Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
(By some serendipitous quirk of fate an earlier, though relevant radio broadcast, by The Vis, has manifested over at What Really Happened this day, so, given that circumstances on the other end made this weeks broadcast a non event, I give you this one as a palliative; take two quaaludes and bang me in the morning)
Greetings friends and neighbors! Welcome to Dog Poet Transmitting, standing in thigh high gum boots in the Petri Dish. You can look up at the stars and see the stars, or you can look down and see the stars reflected in the rainbow slick of The Petri Dish. Mr Apocalypse is beating the bushes, all kinds of bushes, apparently ...and soon intending to kick ass, state names and ruin false front reputations. We are surrounded by lugubrious lickspittles, whose black-light shining examples of Satanic obeisance, set the guidelines of behavior, for all the little dupes who have accubation as an avocation, supported by fixations of adelphepothia, adelphirexia and adelphitymia. Yes, they're thinking they'll turn into princes if they kiss enough bathykolpian frogs. No wonder they're all suffering from cagamosis, brought about by outbreaks of advertent colposinquanonia. Well, infantile sexuality is nothing new in the late, not so great, United States of Arrested Development. Porn to the right of me, porn to the left of me, into the valley of Pornocopia, marched the masturbating George Armstrong Custers. Could you jerk off any better with that cellphone jammed up your ass? I know you're not waiting on the ringtone, since you got that thang set to vibrate. What? You're saying, “It ain't no thang”; square bidness for blockheads.
Trickle down is a functioning reality, even if the result is similar to Chinese water torture. In the example about to be given, one can confidently state that crime trickles down like anything else would. So, if you've career criminals at the top of the pyramid, it stands to reason that you will, sooner or later, have a good collection of criminals at the bottom. When your country is being owned and manipulated, by a tiny crime nation, who has placed a large percentage of professional criminals, in positions of power, you are going to have a crime nation too. What you need are a bunch of super sized, roach motels, placed at strategic locations in The State Department (a subsidiary of Israel), the Justice Department (a subsidiary of Israel), the White House (a subsidiary of Israel) and pretty much any and every government agency (subsidiaries of Israel). Gigantic glueboards should also be set out at random, in the late hours, when The Servants of the Infernal, scamper through the halls and make eerie music as their rats feet move over broken glass.
The eccedentesiasts are gladhanding, in the process of their perfunctory perversions, dreaming of dippoldisms, when not actually engaged in them. These cannibals, up close, are reeking of nidorosity. These steatopygic swine, need to get into some skoptsy, hopefully there is a government grant for that sort of thing. Yes, there is an epidemic of slubberdeguillions and jumentous creeps. They got uniforms. They got nametags. They got weapons and official documents, so that they look like goose-stepping colostomy bags; armed process servers, from The Church of the Final Vinyl ♫When I was just a little boy, I asked my mother, what would I be. Would I be handsome, would I be rich? Here's what she said to me, “No fucking way Jose, whatever you'll be you were, a tool or a dirty cur, Que Sera, Sera”♫
These inaniloquent, ambulatory toadstools, with their krukolibidinous fixations, are a serious embarrassment to the act of creation. Their chronic mumpsimus, is unlikely to be ameliorated by anything less than the Ceausescu method. I don't advocate this sort of thing, except as a last resort ...but when the world comes to be defined by Formica junkies, who ♫put up a lot of ugly boxes and Jesus people bought them♫, you are talking, last resort.
I recognize that there is a lot of hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian activity going on here today but I really didn't have much choice. Sometimes it is the only way to get something said. Luckily, the readers are more than passing familiar with all of these terms, unlike the great unwashed, out there in vegetable cranium land. Unwashed? Well, some stink doesn't go away with mere soap. Some rot and stink are internal. Obama and Romney are uncommon felons, along with being pedestrian psychopaths. Obama and his soft voiced sycophant Biden, are presently appearing in an anti female abuse commercial, entitled, “1 is 2 Many”. These sleazy, venomous scumbags, posture in slick hypocrisy, decrying this sort of behavior, while killing without regret or conscience in countries around the world, with drones operated by retarded gamers. I'm sitting there screaming at them about it but I've got no two way radio hookup to feedback into the vile dishonesty of their native state, cue Bruce Springsteen ♫The door of evil slams, Satan just waits. Like a vision he dances across the porch, as Richard Speck plays. C'mon lets stab some nurses, bring on a fleet of hearses, don't turn me on again, I'll just have to sell my ass again♫
I offer my dactylion to these light weight reprobates. Heck, I offer them the whole finger. They gather in endless, plotting concilliabules, taking direction from the monsters of The Mideast. They do what they're told. They don't make the connection between their actions and the retribution that waits in the wings. They seem immune to that hot breath on the nape of their neck. Nice to see that Biden got his hair transplant together. I remember way back, when he was just another balding bureaucrat, trying to make his way up (or down) the fellatio chain, stopping off at the neighborhood glory hole, for a little something warm in his stomach, parading his phony, family values and fucked up Christianity front, like some breast cancer awareness, whore, promoting non existent cancers, in order to bulk up the profit portfolio, of scalpel mill hospitals and bloodthirsty, incompetent doctors. Don't tell me this shit isn't going on. It is.
Cancer is a big money scam, just like bank bailouts and the private prison industry. Every one of these odious corporate suits, are looking to apply the McDonald's formula, to any and every industry they are using to siphon off public monies. Vampires and werewolves exist, we are simply confused about their composition and method of operation. They are sucking your blood and they are ripping you to pieces, it's just not gong down in the classic Bela Lugosi, Lon Chaney format, “Children of the ignorant night, what pitiful music they make”. Yes, you're sheared and slaughtered and hanging on hooks. Have your family take a few photos for the mantelpiece.
I don't mean to be a philosophunculist, honestly I don't. Sometimes one is just reduced to a state of lethologica and the ordinary language is no longer adequate to the task. You have to get inventive and creative. You have to go back into the stacks and dust off old pretentious tactics, to satisfy the inner pseudo-intellectual, given the amount of pseudo-intellectuals hoping for a posting at some Tribe infested, poison Ivy League college. Yes, they're high percentage residents, ever looking to suck the blood from the infected foreskins of this gone missing gonorrheal culture. There's conjunctivitis in the arthritis of the brittle boned, infrastructure. It's riddled with countless holes, through which the Alzheimer weasels, slink back and forth on a Milli Vanilli loop. The majority can't remember any more than they can imagine. Their imagination is duct-taped to the Horn of Pornocopia. The television is speaking into the dead weight of paralyzed brains. It's an endless short circuit, attended by electronic sizzling and the smell of burning meat. Meth, it's what's for dinner.
Ah well, we've come to the end of the cataloging of the fruit in this particular defacatorium. It's time for a dry martini, in some razor blade, branding bar. Like Obama might say, while enjoying an idyl in that Chicago bathhouse, “It's an ill wind that blows no one”. Rahm Emanuel is off in one of those ink black rooms, filled with the sounds of flesh moving on plastic mats, attended by murmurs and groans; a horrific epiphany; this scorching finale of an endless depravity ...but... watch what you say about these tender and all too human engagements. It could well be against the law, the same way proselytizing and promoting normality is sure to be by next week, if not before.
End Transmission.......
'Herpes of the Mind' is track no. 4 of 9 on Visible and The Critical List's 1993 album
'Jews from Outer Space'

certainly the most kopasetic celibitchuary for Magic Bullet Spectre...
however it was nonelating to read about the abuse the word vegetable took in so doing.
you nailed it to the door on this one...
The majority can't remember any more than they can imagine. Their imagination is duct-taped to the Horn of Pornocopia.
The television is speaking into the dead weight of paralyzed brains. It's an endless short circuit, attended by electronic sizzling and the smell of burning meat. Meth, it's what's for dinner....SCREAM {120m} !!!
let this be a meaningful vocubulary lesson for all elementary aged school children who are being taregeted by the likes of Mo Sleaze and the perversion of Law center...
good on you Les Visible
shakin' it here boss
My head is spinning.... ;-)
Dude! I musta looked up 40 words at least, reading this piece. Can't say I have a use for most of 'em, but hey! I had my fun this morn', and it was quite an entertaining read. These last 3 days you had me laughin' my slightly too plump arse off. Unfortunately, it grew back.
That's taken about two hours to read plus,had to go through about five different dictionaries,,,,,phewww
Sorry lord vis,,I prefer the kick it in the nuts with 3 lettered words and see what happens method,,,
Works for me every time,,,
You shouldn't have stopped looking up words before getting to Steatophygic
This is a masterpiece!
Thanks for your works Visible!
sorry to change topic, but cancer subject keeps popping up, so here's some info that may be useful and which hasn't appeared in the comments section yet:
Blood pH level - acidic/alkaline; most 'merikans - thanks to the typical diet of toxic garbage called food have chronic acidic blood pH which is condusive to growth of evil things - such as cancer; simple fixes are available - such as eating much vegetables, fruits,... there is good info available for now - until zioBeasts discover we the little people have found simple solutions to their problems; do the research to find very simple, inexpensive and enjoyable ways to be healthy and fight the global zioBeast combine
some other truly good news -
zioBeast infighting: Obama throws Hitlery Klinton under the bus - y'all probably already read about this, but do the search to see more - hopefully the Billaries will stay under the bus 'cause they are like the floating BMs that refuse to go down the loo hole
main culprit in JFK murder cover-up - Specter has departed this plane and returned to the pit where he came from (or will karma rebirth him as a Palestian child in occupied Gaza?)- and yes the same people who did in the Kennedys are the same ones who did 911, 7-7, central banks, cancer-health scams, Libya,Syria now in progress - with a lot of help from the lower dimensions of the gentile klans
by the way - Ezra Pound -another American writer, poet who lived in Italy, was responsible for getting T.S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" published; Ezra Pound - more important to the truth than most will ever know: birth date: October 30
having no job i no longer have a computer or internet so above have been loaded up into this one comment
Respects to all beings!
After watching one of my fellow countryman ranting over on the daily bail a minute ago,,,,I can't help thinking about solutions to the problem of fake Jewish banking cartels in failure and desperation to strip the people of every country of all of their assets,you know things like ancient monuments,beautiful islands and so on,,,,
We already know the court system is completely corrupt everywhere,so that's a no no,,,,,,
But what if we had a people's court,,?
Could we do this,,could we have a people's court maybe making every banker and government guilty until proven otherwise,,,I know you wrote a post about this a while ago,I can't remember when,,,,,
Respects Neil
"Slay Ride"
(A musical parody, based on the song, "Sleigh Ride", by Mitchell Parish and Leroy Anderson, made famous by numerous artists.)
Just hear those cell phones jingling
Ring-ting-ting-a-ling, too
Come on it's lovely weather
For a slay ride together with you
Outside the snow is falling
And friends are calling us, too
Come on it's lovely weather
For a slay ride together with you
Giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, you hoe
Let’s drive in the snow
We’re talking and texting while we go
Giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, it's bland
Just talking with Stan
We’re gliding along with the throng
In a zombie-like fairyland
Our brains are nice and fuzzy
Tinnitus-buzzy are we
Our fates are tied together
Like two sheep of a feather would be
Let’s take the road before us
And broadside Doris and Stu
Come on, it’s lovely weather
For a slay ride together with you
There's a birthday party at the home of Bob, who's gay
It’ll be the perfect ending of a perfect day
We’ll be gabbing along, we love to talk, without a single stop
By the fireplace while we hear our brain cells pop
Pop! Pop! Pop!
There’s a hopeless feeling nothing in the world can buy
When they pass around the chemo and we're gonna die
It'll nearly be like a zombie film by George A. Romero
These hideous things, are the things, we'll remember before we go
Just hear those cell phones jingling
Ring-ting-ting-a-ling, too
Come on it's lovely weather
For a slay ride together with you
Outside the snow is falling
And friends are calling us, too
Come on it's lovely weather
For a slay ride together with you
Giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, you hoe
Let’s drive in the snow
We’re talking and texting while we go
Giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, giddy-YAP, it's bland
Just talking with Stan
We’re gliding along with the throng
In a zombie-like fairy land
Our brains are nice and fuzzy
Tinnitus-buzzy are we
Our fates are tied together
Like two sheep of a feather would be
Let’s take the road before us
And broadside Doris and Stu
Come on, it’s lovely weather
For a slay ride together with you...
Your research in the petri dish makes for some interesting study. I especially like trickle down crime theory. It should definitely replace trickle down economic theory.
Seeding the dish with such vulgar organisms must be a drag, though. OOO that smell, how can you stand that smell? Cleaning up afterward must be a pain, too.
Anyhow, thanks for posting your results. Your efforts are certainly appreciated.
Be well, Rob
Great parody as usual. I'm looking for an equal up team for when I get the environment together in the next year so that we can do our variations of Firesign Theater, Cheech and Chong etc. I love the sweet and serious but I also love the humor cause the devil hates it, since it's directed at him.
I know some of you are none too pleased that I caused you to have to look up all those words but I always have a good reason for the things I do and if it were possible to be more clear and outline my intentions I would but this kind of thing is supposed to go on telepathically and that is where we are headed. That is what the resonance is all about.
Anyway, it's good to shake things up now and again so that I don't turn into the same old same old and start mailing it in which I am never going to do. These things are as much your fault as they are mine because without the inspiration of your interaction and the vibratory rate of your minds impacting on mine (well, there's only one of them anyway) these things wouldn't happen
Could we get a people's court up and running on the Internet,,,stretching across the entire world,maybe working off of natural law
Max igan is good at this stuff,,
Respect neil
Glad you liked "Slay Ride"...and speaking of "glad", I'd be glad to pitch in for that team you talked about, whenever you are in a position to set it in motion, Vis...I have a hunch that if we had a case of beer and some choice comestibles and a few hours to kill, we'd put some tunes together that would make Nazis laugh...which might be the whole point of the exercise, eh (as you mentioned in so many words).
People starving
In Greece and Spain
Across the globe
In bankers chains
But bankers chains
Are only made of lies
Educationaly fitted
On innocent minds
Of broken people
Owned from birth
Detached from truth
Severed from earth
Damaged taken
Self worth the cost
To feed a system
That's dead and lost
So it ain't so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
anymore, if I catch your drift...
pierre said...
shaken up here boss, which is good for the soul every now and then, pity about those dry martinis that don't seem to have one.
people's court and telepathy. I'll be glad to wait in line, crimes including thought crimes, as I see the justice trickle down starting with the worse offenders, the real ones.
need a people's army to enforce it though, that infernal dilemma, to be a Nazi or not to be a Nazi, lambs to the slaughter or not, a bible bashing moralist there a god to change our nappies for us, what's this 'us' thing anyway?
is there a word for dictionary diving? (WikiDickts)
After nephew f*krs, sister f*kers, and a word that I cannot find that seems to indicate a state of mind (perhaps tattoo assisted), I can safely state that, in context, none of this post was blatently a case of floccinaucinihilipilification
(yeh, I got the word first then applied it), basically because there's only one thing of value when all is said and done.
well I guess if the Innuit had 50 names for snow varieties, that explains all the F*ker words hereabouts. ♫ Long to rain over us, God save the queen♫
♫It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, 'cause Mr Apocalypse is near♫
Bruce Springsteen ♫Porn in the U.S.A♫
Anonymous 8.50.....
I went to a road called eversleigh to do a job the other day,,,,it was up a place called golden hill
I always check out the meaning of places other people send me too,,,by looking up the names and wandering off finding things out ,,,could end up anywhere in the thickets of the Internet,,but usually in the midsts of an ancient saga Somewhere,,,, : )
It's a nice way of learning even though it's a bit haywire,,,
Some of the names of the towns and places are like journeys in themselves,,,,,,
Respects neil
i believe anon @ 5:32 pm
is calling you a(n) [big] ass
now you're not gonna take
that sitting down, are you ?
i believe we are dealing with
a/the notorious misogynist
for my part, i thought l v
was making those words up
so i tried to gather their
meanings through context
Thank you for playing Pierre
Est,,it would be because he's covering his own,,
"hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian"? Are you sure that's spelled correctly?
Here is the truth about Hillary and Benghazi September 11, 2012:
"by blaming the Stevens murder on a video instead of Al Qaeda terrorists, she and the president deliberately deceived the American people and the world.
Hillary paraded this falsehood in two very public speeches on September 12th after the attack, and again on the 14th–even though the word was out within 24 hours that the killings in Libya were the result of a terrorist attack.
Her own State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research dubbed the murders acts of terror from the start, and never considered the online video a factor. 'That was never our conclusion,' officials now say.
It was not until September 21st–more than a week after the truth was known–that Hillary abruptly changed her story to 'what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.' By then the video story was so transparently false that when she trotted it out one last time at a Congressional briefing on September 20, the reaction was one of disbelief and disgust. 'They’re trying to cover their behinds,' Congressman Ted Flores of Texas seethed, and he was right."
Imagine the truth about New York and Washington September 11, 2001:
"by blaming the murderous attacks on a CIA/Mossad created Al Qaeda terrorists, Bush and Cheney deliberately deceived the American people and the world.
Bush paraded this falsehood in uncountable public speeches directly after the attack, and again for years – even though the word was out within 6 years that the killings on the East Coast were the result of a CIA/Mossad false flag/inside job.
The Government's own truthful critics have identified the attacks as an act of terror on its own people for years now, and do not believe the Muslims or Osama bin Laden were a factor. 'That is not our conclusion,' honest citizens now say.
It is now long after September 11, 2001 – several years after the truth has been known – that Bush and Cheney still haven't changed their story from 'what happened in New York and Washington was a Muslim terrorist attack.' By now the video story is known to be so transparently false, that when they trot it out again and again at a every opportunity, the reaction is one of disbelief and disgust. 'They’re trying to cover their behinds,' Congressman Ron Paul has seethed, and he was right."
Digested in context, the words (if they are, indeed, words) are mostly self explanatory. I was laughing too much to try and determine WTF.
Maybe its sacrilege, but a Newspeak dictionary, w/o twisting nuances, would be nice. Then one could say; "yes, this is bs propaganda, or yes, this is not spin able". We could keep other dictionaries as a foil, but the Newspeak would be official. O'yes, black's legal, and other legal and medical dictionaries should be considered invalid. Be well, est, enjoy your poetry an comments, Rob
Les, you left out "Codswallop" maybe you used it in the past. If not, look it up, its pretty gross, but appropriate. Codswallop is the Ambrosia of the Archons
Well i like fancy words.
I've also been thinking about telepathy lately and the untapped potential of the human mind. I appreciate fully now that people do not talk about what they are talking about. Almost never. You can see what they are talking about often if you listen hard enough with an open heart (a risky proposition in this atmosphere) but practically everything requires a translation, the heart and the mind are not in harmony. Its chaos everywhere, people trapped in their own little world flailing about at each other trying to communicate. Tower of babble. Some races respond more to the brain i think, some to the heart and they are at each others throats because of this age old schism....? no common ground, stuck behind towering walls.
Dunno, I'm doing alot of guessing lately. My intuition isn't firewalled anymore, i feel really alive.
Sister-in-law's hubby a cancer doctor (crimes against humanity); they like to cruise around the Gulf in their yacht. Living large, actually dead and loving it. Wouldn't change a thing, babe. So many people I have known are dead and loving it. I no longer bother wondering why.
The destroyers are busy destroying the world. It's easy to break things, not so easy to create. We should not be too impressed with these creatures, because they aren't really alive, either.
The madness is escalating. It's coming down hot and heavy. Which should not surprise those of us living small and not loving it. It's hard to watch, I know, but it's what we are supposed to do.
What is happening to our world does matter, and there are many universal laws which have been broken. No one has the right to destroy what they didn't create. There will be hell to pay.
Yes, it is correctly spelled. It refers to the use of big words.
I left out hundreds of thousands of words.
Every time you learn a new word a new neural pathway is born.
The mind expands, it flexes, British tabloid newspapers have a reading age of 11.
No expansion there.
try to be concise...
lasers ...line one...
and avoid the hundreds of thousands of words that don't apply
repects neil,,,
your right, and when you're right your right...get it ?
imagine this {and this is where Les the "sheep dog" [BORDER COLLIE] Visible really helps}...
the definition of government...should never be a stool sculpture deity cult leaders latest "Whim"...based on their "conditioning/programming"...
like my grampa used to say, you gotta use that thing for something besides a hat rack...
[my border collie is smarter than your honor role student] ...
"give us this day our daily bread"
est and neil
I know you're a little bit narcissistic, but if you would note the "slightly too plump arse" reference by "LOVE TO PUSH THOSE BUTTONS", you might get some revelation today. That batch of posts coming together, it couldn't possibly have been about you and your steatogyphic physique. Now, I know about that too, but I didn't want to... thanx
Keep your conspiracies real, Roseanne Rosannadanna.
Today's misogynists were yesterday's disco ducks preying on the lonely and vulnerable, with a bag of coke. Sending them right into the arms of the feminists, they served feminism well, and still are.
You serve it too.
A new Visible Origami is up-
The Witchburners from Troll Central.
via Homer..
Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.
-H L Mencken
yes well
i don't really care that you hate women
after all i am not a women
but i am a human being
not sure why your shtick
bothers me
you seem like one mean
son of a bitch
maybe it started there
or some girl let you down
either way it's a good thing
these wires separate us
as it would be a pleasure
to kick your ass in person
you mess with neil [or l v]
you mess with me
Mr Apocalypse is definitely outa bubble gum. . .
Fully digested Wednesdays revelations on taxpayer funded US Postal cycling team. USADA investigation revealed one famous survivor from Plano Texas as being of the character many suspected all along. In short, a psychopath,that subspecies with no conscience. This one's been identified and needs to be quarantined to prevent further spread to susceptible hosts. Like those young cyclists looking for "a shot" at glory in the pro peloton. Like many, many mortals who just go along to get along.
We observed in this case, various reactions of society to psychopathic defense networking. Over the last three to four years most popular cycling forums were polarized over this characters guilt or innocence. Many well meaning sleeple repeatedly posted staunchly defending innocence until proven guilty. This position was religiously parrotted even in light of simple logic and overwhelming circumstantial evidence in opposition. What device is typically employed so succsessfuly to fester this level of self denial?
What if the concept of so called "due process" serves to protect psychopaths from being identified in time to be properly quarantined? One could easily align this proposal with certain heads of state who spent many years involved in nothing short of genocidal war crime. These psychos have yet to be held to account for their obvious orchestration or complicity in activities that would cause typical people to be enslaved, imprisoned or in the "home of the free", executed. What perpetuates this seeming blatant insanity?
Is this what you've voted for? Is this your so called democracy? No, this smells more like mass brainwashing.
People aren't inherently stupid enough for me to see this any other way. Otherwise is more improbable than Lance Armstrong being exactly the character his shameless lies would have us believe. A clean winner!
The last true american idol, or just another yellow rose from Texas?
Ready and rumblin' inside for a clean american standard in which to dump such a winner myself.
Heres to Mr A !
Mahalo Brudda;
Perennial wisdom said to respect your mudda and fadder, not believe in them.
Salutations Vis-I yearn to divulge my gargantuan appreciation appertaining to your inimitable,loquacious dissertation concerning the prevailing,ubiquitous zeitgeist and the obnoxious,malevolent perpetrators thereof.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up-
The Chia Plant Heads at the Smorgasbordaterria.
United States of Arrested Development. Porn to the right of me, porn to the left of me,
Yes, there is a lot of Porn in America, as well as the child teen snuff porn stuff as well,and the farm animal stuff and the .. well.
I don't really see it as necessarily prudish to decide to walk away from that kind of toxic electronic entrainment/mental entrapment
poison. Afterall , Porn is not Sex, it is something else.... , Lasha Darkmoon and a couple of People on Rense have had some interesting things to say about Porn.
Sex is healthy , and Porn is not Sex. Since we are all or almost virtually all of us have an addiction to media/the internet to some degree
or another, I suppose we will all have to pick our poison or interests as each of us sees fit.
For those who need or think they need Porn addiction therapy counseling or "porn Rehab" ,What a hoot that must be!, there are plenty who will take your money!
There was life before Porn and their is Life after Porn!
United States of Arrested Development!!
Bless All Lost Causes
Now I know why your poetry sucks, badass. It's a little egotistical agenda blinking and flashing "THIS IS PROSE, THIS IS PROSE", when it's just a strained attempt to prop yourself up in the eyes of others and promote your petty little gripes.
The truth flows from the tongue. True poets often don't know they're doing it, nor do the people hearing it. But they know it rings true. You fail the litmus test, est (or is it Bob?), no matter the blinking lights. Don't quit your day job.
Everytime you open it, you step in it and reveal a petty man. You should stop it before you get more behind.
If you get any more behind, they'll have to put couches on the buses you ride to accommodate that steatogyphic girth.
You're the first one I've seen here to whoof such smack about kicking ass from the safety of your basement, and then volunteering others in your corner.
Sneaky passive aggressive fakes like you piss me off.
Thanx! I'll amaze myself with the weights today.
Oh well...I guess that kinda thing has to happen now and, Kali Yuga and all. I don't known what the point of this pissing match is but I don't have to take a leak at the moment. Carrion steady as she goes.
since you mentioned me by name,
i will respond
thank you for defining what a poet is,
for me
i was wondering, as people keep
calling me that
one question though, who the
hell is -bob- ?
pierre said...
there might have been life before porn, but there was no art before porn.
make of it what you will, cavedwellers.
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