Tuesday, May 19, 2020

"Finding our Way out of the False Names and Forms of this Deceptive World of Appearances."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

We live in a world of Names and Forms. It is through the senses, as tools of the mind that we label and identify the components of life. One of the definitions of the word, Adam, is “namer of things”. I have the advantage of access to occult history and perspective and it mainly influences all of my positions, whatever they may be. The word, 'Occult', is a hot button item for many who choose to use it as a catchall for whatever they consider to be evil, or forbidden and this is often the province of spiritual infants, riding around on their tricycles, with training wheels, that is their elementary understanding of Religion and life. They are mostly Fundamentalists, as we see from the sophomoric reactions that our work causes at other sites. They peddle madly, going round and round in circles, while mouthing things they read, that someone who didn't know what they were talking about, told them was true.

I do not use that word to define an entire area of human enterprise. I use it as the dictionary defines it; 'not revealed', 'hidden', 'secret'. We all have access to the common lies and fabrications of Official History and Conventional Wisdom. We DO NOT all have access to Occult- or hidden- history and that is only because most of the time we do not know where to look for it. Those who CONTROL THE NARRATIVE of what people are encouraged to take as gospel, make it a point to keep the truth out of the educational systems and all of the usual media, because these are used to control what people think and feel. We are PROGRAMED to accept one version as true and all other versions as false.

Whenever I use the word, OCCULT, I mean ONLY what is hidden. What it means to you is your business.

An easily accessible source for occult history would be something like, Manly Palmer Hall's, “The Secret Teachings of all Ages.” Here is a digital copy online that you can download.

Hover over the document to view the controls / flip through the pages

One can also find all sorts of interesting, generally hidden, tidbits about WHAT REALLY OCCURRED in the works of Alice Bailey, Arthur Edward Waite, as well as in the writings of Hermeticists, Legitimate Alchemists and others. There are also any number of FAR OUT resources like “The Urantia Book” and “Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson” (downloadable PDF) by Gurdjieff.

Hover over the document to view the controls / flip through the pages

The only thing I ever liked by Gurdjieff was his “Meetings with Remarkable Men” (because I have had these experiences).

Hover over the document to view the controls / flip through the pages

(I do not recommend ANY of these books, I simply post them as examples)

Gurdjieff was a KNOWN TRICKSTER. He had a follower named, P.D Ouspensky that he fed all sorts of outrageous information just to watch him dance, metaphorically speaking. I'm no fan of Gurdjieff but if you are a dry, torporous, dense-minded academic, given to pontificating and 'dog chasing his tale' intellectual convolutions that lead to nothing, you might like him. You'll find no Quintessence or Telesma there and that is what I seek and employ in my life. I seek LIVING and VIBRANT teachings, granted to the sincere, by agents of the ineffable, everlasting one. At some point you have to put the books and arguments aside, as well as the company of people who are religiously addicted to NAME AND FORM and who measure their own worth by how many things they can identify and argue with you about. I run into them as I come and go; these dogs that bark after caravans but you can lose your life and gain NOTHING by engaging them.

Stay far away from people who like to argue and who spend their time tearing away at everything you say because they think it elevates them. It does not. There are accomplishments one can possess IN THE EYES OF MEN ...but accomplishments in the eyes of men count for NOTHING. It is what you accomplish in the eyes of the agents of the ineffable, everlasting one, that counts. PERIOD!!!

We can become discouraged, IF WE PERMIT IT. We can become downhearted and weak in spirit, IF WE PERMIT IT. We can fall into the Slough of Despond and the Marsh of Despair, IF WE PERMIT IT.

Let me remind you that The Avatar is coming. The Avatar may already be here but is, as yet, unannounced. He may be still sweeping his way down through the planes, with his magnetic broom that catches every trace of cosmic lint and evidence of principalities or powers, or rulers of the darkness of this world, or of spiritual wickedness in high places. He may yet be waiting for the appointed moment to begin this. I know not where he is at the moment but I DO KNOW that HE IS and let me state yet again what it is that he engages in when he gets here;

“Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. As they approach me, so I receive them. All paths, Arjuna, lead to me.”

There are mere children in the bodies of adults, running amok in these times and proclaiming that their religion is THE ONLY RELIGION, even when proponents of their religion have spread horror after horror across the centuries and who seek to establish theocracies of despotic rule. In some cases they have ALREADY established theocracies of despotic rule. Only a few years ago, a school caught fire in Saudi Arabia and male members of that religion drove the female school teachers back into the burning building, because they had forgotten their head wrappings before coming out. THEY PERISHED IN THE FLAMES! This is what organized religion and Fundamentalism accomplish.

In another religion, psychopathic rabbis cut the sexual organs of the male children and then suck on the bloody flesh! What manner of deluded and depraved entities do these things? Another religion burned people at the stake, while first torturing them with medieval instruments because they didn't like what they might have said, or because THEY THOUGHT they might be doing something wrong, simply because some twisted soul accused them of it. REMEMBER THIS! REMEMBER THE ABUSED AND BUGGERED children who found themselves in the hands of perverted priests. None of these have anything to do with God. God does not engage in these things.

God is a living thing! God is not relics or the author of mutilated scriptures. God does not mince about in ermine robes with a ridiculous hat on his head. God is LOVE and selfless service. God is the anonymous healer and helper, moving unknown through the confused masses, in search of hearts and minds seeking to blossom, beneath the sunlight of his love.

We live in a world of names and forms and whatever you name it, so it becomes for you. You can be imprisoned by this and many are. You LITERALLY live in a world of your own creation and because you have been made confused by those whose vocation it is to deceive you, your servants eat your food and drink your wine and laugh at your stupidity, which has closed your eyes to the beauty of yourself, while you wander amnesiac and hungry through a world you do not understand, because you made it familiar, according to how you named and identified it. The beginning of understanding is the visceral cry of, “I DON'T KNOW!” God ALONE KNOWS. AND if you possess a contrite and humble heart, God will be pleased to inform you, through the intuition, of EVERYTHING you ever will need to know, WHEN YOU NEED TO KNOW IT.

You can spend your life arguing with fools or you can GO WITHIN and seek out the GOD WITHIN. The degree of intensity you put to this task is the determinant of how long it will take. You could not be alive if God were not resident within you. God IS THE LIFE in you. You could not think or feel if God were not present. It is by the power of God that you think and feel and God is in EVERYONE YOU MEET, no matter how they may appear. Communicate ONLY with that persona. If you want to find The Devil you can make him appear in others but it will be The Devil in you that is looking for him.

The Hindus have a term, 'Namaste'. What it means is, “I celebrate the God within you.” The usual translation is, “the light in me bows to the same light within you.” DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that somehow confusing? Not to me. Once you have VISCERALLY understood that God is in everything and composes everything and animates everything, you simply move through life with the awareness of it, serving as you go. Presently, the majority of us are listening to the voices of the world. These voices are uniformed, deceptive and misleading and will get you nowhere, or worse. Once you silence these voices in your head, the true Voice of the Silence will begin to speak. I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE and no one can convince me otherwise.

You have to steel yourself for the objections of those WHO DO NOT HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE and who then insist that you do not have it either because they don't. There is a good reason why they don't have it. Simply go your way, supremely contented with the remarkable reality of God speaking to you, through the stepped down transformers of his agents, who transmit his thoughts to you. ALL OF THIS is MORE REAL than the world you are moving through and you need not take my word for it. It is what ALL OF THE TEACHERS and WAYSHOWERS of humanity have been saying since they first began to speak.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is=

To Pocketnet, to Pocketnet, to buy a fat pig.
Home again, home again, jiggety jig.
To Pocketnet, to Pocketnet, to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety jog.
To Pocketnet, to Pocketnet, to find nothing there
Home again, home again, the cupboard is bare

Well... you could always go back to Pocketnet, maybe you just missed it the first time.

les visible at pocketnet

Here is a short clarification for Hieronymus and others about The Man on the Beach. I met a man on the beach in Big Sur. He had certain characteristics of behavior, not to mention, an appearance that was unlike anyone you are likely to meet. The best I can say is that he looked remarkably like one those Japanese figurines you see with large foreheads. He looked like no one I have ever seen in life. I spent the day with him and he told me many things. In succeeding days I found myself snorting and casting out thoughts, though I didn't know what it meant. I felt this personality coming more and more into me and then, a few months later, at a cabin in the woods in Virginia, I had a full blown Kundalini event that lasted near full on for several years and it was obvious to me he was the author of it. I had no idea of who he was at the time and have not seen him since, though I am sure I will. Many many other things happened concerning him but I don't have the time for that at the moment and I've gone into these things in detail here but don't know where to send you because I haven't kept track of what I said, when I said it.



From the book, “Bhakti” in Volume 3 of The Collected Works of Swami Vivekananda.

But we are now considering not these Mahâ-purushas, the great Incarnations, but only the Siddha-Gurus (teachers who have attained the goal); they, as a rule, have to convey the germs of spiritual wisdom to the disciple by means of words (Mantras) to be meditated upon. What are these Mantras? The whole of this universe has, according to Indian philosophy, both name and form (NâmaRupa) as its conditions of manifestation. In the human microcosm, there cannot be a single wave in the mind-stuff (Chittavritti) unconditioned by name and form. If it be true that nature is built throughout on the same plan, this kind of conditioning by name and form must also be the plan of the building of the whole of the cosmos. — "As one lump of clay being known, all things of clay are known", so the knowledge of the microcosm must lead to the knowledge of the macrocosm.

Now form is the outer crust, of which the name or the idea is the inner essence or kernel. The body is the form, and the mind or the Antahkarana is the name, and sound-symbols are universally associated with Nâma (name) in all beings having the power of speech. In the individual man the thought-waves rising in the limited Mahat or Chitta (mind-stuff), must manifest themselves, first as words, and then as the more concrete forms. In the universe, Brahmâ or Hiranyagarbha or the cosmic Mahat first manifested himself as name, and then as form, i.e. as this universe. All this expressed sensible universe is the form, behind which stands the eternal inexpressible Sphota, the manifester as Logos or Word. This eternal Sphota, the essential eternal material of all ideas or names is the power through which the Lord creates the universe, nay, the Lord first becomes conditioned as the Sphota, and then evolves Himself out as the yet more concrete sensible universe.

This Sphota has one word as its only possible symbol, and this is the (Om). And as by no possible means of analysis can we separate the word from the idea this Om and the eternal Sphota are inseparable; and therefore, it is out of this holiest of all holy words, the mother of all names and forms, the eternal Om, that the whole universe may be supposed to have been created. But it may be said that, although thought and word are inseparable, yet as there may be various word-symbols for the same thought, it is not necessary that this particular word Om should be the word representative of the thought, out of which the universe has become manifested. To this objection we reply that this Om is the only possible symbol which covers the whole ground, and there is none other like it. The Sphota is the material of all words, yet it is not any definite word in its fully formed state. That is to say, if all the peculiarities which distinguish one word from another be removed, then what remains will be the Sphota; therefore this Sphota is called the Nâda-Brahma. the SoundBrahman.

Now, as every word-symbol, intended to express the inexpressible Sphota, will so particularise it that it will no longer be the Sphota, that symbol which particularises it the least and at the same time most approximately expresses its nature, will be the truest symbol thereof; and this is the Om, and the Om only; because these three letters (A.U.M.), pronounced in combination as Om, may well be the generalised symbol of all possible sounds. The letter A is the least differentiated of all sounds, therefore Krishna says in the Gita — "I am A among the letters". Again, all articulate sounds are produced in the space within the mouth beginning with the root of the tongue and ending in the lips — the throat sound is A, and M is the last lip sound, and the U exactly represents the rolling forward of the impulse which begins at the root of the tongue till it ends in the lips.

If properly pronounced, this Om will represent the whole phenomenon of sound-production, and no other word can do this; and this, therefore, is the fittest symbol of the Sphota, which is the real meaning of the Om. And as the symbol can never be separated from the thing signified, the Om and the Sphota are one. And as the Sphota, being the finer side of the manifested universe, is nearer to God and is indeed that first manifestation of divine wisdom this Om is truly symbolic of God. Again, just as the "One only" Brahman, the Akhanda-Sachchidânanda, the undivided Existence-Knowledge-Bliss, can be conceived by imperfect human souls only from particular standpoints and associated with particular qualities, so this universe, His body, has also to be thought of along the line of the thinker's mind. This direction of the worshipper's mind is guided by its prevailing elements or Tattvas.

The result is that the same God will be seen in various manifestations as the possessor of various predominant qualities, and the same universe will appear as full of manifold forms. Even as in the case of the least differentiated and the most universal symbol Om, thought and sound-symbol are seen to be inseparably associated with each other, so also this law of their inseparable association applies to the many differentiated views of God and the universe: each of them therefore must have a particular word-symbol to express it. These word-symbols, evolved out of the deepest spiritual perception of sages, symbolise and express, as nearly as possible the particular view of God and the universe they stand for. And as the Om represents the Akhanda, the undifferentiated Brahman, the others represent the Khanda or the differentiated views of the same Being; and they are all helpful to divine meditation and the acquisition of true knowledge.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Not sure The Avatar ever left. How many Divine Intervention savings of people happened throughout history when one called upon him? Nostrils up.

robert said...

Dear Visible One,

All we need to know we can learn from our own spirits, as long as we strive to stay connected to the Holy Spirit (or Wholly Spirit)

You have to steel yourself for the objections of those WHO DO NOT HAVE THIS EXPERIENCE and who then insist that you do not have it either because they don't. There is a good reason why they don't have it.

The spiritual envy of the demonically possessed or those who merely neglect their integrity is a thing.

As the ways of the parasites have corrupted human thought and creation, taking from others instead of learning how to give, the envy of peace and the power to create became a business franchise. Simple Simon Magus tried to buy the power, at least seeing its value. Now, zombies only want net streaming, shitty food, friction sex and good drugs to hide the emptiness these pursuits bring home, to shrinking souls.

Gratitude for all creation to the One, Ineffable Being.
No time to resist the flow of love!

BarbaraAnn said...

Thanks again for the wisdom. Love and compassion are my daily intention. I often fall short and use that as an inspiration to continue in earnest. I'm a bit confused by my Christianity. I am inspired by the lives of some Christians, Corrie ten Boom, Jesus, Jacques Lusseyran for example. And since I know the demons are trying to destroy Christianity, I sense the path has spiritual value. However, some Christians are obviously toxic and I get confused. You've been very helpful to me Les, slowly and surely I rise. Two steps forward and one step back. It's good to know someone who is miles ahead and is willing to look back with love. Love you deeply, Barbara

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now-

"May the Ineffable Lord of all Things Grant you Illumination and Sanctuary!"

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami (sort of) is up now=

Song; "You are Everything to Me"

. said...



Thank you so very much for all the help you provided me here


Luv Mary C

Anonymous said...

"Of the great sages I am Bhṛgu; of vibrations I am the transcendental oḿ. Of sacrifices I am the chanting of the holy names [japa], and of immovable things I am the Himālayas."

OM or Hare Krishna



Joseph Brenner

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