Tuesday, March 31, 2015

You can Fool Yourself some of the Time but not All of the Time.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

“The serpent, the king, the tiger, the stinging wasp, the small child, the dog owned by other people,

and the fool: these seven ought not to be awakened from sleep.”

There are many serious, critical and world changing; nature attacked by the unnatural ...events LOOMING on the horizon. The most populous state in the US is soon to run out of water. This is an imbalance and every imbalance trends for further states of imbalance. Dry conditions trend toward runaway fires. It's not just California that is due to be hit in this manner. There are a number of surrounding states that are in line for the same. Consider the size of Phoenix, Tucson and Las Vegas, just to name a few. This is a condition that marches like an invading army and it will leave the same results in its path as would an army.

Drought impacts directly on the food supply. The bee holocaust, engineered by Monsanto and their chemical demons in arms adds to the affair. Lack of water in the atmosphere leads to strange and violent weather; out of balance, out of balance, out of balance.

The state of nature in its perverted status, is mirrored by a thoroughly corrupt and perverted culture. International war and mass murder are the driving force of the economy. The orchestration of poverty and plague are also a feature. Crime is business as usual at the top of the pyramid of privilege. That gives you the real trickle down effect. Children are disappearing all over the world to be kept as temporary hostages for brutal sex in Satanic rites. They are temporary because they die in torturous bacchanals of terrible outrage. These are performed in order to create a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds; conduits of power, funneled from dark entities, who feed upon the fear, pain and death and who become stronger and stronger inside the consciousness of those who have given themselves over to host these entities.

In Israel, genocidal attacks are routinely performed against near defenseless peoples, kept in prison ghettos for that purpose. These assaults are carried out on so called holy days. Any fool could make the connections if they chose to but most people do not want to know. They are content that it is not happening to them but that... is simply a matter of time. What goes around comes around.

The people of America and Canada, as well as most western governments, cannot believe that what is happening is what is happening. To believe these things are true is to make them complicit in them and this they cannot abide. Proof positive has been given over and over about the gratuitous nature of the conflicts that have been created by international bankers and corporations for their own financial profit. It is what they do.

How long can this perfect storm of recognizably evil circumstances continue? Scylla and Charybdis are screaming from the Marshall stacks. The volume dial is at 11. Meanwhile, the thick, viscous Dream Karo, reduces the populations to an underwater existence. They think they move on land but they move through liquid Jello. There are patches of light high up on the surface that send a ghostly illumination down into the depths. Normal is whatever you get used to. As Bruce Cockburn said, “the trouble with normal is that it always gets worse." On and on and on it goes and where it stops? Hmmmm...

One might imagine that 'they' have it all sewn up but someone, or something is messing with their agenda. Things are going wrong at the top. Undesired information is leaking through cracks in their faltering plots. The world, against all odds is waking up. It is truly a race to the finish. Will the world wake up in time to counter these fell plots against their very lives? Will it be too little too late? That is what our day following day is given us to determine.

No one can argue that a lot of things are all happening at the same time. Anyone paying attention can see that the movers and shakers on this plane seem to be motivated by some arcane force. They do things that you would not expect from a rational mind. One might say it is just hubris. They are so sure of their right to do as they please and so certain that they will avoid the consequences that they do the dumbest shit one can imagine. What is driving them? Whatever it is, it's really got a hold on them (cue Smoky Robinson).

One might think, having read to this point that all is lost; that doom and gloom are the destined twins of our inescapable fate. This is true only for those who believe and buy into it. It's been coming for a long time and everyone here is here for a reason. That reason may escape the majority of the participants but there is a reason.

No matter when you are here, now or a thousand years ago, you are here for only two reasons; to suffer or enjoy the fruits of your actions and to wake up. If you do not wake up, the cosmic force of awakening will impact upon you ever more severely until you do. You can cooperate with the inevitable or you can oppose it. You can stand stupefied in the path of the tornado, or you can step aside. The tornado will come regardless. The only imponderable to this point, short of the arrival of the tornado is; where will you be standing? Will you be anchored or will you be swept away? There is no 'if' about it. It is only a matter of where and when.

Millions of minds agreeing that something is real, makes it real. It may be only real in a relative sense but that will be real enough. This is why the Satanic elite have gone to such trouble to convince such a large number of people that what they see is real and that it matches up with the explanations and definitions given. They milk the collective belief systems of the populace to convince them of it and use the power of that belief to bring it about. First they tailor those belief systems to their own ends.

Go to any website and you are pounded by images of material culture. They pump up the desire. The desire becomes greater than the desire of any individual and it resonates across the land. It captivates. It fixates. It mesmerizes. Desire manifests through 3 particular portholes and everyone has them. When these 3 portholes are cut off from input from the higher portholes, material culture is all you have and it doesn't matter if it manifests in a temporal or religious manner. It is materialism regardless and that is why the big religious trends of the day are manifestations of evangelical insanity and fundamentalism. If you happen to have a somewhat functioning brain there is the new age movement, owned and operated by the demonic intelligence agencies. They give you that happy happy, 'we are all gods and goddesses' thing. Then you got all that immunity from cause and effect, as millions who have no connection to primitive cultures are herded into the celebration and worship of the same and it isn't where they come from. True integration does not occur and you wind up with a rootless wandering from template to template and none of them fit. You're uncomfortable and alienated but you don't know why.

At the same time that all of these things are happening, discoveries and inventions are occurring all over the world that can radically transforms the world for the better. In countries around the world, people are waking up. Five million people just signed a petition in Argentina against US aggression. All over the world the tide is rising and the tide is being brutally dealt with at the same time but their evil ways cannot continue for long. They are on the wrong side of history and EVIL DESTROYS ITSELF. Unfortunately, in Kali Yuga, evil also replaces itself and that is why when the tables are turned, you often wind up with what appears to be the same people sitting there. This is not going to continue either. The Kali Yuga is coming to an end and so are all of the things that were allowed to flourish in it.

We're on the clock folks and all this time... all this inconceivable time, of plodding perpetuation, is only there to provide you with a window for change. It's all scripted, except where it isn't. We do have that freedom to first make a difference in our own lives and then make a difference in the lives of others.

Look at the irrefutable evidence of what composes the environment in which we labor; Fire, Water, Air and Earth. These are antagonistic elements at war with one another. What would you logically expect from such interactive forces? Bring your own elements under command and you won't have any problem with the ones swirling around outside you. Outside of you is an illusion counterpointed by the illusion within. Get rid of the one and the other will vanish. When the truth takes off her clothes, the world disappears.

End Transmission.......

This Sunday's radio broadcast is now up.

Visible sings:
Materialism by Les Visible♫ Materialism ♫
'Materialism' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2015
Lyrics (pops up)

A new Visible album

Visible's Books at Amazon
Visible's 'The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World'
The Darkening Splendor
of an Unknown World

A spellbinding tale of mystery and the occult; haunted by a malevolent presence, Alan Douglas, a New York Detective, moves to Hawaii - where he encounters kidnappings, grisly murders, weird events and dark forces leading to a thunderous showdown of good and evil in a tale both horrifying and sublime...

Click here for more information or click the Kindle icon to buy from Amazon.

Buy Visible's EBook, 'The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World' from AmazonEBook:
Buy Visible's Book, 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World'
Spiritual Survival
in a Temporal World

Visible stamps his unique, inspired and seemingly effortless style within the pages of 'Spiritual Survival'; this outstanding guide will enable every seeker of truth and spirit to not merely navigate the spiritual path, but to thrive upon it during our extra-ordinary transit.

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Buy Visible's Spiritual Self-Help guide, 'Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World' from AmazonPaperback: $25.00
Buy Visible's Book, 'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine'
The Curious Tale of
Ash and The Whine

Infused with a wealth of occult wisdom and comparable to the works of Hermann Hesse, 'Ash and The Whine' is not only a brilliant supernatural thriller in its own right - but one which also relays the truth about those responsible for 911 and other terror attacks in recent times...

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Buy Visible's Novel, 'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' from AmazonPaperback: $27.00


Anonymous said...

"concrete and palm trees
constantly we off beat"

-rap group Dilated Peoples


Steve said...

Yes these dark acts are defintely to keep the dark forces in full swing and to feed this type of energy.

Thomas said...

Hey you wonderful people. Haven't read your last 2 posts, Vis, and am looking forward to that pleasure, as usual.

Just wanted to say a few things.

First, a beautiful, truthful, loving, excellent artistic piece, a rap, that I can almost guarantee will even change Visibles mind about this style of expression, if he manages to get all the way through (15 mins):


2nd: BCii, nice comment you left in the last VO, around the end of the comment thread. I found it insightful, clear-minded and well-expressed.

3rd: Karen, dear Karen. Here's a quote for you:

"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amidst injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."
― St. Thomas Aquinas

Even Master Jesus unequivocally showed us that sometimes anger is the appropriate response. But many times, in my experience, it is better to channel the anger artistically, ESPECIALLY on the internet, where the range of expression is limited compared to "Real Life".

Everytime we think we make a non-fatal mistake, we have a chance to learn, and I think you learned some more about humility than you already knew before, by the last little incident.

Be well, my friends. Someday, our interactions will be more than digital and intuitive. I feel sure of that. One Love :)

Kazz said...

Dear Thomas,

Thank you for your kind words of support. I don't think the Divine was so upset with what I was angry about but more about the way I expressed it.

I can't imagine Jesus ever handling his self the way I do at times, which is a gauge to me of how far I must yet travel on this journey.

Having said that, getting tourettes every time I become overwhelmed with the evil in this world appears to be somewhat of a pressure cooker which allows me to blow off steam. I was recently told by an astrologer that my astrological chart places extreme demand on me, but the moon in Aries provided an outlet to release the pressure so I don't go mad.

I welcome any release that will keep me in the game, but I also recognise that such a release can easily become an inroad for evil if not kept in check, hence the necessity to humble one's self. In the past I used lots of exercise to release this build up of energy but since my achilles heal was damaged I am more limited to what exercise I can do. None of this is an excuse, more of an explanation really for why my behaviour can be so deplorable at times. I realise that it all means that I have not yet provided a pure enough conduit for the Divine, but the pure fact that the Divine keeps working with me is enough incentive to keep pushing my self. Or should I say clearing my self so I can get out of the way for the Divine to shine through.

Even though all of creation is of the Divine, free will provides the opportunity for people to deviate from its intended course. This deviation I call evil, and so did Jesus when he said '[y]ou brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.' (Matthew 12:34-35).

This is why Jesus said it is not what a man puts into his mouth that defiles him it is what comes out (Matthew 15:11)!

This is also why we are told to KNOW THEM BY THEIR ACTS, because while it is possible for evil to use words to deceive us, the acts perpetrated by evil leave no doubt in the mind of those capable of true discernment.

It is my understanding that this plane is used as a means of separating that which belongs to God from that which belongs to Satan. Satan definitely fills a most important position in creation, just as the bowel fills an important role in the human gastrointestinal system. Both provide a means for all the toxins and waste to be disposed of. In this way Satan provides the mechanism by which humanity can be cleansed. Since God is love and justice I can only conclude that all these people who suffer at the hands of evil are simply paying their dues for past indulgences, or they are simply being exposed to evil in order to educate them. Being made aware of all these things and taking it on board is not exactly the same. It takes time :o).

Luv Kazz

Lance said...

Just came on line and the top AOL news story was that Senator Bob Menendez has been indicted and I burst out laughing, thinking Mr. Apocalypse at work.

katy said...

Neither there nor here, but for good cheer:,
if anyone wants a moving, beautiful diversion or eye poetry , a little cry a little laugh and a show of love, some deep undercurrents, go to the theatre and watch Cinderella.
I know,
Nonetheless do it.
do NOT miss the opening scene of the movie. And take a Kleenex.

I've been three times and if someone asks me to go again
I will...!

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

The King and Queen of the Visible World.

galen said...

Yes, Katy! I saw it twice. Charmed and uplifted. Pro-compassion, pro-animals, pro-faith. Loved it!! (Royalty, well, we tolerated that.) And one of the last surviving hetero tales out there. I must get me some glass slippers (and a fairy God-mother).



Katy said...

Galen, so so true.!
(And, Fairy godmother was ROCKin)

I don't want to wreck anyone's clean slate for their first viewing, but here is something good to read after you've seen it once or thrice...


Citizen Elle said...

Maestro, a spectacular piece! Your words have hit the high notes of this soul for nearly a decade. You have been a guide/coach in ways that have been remarkable and life altering. Timing of particular messages has been truly off the charts and much more than once, I directed my life path from the synchronicities of your writings with events that were unfolding for me.
“True integration does not occur and you wind up with a rootless wandering from template to template and none of them fit. You're uncomfortable and alienated but you don't know why.”
This particular statement above is regrettably where I am now. So many of my resources have been wasted (?) on “templates”. I pursued what I sensed to be the “right way” only to reflect in the rearview that I was flat out wrong. For the last five years I exclusively engaged in sustainable community after sustainable community for direct experience learning of different “template” models only to be spit out. Ultimately, I’ve been returned to my original locale/coordinates. Here I am now officially finding myself lost in this world of discomfort and, yes, there is a feeling of alienation.
Those experiences were diverse, rich, challenging and intense. I’m certain that’s what my soul desired. Well, here I linger, ever long, trying to integrate my reflections into something purposeful for the benefit of anyone/everyone else yet, it all seems to have been possibly for my ego’s folly – could it possibly be true?
Thomas, somewhere recently in Visible-andia you mentioned that intellectual trappings (in the guise of “thinking one knows” /knowledge) caused a devastating blow to you. My e-bro, your words resonated with me in that posted comment. I thought I knew some things and proceeded to take a path that felt so right. Indeed, the baby was thrown out with the bath water. I now feel like I was misguided by corrupted idealism and expectations.
Love to you all,
~~~from the deep~~~

p.s. bodhati – your comment reminded me of Wildwood, NJ, the place where Christine Todd Whitman back in 2000 declared the plastic palm the official tree there. A “garden state” beach town where concrete & palm trees are officiated as a valuable “tourist” asset - “nature attacked by the unnatural”. Now, our local Coast Guard is in the biz of specializing in drones & the local township is seeking competitive fed funding for a factory to build them. It’s a big wish that they hope to come true, these fools. Oh, and to make money off the pope when he visits the area in Sept.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Good find Thomas!!!


Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-

Stuck Inside of WTF with the Laurel Canyon Blues Again.



Joseph Brenner

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'The Miracle of Love' from the Les Visible Album
The Sacred and The Profane

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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