting with her. Gandharvika has accepted the fact that she is soon to be free of this body and make no mistake, she is leaving with joy."
Last time I bug you for a while, maybe longer.
Conditions are becoming intolerable. You can trust this, or trash this, but decent people, cut off from all possibility of steering life out of Hell, are checking out, as in-Fuck it, Maynard, I'm outta here!
Even those who aren't checking out are realizing that if it happened, the deadly event that snuffed their life out, it wouldn't be so bad.
There is no place, and this is no time for those who don't want to become the willing whore of evil.
Many of us are getting very, very tired of the death march, the extinctions, the corrupt, sickening filth that emanates from this polluted shithouse of a so-called society.
Oh yeah, heard it all before, Les, someone has to stand up to the baddies. Yeah? Well, quite a few decent types are pretty fucking sick of doing it, and getting taken to the woodshed for doing so, again and again, often by those who are ostensibly one's allies.
Those who continue on working at the positive despite all odds, are the core who do it for someone else, for something else. Yet when that something else has been killed and annihilated for profit, when its teetering remnants fall and die under the basilisk stare, when the promise of others fades like the blue sky under the fucking chemtrails, there is less and less reason to work against the relentless tide of evil.
I'm personally down to a small core of significance, and that core is ever shrinking.
What benevolent being would be so cruel as to unleash and cosmically support, aid and abet such relentless death, without reprieve?
So, my take? hey, great job, benevolent universe. Couldn't imagine, really a better script for annihilation if I tried. Keep going, extinguishing ever effort, every attempt, every thought to steer out of the fucking shit. Be certain to torture relentlessly those who might have the slightest inclination to get out of Hell. If you can't always torture, then roadblock, stall, and fuck with them! Its working, benevolent universe! Only a few hold outs left now, in a sea of butt fucking two legged baboons. Just one thing, benevolent universe. Never forget what you happily watched suffer, utterly abandoned and left to die.
There's a new Visible Origami up now-
The Crucible of Karma and the Horn of Plenty.
First time in a while bro...went to sleep thinking of Poncho and his seize yours... Our mute buddies absorb so much of our troubles, along with so much of our hearts and minds.
I've seen furrowed brows, worried eyes mirroring my own without my knowing it until I see it on them... all it takes for them is a hearty hello and a big forced smile from me, a few love blinks signaling all is well with their leader to turn their frowns upside down.
Perhaps they're our sin eaters or soul cleansers here on Earth? Definitely canaries in this coal mine... perhaps the astro influences besides Full Moon's or moon in general or specific? Uranus in Aries is some hot wiring and the forceful grounding by the square to Pluto in Capricorn is quite the grand mal event for all of us knowing it or not.
Your songs were my adventures of the recent past. My attachments are strongest for 'what could have been' versus real articles...
Loved the 'ball and chain aka children' comment... I've been advising the young ones to 'get a vasectomy asap', 'keep your loads light enough to bear on your own back' this past year or so.
There are the 'gray drawn faces' or else the heavily buffed, puffed and perfumed clowns working their ways out and about. EVERYONE getting hit with the rays-cosmic and otherwise regardless of how they present right now.
Most don't even see that which is right over them, under them or around them -I think that is some kind of seize yours.
I'm a rambling rose today so just know that my heart and mind is on your good dog and your household. Love you.
the gardener
PS- found your lyrics "beaten down and left for dead' a little too close to home for me...
Just in one month I've been in two blizzards, a few deluges and the tail of that monster 'tornado' whipped right over my head. Had a few awesome happenings along for those rides. (Jesus in the back seat giggling with the grim faced pets) I have noticed that the religious ones are most apt to be offended by my experiences with Jesus. Or just act like they are.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
To be Versed in Putinography and Relative Affairs (not affairs with relatives).
Vis, I love your "love song". Yet again you hit the right note at the right time ;-)
What song would that be. I'm guessing it's not "Underground" (grin).
This one Bro:
"Got a little cynical here-
Your youth is empty
and so is your mind
your only currency for barter is
your hard tight behind
some corporations would sell that as a warm penis glove but...
is that love? is that love? Is that love?"
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