Wednesday, February 24, 2021

"If you are Going to Hang out with the Parrots you had Better be Able to Squawk like a Parrot."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

This is an age of stupidity, greed, deception, mean-spiritedness, and clueless embarrassments. It is a place people Gorilla Glue their hair to get attention. This is a world where that sort of thing is celebrated, emulated, and held up as an ideal by educators and legislators, and administrators of Cartoon Hell. Here is this upside-down cake made of hand grenades, not pineapples.

They own the media and all the customs stations at the border of every fabricated reality. They fashion and shape your perspective on whatever they bring before you, BUT... not for much longer. You can only bend life so far out of shape, until life snaps itself back, into a more reasonable facsimile of life in the realm of the senses.

Because we have been in a dark place for a long time, as the age made its way into its decline and fall, many of us, the far greater number of us, have no sense at all of a bandwidth of senses beyond what we see and hear. That will change as time passes. In the meantime, those who have been able to open the hidden world, by turning their attention away from Basic World 1.0, are living with a greater fragment of the living light. The others seem to have none at all. That will change as time passes. We are coming into times of a finer density of conscious light.

Many emulate and adulate Zuckerberg, Kim Kardashian, or some celebrity, or leader. Consider the present occupant of the White House. All of these answer to someone. Yes, but who do they answer to? Who controls the money? These men and women are not free. If they step out of line in their particular venue they hear about it. The fire-hose of public opinion, operated by those who give shape to the water, is turned on them. None of them are free. You and I are freer than them and among us some are also much freer. You gain freedom by not hindering the passage of others and by traveling on a spiritual passport. These get checked and stamped everywhere you go and MUCH MORE FREQUENTLY than the terrestrial passport.

Be careful what you wish for. You think it's much more enjoyable among the ranks of a certain sector of society, political, entertainment-wise, rich, influential. You go ♫ where everybody knows your name ♫ You get feted and awarded. Slinky and sleek bodies make promises their ass can't keep, literally, but you don't find out about all the Hollow People until you get there. I've seen it up close in a minor sort of a way; got to see it close enough so that I could walk away with no hard feelings or bad impressions left. Of course, I did leave some number of bad impressions, but most of those were intentional. I'm not good with cases of mistaken identity. What you see is what you get.

You have to REALLY want to be famous to put up with the level of insincerity that is all around, especially if you are rich and famous and usually the two go together. You are surrounded by people who ONLY WANT THE BEST for you. Uh-huh. Of course, you are in what I call Hog-Heaven if you happen to be a clueless Pollyanna in Wonderland. Then, your falsity is mirrored in the surrounding falsity of others and everything is... heh heh... Hunky Dory. I've no idea who Hunky Dory is by the way. It sounds like a transvestite bodybuilder.

Yeah... if you are going to hang out with the parrots you had better be able to squawk like a parrot. You will have to dress like a parrot, which doesn't take any objective thought, unless... unless you are an anti-parrot, but that's still a parrot. Parrots also live in cages a lot of the time. My point is that all of these career choices have a downside that is not always clear in the beginning. Some aspects you don't learn until you are well on your way. Some don't appear until you are beyond the point of return, and THIS IS THE CASE in every area of enterprise unless you are an entrepreneur and that has its own problems. How many people live with an emptiness filled with the memories of a wasted life?

Up and down they go, back and forth on the roller coaster, on the merry-go-round, on the Ferris wheel, in the amusement park of hungry ghosts. They have it all and they have NOTHING. The greatest asset the rich and famous have is the idea, in your mind, that they are better off than you. No, they are not.

There are furies and harpies and threatening specters (like Marley's Ghost). There are malicious spirits of all sorts who attend the minds, hearts, and conscience of those that so many of us deem more fortunate than ourselves. Theirs is a troubled sleep, writ large with anxiety and grief. It is all happening in front of the eyes of the world as well. One should not underestimate the cost of that. You could be a jerk but only your immediate circle knows this, or you can be one with the whole world watching.

To be truly fortunate you should know when you are well off. To be truly blessed you must know what a blessing is, without having to be shown... because then it lacks gratitude, a critical feature of the transmission of Real Wealth. It ALL hinges on a central theme and then it individualizes and develops a conflict with that upon which it all hinges. The more accurately you reflect the divine image, the more you go about in the image you were created in, for the purpose of celebration. Eternal liberty is a dance. Our friend Nataraja embodies that as well as I have ever seen it.

Change is the cornerstone of eternity so... is everlasting life an endless series of changes? One could say the face of eternal change is laid upon the body of the changeless in a unique and ever-changing state that does not change. There it is... the problem with words. The idea is to get closer to The Fountain. There is this fountain and it flows through eternity. It is as fresh as the dawn of time. It revitalizes and rejuvenates the weary heart. It is a comfort beyond describing and it IS REAL. One has only to look for it and NOT STOP LOOKING until one has found it. If you have forever you have too much time to hurry, especially since you will still arrive where you are... when you get there.

If there seems to be a confusion or complexity in the writing that was not there before, it is because we are striving to come upon the boundary line where words fail. Heh heh... I can see it now, a river of words coming to the brink and then falling away into boundless space. Words are what we have, but there would be no words without thoughts, and there would be no thoughts worth having without inspiration, and there would be no inspiration without the angels of God, and there would be no angels without God, who orchestrated this entire drama for his entertainment. It is a fine thing when one is able to entertain God, who spends all his time watching and simply being, while we act as expressions of his thought in living articulation.

Someone said, “as a man thinketh, so is he.” It is a finer thing when one makes of themselves a transparent vehicle for the original thinker to animate. Everything else is clumsy slam dancing. Graceful dancing is evidence of the Presence of the Divine. If it is being done well at all, it is The Divine doing it. Unfortunately, few dancers give credit where credit is due. To register the awful state of the present, one need only look at the state of the arts. They tell us who it is that is being channeled. The light of God is being blocked, and that is a statement of the nature and intent of the art of the times. Do not fear. Do not be troubled. This is a phase of temporary weather and no more.

Certain things begin to happen once God comes into greater proximity. Usually, God is as shy and retiring as it is possible to be. On rare occasions, God appears in the flesh and transforms the world. We are at that very time. Everything is about to be exposed for what it is. The presence of the Avatar is THE DEFINER of atmosphere and mood and the essence of irresistible change. It WILL affect most of us differently, and it will affect all of us. The shades of variation are countless. It is already affecting many of us but we have not registered the cause of it. Some will resist with every particle of their being and some will surrender completely. Then there is the vast interior of our collective presence which includes all of the possibilities imaginable.

I do not know! However, that which does know, resides in me, as it does in everyone, to a lesser or greater extent of the distance between. The size of the gulf, the distance between Truth and yourself, is the measure of your fear. Those who do not know can be informed. Those who know cannot. Why are those who are the wisest among us, the most humble and self-effacing? This is due to the grandeur of the one they have made contact with. God generates such profound awe, even over a degree of distance, that ANYONE who has encountered The Divine is familiar with it in similar fashion.

I cannot say what the details are, concerning the transformations pending up around the bend. I can say that, depending on your perspective, the opportunities that await are past describing. Yes... the world is going to end for a great many people. That happens every day. Then it will begin again. It will be terrible in some places and transcendent in others Location... location... location. The sooner you direct all of your attention to tuning in, the sooner is can more fully direct its attention to you and direct you as well.

End Transmission.......

For previous links, please refer to previous postings. I have shaken the dust off my sandals off before the gates of those cities.

les visible at pocketnet


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

When you don't have a teevee and don't do mainstream media they can't do shoite to your perspective.

Unless you're totally self built from the bottom up, the price of being a celebrity is pretty high. It helps to not have any integrity. Couch casting rules, and that's the lighter side of things. Being of an isolationistic personality, it's the LAST thing I'd want. Not to mention all the mortal flotsam that becomes obsessed with you, occasionally to the point of stalking.

It's good to be obscure.

Great post, as always.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...


PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 2021 FEB 15, 09:22

"Doing the Berserker, Herky Jerky, Broken Gyroscope Dance of the Macabre."

PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 2021 FEB 15, 15:07

"The Royal Road to the High Kingdom has Few People on It and Gridlock Below."
robobob · 2021 FEB 17, 15:48
Posted Visible's "The Royal Road..."
to Pocketnet (1AM) here:
PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 2021 FEB 18, 14:36

"Surely One Lives Forever as the Focus Narrows and the Light Encircles and Permeates You."
PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 2021 FEB 20, 06:36

"God Possesses Marvels and Wonders that are Beyond the Reach of Human Imagination."
PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 2021 FEB 21, 05:12
Can someone explain why Les can't post here?
PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 2021 FEB 22, 11:44 ·

PetuniaWigglebottom2 · 2021 FEB 23, 15:31

PetuniaWigglebottom2 · An hour ago


Anonymous said...

Mas and ever Mas Visible
what a poem !!!!
woof, woof, woof.....
for over thirty years i have tried and tried to find a way to express 'conscience', in Spanish., this past sunday something 'clicked'... the frase has been ' el pepegrillo', amazingly , pepe is diminutive of Jose and grillo is a type of grasshopper, the small ones, Not to be confused with 'Praying Mantis' (heheheheh)....amazingly in all these centuries there was no need for a word 'conscience', it is the same as consciousness, in Spanish., the peoples having no need for it..... methinks that attributing conscience to those who cannot sleep is an exaggeration of their emotional capacity, even if their mother-tongue is not Spanish...... so, finally had to come up with a frase to sort of describe the state for some here and about me in the Big Enchilada, first pass is to distinguish between guilt and repentance, then staying in that emotional field become a protagonist, stay there...conscience = repentant protagonist.... not a simple matter after centuries of 'professional victimhood', even before 'conquest' of Hernan and Pizarro.... but some are sort of capturing it, as reported by their tears.....
Indeed the waves are opening possibilities previously shut off hermetically.... when 'Agape' becomes common, and used precisely, ahhhh What a Brother/Sister-hood......!!!!!
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBearhug

robert said...

Dear Visible,

The pace of your posts is an exciting sign of pending ponderous events to ponder!
Grateful for the grace of your expenditure, as always.

"How many people live with an emptiness filled with the memories of a wasted life?"

Emptiness is a relative perception though, yes?
Those fully burrowing up into the assholes in power do not notice their own emptiness until they are evacuated from their stool-obsessed hosts.

For those who endeavor not to wallow in the mire, if we allow our perception to include more possibilities, we may be dismayed at the time we wasted being less than useful to the vision of the One.

Even if we feel that we have given our all, we have not, objectively, because there are no limits to what can be realized through the human station, other than those we have adopted as stray pets who feed on our fears
The continuity of the Presence comforts our hearts from the impersonal logic of revealing visions.

"The more accurately you reflect the divine image, the more you go about in the image you were created in, for the purpose of celebration. Eternal liberty is a dance"

This! One way to gauge our being is to observe who many constraints we are carrying unnecessarily!
The obstinate mind throws up a straw man to deceive us onto the slope of gradualism, where the need to be responsible to others leads to a shared bondage instead of mutual liberation.
When our sensitivity to our spirit is tender enough, colliding with the will of others becomes as likely as the collision of celeestial objects in the vastness of space.

How can the spirit express if we are clinging to reasons not to be cheerful and vanity that we must protect?
A directive to 'Feel Free' may be corrupted to excuse license instead of empower liberty but that is because it is a powerful sensor of the state of our spirit.
A happy child feels free, not to trample on others but to engage in life without mental reservations.
A happy child does not need to prove that it knows everything, only that nothing stands the way of learning!

robert said...

(part 2 of 2)

"If you have forever you have too much time to hurry, especially since you will still arrive where you are... when you get there"

The plague of modernity is the excuse to rush through life, flailing all around the point in fatuous fancy.
Trying too had is almost always moving too fast, pushing too hard to get faster motion as a substitute for missing serenity.
How we have been sold on this primary deception is best seen in the inversion of 'good sex', now wasting spiritual energy in pursuit of the big bang, coming prematurely, before the energy can reach our crowns and blow our minds?

After a brief window in the last century, when it was crystal clear that 'wham bam, no thank you ma'am' was not the ideal for female ecstasy (that which maintains the human world), the media mashers now extol shorter but supposedly more intense discharges as the ultimate!

What a bad joke on humans, to have the ultimate potential for continuing ecstasy but ignorantly shooting it off without imagination, depleting all the lamp oil before anyone gets lit!
'Easy does it' indeed!

"It is a fine thing when one is able to entertain God, who spends all his time watching and simply being, while we act as expressions of his thought in living articulation"

A fine thing for you to articulate while you matriculate in mudland.

"The size of the gulf, the distance between Truth and yourself, is the measure of your fear. Those who do not know can be informed. Those who know cannot. Why are those who are the wisest among us, the most humble and self-effacing? This is due to the grandeur of the one they have made contact with. God generates such profound awe, even over a degree of distance, that ANYONE who has encountered The Divine is familiar with it in similar fashion"

Concise, poetic psychological poignancy.

When the directed perceives the scope and immensity of the Director's willpowerlove, only surrender offers a way to exist.

It helps to be able to laugh at ourselves, venting the fear in fragrant release of identity.

Anonymous said...

So much one reads on the net seems like waves swearing there's no such thing as water. Not so here, more like us surfers that wait all day for that one wave, overhead, while the sun sparkles off the water...
"God generates such profound awe, even over a degree of distance, that ANYONE who has encountered The Divine is familiar with it in similar fashion."
Like that there! Thanks, keep em coming...

Thomas said...

A clueless 'academic' weighing in on the matter of art - with a paper named:

"Constructing the Shitting Citizen: The Promise of Scatological Art as
Environmental and Social Activism"

In case anyone is interested, a link:

What can one say?

Thank God that God is real!

Thomas said...

Gems from the abstract of the paper:

"I focus on the successes of the open-air public art exhibition set up in the Brisbane (Queensland, Australia) central business district to celebrate World Toilet Day in 2008."

"The art in this exhibition featured included one hundred toilets decorated to raise awareness of global sanitation issues and the distribution of promotional materials featuring scatological images including postcards and stickers."

"the toilet art and promotional materials presented at the One Hundred Toilet exhibition can be seen as an example of scatological art employed for the purposes of social and environmental activism. Through the One Hundred Toilet exhibition, I consider the political aims and activist potential of using scatological art to progress social and environmental agendas and consider how this kind of 'shit on show' approach can contribute to the construction of the shitting citizen"

LOL, 'shit on show', indeed! - but *art*...?

Anonymous said...


"...perceptions.....we have adopted as stray pets who feed on our fears...".

That morsel provides a a good bit of nourishment for contemplation.


Ray B. said...

Vis, an excellent examination of "career choices." Thanks!

Vis: "In the meantime, those who have been able to open the hidden world, by turning their attention away from Basic World 1.0, are living with a greater fragment of the living light."

Yep, I am amazed at who/what Higher Self has been showing me over the past decade or so. Also, if one looks at my Consciousness Levels listing, there is a tiny, little segment for "typical (injured/programmed) humans today." And, my old listing does not even include the 'spheres' of angels which Vis has listed. It is a big world Out There...
Vis: "God generates such profound awe, even over a degree of distance, that ANYONE who has encountered The Divine is familiar with it in similar fashion."

Outside of the immensity of energy/light/love flows, one of the humbling aspects is what one just does not know. Innumerable times, HS has said, "You would not understand that," or "That is beyond your conception," or such. It makes me aware of how limited human consciousness is, compared with higher vistas of the Unseen.
Vis: "I cannot say what the details are, concerning the transformations pending up around the bend."

Not only that; many details are being purposely hidden. Although everything is ultimately all-God, there is still a War in Heaven going-on. The old phrase, "loose lips sink ships" still applies. Whatever consciousness-level one is on, there is a Being a few levels up from that level who can read one like a book. Telepathy is a Thing. So, HS often tells me that details of this-or-that are not for me. Frustrating for me, but I understand the Bigger Picture aspects. Hopefully, the "transformations pending up around the bend" will come sooner rather than later, subject to what is Best & Highest...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Over the River and Through the Woods and Right Back to Where we Started From."



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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