Wednesday, November 27, 2024

"You Don't Actually Frolic with Basilisks, and... Sooner or Later The Basilisk is going to Eat The Unicorn and The Frolicker Too."

God Poet Transmitting.......

There is a divide and it is widening in space. You can't see it but you can feel it. At the same time... there is a coming together of what was previously divided. There are two groups of people. One of them is coming apart and the other group is coming together.

It's all part of the new Trends and Patterns emerging from The Secret Fountain of The Eternal Moment. Some people are dividing themselves and some are coming together, and it all has to do with how they see The World and as they divide themselves from each other, they divide within.

The way those who are dividing themselves demonstrate it.... is by coming apart at the seams. It can appear as chaotic acting out. It can appear in meltdowns. It can manifest in anger and rage toward others, due to unseen triggers. Life is becoming a minefield of unpredictable emotional reactions to external conditions. It is a pressure cooker effect.

I see evidence of this taking place at every level of society. It is especially noticeable in the behavior of celebrities. Ka-Mala Harris is often drunk. That is how she handles the pressure; not the pressure of the campaign but the pressure of her own self-dividing against herself. Sharon Stone is melting down over The World not going the way she wants it to go. The ladies on The View are becoming shrieking... hysterical facsimiles of Bette Midler. James Carville is getting angrier and angrier.

I have mentioned very few examples. If you go to any... of the many... media sites, you see dozens of examples every day. Something is causing this and... in large part.. it seems like fallout from The Force of Apocalyptic Awakening that is sweeping the planet. This is causing people to see themselves... in the mirrors of their thoughts... feelings... and actions, and... in the mirrors of other people. All of these mirrors are distorted and generate Fear, which triggers Anger. Anger is often the mask that Fear wears to conceal itself. Make it go away! This is what The Mind screams, BUT... can it go away? It is that part of themselves. It's not going away. It's going everywhere they go and... it is scaring the shit out of them. They are getting angrier and angrier... more and more frightened. It is initiating a schizophrenic reaction. Woke is what happens when you refuse to or... can't wake up. It is an accommodation with The Unreal. The Unreal can take any shape... because The Mind is shaping it, and... Fear is what is sculpting it into form.

It is a form of dancing with The Devil and The Devil is... you. It's a real horror show, isn't it? You can't get away from yourself and there are armies of ill-trained technicians trying to treat this phenomena. They are called psychiatrists and psychologists and they are sicker than the people they are trying to help... because they have absorbed all this false information about the human mind and it has distorted their perception of it.

I have studied both of these (cough... snicker) professions up close. The predominant perspective of the moment... is the effort to make people feel good about whatever twisted shape the culture, and their own actions have gotten them into. It doesn't matter how unnatural human appetites have become... there is someone around to tell you... or anyone else... that it is perfectly normal to be abnormal.

Now the reason that these people have come into the hands of these... these... heh heh... professionals... is that they know something is wrong with them. Their basic nature, which is always in search of balance... harmony... and freedom... is telling them... in various ways... that something is off, and here are these goofballs... who have been indoctrinated by psychopathic agency... telling them that they have to embrace their own truth and there is no such animal.

It's out there frolicking in Fantasy Meadow with the unicorns and basilisks, though... one doesn't actually frolic with basilisks, and... sooner or later the basilisk is going to eat the unicorn and the frolicker too.

Basilisks are quite small when they are young, only 6 to 12 inches, though... how something that only exists in the imagination can be any particular size is a bit of a conundrum, but... wait a minute! Maybe there's something more to it; like The Golden Fleece. Let's say the basilisk is a creature of Fear and it starts out small, but you keep feeding it and it gets bigger... and bigger... and yeah.

The subconscious mind is filled with such creatures. Let's say that part of The Mind is a pit. This pit has many levels and there are creatures at every one of those levels. If you are in the habit of tossing things into The Pit; like whimsical notions and every kind of desire and dream of appetite... you will be feeding the mirror image of these notions... desires, and dreams of appetite, and they will grow... and grow... and grow.

It's a simple thing. Don't feed what you don't want to grow, and... life is all about teaching you the wisdom of that through experience. Psycho-babblers of all kinds... who treat other people... would be much more successful at healing and recovering their patients... if they just showed them how The Mind works, and taught them how to operate it like any other piece of machinery, but... unlike most every other kind of machine... it will work in any way you try to operate it... even to the extreme detriment of the person riding in the cab.

It will work the wrong way and it will work the right way and... there's more money to be made in helping it work the wrong way. If we eliminate the sources of disease, which ALL have their birth in The Mind, what are doctors going to do? Who's going to pay for that hole in the ocean that they have to pour your money into, and which is sitting in a slip somewhere, waiting for them this very minute.

However... these psycho-babblers do not know how The Mind actually works, and furthermore, how it works best. The idea is to get it to work for you, not against you, so you don't wind up like these people I mentioned... who are coming apart at the seams... melting down... getting into a rage, killing themselves... killing someone else, etc.

It all has to do with Reality and the problem with that is that no one seems able to agree on what Reality is. Here is a classic example. We have all these religions, but... in Reality... there is only one God, but different cultures require different explanations of The Same Thing.

When The Mind goes freakish, it can manifest in any one of many pathologies... because every chain has a weakest link, and every chain is different. It's all one, but it's not, but it is. The Zen Buddhists have that angle clarified pretty well, but except for Bodhidharma and a few others, most of them don't get it so... they run around teaching other people.

Back to the idea of Reality. You have to be willing to accept it on its terms, not your terms, and that is where most people go wrong. Reality is not flexible, BUT... we are; except when we are not, AND... as people sink deeper and deeper into denial... the first thing to go is their flexibility. I couldn't tolerate that, but many people seem able to. In fact... a lot of people can live with and adapt to almost anything... as long as they don't have to face Reality and adjust to it. Unfortunately for... every....single... one... of... them, Reality will be making a house call sooner or later.

Doctors don't make house calls anymore. Neither does the milkman or the baker. Only the postman still attends to his personal rounds, AND... Reality. Reality is a given... and when you get out of joint with Reality, you have pretty much made a phone call to Reality, and Reality will be coming to see you and set you straight. It could be an easy adjustment, BUT... people fight it, and... it hurts. In fact... Reality can really hurt.

Now... because of The Awakening... and The Apocalypse... and The Coming of The Avatar... Reality is coming more and more into dynamic action on the essential infrastructure of existence. The Changeless is not affected by any of this, BUT... that which changes is being affected... big time. Many people do not want things to change. They are very happy with their positions in The Unreal and... they will go to any length to maintain that position, so... Push is coming to Shove, and... as the song goes, ♫ something's got to give ♫ , and... pressure builds and pressure builds and... people start losing their shit in all kinds of interesting ways.

Well, you can see it happening on all sides, can't you? If you can't... you will because... Reality will be making a house call sooner... rather than later, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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Love To Push Those Buttons said...


Front and back of T-shirt. It would probably sell very well, and I've said that as a joke, though sometimes I wonder. . . (Don't ask.)

We also have a sign in the front window saying people knocking without an appointment will be served to the basilisk and chupacabra. (Bubbles and Fluffy, though the names aren't on the sign. I ought to redo it.) Needless to say, the title made me laugh.

All I can say is, KEEP THESE INFERNAL IDIOTS AWAY FROM MEEEEEEE!!!! Then again, the last thing I need is any more distractions of any kind, so if I don't know you already, I don't want to know you, so GO AWAY!

Lemme get nuked in peace, OKAAAAAAAAAY???????

Nostrils to the sky!

M - said...

Dontcha just love the latest tripe being vomited from the mouth of our new Surgeon General.
"getting COVID will result in a 1-in-3 chance of developing a psychiatric disorder"

To quote someone who is no longer with us on the material plane: "Fear is a mental condition."


Visible said...

Well, the good news is that people who believe in COVID already have a psychiatric disorder. Gee, I guess it depends on how you look at it, cause maybe it's not good news.

Missing Munich said...


outstanding post!!! Keep on keeping on is all I can say.
Sanity is a frail thing these days, just common sense is not to be found anymore.....
I shall tend to my patients tomorrow, but want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone around!

Anonymous said...

I know you are trying to teach me about giving up tabacco, but it's still not easy :-)!

Visible said...

No I don't want to stop you from smoking. I just want you not to be attached to it. Whether you stop or not is something else. (grin)

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Life is Cheaper These Days for All Kinds of Reasons, and... I Am Incredibly Grateful that I Don't Have Any of Those Reasons."



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