Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Who’s really behind the pending Koran burning? I don’t mean the stupid idea, which is only one of many floating around, looking for morons to express themselves through. I’m talking about who has made it a cause celebre and brought it to the attention of the people it intends to arouse and make angry enough to react with explosive violence in many parts of the world? Well, who owns the media that is forcing the issue into the minds of those being stoked to rage?
One of the principal reasons for this is to take the attention away from the ever growing awareness that Israel was behind 9/11. This is surfacing all over the place and one 9/11 truth site is raising money to pay for television commercials, whose intent is to draw attention to what happened to WTC 7 and it’s controlled demolition. It’s not much of a step from the controlled demolition idea to who was involved in it. The fingerprints of powerful, dual national, neo-cons are all over the 9/11 gambit, from PNAC on into the present day and no one has benefited more from the deception than has Israel. These are the same people who lobbied for the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq and are presently seeking to engage the U.S. in attacking Iran. No Israeli is probably more involved in the matter than Ehud Barack and Nitwityahoo is right up alongside him, with Dov Zackheim and Larry Silverstein. On a supporting level you have Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearle, Douglas Feith, Michael Ledeen, William Kristol and a handful of others.
Granted I could be wrong about my pecking order here and have left out significant players. I left out Cheney because he’s not a dual national, neo-con. Yes, I could be wrong but not by much. We know who these reptiles are and it’s becoming more and more visible to the wider world. On a peripheral level you can see Israel scrambling to avoid this scrutiny and no doubt they are putting the finishing touches on the most important false flag which they have ever been the author of, in order to swing the nation and the world’s attention to a conflict with Iran. Their survival depends on it because the truth is coming out and everything they do only accelerates its appearance.
The Koran burnings are not going to work on Israel’s behalf however. Nothing is going to work on Israel’s behalf anymore, not in the time of the apocalypse. Everything that happens now is going to run counter to the best interests of Israel, because Israel’s time is at hand and it is not going to be very long before Israel’s demise becomes a fait accompli to the eyes of the world. Like a mad dog in the last stages of hydrophobia, Israel is a dangerous creature and you don’t want to get bit by her. At the same time, the hours of the dog’s life are numbered and there is no cure that can be applied at this stage.
The next weekend after the one coming marks a critical time for Israel. There are a whole lot of negative forces arrayed against her well being and we can only hope that they get blown through some Voice of the Theater speakers with a massive Crown amp powering them.
I’ve talked a lot about this waiting/constipation scenario that we have been in for some months now. The whole world is living on borrowed time in a suspended fugue state. Linchpins and dominos are trembling in the virtual world as the real ground shakes beneath their precarious purchase. We are in the state of nervous normal, while the unheeding masses go about their mindless business. Most of them can’t find anything on a map. They don’t know who the Vice President is (neither does he). They don’t know who’s in charge of what anywhere. It is unbelievable what they do not know and still manage to operate in the ignorance of. It’s Jay Walk on steroids. You can see a lot more of this kind of thing in the menu to the right on the same page. If you haven’t seen this before or only a few times, I recommend you watch a few of them and remember that most of these are pretty old and people are a great deal stupider now. If there were a dial that measured the change in degrees you could actually see it moving. I am not kidding here.
The greatest acceleration of stupidity took place during the reign of George the Stupid and that is because life is ironic and mirrors its own conditions because its conditions are a reflection of the state of contemporary consciousness. Whatever the state of the collective mind, it is reflected in the conditions that are extant in that time. It’s some kind of a law, which makes sense without too much analysis. I might point out that there are a lot of laws of Nature which we do not understand but accept as being so. You might want to think about that.
Another law of Nature, at least I think it is one, is that the state of relative stupidity is relative to the possibility of world crisis and the opportunity for liberation from the ignorance which is bringing it about. This is to say that whenever there is a massive whirlpool that sucks down everything in reach, there is also a metaphysical tornado that sucks everything up which is not caught in the force of the whirlpool to a greater degree than the pull of the tornado. This is the case at this very moment.
There are a lot of laws you can see in operation all around you, which are invisible due to the veil of ignorance that surrounds them. For instance, if someone is a jerk they cannot see it. If someone is in danger due to a lack of awareness, they are not aware of it. If someone is defending a form of personal behavior, they cannot identity with any argument to the contrary, because their argument is self identifying and anything to the contrary negates their existence as it presently stands.
For years, I would find myself in situations where people would tell me about some problem that was troubling them, or a condition they were trying to extricate themselves from. I could look at it and usually give them the solution. They would agree that it was a workable solution but they would not employ it. This puzzled me for some time until I realized that it was they who were the problem and in order to solve it they had to cease being who they are. This is a kind of death, which is consonant with liberation but which cannot be seen as anything but death to those attached to the idea of who they think they are. This is the explanation of Karma and the need to go through certain painful experiences to free oneself from the ignorance which caused it. Should you be able to free yourself in advance, this karma can, in many cases, be neutralized.
All of these things apply to Israel and because Israel is so very wrong about so many things and so very violent in defense of them and because its very existence is based on lies and because these lies justified the theft of the land from the people who legally and morally possessed it, there is no way that Israel can avoid a terrible judgment and because it is based on lies there is no foundation of defense it can use against its inescapable destiny of destruction. This is especially true in a time when one age is passing and another is coming into being. All that Israel is and the entirety of its false history of the last so many thousand years is being exposed, summed up and resolved in this time. All that the residents and their ancestors have been engaged in, is being brought before the eyes of the world as an example and a teaching vehicle for humanity. This is the case collectively and individually with all of us and... it is really important for each of us to ask ourselves if we are more deeply engaged in the current of the whirlpool or the current of the tornado. It is also useful to consider whether you are magnetized in your relationships to those inclined toward the whirlpool or the tornado.
Those whose vile behavior and agenda have caused this whirlpool are the ones who will be sucked most deeply into the pit and Israel is chief among the nations in this regard as are her Zionist criminal representatives and stooges the world over.
We are in this waiting/constipation period and it cannot go on for much longer. When it changes it will affect everything, everywhere. Currency will go wild. Food will suddenly skyrocket in prices and shortages will bloom everywhere like poisonous flowers that seemed to spring out of no where. Fuel costs will go through the roof and the whole economy that depends of fuel will be affected at every level. It will happen overnight.
Many people will be asking themselves, “What was I doing when I could have been getting ready”? “Why didn’t I see this coming”? “What am I going to do now”? There will be a lot of questions with a great many fewer answers than there were. I’ve put my Italian property into the flow for the few and those qualified who are first to take advantage and I have access to and information concerning a great many communities, which are seeking people to share their dream. You might want to think about this kind of thing for yourself. There’s something somewhere near anywhere you may be. I hope to see you in one of these places, in my mind or in real time. Good fortune to you.
End Transmission.......
A studio version of 'Peace' is track no. 4 of 10 on Visible's eponymous
'Les Visible' Music Album
Lyrics (pops up)

They have shut down the comments page for parts of the planet and they have closed off my email at google. If you want to comment (and can't) please send them to and I will post them in the morning.
The New Shangri-La.
Petri Dish Mirror.
If you are having problems commenting then email me your comments-
testing.... It is amazing that people used do math without a calculator..... Now they can't even think for themselves.
speakin' of sucking...
boy oh.. it was a fun day in the north 40 ystrdy... 3 tornados very close by.. one in dwntwn dallas, and the same cell went right over our heads less than 30mins later..
it was kind of like that dream i mentioned the other day.. except all of us were home. :)
Up until six months ago, I was the sort of person who had taken the
time to do the research and thereby discover the hidden truth, or at
least some of it, but would not risk sharing the truth with others on
the internet. I would join chat rooms and post my thoughts, but
instead of laying it on the line, would dance around the truth for
fear of leading the wolves to my door. I had a family to protect, I
told myself, and believed it entitled me to a get out of danger free
card, that someone else, someone single, would pick up the slack.
We moved to northwest Arizona from Irvine, California, on 11/2/99 in
order to outrun Y2K. We bought a lot of food when we got there, much
of which expired unconsumed. I landed a gig as a features writer for
the Colorado River Weekender and the Laughlin Entertainer while my
wife home schooled our two children. We noticed many things, because
our perceptions (for some reason) had never been properly blunted like
so many others around us, although we had long since tossed our TV
into a dumpster. We were able to notice things that others couldn’t or
refused to see.
We first noticed chemtrails in December before the new millenium; you
couldn’t miss them they were so thick and geometrical: checkerboard
squares, equilateral triangles, parallel lines with a slash running
through them, whatever. Our eyes burned like hell, our glands ached,
throats on fire, all the while bumping into furniture from vertigo.
These were only some of the symptoms from above. Just for the fun of
it, I would occasionally hand a coworker a silver round in order to
watch their eyes glaze over. On really bad spray days I would shut the
office doors and turn on the fans to move the poisoned air. Of course,
my behavior began to raise eyebrows.
We bought a house with the help of the sale of gold call options I had
purchased while the metal was still sleeping at $252/oz. Around July
2001 I bought some silver call options on the cheap and waited for the
other shoe to drop. In late August the rumor mill had it that the
Comex had backed itself into a corner, and that a short squeeze was
imminent. We know ostensibly what happened on 9/11, that a couple of
tall buildings in New York had fallen down. Few people know that the
Comex also went down with the World Trade Center, and that the markets
were shut down for many days in succession. When they finally reopened
the world had “moved on” and my call options had expired worthless.
Overnight, Bullhead City sprouted flags. Flags adorned every car
antennae and every street light. Someone even plastered one on my
garage door.
By January 2003 I knew my upward climb with News West Publishing had
hit a wall, because there was just something about me that pissed them
off. As a reporter, I refused to return Masonic handshakes, sealing my
fate one grip at a time. They wouldn’t fire me, never think it, it’s
not their way. If you wish to know how they do it, you would have to
read “Riders of the Purple Sage,” paying close attention to what
happened to Jane Withersteen. But I am not Lassiter, and so I bowed
out with all the grace I could muster. Fortunately for us (or was it
really), there were openings for teachers where we lived along the
Colorado River. So when I “retired,” Renee assumed the position,
teaching fourth grade to the Mohave Valley Elementary Scorpions, where
she spent the next six years.
At the beginning of her third year teaching, Renee became ill. She
taught in the midst of the Aha Macav Reservation, where pesticide crop
spraying went on daily. The unfortunate people who lived in Mohave
Valley had long since lost most of their teeth, their skin dry and
cracked, and you never knew how old anyone really was. Bear in mind,
the climate in this part of the world was not as I remembered it from
childhood, when humidity was unknown, clear blue skies prevailed, and
the summer temperatures never exceeded 110 degrees except on rare
occasions. This was back when there were still fish in the river and
nearby Lake Mohave. But my remembered paradise was replaced by a
six-month summer, 130-degree temperature, 80 percent humidity
hellhole. But the snowbirds liked it fine in the winter, near
hurricane force winds and all, and you had to wonder how bad it was
wherever they had come from.
Each morning, Renee dragged herself to work, then came home and went
to bed. I wanted to get us out of there, but I couldn’t budge her. It
was our house she couldn’t give up, the only one she ever had. And so
I spent the next three years researching all known maladies, paying
close attention to emerging diseases. I put her on a vast array of
natural vitamins, food grade hydrogen peroxide, sodium bicarbonate,
raw unfiltered honey, raw apple cider vinegar, vitamin B-17, colloidal
silver, frequency generators, blood electrifiers, and magnetic pulse
generators. But nothing could touch whatever she had.
Strange things began appearing on her skin, and a low-pitched hum in
her head kept her awake at night. Although she did purge large
quantities of parasites, they never stopped proliferating. Her hair
fell out, replaced by wiry filaments that had no business sprouting
from her scalp. Her sores never healed, and they glowed with a
translucence in loud colors like lemon yellow, lime green and orange
orange. The scabs were shaped in straight lines forming various
geometric patterns. Electric impulses began surging through her nerves
like small electric shocks, and something in her jaw began to vibrate.
Sometimes her leg would shake, other times her arm.
I cannot describe in words what it is like to observe this in the one
you love, and I cannot imagine how it must have been for her, an
unwitting lab rat in some mad scientist’s ongoing experiment. We
couldn’t take her to an MD, because doctors refute the existence of
what she had (Morgellons), and would in some instances label the
patient delusional and call for the CPS. We were on our own.
Renee succumbed finally on March 6, 2010, at 1:30 pm. in Alpine,
California. An ambulance came, accompanied by four sheriff’s deputies,
one grief counselor and a stone-faced coroner. Two of the deputies
(one good, one bad) peppered me with questions for about 30 minutes,
and during the barrage, my adult son blurted out the “M” word, and I
knew we were in for a long afternoon. Meanwhile, my beloved wife lay
dead not 20 feet away. I wanted to say goodbye, if these a$$holes
would ever let up. Four hours later the caravan left with my wife’s
After my wife departed, I lost my fear of death or reprisal. Playing
it safe didn’t help her in the slightest, and I now know that the only
answer is to lay it all on the line, for better or worse. That half
measures avail us nothing, and that if there was ever a time to speak
your truth, the time is now or never. I try to imagine living in this
apocalyptic world without her in it, and when I peer into the future,
I don’t see anything at all. I don’t pretend to know what this means,
but I do know I will never be cowed again. What I want the reader to
understand is what T.S. Eliot wrote in “The Wasteland,” “Hurry up,
please, it’s time.“ Because what happened to my wife is waiting for
each of us, biding its time in the air we breath, the water we drink
and the food we eat. If you think you are safe while in your home,
that Armageddon is something happening out there and far away, think
Okay dear readers. They are really jamming me up and they have shut down my gmail as well so your comments are not coming in that way either. Please send your comments to
They don't control that from the same end.
Sorry about your inconvenience.
Viva visible,
Viva Palestine,
And Viva all men of conscience,
Our time is now!
You know who you are....
Seems as though there are elements trying hard to create racial tensions all over, not just scapegoating the Muslims.
Cops gunning down minorities seems to be the latest act of provocation - see what is going down in Cali and further north in Seattle, where a man was essentially assainated by one of the individuals tasked with protecting the citizens.
Folks are not going to put up with this BS much longer, are they?
I hate to be cynical enough to believe that part of the agenda for sending troops to foreign lands to engage mostly civilians is desensitization, but the results are speaking for themselves and many ex-military wind up serving in LE as we know.
Too bad those asteroids missed....
Wow people. I just discovered that a lot of you have written me letters at that yahoo email. I never go there. I am sincerely sorry. When it's working here I just don't bother. Now I find I haven't answered dozens of letters. I will respond, even though some of them are a year and a half old.
My apologies. I will have that mail routed to my main address so that I can see what's happening and then still check when there is trouble here. I have to stay on top of so much that this is what happens sometimes.
I'm going to have to stop doing it all for nothing too as it is now becoming difficult to maintain certain aspects of my existence.; I will have my new novel out no later that 10/15 (for sale for 10 Euro so that will solve my problem financially (I don't need much) and I am recording 5 new albums so that I will have all 17 of them for sale at my sites. I've been giving my music away and my last novel as well but I can't do that any more. I hope no one thinks I'm selling out (grin).
My income has fallen off considerably and I haven't been paying attention. It's my fault
I'll put this at Smoking Mirrors too because for some reason not nearly so many people go to the other two main blogs.
A lot of changes are coming and I am looking forward to Italy and being able to read these things in the sky (after a certain fashion). it's a magical place that is vibrationally sympathetic to me.. unlike here.
Fucking BRILLIANT writing, fucking Brilliant
Now all the links have been removed from the post. I'll put them back in, I hope.
Thanks, Les. Thanks Mark H. for relating your story and I'm very sorry for your loss. Good luck to you.
Best to you all,
Thanks Les for sharing your inspiring thoughts & precious time once again. You are amazing.
The comment from Mark (above) touched me deeply. A lot of us saw the present state of madness coming way back in the 60's and 70's. We reinvented our lives, set ourselves up to avoid the fall, thought we could beat it, but the damned evil found us anyway.
I left the US and a 5 acre biodynamic homestead that was 'this close' to being completely self reliant. I still own it, but can't sell it because of the state of the economy. The country we moved to has it's own dirty secrets. I am no longer grounded, just twisting in the wind. My little voices say "go!" but I'm tired of running and always trying to be a step ahead of the bullshit. THIS IS NOT LIVING.
We are divine beings, not slaves. Why do so many willingly embrace the chains? The purpose of life is not to feed the bankers!
I try to raise awareness and people don't want to hear it, they tell me not to focus on the negative, but that's how things got this way to begin with.
When you stick your head in the sand you leave your ass exposed!
Dunno where any of this rambling is leading, just wanted to say hey to you kindred spirits. Despite all the millions of people connected to it cyber space is a very cold and lonely place, but there is always warmth & humanity at this site.
Blessings to all... and huge hugs to you, Mark; I feel your pain.
Peace & Love,
Only when man realizes the Self
does he attain his full maturity
and find completeness.
As you leave form,
and dive into that light which you become,
you realize beyond realization
a knowing deeper than thinking,
deeper than understanding:
a knowing which is the very,
very depth of your being.
You realize immortality,
that you are immortal.
Little by little you find
that you are turning inward,
opening up the inner channels
more and more each day,
making a greater contact with the Self
by turning within,
drawing yourself ever closer
to the pole at the center,
the core of your Being.
You must be the master of you
when you sit for meditation.
You are seeking for the pure Self of you.
At that time you are not concerned
with anyone else.
Go in and in and in.
And then go in and in and in.
And after that go in and in
and in and in and in.
You cannot rely upon anything in form;
there is no permanence in form;
there is no divinity in form.
Relax your concepts
and do not seek divinity in the mind,
for only in the formless Self
does divinity exist.
Most of the time awareness is held in
thoughts, feelings, and actions
of the mind's outer dimensions,
caught there just as a fish is caught
in the tangled net of the fisherman.
By untangling the net,
the fish is set free,
and by unraveling the outer mind,
making it calm and undisturbed,
awareness is set free
in the deeper dimensions
of consciousness.
Learn from within yourself,
in the privacy of your own inner peace.
It is up to you and you alone
to penetrate the veil of illusion
and realize the Self,
the Absolute,
beyond desire,
beyond all experiences of the mind.
Realization of the Absolute is simple.
Our thoughts and concepts
make it seem difficult.
The above quotes by Master Subramuniya
are from a small booklet titled Reflections
Dear Sir,
I have been reading what you've written for some time, and it causes awareness in me to act or do something, anything, to prepare for the worse of what may happen in the near future. Being realistic; however, this cannot be done, for I am disabled, fat, and out of shape due to all this "waiting" you've written about in your last post. I'd like to ask you, man to man, "What can I do that I'm not already doing"
Christ said, "Learn the truth, and it will set you free."
It's been five years since I first turned this computer on, and I've done exactly that. I learned many things since my first surf of the web, and it has done everything but set me free. Since I found "The Truthseeker" one night of too much caffeine, I've gotten a invisible weight in my chest that gets heavier and heavier with every story about the end of the earth, the rise of the Anti-Christ, and corruption of the people (the government) who pay my bills, buy food, and puts clothes on my back. How long will this relationship last? I don't know.
Yours in Truth
I'm not sure you're familiar with the following link, but I hope you'll be encouraged by it!
Just read your current Petri...that 'they' are up your ass....mine too.
So many little 'reminders' that they are watching everything you do...
Trojans and worms and binging noises at the edge of the conscious field.
Somehow I have managed to deflect everything thrown at me {so far}.
The answer to soul-lutions always comes in that dreamfield that opens
at the edge of sleep for me.
They had taken out my pc with a clever little bug, that I will not
iterate nor tell how I stepped around it...Lol
But like I said...a glowing answer to that problem was right there in
the dreamfield, as soon as I let go of about a ten hour rage of
incopacitation over a pc that shut off and binged like Morris Code
with every attempt to boot.
Anyway--some clues as to how 'signs' can point the way..."When
standing still be like a mirror. When moving be like water," Bruce Lee
Hi Les,
Reading about your financial difficulties, and taking in to account
that you do not particularly like donations, I have decided to buy
your new book now .... on faith (grin)
Hey gang, I hate to see Les needing to sell of his Ovation or other
gear on e-bay, so maybe more of you could follow suit? :-)
---- end post
Kind regards, met vriendelijke groet,
Geez Erik;
I appear to have left your name off your post. But it gives me chills what you said. I didn't even know if anyone knew I had an Ovation; a Folklore actually and I had just said to Susanne about an hour ago that I was going to sell it on EBay. What are the odds? That is uncanny.
Hi Les,
Please bring them on!
I'll buy 2 of your novels and 3 of your albums. I'll try to support the cause as much as possible.
Love you like Crazy in this crazy world!!!!,
The reason they are jamming you up so bad right now Les, I believe is that on 9/11 (tomorrow) TPTB a.k.a. the NWO/zionists want to silence all truth seeking blogs such as yours.
Regards, Mouser
“This puzzled me for some time until I realized that it was they who were the problem and in order to solve it they had to cease being who they are.
This is a kind of death, which is consonant with liberation but which cannot be seen as anything but death to those attached to the idea of who they think they are.
This is the explanation of Karma and the need to go through certain painful experiences to free oneself from the ignorance which caused it.” -LV
Gems. Thank you, LV.
Mark H, thank you for sharing your
history and sorrow. Best wishes to you and your family.
Best wishes to this community, as always.
Dear Blogger, I am Shelley Cuthbert, visitor # 673206 and I found your article "Reflections in a Petri Dish" to be full of insight! I normally don't visit blog sites but I found you from and was laughing at some of your statements. You are so right that we are in a "fugue state" , or most people-that is. Well, you stated: "Most of them can’t find anything on a map. They don’t know who the Vice President is (neither does he). " Laugh Out Loud, or Lol
The biggest thing in the "Whirlpools and Tornado's and the Suicide of Evil" is that it is timely to speak of it. I have had mind scenerio's about the whirlpools in the past, and it was not a pleasant subject matter then - nor is it now. But you state it well and I like your writing. I hope to get my family members to read this blog because it has good info.
What is your first name? I'd like to know at least that.
I'm in Houston, TX 77063 and I surf the web - - when work is slow. I work as a contracting agent for and I sell product as seen on TV!! Real brainy job for a college graduate, huh?
Most of my friends call me visible or vis. Some people call me Les. The name is Les Visible
Hi Les,
Glad I could return the favor, you have read my mind many times before ;)
(I am as "guitarded' as Zoner, Ovation my fav on wish-list .... you
list your gear somewhere on music-site, Martin also ...?)
On the financials; would you state your imminent needs? Again, I would
hate to see your precious Ovation on E-bay, so would prefer a quick
donation/buying action by us your readers to avoid this.
Erik; I have an inexpensive Martin that I really like and I've got an Art Lutherie that's also a nice guitar. I'm not really hurting like some people are. I have food and shelter. It's just my walking around money since donations have severely fallen off as of late; I assume it is the economy and not bad writing on my part (grin).
Once I get my book out I expect to sell some number of copies and to advertise on Rense and some other places in exchange for a percentage (I hope). That will put me in a certain amount of abundance. Also I am going to remaster and re-record my tunes in a much more professional manner and sell the CD's on the site. just haven't been proactive and have just given everything away. That's my fault. Hundreds of my tunes get downloaded each week but I don't get paid for it. That's also my fault and I will correct that.
It's not necessary for people to feel obliged to assist me when they may well have difficulties of their own. Typically it is the people who don't have all that much who are generous and the people with too much that are cheap. I'll be fine. probably shouldn't have said anything. It just kind of happened.
Dear Lesvisible,
There's no place for posting messages in response to your article at:
I agree with you that Israel is behind the Koran burning [Zonists, too].
There seems to be competition between Israel and the U.S. military. American patriots put America first. Israelis put Israel first. Israel controls America's telephone switching and the software security of the U.S. Intelligence community, for the benefit of Israel. Microsoft's virtually total domination of computers and the Internet is part of Israel's attempt to dominate America. As my web-page: Programmers' Delight: Colour Co-ordinated Disc Operating System shows, Americans connected with the U.S. military were very involved with microcomputers up until about 1990 when Microsoft took over home computing. Check it out. Microsoft is sort of alien to the American business model. Thanks.
Yes, i know. The Zionazis have shut me down from within blogger and I can't do anything about it because everything looks as it should. They are doing it from Google or Blogger. My mail isn't coming in either.
As I said, people should send their comments to
lieing always cheating
murdering to steal
by disconnected harmony
to destroy instead of build
for counting out the gold
to feed the belly of the pig
it fills with corruption
like a poisoned chalice swig
working for the death cult
that died long ago
a system of inequality
enslaves a man to low
gets lost into corruption
easy to get their
by psychotic designing
in chaos and despair
by elitists and supremacists
who profit from the screams
the crimes that never end
never stop or so it seems
the ending of the old world
crumbling by the day
breaking into nothingness
for another way
Hi Les,
Brilliant, thanks for all your postings. Looking forward to the 'new world' albeit with some trepidation. The reptiles can't, they just can't keep this up for much longer. I'm ready (I hope) for what's coming.
I never post, but I'm always here, with you.
Thanks brother,
Experimenting with a new blog setup? Looks good from my end. Nice and orderly, just like the last one.
Testing, testing...
I don't often read your blog and even more rarely understand your posts. This one connected.
I hope you're wrong about Israel being at the center of an implosion but I doubt that's the case. It's a tiny country dependent upon the capture of a much larger countries nervous system.
Eventually the immune response of the US body politic will kick in or the US will choke on it's own vomit like a drunk college kid.
Either way Israel will find itself dropped in the middle of 300 million angry arabs with no friends, no fuel and no food. The people of Israel know this and their best and brightest young adults are running away.
The fact that the US has been running a school on how to destroy a modern, mechanized, military force in Iraq and Afghanistan will not help them one bit.
Karma always wins if you wait for it to come to you.
Hi Les did you just change your blog layout's or is it just me? The blue links connected to posts in smoking mirrors and Visible Origami are very hard to see and a strain on the eyes. Just thought I would let you know.
Well, that's too bad (grin). Blogger and Google are messing with me and I have to shake up the system to default it back and forth and shake their confinements off.
Dear anonymous. You didn’t leave a name and there is no time stamp so I will just copy and paste your comment and hopefully you will know that this is a response to you.
Anonymous said... I have been reading what you've written for some time, and it causes awareness in me to act or do something, anything, to prepare for the worse of what may happen in the near future. Being realistic; however, this cannot be done, for I am disabled, fat, and out of shape due to all this "waiting" you've written about in your last post. I'd like to ask you, man to man, "What can I do that I'm not already doing"
Christ said, "Learn the truth, and it will set you free."
It's been five years since I first turned this computer on, and I've done exactly that. I learned many things since my first surf of the web, and it has done everything but set me free. Since I found "The Truthseeker" one night of too much caffeine, I've gotten a invisible weight in my chest that gets heavier and heavier with every story about the end of the earth, the rise of the Anti-Christ, and corruption of the people (the government) who pay my bills, buy food, and puts clothes on my back. How long will this relationship last? I don't know.
Yours in Truth
First of anonymous. My thinking on “seek the truth and the truth will set you free”
Christ was talking about me and my truth or (You and your truth). Let me put it like this. If the truth came out tomorrow about 9/11 being an inside job, which it was, what benefit is that to you? Okay, so you would be vindicated in all that you have been saying for god knows how long. You would be a little more knowledgeable, along with a whole lot of other people, but are you any freer for this knowledge than you were before the truth came out? The simple answer is no. I think when Christ talked about truth He was talking about our own personal truth. Surfing the web will not set you free because you are seeking out other people’s truth. That’s their problem, something they will have to deal with. What you need to do is look at your own truth. Do you love your neighbour? Are you willing to forgive? Do you hold a long held grudge? Are you fucking the wife of the guy next door? (sorry to be so crude) Do you hate the fact that you are fat and have not looked after your health and yet hate that guy next door who, although is the same age as you, looks ten years younger? Do you resent these things? These are only simply things I have pointed out. There are a million things that can chain us and bind us from living a free and peaceful life. Most of them stem from our own hang-ups. Knowing everyone else’s truth won’t set you free. It’s accepting the truth about “yourself” that sets you free or binds you.
If you have an addiction to alcohol you must except that, as long as you drink, you will never be cured. The first step to freedom from alcoholism is to admit that you have a problem and not to say, some one drove me to drink.
If you have a problem with sex, lets say masturbation, then you need to look at that and see where it’s leading you. If you have a problem with stealing then you need to look at that too. If you find that no one listens to you then maybe you need to approach things in a different way. There is a reason for everything and when things seem to be going worng for you all the time, then its time to re-think. If you want the real truth then you need to look deep inside. It’s not the world that is the real problem, but your outlook on it. You want to be free? Then start living as if you are free and stop worrying about other people’s truth. I have had my fair share of problems in my life but when I look back in hindsight, I have to put my hand up and say that most of my troubles came from problems within me and my view of the world.
When I first started following “truth seeker and smoking mirrors and WRH and so on, it wasn’t long before I felt a heavy weight on my chest. How is one supposed to carry all that truth? What Christ was talking about, when he said “The truth will set you free” was our own truth.
I hope this helps you to untangle the difference between truth and self-truth. Only self-truth can set you free in the same way as George W. Bush looking at his truth will set him; and people like him, free, from the bondage they have to the Zionist NWO agenda.
Me, I just want to get closer to Jesus.
Ps. I am skinny, disabled and waiting for 5 by-passes on my heart. I am 50 years old and smoke like a train. I could blame the tobacco corporation but the truth is, it’s not the smoking that has cased my heart problem, it’s my indifference to the long term effects of smoking and bad diet that has cased all my problems. If I sue the tobacco company will it cure me? No it won’t. I might become a little richer in money terms but then I have to ask myself the big question……what is the real truth??????????????
First of anonymous. My thinking on “seek the truth and the truth will set you free”
Christ was talking about me and my truth or (You and your truth). Let me put it like this. If the truth came out tomorrow about 9/11 being an inside job, which it was, what benefit is that to you? Okay, so you would be vindicated in all that you have been saying for god knows how long. You would be a little more knowledgeable, along with a whole lot of other people, but are you any freer for this knowledge than you were before the truth came out? The simple answer is no. I think when Christ talked about truth He was talking about our own personal truth. Surfing the web will not set you free because you are seeking out other people’s truth. That’s their problem, something they will have to deal with. What you need to do is look at your own truth. Do you love your neighbour? Are you willing to forgive? Do you hold a long held grudge? Are you fucking the wife of the guy next door? (sorry to be so crude) Do you hate the fact that you are fat and have not looked after your health and yet hate that guy next door who, although is the same age as you, looks ten years younger? Do you resent these things? These are only simply things I have pointed out. There are a million things that can chain us and bind us from living a free and peaceful life. Most of them stem from our own hang-ups. Knowing everyone else’s truth won’t set you free. It’s accepting the truth about “yourself” that sets you free or binds you.
If you have an addiction to alcohol you must except that, as long as you drink, you will never be cured. The first step to freedom from alcoholism is to admit that you have a problem and not to say, some one drove me to drink.
When I first started following “truth seeker and smoking mirrors and WRH and so on, it wasn’t long before I felt a heavy weight on my chest. How is one supposed to carry all that truth? What Christ was talking about, when he said “The truth will set you free” was our own truth.
I hope this helps you to untangle the difference between truth and self-truth. Only self-truth can set you free in the same way as George W. Bush looking at his truth will set him; and people like him, free, from the bondage they have to the Zionist NWO agenda.
Me, I just want to get closer to Jesus.
Ps. I am skinny, disabled and waiting for 5 by-passes on my heart. I am 50 years old and smoke like a train. I could blame the tobacco corporation but the truth is, it’s not the smoking that has cased my heart problem, it’s my indifference to the long term effects of smoking and bad diet that has cased all my problems. If I sue the tobacco company will it cure me? No it won’t. I might become a little richer in money terms but then I have to ask myself the big question……what is the real truth??????????????
Don't send any more huge comments for me to post. I don't have the time to splice and go through all of this.
Keep them within the margins of a single post.
Not surprising:
"Notorious Body Part Snatcher Dr. Hiss Autopsied Rachel Corrie - Parts Still Missing"
Corrie family lawsuit in Haifa - Israeli colonel says "There are no civilians in wartime"
%#&@$?!% happy 9/11, dual nationals!
Those people you mentioned who won't change to solve their problems - I know three of them. Now I understand why my breathe is wasted on them.
My gmail has been shut off too but came back again. I have only just started posting blogs but I have your blogs on there as ones I am following. Perhaps they just scan all the blogs for the words smoking mirrors.
I shall not stop reading your posts. So much in them ties in with my inner knowing and intuition.
Yes,yes, the song goes:
How many will end up 'dead before their time' or in a psychiatric den or just plain exterminated by those who have worked too long and hard to allow the likes of the disenfranchised shmucks to get in their way?
But in the worst case scenario is that eternally as bad as knowing any of us didn't do whatever we could when we had the time and chance to oppose this mega-force of evil?
Almighty God help us that our efforts will be fruitful and succesful.May He grant that we make the right prudent decision.
CRANZ, Calendar Reform Aotearoa New Zealand, Kiwiallegiance and mission statement, follow thirteen months of 28 days following the star Sirius. My Grandfather whom was a Maori Ratana church Minister told me God came over in a cloud and spoke to T.W.Ratana the Maori Prophet The same way he spoke to Noah, God said i have been to the for corners of the world and Aotearoa New Zealand is the Alpha Omega the land of the rising sun and it’s up to the people of this land to lead the way in love peace and harmony, i understand now knowing synchronicity of Galactic clock and all it opens the 4th dimension to access ourselves collectively to dream free time for all that can handle it. Calendar Reform Aotearoa New Zealand, everything else is just another trainsmash of the Gregorian Frequency of disconnected heart bio-rhythm. i am another yourself in the tree of life holo deck 5, choosing Love over fear.
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