Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Truth is an Unwelcome Guest

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

One of the things I always try to remember is the sort of treatment that much greater souls than me have experienced over the course of time. I say to myself, “Well, if that happened to them; why should I expect any different? This is one of the problems with relative truth, which is all we can possess unless we are an incarnation of it. In India, Lord Shiva tends to occupy that role, which is why he isn’t welcome at weddings and other celebrations. I think you can figure that out.

The primary difficulty with seeking to provide or tell the truth is the reflex tendency to need to defend it. Truth needs no defense. All lies are terminal and mortal, truth is not. Our need to defend it is usually an expression of our need to defend ourselves as the organ of its transmission. This is unnecessary. If the truth chooses to identify with us it will, otherwise we have to keep mucking out the stables. I don’t choose to argue with people. To me, an argument means you’ve lost the point. Things either are so or not so, in the relative and absolute realms. Two and two is four; except that there are two liquids (I forget their names) where you can mix two quarts of each and wind up with 3.5 quarts.

Recently, someone, who insisted that he was on the up and up, fabricated an elaborate lie about something that didn’t happen. When I broached him on it he said that his recollection was foggy so maybe it wasn’t like that. Meanwhile, the lie was filled with precise details that indicated no fogginess at all. I pointed this out. His next venture was to call attention to the fact that I have very little money and no seeming means of support (he’s an expert on my life apparently, though never having met me or been exposed to any of the inner workings of my day to day existence) and yet I criticize Israel all the time. This, he says, is proof that I am a disinfo agent. He insists he is not a troll while behaving just like one.

Another long time, occasional contributor, who is a fundamentalist Christian, has decided that cursing me out is the proper Christian response to some condition that he has yet to explain. Out of the blue he became bilious and aggressive and I’ve never understood why and probably never will. These are rare occurrences but they do happen and they can become subtle indeed. One fellow likes to come in and toss off a couple of complimentary statements and then stick a knife in my ribs. He’s something of a sociopath, I think ...but I don’t know.

Some numbers of respondents like to constantly remind me that the Zionists are mere tools and have nothing to do with the real agenda. Their demonstrable control of critical industries and their observable command over governments and individuals is not what it seems. Behind them are some shadowy international groups that are using them as pawns. I ask for direct evidence of this. I ask for names and connections where I can see the truth of their claims. So I get a list. It’s a list of a number of organizations; I’ve heard of a lot of them but there’s no relationship between them and a control of the Zionist plague that is provably at the forefront of the persecution of humanity for its own profit. When their forebears were the major slave traders of the time; their names on the captain’s logs and elsewhere, there has appeared no evidence that they were manipulated into this.

Overwhelming evidence exists that ties Israel to the 9/11 attacks. I don’t see names from the shadows popping up as their handlers. They control the banks, the media, publishing and the music and entertainment corporations. They control the pornography industry. They are deep into the international drug traffic. Their agents have been placed in Mumbai, the London tube and Madrid Train Station. I am supposed to presume that they are not what they seem and really just blameless stooges being used by someone else, somewhere... over the rainbow?

This seedy amalgam of some ancient tribe has been thrown out of more countries than everyone else put together and always for the same reasons. I’m being led to believe that the Rothschilds are taking their orders from some illuminati or Masonic cabal of eternal darkness. They are actively involved in seeking to destroy the Christian religion and are already known as the assassins of the founding member. Through their complete control of the gay movement and so many movements, that seek to utilize humanism and other things to destroy the family unit, they are tirelessly persistent in the intended demise of the Christian faith. Along the way they are blindly supported by those they seek to destroy. They are also engaged in a visibly obvious way in the slander and destruction of Islam.

I’m not afraid of these people (if people they be) because I work for the entity that is on it’s way to kick their ass in a convincing manner; along with all of their robots, lackeys and mindless sycophants. Everyone works for someone, one way or the other. One way or the other you are in support and defense of ancient forces who seem to war against each other on the material plane. We seldom actually know good from evil and the determiner of which is which generally decided by those who control the flow of information. We know damn well that Muslims didn’t do 9/11. It was done by dual national, neo-con Zionist Jews, in tandem with intelligence services that they have subverted or operate in tandem with. They are not the exclusive bad guys on the planet. They have lots of associates.

This force is active in harassing my sites and prior to that, in destroying my various careers in different fields, even though I wasn’t mentioning them or even aware of most of what I am aware of today. As I look back I can see that the primary members of my opposition to success were always members of the tribe. They must have known things about me that I didn’t know myself, or, maybe it’s just that everyone who wants to present the truth in some way is a threat to them eventually, indirectly or directly. It’s something supernatural. Lies maintain and protect them. Truth threatens them.

Day after day, I attempt to present what little I know of the truth, here at these sites. I try to bring it out in my music and my novels. It’s what I live for because one of the few things I am sure of is that lies lead to death and the truth leads to immortality. I recognize that Earth is a way station. It’s a basic training planet that determines your fitness to be promoted to other planes of being. People can argue about what they can’t see based on the evidence of what they can see but it always comes back to ‘as above, so below’. Metaphysics and physics are two parts of the same science that prove the same things.

People show up who present the evidence of so much suffering and torment on this planet. They say this is proof that there is no divine agency. They don’t see, or refuse to admit that this planet is where cycling karma acts out in role reversal through time. It never fails to amaze me that people who know so little can be such experts on things they know nothing about and haven’t even taken the trouble to study. Alcoholic lawmakers are experts on illegal drugs and fierce supporters of pharmaceuticals that are provably much more harmful. Meanwhile they are in partnerships with those who control the flow of illegal drugs.

People who know all too little about their own religion are experts on every other religion. People who don’t have sex are experts on it, even though we now know they do have forced sex with children. People who know nothing about so many things are wonderfully informed about everything because they read it somewhere. The world is lousy with experts who don’t know shit but who produce it at every turn.

Now we’ve had several days of relentless propaganda about 9/11 and who did it and all the pomp and bombast about courage and conviction, loss and bereavement. The people reporting on and writing about this know that they are lying often enough but it pays the bills. People consciously and unconsciously accept that lies are the currency of this world and that you are going to be broke and an outcast if you are not showing the proper fealty to them.

This is your life. You make of it what you will. Every moment of this life is precious in respect to your further destination. The truth of this most often occurs on your death bed when you’ve spent every cent you saved in your life on bad health care in the last year of your life. Those who live in the service of lies get looked after and attended by lies. Liberty and self realization are waiting beside you all through your confused efforts to imprison yourself in darkness because you think your protection lies there. It does not. Finally death is your best friend. He liberates you for one more turn of the wheel and on it goes.

End Transmission.......

Visible sings: The eponymous Les Visible Music Album♫ In That Shape Again ♫
'In That Shape Again' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album

Lyrics (pops up)

The eponymous Les Visible Music Album

We are back on the air tonight with our radio show at 7:30 Central time.

The New Shangri-La.

Petri Dish Mirror.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Les,

This article and Number 9, Number 9 at Smoking Mirrors have been just what I needed at this time.



Anonymous said...

Thank you Les, for this lucid (I do love that word!) writing, which is seems so easy for you.

Thank you also for your recent message.
It was so nice to get it.


GodSend said...

It’s a basic training planet that determines your fitness to be promoted to other planes of being.


But there is more - A LOT MORE!

The Divine Order of our Universe has been explained - by its Creator. He has provided us with an authenticated record of all we NEED to know (not WANT to know!) - it's called Holy Scripture. It is the ONLY authenticated Word of God!

Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna and all the other gods are figments of the human imagination and they have NO basis in Truth which can set us free. ONLY Jesus the Christ IS Truth (and Light and Love) which can set humanity free!

No matter what other truths you possess (or think you possess), unless you possess the Truth of Jesus the Christ, you possess nothing (of eternal value) but ARE POSSESSED!

The "fitness to be promoted" is ONLY determined by whether or not you accepted Jesus the Christ as your personal Savior during your lifetime - NOTHING ELSE!

Your place and position in God's Heaven, however, IS influenced by what kind of life you led (deeds) - good or evil (as seen through God's eyes).

As I state (and document) on my website and blog, unless you place Jesus the Christ at the CENTER of The Puzzle of human existence, you are groping around IN THE DARK!

Now visit and STUDY my website and Blog (thoroughly) and discover What Really Happened and What Will Happen - and SOON!

Visible said...

God send, you're a shrill fundie nazi and no one here is going to pay much attention to you. You're a spiritual fascist whose ignorance wars with his arrogance for supremacy. You're going to learn some painful lessons about what's true and what is not.

Your life is a failure based on your assumption of knowledge when you have none. You are going to find out that you don't know anything at all.

Neko Kinoshita said...

Focus on your Piscean avatar Godsend.

This will insure that when he does return, you will be certain to not recognize him, and will be right out there calling for his crucifixion.

Some things seem so obvious Les, I like the message, since you always say it so well. I have noting to add really, just echoing back from the alley.

wv: comin, 'nuff said.

bholanath said...

Great writing in the last few posts. Great poem @ SM.
Too bad you have to 'waste' some time spanking and sending the mischievous to sit in the corners, but it's like all of your time - spent honorably.
That must have been some toil to do those workarounds, especially during Mercury retro, heh heh. Came out good though, and probably made for some gritting of teeth on the 'other side' LOL.
I don't know if it's "supernatural" or what, but the sabotage happened over the years to many good folks, myself, you, many friends.
It's like a special sense of smell - 'they' can smell authenticity, seriousness, commitment, discipline, and discrimination I guess. It sets off programmed alarms, so 'they' swing into action, start the disparaging, blaming the victim, etc etc. It's so automatic it's almost wondrous in a way.

abe said...

Sometimes Les, you just gotta let the dead fish float around and stink up the place. All the proof of jewish treachery is, to them, merely proof of something else using the jews. They are the cap stone of the pyramid: no-one else, nothing else. Any aliens or demons they've summoned are extensions of them and are symbiotes in their parasitism- not their controllers. Like saying that some crackhead with screw driver I give twenty bucks to so he can shank you is really the puppet master pulling my strings. Total bullshit.

RW said...

Could it also be that immortality leads to truth ?

I was in conversation 15 years ago with a native Vietnamese refugee and the son of a wealthy elite from Mexico city. We were talking about the factors and motivations for the illegal war in Indochina.

Gustavo vehemently insisted that Lan and I couldn't possibly understand the reasoning behind the aggression because we were uneducated and the situation was "far too complex" in his words.

A circuit reactivated in me that day which allows clear insight.

Stupid mortal people can't say:

"I don't know"

They harden, wither and die.

For US, Well alright. Well alright


wv: ingere thats high gear baby!

RW said...


I have a question for you.

How do you know your god cares if you believe in its existence?

Live a life you love, use a god you trust and don't take it all too seriously. Love and rockets


GodSend said...

Les, when you attack me like this, you sound more like the blathering and confused and deceptive spiritualist Luciferian you really are, lurking behind the usual eloquence of your posts.

PS I've already learned most of the "painful lessons", Thank God! On the other hand, you are "in" for a rude awakening in this life (if you're lucky). If not, you will bask in the eternal Darkness of Lucifer on the shores of Lake Gehenna!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed Les,
Keep it coming. Those who criticize probably consist of both deliberate agents and those who would do anything to preserve their personal myths. Wit some the brain washing really takes hold.
It is precisely the knowledge of how this works that makes them so successful. Those who are sickened by what's happening can't understand how these sheep can look at it and be so complacent. It's the poor man's form of greed. The controllers want your goods and to control us. The poor want to be left alone with no responsibility at all for their future.
Your efforts are worthwhile, however. The ones who have sufficient moral/ethical fortitude get energized or awakened Those who don't......well, they don't. They live in a place where they hope their masters will take pity on them.
I work with people like this. It's frustrating. I've come to the realization that, just like the ugly chaos we face today, this is merely a part of it. Without these non-reactions they would not be able to inflict the damage they do.
Keep it up. These agents are relentless (I know!). Their purpose is to shut you up. They don't want "dialog". They want silence. Thanks for your sacrifice

Strum said...

Bloody Christians, why is it they are never content to keep their faith to themselves, they always want to shove it down everyone elses throat. It's very trying , what would someone like GodSend be doing on here anyway?
trying to save our souls?
think you might do better somewhere else mate.

He who says does not know, He who knows does not say.

Great post again, Les keep it up.

First they ignore you
then they fight you
then you win


Peter said...

Hey Mr Visible,
Excellent piece! Your inclusion of the "list" was reflective of your wide open mind.
I have to agree there's nothing on the surface to prove they control the Zionist plague. Proof is elusive. One has to rely on one's gut. I think Mel Gibson's "Jesus" movie hints at the dynamic. The Roman occupational forces were like the "list' the Jews(in the movie) were like the Zionist plague of today. A major force that is harnessed by the Romans/list. Oftimes a force that gets unharnessed and outta control. Just my guess.
We are in a plantation society where the "massas" are invisible (behind the curtain). All we can see is the oppressive henchmen (the house niggas) who are the overseers of us field slaves for the plantation owners(masters/massas)
The henchmen have taken over . Maybe the plantation owners let them take over.Maybe they await their opportunity to crush the henchmen. Stranger things have happened throughout history.

Anonymous said...

Since I'm at a loss of words here.

I will share some inspirational lyrics from a band called Androomeda.

Pointing fingers mark the way the riches and success
Those who couldn't make it won't be satisfied for less
Fulfilling visions dreams where others failed that is our quest
Trademark of a caring soul is to always know what's best

Experience and innocence are currencies in trade
Separate the stupid from the clever with a grade
Ability and character determined at a glance
Do you choose your fate or do you give in to circumstance

Working hard for a cause we've never known
That's not our own, but

In the end
We don't need directions
To understand
What we should embrace
And what we should transcend
When we pass it on ourselves
Remember then
It makes all the difference in the end

Social climbers step on souls and hearts to reach the top
They've been told to not look back or dowb 'cause then you'll drop
Inflicting pain on anyone who's standing in their way
Placing blame is easier than watching what you say

Waking up to a world we've never known
The curtain's down, the cover's blown
Waking up to a world we've never known
All sense's gone, but

In the end
We don't need injections
To understand
What we should embrace
And what we should transcend
When we pass it on ourselves
Remember then
It makes all the difference in the end

And if you think you've had enough
If you're thinking that has to stop
If you're giving up

Looking up for a god we've never known
They say he's there just say your prayer
Looking up for a god we've never known
We're all alone but

In the end
We don't need religion
To understand
What we should embrace
And what we should transcend
When we pass it on ourselves
Remember then
It makes all the difference in the end

Django said...

Godsend, you may be an unwitting troll. Please study who wrote the bible, what was left out, how it was re-written and look into the uses to which it has been put. Stop yelling. Stop limiting the Divine. Stop implying that I am possessed. For all you know, Jesus and Krishna are having brunch right now and weeping in their mimosas about the narrowness of your view. If you really want to help anyone, this is the approach that is least likely to do so. Look up the term"delusions of grandeur" and then try for a little humility in your life. You are so tiresome. Poor Johnny one note.
With Love (and I mean it),

DaveS said...


Rock on brother, rock on!

The dark cloud of lies has begun to fade... magic is slipping thru cracks and seams... the tide turns.

wv: verse

Anonymous said...

Is it God Send or Gods end?

Phil R

Anonymous said...

you are clearly an anti-semite. We the Chosen wish to help you and your people and you spit in our faces.

we have placed our chosen leaders and our Chosen laws and our Chosen wars only for the good of our country.

Contrary to what you people think We the chosen do not have dual loyalties. We have only one loyalty to our Chosen state.

Unknown said...

As Voltaire once said: "Being born twice is no more extraordinary, than being born once in the first place".

brian boru said...

These bloody people who always know what is best for everyone else never give up. When they obtain real power, watch out! How much suffering these power freaks have caused over time as religious, political, military or financial controllers! Sort yourself out Godsend and let others find their own ways to the truth.

Anonymous said...

How is the holy scripture the only word of god that has been authenticated. How and by whom, may I ask???

I had a direct hit when Les mentioned Lord Surya being Sunshine. I googled him and found some information on him -- mainly, he is the Sun God and the only diety who we can see daily. I've always had a connection with the Sun. Any recommendations on books on Lord Surya? Thanks.

wv: thlazz ... this is thlazz drink I'm going to have

Anonymous said...

Dr. K --- The chosen chose themselves to be the chosen. And you drank the Koolaid.

GodSend said...

brian boru, et al

I'm not trying to impose my beliefs on anyone. You can reject my advice - or you can accept it. It's meant to help you by pointing you in the right direction. Everyone is free to find their own way to the Truth - but there is only ONE Truth ("and there are few who find it")!

The Root of Evil in Zionism can only be understood through spiritual knowledge. Satan (the "Great Deceiver" and Reptilian Dragon) is trying to deceive humanity in order to prevent people from becoming sons and daughters of God - and be embraced by the True Light! Jesus has promised all Overcomers (of the world) that they will sit and reign with Him at the right hand of God - a place which Satan (Lucifer) used to occupy until he was cast out of Heaven for challenging God and seeking to be equal with God. Human beings have a similar flaw.

nina said...

OMG, I'm commenting twice today because comment one, this one, is to tell you I love you for choosing this template. You are deep, Vizzy, very deep and wonderfully amusing simultaneously.


Sam said...

Les you state you have not seen the invisible hand that directs the Zionists, but you see it every day. It is the hand of the Bankers. Zios have no power without money, and the Bankers control the money. The Central Banks (almost all privately owned - and not by politicians) are the hidden hand, and nothing happens without their advance knowledge and approval. You can wipe out every politician, every political party, every form of government, and the Bankers will simply buy the next group of leaders.

John said...

One thing I love about your writing Les is the way you clothe Buddhist concepts into today's culture. It really clarifies for me some understanding of their doctrines, which seem tailor made to address what's going on now!

Now I think that God is just some little old person going round making space. What happens afterward is out of his hands.

Anonymous said...

Godsend, just what do you know about God?

God is just a prop for you.

The right hand of God, indeed..

Peter said...

Stranger things in History
***kicking myself for leaving this juicy tid bit off my first comment***

Anonymous said...

build two buildings and run empty planes into them to see if they come down..
if they dont
build two more buildings and use explosives to bring them down.
If they do then
use more explosives and bring down the white hos (sic) the senate, congress, the pentagon (lol) and the knesset
problem solved

Anonymous said...

"challenging God and seeking to be equal with God" Well, God did make man in his image, yes? "Human beings have a similar flaw", yes, humans have made God in their image ... an angry white man.

I knew a woman once who came to a meeting of the Bahai's. She said that she loved the whole philosophy of the Bahai's, but could not bring herself to leave Jesus, until she had a dream one night. Jesus came to her, put his hand on her shoulder and told her, "it's alright to become a Bahai. I am there with you also."

There may be One Truth, but there are many roads that lead to the Truth.

wv: lutype .... it is lutype to think you are one of the chosen and no one else is if they don't look like you or believe what you believe.

nina said...

Herein lies the beauty of your message - gut wrenching truth upon a bed of posies generated from binary code.

Extraordinary work, your loss in the material world is our gain. Therefore, its your gain too. There are no accidents. Surely this ongoing, inescapable mission of mercy will be your last on this plane. Unless ... you are so successful in the mission you will be back at the close of the next 2,000 year blind detour.

Its not only that we are so fortunate to find you at this particular time in history, we HAD TO or face wandering around moronically again and again, world without end.


GodSend said...

"Set for a Sign"

Visible said...

The bankers are the Zionists. if that is your argument then you have proven my point. All nine of the central banks are Jewish owned and until recently every member of the Federal Reserve board was Jewish. Every chairman is Jewish. Are you unaware of this?

Visible said...

Well Nina;

I hardly know what to say (got to do my radio show now so I hope that changes- grin).

As it so happens a long awaited day having to do with me is coming up shortly and at that time a number of things are going to happen which should come as quite a surprise. I won't comment further, it's close enough to not require creating unnecessary or protracted suspense. I only found out about it a little while ago in the process of all that happened in Italy and since.

Italy again soon; it gives me goosebumps to be on the approach. There are none of the limitations or constraints of false reality there. Anything can and will happen apparently. For the longest time I couldn't resolve what I had found out about myself and the strange contradictions that seemed to run contrary to all I was being shown. The answer for that shocked me to my shoes. I could hardly discuss it here but it will appear on its own soon enough once the planets have ordered themselves into the proper relationships.

I realize this implies all sorts of things without saying anything but that's how it is at the moment. The proof of any of it will be forthcoming or there will be nothing at all. Either will prove something and I'm comfortable with that.

Thanks for your good words and unflinching support. This is a rough period with so much anger and resentments surfacing. I shudder to think of the fallout when what I know is going to happen happens.

Geno K. said...

Dear Dog Poet

Thank you, our stories are very similar....when you spoke of sabotage all along, even before you knew a fraction of what you know now...It made me feel like, Hallelujah, someone just said something that finally validates this chronic feeling of what the hell did I do to deserve that...

When I was a lefty, I wrote impassioned screenplays for the that I am neither left nor right but understanding that a small group of people use lies as puppet strings, constantly creating this fog...It is unlikely that success is just around the corner...that perseverance will win out...

Besides why stand on higher principal for 49 years to finally sell out for a piece of pie...

I wanna hang out with you one day...

will you do me a favor and check out this link to a video I made...It explains how badly my work is being censored by those shadowy figures you speak of...Afterall, if we are like minded, we our that elusive audience and support network in the face of lies and whisper campaigns...

Anonymous said...

Dear Les: Less writing and more killing. You know who needs to be sent to Hades...

Put on your Ninja gear and move swiftly through the shadows, past the tall walls and security cameras. The guards protecting the henchmen as they sleep have weaknesses that can be exploited. Clean in and clean out.

Writing, while cathartic doesn't send tyrants to Hell. Think about it? If you were a rich puke poisoning food and land, killing millions would you continue to do so if you KNEW a Les Ninja would come calling and send you to the Lake of Fire?

If the answer is affirmative...then my logic is scheiße.

Visible said...

I wait upon your example to stand as evidence of the wisdom of this path. I do note that words and writings have destroyed kingdoms as well as any armies ever have and I note that words and writings remain and endure long after these fallen kingdoms.

Anonymous said...

don't call them jews because they are not. the official term is False Jew. call them zionists, ashkenazi's, shephardims but leave out the word jew until the real Jews reveal themselves. dropping the jew word will get up the false jew snout quicker than a hog can say eat me

kapoore said...

Thanks for the transmission. I agree that truth can be sufficient as a religion: However, I am also a Christian-not that it matters to you or anyone. Only that It identifies my pro-spiritual bias. I strongly suspect that "dual citizen think tankers/Zionists and Israeli mossadniks were behind 9 11. I base my understanding on the news that comes from alternative websites where articles appear on "Mossad agents arrested on 9 11"; "art students (140 or something) living next to the identified hijackers; Israeli company in charge of airport security from where the planes took off; Kroll security in the Twin Towers; Larry Silverstein's ownership history and comments on pulling Building #7; and so on. It all seems too improbable that all these coincidences don't add up to involvement. I know you know all this, but what I sense is that you know something else as well. Can you say?

Also, I was very curious when you raised one of my primary questions. You seem to debunk the idea of the Illuminati or some higher up elite governing the Zionists. That was interesting. How did you come to that conclusion. I might come to it as well, I suppose, except I have read Juri Lina on the Russian Revolution, etc. and Nesta Webster on the French Revolution; and I am not quite convinced that some of this couldn't be coming from secret societies. It's an open question for me.


gurnygob said...

off topic, but has anyone heard from dublin mick. don't know what it is but he just came into my head and i havn't seen much in the way of comments. maybe i just miss him.

long john said...

godsend, you really are a religious fundie fascist nazi. and you really are a failure because you have no real understanding.

you are nothing but a mindless parrot, a christian fundamentalist troll.

you have no knowledge of Sri Krsna, or of the glory of the sanatana (eternal) dharma (truth), none whatsoever. you haven't got a friggin clue. that is blatantly obvious. your ignorance is even worse than your pompous arrogance and narrow-minded dogmatic rhetoric.

have you ever even read Bhagavad-gita? you clearly have not. you are the servant of demons.

only a dumb blind fool talks the way you do. you are one who is "blathering and confused and deceptive". you have the demonic written all over you. you have not learned any lessons. you, and all the twisted rascals like you, are in for one heck of a "rude awakening". your only hope is to abandon your false judgements and simply surrender. the lord is ever merciful to those who surrender, but he is hellish for the self-righteous like you and your ilk.

Jaya Sri Krsna

(victorious is the supreme lord)

smiley girl edna said...

This was a wonderful post, Les and I'll echo the sentiments of the first person to respond: Exactly what I needed at the time.

I learned a little something. I think I'll read it again.

Sometimes I get a little lost, always nice to see a signpost.

Mercury retrograde...hmm, that explains a lot.

:Kevin-John: Morgan. said...

Gee whiz pal, I hate to burst your bubble, but the Law fraternities of the world, the World Court, the UN, and many other educational facilities around the globe, have ALL been informed about the changes coming in all dictionaries.
The word "Truth", has been disqualified as a fact, and is now an opinion.
The word Truthful, is also an opinion.
Everyone's version of Truth is their Truth and nobody else's.
You must use the word "Fact".
Facts have forensic evidence to back up any claims.
There is NO physical, forensic evidence on this planet, that correlates the Bible to be the Word of God!
Godsend also quotes, "it is the ONLY authenticated Word of God".
Really? Authenticated by whom I might ask?
God = Government Ordinance Departments.
That, my friend is your God.
The problem with ALL religions is the same.
There are NO Nouns in ANY religious scriptures in the entire world!
Therefore, there are NO Facts!
The Bible is a science book, so too is the Krishna book.
Yes, the planet is a basic training planet, BUT, the entire planet fights each other due to the horrendous attempts of each country, to interpret each other's language.
In the good old days (8700 years ago), the languages were perfect, till the Preists/Overlords of the day, ordered ALL facts written anywhere or carved into anything, to be modified.
This process was repeated by Lord Rothschild in 1873 when the Universal Postal Union was formed.
ALL countries using banking were told to truncate the Prepositional-Phrases in their languages, otherwise the Post Office would NEVER be in any country which disagreed.
Want a clue? Watch the movie "The Firm"
and open your eyes and ears (isn't that what Lord Krishna and Jesus both said?).
The day is coming soon, when ALL religions will have to abandon their so-called "scriptures" (written words), for the facts!
The first three words in the Bible have no comma after them, therefore, the "would be" Prepositional-Phrase "In the beginning", becomes a Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, followed by the words "God created the heavens and the Earth", the sequence being, Adjective, Pronoun, Adverb, Verb, Conjunction, Adverb Verb.
This statement, the absolute first statement of ALL Bibles, we have made God a Verb!!!!!
Where are the Nouns???? Huh?
I'm sure when we meet "God", they will be quite pissed at the ignorance of human beings.
Human Beings?.....Being what?
I rest my case!

Jim said...

Hey Dog Poet, don't sweat the little stuff. It isn't necessary for all the people to get it. It's only necessary for the smart ones to get it.

Remember that a wise man can play a fool, but a fool can not play a wise man.

Dennis/87 said...

The religion of no-thing= desert religions. All three are poison for the soul. The bankers have no-thing to do with my life, why demonize a race of people as wicked bankers? This earth and it's people are all beautiful, ignorance is sin. Evolve my dear human brothers and sisters. See the light in everyone's eyes. Shineforth by day. Dennis

Anonymous said...


If you insist that certain deity’s are somehow less real than your chosen belief then perhaps you may wish to explore the reality’s you so ignorantly reject.

Just take a small amount of dried sage (it is all in the word), pop it into a pipe and puff away. Commonly referred to as Salvia.

Now under the correct circumstances you are sure to meet any deity’s relevant to your existence. It's a fact. However you may also meet your true self and that could be scary.

Alas, I fear that if you are as square as your avatar suggests then this route would be unthinkable for you.


ericswan said...

Your profile says you have 34,500 visits. I think that number reflects the number of visits you have had from your enemies. I read a couple of other anti-semites like Rense or Rifat or Makow even though I don't agree with the premise that a race of people is evil incarnate. The soul is DNA free.

democratix said...

Cheers on you matey.
Your elucubrations elegantly illustrate several facets of the human condition as deplored in these texts and posts.
You've come this far, so good on you (I surmise that you've come from somewhere else -a previous held belief/point of view). Carry on. While the wise man points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger. Idolatry is so passé. Try on the christ-spirit for yourself one day, or the buddha-mind on another.
You might like what you experience. You're not a troll. You're useful (you helped -coaxed- me to crawl out from under the woodwork for instance). We learn from you, albeit not what you expected us to learn from you.
Don't teach; be a pupil. And do stick around, you might get it eventually. Respect and kudos.
(I for one am oft mesmerized by the brilliant wordsmithing displayed by the eminent arch-blogger Mr. Visible.)
Truth is in a smile, in some poems, in the nightsky, in a few other things, and in the results of the soul-churning of our beloved Les.
So keep it up Godsend. Live Love Learn and Enjoy. For this is a magical ride. Don't you feel exhilarated? That's what your Jesus was high on (unless it were “shrooms'). And I don't mean adrenaline spiked righteousness (though I concede that Jesus himself got violent once in relation to the moneychangers in the temple, is how I heard it); it's more akin to basking in the glow of realization of the perfectness of it all. The love one gets back from god for having ones eyes and minds open without prejudice and letting it all in (and playfully acting upon that) is just indescribable. Suffice to say it's more than worth it, for it cannot be bought nor payed for. Truth lies not in imitating or popularizing the adagios and myths surrounding a saints life even though truth might be conveyed by it by a cunning sage. Truth lies in making these precepts work for you to reveal this hidden pearl in all of our lives, in all of our/your/their opinions. Life is a hologram. Truth is a state of mind, a way of being, intention; not something in some book. Thus one would not recognize truth if it shat in ones face.
And pray God he do something about your name. Become Godsent ;-)

@Mark H @someblogofLes.
Thanks for sharing. You do wonders with it for others, I want you to know.
It hit home around here. It opened eyes and hearts. Commiserations. May the force be with you.
Your post helped me too to get out of the closet, so to speak. Resolution. Here I am.

Tip of the hat, you more than earned your wings, I see. Gogogo! I mean sitsitsit! You know what I mean: go get 'em! Your humaneness is elegantly balanced with an ever so slight tremor in the right arm (just joking ;-), I mean bias. I feel it too. Propably something to do with catching up on real history, and bypassing the FUD-mongers and their MSM show. Keep the balance, keep the focus (on knowing the cloud of not knowing), keep waking them (me!) up ( albeit mine was more like a slumber I napped into). Heartfelt thanks from one following you for some time (with recognition, admiration and wonder) from behind the electronic woodwork. I would have expressed my gratitude sometime earlier, but you know, it's like sometimes not reason enough to communicate to say thanks. It feels like there is nothing to say (what it really is). So along comes the time my limited judgment sees reasons to digress and so you get thanked in the end anyway.
Always welcome at our table, compadre and happy to meet you. Thumbs up for your new shangri-la. I'm trying to get something small like it going on here myself. Think global, act local. And grow your own with some help of mitra surya.
As far as I get it mitra surya will dance for us, is how the meek will inherit the earth. But until then, it is ours to dance; on the sharp edge of volition, the here and now.
vw:chaffest. Really...

democratix said...

Tip of the hat, you more than earned your wings, I see. Gogogo! I mean sitsitsit! You know what I mean: go get 'em! Your humaneness is elegantly balanced with an ever so slight tremor in the right arm (just joking ;-), I mean bias. I feel it too. Propably something to do with catching up on real history, and bypassing the FUD-mongers and their MSM show. Keep the balance, keep the focus (on knowing the cloud of not knowing), keep waking them (me!) up ( albeit mine was more like a slumber I napped into). Heartfelt thanks from one following you for some time (with recognition, admiration and wonder) from behind the electronic woodwork. I would have expressed my gratitude sometime earlier, but you know, it's like sometimes not reason enough to communicate to say thanks. It feels like there is nothing to say (what it really is). So along comes the time my limited judgment sees reasons to digress and so you get thanked in the end anyway.
Always welcome at our table, compadre and happy to meet you. Thumbs up for your new shangri-la. I'm trying to get something small like it going on here myself. Think global, act local. And grow your own with some help of mitra surya.
As far as I get it mitra surya will dance for us, is how the meek will inherit the earth. But until then, it is ours to dance; on the sharp edge of volition, the here and now.
Bit long, I know, but there you go.

TheSparkle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TheSparkle said...

kapoore: Thanks.

gurnybob: Thanks also. I have been wondering about DublinMick also.

Where are you DublinMick?

longjohn: howdy

Les: You want names? I'll give you names! You will have to cut and paste:

wv: inglyc : o how ironic

Anonymous said...

If you've read Koestler's work regarding the 13th tribe, you'll know this unctuous tribe has been pulling of dastardly shit for centuries. He even speculated the Khazars might be descended from Vikings. All I know is if you want to piss off a jew, call him a Khazar. They absolutely hate that. Because they know it strips away the anti semitism shield, just like 9-11. It's really unbelievable how many Hasbarats have infected every comment section on the web. They live for that shit. They fucked with the caliphate around 900ad, but weren't really involved with the Crusades. It's not really that the jews are being used by anyone, it's kinda like they've got so much money and deceptive skill that their interests merge with other WASP type psychopaths. Like that scumbag Pete Peterson teaming up with Kike Silverstein financing the WTC complex.

WTF is up with that born again bonehead clogging your comments dude? I'd show him the door.

Anonymous said...


Even though you disparage Christians and the Bible, I can tell you that as a Christian myself, when I first started reading your posts I was of the impression that you were a student of Bible prophecy. You are a real lover of truth and a child of God. I expect to meet you under the Tree of Life, as soon as we get past the little unpleasantness the Chosenites have planned for us. See Yah!

TheSparkle said...

democratix: Your rap is strong.

wv: troosten LOL! Yes. :)

Anonymous said...

In this, dimly detected by the small intellect I possess, is the religious, spiritual turn one, or many take in contemplation of Evil.

As if Evil were a baryonic substance either solid, liquid, gas or a plasma. Having some measurable parameter and then a place in the hierarchy of things.

This is false. Its anthropormorphism. Our desperate plea to bring order to our chaotic existence is often colored by the spiritual to portray our needless suffering or manipulation or enslavement as the projection of Evil and our adherence to some moral philosophy our only hope.

Genes don't know of the world we have created. Our frontal cortex is merely a better strategy of begetting these genes into the future. Madness or saneness are the same and so are good and evil.

What is Adi Amin compared to a Jesus? From a genetic point of view?

We say one is Evil and one is

Genes say both are successful evolutionary strategies and so are needed. If this were not so, then this Evil would not exist in a similar manner in that we don't see Homo Habilis stuck in traffic next to us.

Groups of Humans will be killed, enslaved and raped as part of Nature's plan. There is no escape from this. No hope.

So what is the use in portraying one as some beacon of reasonableness when we really live in a jungle still having never left.

What use in saying one group, or other is Good or Evil?

It doesn't compute. At least in a chemical, mathematical manner.

There is no such thing as Freedom. And any struggle for something that doesn't exist is enslavement, too.

All we have is choice - to sip from the bitter cup or not to. To have courage to say, I live in a chaotic world aswirl with competing Game Theory strategies and to accept my place in it. Or not to think this and live my life another way by thinking in anthropomorphic terms in a cowardly way hoping for relief and salavation from the storm outside and in the next existence where Truth, Justice and Freedom reign.

Your essential eliteration comes down to this.

For me, all the World is a stage and all the acts are vaneglorious. There is no hope, except perhaps that no one turns off the simulation or that my act ends too soon...

- strangepeade

Anonymous said...

OMG, I'm in love with you. This writing was exactly what I think about in one way or the other every day. Lies and truth mixed with lies and how the whole world must have a lie while they cast aside truth because it is too brutal? It's not brutal. Truth is life. And somehow those of us who love it are hated, cast aside,, throwaways. At first I thought it was my own family that was like this. I was certainly the black sheep there, and they all turned against me, my mother being the leader. How could this be? I tested the waterss outside trusting everyone thinking in my naivete that I was just unfortunate in my bloodline. I was wrong again. Long/short? I mainly stay to myself now until it gets so unbearable that I have to shout the lies out with the truth, knowing full well that they will make me suffer for it but the suffering is like it must feel as if one is a cutter, intent on feeling the pain and seeing the blood arise from the pain...yes, then the pain was worth something that I can see and feel that is truth. Anyway, I will keep reading you because I feel that perhaps you and I have something in common and I don't feel so alone when I read your words. Thanks.

Odin's Raven said...

Who Rules America? Here is an article from 2007, which is still very relevant.

"But as in the case of the relationships between Israel and the US, the Zionist Lobby calls the shots and its Wall Street acolytes acquiesce."

"Likely it will take a catastrophe, like a White House-backed Israeli nuclear attack on Iran to detonate the kind of crisis which will provoke a deep and widespread popular backlash of all things military, financial and made in Israel. "

gurnygob said...

I wish to address this to godsend.

It is a little long and won't let me post it in one go. i almost forgot about it after asking Les to post it for me which would have caused him a lot of work, so sorry for that Les.

As one who believes in Christ I sometimes get confused about other religions and how they fit, or don’t fit, into the teachings I have received. It would be all to easy to say that my version is the true and only version (which I am/was guilty of not so long ago) maybe I am a man of to minds which, apparently, is not a good thing. Maybe I am losing my faith which isn’t a good thing either.
My closest friend is worried about my soul. He is under the impression that I no longer believe in Christ. He couldn’t be farther from the truth. I try to explain to him that I want to experience Christ for myself and not rely entirely on teachings and other people’s versions of scripture. It’s not scripture in itself that causes problems for me but the way it has been interpreted and translated.

continued below

gurnygob said...

continued from above

Being Christian, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist or any mixture of the above won’t get anyone a ticket to ride through the golden gates on a fierier chariot with a victors crown on their heads. Love is the only way and maybe what Les and others who believe in reincarnation are saying is that without love/truth we will have to come back and keep repeating the life and death thing until we find what real love is.
Karma is said to be the good or bad resulting from the love or lack of it that we gave while in a previous life or something like that. I am not well versed in karma so you will have to excuse me but, in many ways it makes sense. Christ also said things like “you must be born again” and “as you sow so shall you reap” and so on.

Every one wants to believe that their faith religion is the right and only one (as I once did) but I am becoming more and more convinced that love is the only religion that matters.

So godsend, as a brother Christian of yours, I would beseech you to follow the Master Lover and not get hung-up on the tribe thingy. As Christ said to the good thief on the cross, “today you will be with me in paradise”. Perhaps the thief suddenly found out about LOVE and this is what saved him because as far as I recall he was not a baptised Christian.
Your in Christ

GodSend said...

OK - I admit it - the photo of me on my website is much better than my photo on this Blog. Nevertheless, it's not nearly as "square" as the photo of HistorysBunkBunkBunk. :) Speaking of photos, that photo of Les yowling at the moon in a Lord Krishna trance leaves a lot to be desired. He looked a lot cuter when he was 8 or so - maybe a touch "square", but we won't hold that against him now. But then, looking at all the blank, anonymous faces around here, at least we look human!

And now that I've addressed all the worthwhile issues that have been raised (including the crass abuse from those with an intellectual bent), I rest my case.

"Do not cast your pearls before swine" could be a valid criticism - but you never know who lurks in the underbrush. The grunting from many of those who commented, however, is coming across loud and clear! ;)

The Truth, indeed, is an Unwelcome Guest here! Lotsa Les visible fans, though!

Anonymous said...

Godsend, tell me, if I didn't accept Jesus, but am a good honest love giving, am I still going to hell?
I pity this small minded claim of yours, because FACT your belief always stem from your upbringing and your MOTHER faith not something you truly have found in you.
The most important for your soul to grow is to be true to your heart, feel for others and do not do to others what you would not like done to you.OK?

Todd said...


A heartfelt thank you to you and your employer. May the grace and peace of God be upon you.

Geno K. said...

to ericswan

The people I speak of are a false line of Jew, not true semite blood, who have employed usery since the beginning of mankind...Rense is full of Jews who get that distinction, but please tell me why these quotes amongst many similar are in the Talmud.

Sanhedrin 59a

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!

Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica)

The Feast of Tabernacles is the period when Israel triumphs over the other people of the world. That is why during this feast we seize the loulab and carry it as a trophy to show that we have conquered all other peoples, known as "populace"...

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b

When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

Resh Lakish said: He who is observant of fringes will be privileged to be served by two thousand eight hundred slaves, for it is said, Thus saith the Lord of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, etc.

Mas. Shabbath 31b

On the house of the Goy [Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging term for a non-Jew] one looks as on the fold of cattle.

Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII

When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.

true semite jews get this.

a jew named Benjamin Freedman in the wilson cabinet exposed this not me.

if you believe in fair trials you must believe in seeing ALL the evidence...

Geno K. said...

to ericswan

The people I speak of are a false line of Jew, not true semite blood, who have employed usery since the beginning of mankind...Rense is full of Jews who get that distinction, but please tell me why these quotes amongst many similar are in the Talmud.

Sanhedrin 59a

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.

Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them into pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, in this very moment!

Prayer said on the eve of Passover (Pranajtis: Christianus in Talmudae Judeorum, quotations from: Synagoga Judaica)

The Feast of Tabernacles is the period when Israel triumphs over the other people of the world. That is why during this feast we seize the loulab and carry it as a trophy to show that we have conquered all other peoples, known as "populace"...

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b

When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D

Resh Lakish said: He who is observant of fringes will be privileged to be served by two thousand eight hundred slaves, for it is said, Thus saith the Lord of hosts: In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations shall even take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, etc.

Mas. Shabbath 31b

On the house of the Goy [Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging term for a non-Jew] one looks as on the fold of cattle.

Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII

When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it.

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.

true semite jews get this.

a jew named Benjamin Freedman in the wilson cabinet exposed this not me.

if you believe in fair trials you must believe in seeing ALL the evidence...

Anonymous said...

Call what it is-- Exclusive Zionist Cult Once a jew holds a management judge ,mostly Jews are accepted before Gentiles. Take Univeristies--most professors and directors are Jewish. If your Jewish applying for med school---No matter how stupid--top of the list--Bingo!
Same in law shool/firms,government contracts, on and on.
No wonder Les's application was tossed in the waste bin :^(

ChewyBees said...

Thanks less for another great poem. I keep reading the contents of your blog and asking myself why I can't write and connect with people at this level. Then I have to remind myself it is because I haven't asked myself to, or given myself permission to do so. Still, you inspire in your own unique way, and it's good that it is so unique. Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

This is meant as a comment for Reflections: The Truth is an Unwelcome Guest. I hope you don't mind.
I can't figure out how to post in the new format at Reflections, since I don't blog, and LV's three sites are the only ones I send comments to.

Thank you for being the beacon of hope and guidance that you are in the gloom and mists of these difficult times.

Visible said...


After announcing the radio show and mentioning we would be on the air again and after all of James's work over the last six weeks his hard drvie crashed at the beginning of the show. So it goes.

Anonymous said...

It seems Godsend is the epitome of the pure evil which often dwells within organized religion - some more than others.

Really Godsend you represent everything I despise. Even your chosen name speaks volumes.

Religious beliefs and practices should be the right of the individual without being forced down ones throat. (Been a lot of forcing down throats and other orifices by representatives of certain religions - come to light of late.)

As someone once said: 'organized religion is the best excuse to murder people'.


Anonymous said...

Aha....Salvia or Aya - leads to the same places, so I climbed the vine, witnessed my TRUE self and was terrified - truly terrified and then broke through to love.

Where I was and what I witnessed -it wasnt christian, hindu, buddist, Jewish or any of those or any others - although all of these beliefs reference some aspects of this truth to some degree.

But it cannot be explained so well in words as no words exist that describe this.

When one experiences these/truths it is said that it will either "set you free or make you crazy" - I was insane for a while and then I became somewhat free, with insanity knocking on the door on occasion - due to the vast difference between this world and that world - that world not really comprehensible within the territory of human psychology.

I ramble. Good on you Les.

A better understanding of the truth of this world/reality does not mean one will understand the wider reality of all that is.

God Send - and for all others that claim their God is the true God are operating within the territory of human psychology, and whilst that understanding may expand and contract leading to more understanding - it is still only human.

Sublime Alchemist

Visible said...

Sublime Alchemist

About six years ago I got some Salvia. It comes in various strengths. I got some of the 5X and 10X along with the regular dried leaf. I do not recommend the stronger potencies for anyone. I am as seasoned an inner traveler, with substances, as anyone on the planet but I want to tell you that the 10X is past DMT for strength and it is a raw thing... 'unbuffered' shall we say?

I smoked a big hit of the 10X. That was just one intake, not a pipe load and it started to come on and it kept coming and I was freaking a tad because of the power. Since I have an activated kundalini it went right for it and started doing the lightening bolt thing on the spine. I was staying in our downstairs apartment at the time and had to jump up and run outside where I was forced to dance a jog for several minutes on the lawn. I had no choice.

I can't imagine how it looked but it would have been amusing I think. I went into a series of martial arts katas following so as to give the appearance that I had just been warming up for that (grin). Me self conscious? heh heh, never.

I've eaten whole pages of very strong LSD (hundred hits) and done more than a quarter of an ounce of mushrooms at a time but this was something else. It was raw and primal and had no regard for me... heh heh.

So I add this as a caution. Smoking the normal leaf is fine and can be illuminating as it is like pot with psychedelic properties of great introspection.

Visible said...

Last night's radio show is now available for download. It didn't go on the air because of a glitch. Use the link at the bottom of this post to get it.

Origen the heretic said...

Another great post Les, but I would have added two words to the title -- "Anywhere, Anytime". I like the new background for the web page. Unfortunately, I failed the Rorschach test. BTW, thanks for the link to the 2012 movie. There was some good information there even if I didn't buy all of it.

Recently, I asked these questions in a comment, "Where does this handle Godsend come from? Is this a case of religious megalomania?" I think I've been answered in the affirmative. Ask, and you shall be answered. And truly, thanks Les for letting him post here. I need a little laugh now and then in these dark days.

I think we'll all be surprised (most of us pleasantly) when we make it to the other side.

Rev. John

Anonymous said...

Thanks Les. I hear you.

To sort with the cacophonies; your words allow me a measured breath.



"You must not think me necessarily foolish because I am facetious, nor will I consider you necessarily wise because you are grave."

- Sydney Smith

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

please forgive my impertinence
but i'm sure your aware

we must forswear the use
of any 'special powers'

[of perception i presume]

no one gets there
without all the rest

that's gonna
take some time

we'll meet up yet
certain of that

Anonymous said...

"Truth needs no defense"

The clarity of your articles is proof of divine connection.

Thanks once again for sharing your light, Les.


Regarding naming names (mind, I'm fairly sure 'they' are going to self-destruct anyway through DNA mismatch) I think I mentioned the three authors that, IMV, got it right (Carr,Mullins,Springmeier) - guess it's up to those who feel strongly enough to trace the subsequent 60 years to support Springmeier?



Anonymous said...

Orthodox Jews are opposed to Ashkenazi-Jews, Kazarh-Jews(from the Kingdom Khazaria) or Zionists. The Orthodox Jews in New York state that Israel is a Sinagogue of Satan. It might seem that Zionists run the NWO, ,I believe that they are obedient to one or two higher levels.

GodSends Christians always seem to think that they go to heaven and that the Bible is the word of God.(fabricated by mortal humans)
Since the beginning of Kali-Yuga, 5000 yrs. ago, it is stated in the Bagavad Ghita that in Kali-Yuga there are no Priests anymore and everybody is from the Lowest Sudra class. Jesus got that right.


Josh said...

I have no doubts that marijuana has properties of introspection as I used to abuse it and smoke it daily for years. I also have tried shrooms, ecstasy, and LSD. Yes I have done cocaine as well. I do believe that these psychedelic drugs can be mind-expanding and can allow access to other realms. I also think that they can make you susceptible to certain dangers, metaphysically speaking, as well as the physical dangers. So my advice (which no one asked for LOL) is to weigh your situation carefully before you make your decisions. I have a point to these ramblings. My observation is this. I know that these psychedelic drugs can be a positive spiritual tool, but it seems to me that it takes something more, something else, for people to "wake up". I know people who have smoked massive amounts of marijuana and still smoke it constantly. Also have known folks who have taken fairly good-sized amounts of LSD and shrooms too, along with smoking the wacky weed almost daily (only time we didn't smoke it was when we couldn't get our hands on it LOL!) People everywhere smoke marijuana daily. All types of drugs are rampant in U.S. culture. But these same people are also still hip deep in materialism and sexuality taken to their excess. All of this at the cost of spirituality and a deeper fellowship. Like Les says, "I don't know", I'm just on the outside looking in, so I don't mean to come across too harsh, these are just my observations. If all it took was a few doses of psychedelic drugs for everyone to "wake up", well many people would already be awake and the world would be different. But that doesn't happen. Like I said, many people don't seem to change much and they are still immersed in the lower desires and nature. This tells me that psychedelic drugs are just a helpful tool, that it takes something more, something from the inner spirit for a person to begin walking a different path. Just some observations here on how many people take these kinds of drugs but afterwards still have little interest in the spiritual or the truth of the wider world, they are still "asleep".
Grey Owl (formerly known as Bearwalk7)

GodSend said...


I'm very sorry to hear that you've "thrown in the towel" on Jesus and decided to start your own religion instead - like so many others! You sound like an Ecumenist.

"No one comes to the Father except through me."

Jesus the Christ is the ONLY "Door" to Heaven! If that were not true, there was no reason for Him to have come here to die on the Cross for those who believe in Him. Capiche?

Jesus the Christ is incompatible with Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, Lord Buddha and ANY other "Lord" you care to mention. That is the Divine Law, not mine. Accept it - or pay the consequences of rejecting it (which are clearly spelled out in God's Word). When those who rejected Jesus the Christ in favor of some other "Lord" appear before the Great White Throne for Judgment, they will have "NO EXCUSE". There will be no Lord Shiva or Lord Krishna or any other "Lord" around to save their sorry butt!

Anonymous said...

"Just like Lord Jesus Christ. He was so badly treated and still he was thinking, “Father, they do not know what they are doing. Please excuse.” This is suhrdah. He is praying to God This is sadhu, mahatma. Suhrdah prasanta. Not that… In India there are examples like Haridasa Thakura, Prahlada Maharaja. And the Western countries also, Lord Jesus Christ, he is saktyavesa-avatara, God’s son. And he tolerated so much. These are the examples of mahatma. Don’t misunderstand that we are preaching that mahatmas are only in India. No. By the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there are mahatmas even amongst the birds, even amongst the beasts, even amongst the lower than animals. Because this Krsna (God) consciousness movement is going on in different places, in different circumstances."( Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5.3 –vrndavana Oct 25, 1976)

Brian said...

Hi Les,

Salvia is amazing.....I had some 50X and I did it three times, each time was stronger and over the top. I couldn't do it again and eventually someone stole it from me......hope they smoked it and learned not to

In my opinion, ALL religions are just prisons for the mind. All of them. AND they were all created by the bloodline elites for that very reason. They use fear to push us in the directions they want OR to confuse us and pit us against each other. Religion needs to go.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post Les.
Hoo haa!


VW: 'press'
"The press can stop printing because nobody will any longer buy or believe what the the zio-media tries to pass off as news."

P.S. The truth about 9/11 - and therefore about the world - burns strongly in my mind.

Dion said...

Les, As I search for truth in my own sloppy way, I was hoping you could shed light on your general feelings toward two people that interest me, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and George Kavassalis. Any feedback would be welcomed.

Anonymous said...

Les I love ya.

"or, maybe it’s just that everyone who wants to present the truth in some way is a threat to them eventually, indirectly or directly"

This is the case.

Youre correct, people do support truth when it seems to react or have interplay with their life. It must be hard to be the force which in human form does this to people, but you handle it well. I think youre still fighting the " being alone" thing when truth is your most loved friend. What do I know?

Love Your Life

gurnygob said...

Godsend I don't know where you got the idea I was throwing in the towel with Jesus. I am having some trouble getting my comment up and from what I can see only half of it appeared so I will try again. You should read it again for clarification.

As one who believes in Christ I sometimes get confused about other religions and how they fit, or don’t fit, into the teachings I have received. It would be all to easy to say that my version is the true and only version (which I am/was guilty of not so long ago) maybe I am a man of to minds which, apparently, is not a good thing. Maybe I am losing my faith which isn’t a good thing either.
My closest friend is worried about my soul. He is under the impression that I no longer believe in Christ. He couldn’t be farther from the truth. I try to explain to him that I want to experience Christ for myself and not rely entirely on teachings and other people’s versions of scripture. It’s not scripture in itself that causes problems for me but the way it has been interpreted and translated.

For better or worse I have decided to throw my lot in with Christ despite what other religions or people believe or do not believe. This is something I am willing to take to my grave without any fear. The thing that worries me about my faith religion and Christianity in particular are the people who profess Christ and then come off with statements like “let’s burn a Qur'an”. How do they square the two? Christ was about love and if he ever showed anything contrary to it then it was towards the religious establishment of the day and their interpretation of God/Truth. What would Jesus say of today’s religious leaders be they Christian, Jewish, Islamic or whatever? Coming here has opened my eyes somewhat to other faiths and although I may not agree with many of the things I hear, it doesn’t mean my view is right and all the rest are wrong. Christ made some seemingly controversial statements that have been manipulated and turned and twisted to suit certain agendas at certain times and I believe that sincere Christians and others not of the Christian faith are becoming mindful of that fact. One example could be explained thus. Jesus saith to him: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no man cometh to the Father, but by me”.
Where in this statement does it say that unless you become a Catholic or Christian you can not have Christ or love Christ and so therefore you are exclude from the Father? Christianity is a tag. For the most part it is a meaningless tag. People in my country call themselves Christian/protestants or catholic and it means little else other than the tribe they belong too which somehow gives them the right to go in to the other tribe’s territory and knock the shit out of them. The whole concept of Christianity has been turned on its head. Real Christianity is about love. Maybe what Christ was saying was; if you don’t love you can have no part in my Father’s kingdom.

continued below

gurnygob said...

continued from above

I AM THE “WAY” = love. I AM THE “TRUTH” = love. I AM THE “LIFE” = love.

In other words……. the “way” to the father is love because god is love made manifest in creation. Love is “truth” because untruth has no place in real love. Love is “life” because un-love leads, not to life but hate and death as has been proved by the many wars, past and present, brought about by men with no love of Christ or neighbour.

Being Christian, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist or any mixture of the above won’t get anyone a ticket to ride through the golden gates on a fierier chariot with a victors crown on their heads. Love is the only way and maybe what Les and others who believe in reincarnation are saying is that without love/truth we will have to come back and keep repeating the life and death thing until we find what real love is.
Karma is said to be the good or bad resulting from the love or lack of it that we gave while in a previous life or something like that. I am not well versed in karma so you will have to excuse me but, in many ways it makes sense. Christ also said things like “you must be born again” and “as you sow so shall you reap” and so on.

Every one wants to believe that their faith religion is the right and only one (as I once did) but I am becoming more and more convinced that love is the only religion that matters.

So godsend, as a brother Christian of yours, I would beseech you to follow the Master Lover and not get hung-up on the tribe thingy. As Christ said to the good thief on the cross, “today you will be with me in paradise”. Perhaps the thief suddenly found out about LOVE and this is what saved him because as far as I recall he was not a baptised Christian.
Your in Christ

Anonymous said...

Jesus dying on the cross to save millions from their sins has got to be the most twisted, distorted, gross lie ever told. Who in their right mind could think God is a loving, just God if he sent his only son to earth to suffer abuse and torture at the hands of those who will be forgiven for doing so, if they just believe and ask?? What a croc! Sick, sick, sick. No wonder the priests and ministers chastise everyone who question. They know it's all full of crap. But hey, it brings in the money and children to abuse, so carry on.

wv: sannesin ..... it is a sannesin to believe in a great white god sitting on a great white throne.

bholanath said...

@Dion -
Unsolicited advice:
Google nirmalya devi cult/sahaja yoga cult
I had to do a rescue op for a good friend back in the 80s. Bad shit. Mind control. Stay away.
"Worship leader, give money" - the usual.

Frog said...

Speaking of lies and Israhell. Anyone have any comments on these two links:

This is the Atlantic article written by a CFR Jewish guy who claims that Fidel Castro invited him over and fawned over how mistreated the Jews are worldwide.
Castro? The man who booted the Jewish (mostly) mafia from Cuba?

What is the point of this disinformation?

These things usually have a point, a focus, I just don't see it though. Has Fidel lost his mind? Been bought? Is this just a lie?

Anyone who has ideas, post them, I'm curious to hear.

Anonymous said...

Hey Les Visible, was your name inspired by the blue oyster cult story of Imaginos? (les invisible)

Buzzsawdkilla asks.

GodSend said...


It's painfully obvious that you are CLUELESS about what it means to be a follower of Jesus the Christ. You persist in making up your own religion. You are NOT my "brother in Christ" by any stretch of the imagination - or Holy Scripture, no matter how often or loudly you say it! You see, it's like this: You MUST come to the Cross of Christ and humbly ask for forgiveness of your sins through the redeeming power of His shed blood! Jesus the Christ is a (Divine) Person (God) - not just some abstract concept of "love". He is the Son of God (the Father).

"There is no other name by which we must (or can) be saved"

Spouting love in every direction (and even practicing it) is NOT ENOUGH FOR SALVATION!

Read Holy Scripture! (you either forgot the main parts or never read it and understood it). Read T. Austin-Sparks and that will help a lot to understand the meaning of Holy Scripture.

You are a confused puppy! (at best).

Visible said...

Name came on the eve of a big gig and prior to recording the quatro of Zappa like rock and roll. Seems to be based on the concept that no one ever knows where I am.

GodSend said...

God is Love, Light, Holy and Spirit. The attributes of color, gender and other sensory attributes are meaningless and distorting. God is also Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Our human faculties are hopelessly inadequate to render an accurate description of God.

The concept of "Perfect Father" (not gender-related but function-related) probably comes closest to an understanding of His changeless nature.

"Freunde, überm Sternenzelt muß ein lieber Vater wohnen...". How does He feel about humanity? (Yes, He does feel, laugh, etc.)

"For God SO loved the world (us) that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus the Christ), so that all those who believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life"

Rael Dael said...


Have you ever read Romans 2:14-16?

Rom 2:14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
Rom 2:15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
Rom 2:16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

What that says to me is that as long as a person sincerely follows all the truth that he/she knows God makes up the difference. Jesus provided the means of salvation. We receive it by submitting to the Spirit of God. So if a person of another religion or even no religion rejects Christ in ignorance he can still be okay with God.
Are we to accept that billions of people will be lost because lazy Christians failed too share Christ with them? That's not the kind of God I serve.

Visible said...

People, discoursing with this self involved travesty of a human being accomplishes nothing. He quotes, "love and life" and is nothing of either. This is all a self-celebratory thing to draw attention to himself as a spokesman for something he knows nothing of. I let him post because it is important for him to have a podium to play the fool on. At his own site he gets no response at all and that is fitting.

He's a viper like Lukiftian but where the named is a psychopath, Godsend is just a self aggrandizing fool. He's living proof that a fool's paradise is a wise-man's hell.

GodSend said...

Rael Dael

The Word of God says that the way to God is narrow and difficult and that "...there are few who find it". Some of those who find it choose not to travel on it because it is so difficult! What does that tell us about how many will be saved?

The Law (of the OT) may be written in men's hearts and they may live moral and ethical lives BUT God requires SINLESS sons and daughters. They can only be made sinless by the purifying power of Christ's shed blood. Would God condemn His only begotten Son to the Cross and death if it were not MANDATORY for salvation? If He did, that would make Him a Sadist. We KNOW that God is not a Sadist and that Christ's suffering, death and resurrection from the Cross was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY!

How many millions or billions or trillions will make it into Heaven is none of our business. Our business is working out our own salvation, fulfilling the Great Commission and doing His will.

Thinking that you know better than God and that you can improve upon His Divine Order is the height of spiritual arrogance. That arrogance is Satanic in nature!

Les - eat some mushrooms, swallow a bottle of Selvia 100X and get thee hence. Don't forget to take your kunilinga, linguine and other Luciferian weird karma with you to Nirvana. Have a blast (off)!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Les, you really know how to hit the nail on the head...We are all stardust and nobody is less than anybody else...Terrance

Visible said...

Godsend... I think you need a breather. The mocking shit and willful distortion of information is emblematic of your whole act. You are the one working for the devil and exhibiting his known characteristics at the same time. There's nothing sinless about your time spent here. The whole armor of God is not the same as the suit of plastic you bought to wear for your Halloween religion. Take some legal pharmaceuticals and tell Jesus I said he needs to police his false prophets.

estebanfolsom said...


jesus and krishna
and buddha
and mohammed

sit down for a
little saturday
night poker

[i'm seeing
vegi snacks
and n a bevi's]

so what the hell
they gonna talk about ?

i'm thinking
maybe world peace

each individual's
trouble to cease


but no - their talking
'bout the ball game

Visible said...


You have to listen more carefully. What he said was "ball and chain game". I know clairaudience can be spotty but that's a big difference, no?

estebanfolsom said...

yes les
one of my favorites:

when a pickpocket
meets a saint

all's he sees
are pockets
then i got to

saints ain't
got no pockets

as they
have no need


on another note
i believe

ego is the
illusion we
stop and start
at our skin

but there
is a cure

Anonymous said...

Les I tried to post this as comment Monday 13th SM...gremlins in the works...reminded me of the sadness I felt when they hanged Saddam...Jean. "Yes, esteemed ladies and gentlemen, your government deceived you, and you, or rather most of you, had no chance to inquire of themselves or of others in order to discover the truth because the Zionists in the lobby who advocated the war together with some of the centers of power were deceiving you and tricking you, hiding from your eyes the real truth, exchanging the facts for falsified and slanted information. ..." His letter is continued at:

Saddam Hussein,

President of the Republic of Iraq and Commander in Chief of the Mujahid Armed Forces.

7 July 2006.

[Appended to the letter was a selection of poetry by Saddam Hussein dealing with the homeland, invasion and the struggle for liberation]

Jean B.

Anonymous said...

"Thank you Les, you really know how to hit the nail on the head...We are all stardust and nobody is less than anybody else...Terrance"

Yep, and the "we" includes ALL the other animal species as well.

Spirit souls all.

Anonymous said...

"Thinking that you know better than God"

Godsend, isn't this what you do?

What possesses you that you think you know better than God?
Why do you on one hand declare God omniscient, omnipotent, etc., and then on the other hand deny God the will to do and be anything He wishes? Why do you pronounce God formless, companionless, etc.,

"The attributes of color, gender and other sensory attributes are meaningless and distorting."

Why, if He so wishes can't He display a million forms, a billion colors, play the flute, tend the cows and do anything else He so chooses?

Or does God have to check with you first?
You know, make sure He's following your rules..

Your kingdom of God must be an incredibly lonely and sparsely populated place.

Let's see; Godsend and three or four others. Maybe.
Not even enough for a good card game.

Visible said...

I'm afraid i had to cut off the satanist who is calling himself Godsend. He's starting becoming extraordinarily vicious, cursing and imprecating to beat the band. I can't really allow a person posing as a Christian to post on my sites in this manner. I realize his need for a readership because he has none at his site but this kind of behavior is just the kind of thing the dark forces use to drive the unwitting away from the divine.

Visible said...

Promises, promises. I hope you're sincere about that because nothing would please me more than to have you heard off to new razor wire pastures.

Visible said...

I thought for sure when I linked that old article about the poetry of Saddam Hussein that everyone would get the satire but it is becoming increasingly apparent that some people believe every word.

People, I make the odd jokes here and though I am moved that you believe whatever I say (grin), I am not always to be taken literally.

gurnygob said...

godsend said

BUT God requires SINLESS sons and daughters.

I suppose that counts you out godsend or do you claim to be sinless?

did you bar him for good Les?

Visible said...

There's a new Visible Origami up now-

Moonwalking into the Dimensional Shift.

Visible said...

Well, at the moment he is cursing me and sending me to Hell. He's telling me that it is the word of truth that I can't bear and other less pleasant things. He's like a bi-polar nut job. He can be human and inoffensive mostly but slowly and sometimes not so slowly he turns into a gargoyle and starts saying really evil and nasty things and I don't want that on here because he then takes over with his negativity and thinks he's the center of attention and that works for him. People rise up and tell him what an uninformed little shit he is but he just figures that makes him like the persecuted Christ and he wallows in it. I don't ever ban anyone forever the same way I don't send people to Hell although I would make exceptions for BP and Monsanto but they are going there anyway so it doesn't rely on me.

For the sake of harmony here, NotGodSend has to go cool his jets in the obscurity of his own world and leave off with the bright lights of this one (grin) because he can't handle it.

Steve S. said...

Publish this or not as you wish, although it's more of a personal letter. Please don't publish my email address, though. Used to be public but ran afoul of those for whom murder is not so much a moral question as it is an item on a to do list. Chickens of the world unite.

Love your sites. Love you. Love your courage. Love the way you approach actual lucidity in your (or my) better moments. It's a miracle you are alive. But, then, it's a miracle any of us are alive.

I think you a tad short sighted on Israel. Yes. They are evil bastards who do the things you so eloquently say; but that is like blaming the soldier shooting you for the war. Got no proof but do have evidence. Let me ask you, who started Israel? Jews? uh uh. English. Drew the line at the Suez Canal once again making the world safe for fascism.

I am interested in Shangri La....somewhere. Have tried and failed before, mostly foundering on the traditional beds of egoism, jingoism, unbridled power lust, sexual perversions....the usual suspects. This has made me VERY picky about my life companions.
Mostly I have lived as a mystic but do have certain limited skills such as farming, first aid, equanimity, music, cooking, hunting, trapping, carpentry, etc...not enough to be anybody's superman or savior but enough not to be a drain on any community I am part of. Also have a good amount of tools, dried food, money, first aid supplies, ammunition, etc. Somehow I don't think crouching in a hole with a mountain of supplies is all that useful, though.

Like you, I do believe that kick ass force approaches to wash us all in the sweet mercy of absolute justice and I'd rather be rolling down the river than crouching in the bunker when he/it arrives.

Some where or when I'd love a skin and grin session with y'all. If nothing else we could strum a chord and sing.

Visible said...

New Smoking Mirrors-

Time for that Old Time False Flag Redux.

Visible said...

There's a new Visible Origami up-

When You're Cool the Sun is Always Shining.



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