Dog Poet Transmitting.......
It seems that the most important thing we can do these days is to let go of our apprehensions. This has been especially difficult for me because on Sunday my house and car keys disappeared while, on the same day, Susanne’s car keys disappeared. This was followed by a few more striking coincidences and several days of distressing internal uproar with no locatable cause. It’s backed off now so let’s hope it stays that way. It’s more than passing odd that such a similar event would affect two connected people 1500 kilometers apart.
For some years, maybe around five of them, I’ve been expecting war on Iran; a major or series of major false flag events, assassinations, world upheaval, earthquakes, super storms, tidal waves and any and all of the collection of possibilities that are bandied about in the alternative press. If these things were supposed to happen, something is holding them back. There is a degree of uproar going on around the world and all of that is connected to the psychopathic behavior of bankers and we are hoping they get their just reward sooner rather than later.
I don’t know what to think anymore and have decided not to pay too much attention to anything I read because its track record up to this point has been terrible. Some few have been right about a few things and the larger majority has been wrong about most things.
I’ve been thinking off and on about where I would be and what I would do on the day it all cut loose. I realize I have adjusted my plans and actions to accommodate this feature as an inevitable; a matter of ‘when’, not ‘if’. I’ve let the internet get inside my head instead of Nature, whom I prefer across the board. She never lies to me and she’s always looking out for me. The internet doesn’t possess either of these characteristics. It’s entertaining but it’s mostly fiction. If it weren’t fiction we would all know what is really happening when and whenever it is happening. We don’t. We don’t know shit.
The bad guys are now obvious and there are two kinds of bad guys. There are the genuine black hat bad guys, who do evil for the sheer joy of accomplishing it and there are their minions, at incremental degrees of stupidity, which enable and support their actions. A lot of them support their actions without even being aware of it. Many religious people pray to a god supposedly opposed to this kind of behavior, in order to petition him to act in favor of this kind of behavior. Because, in a dark age, the bad guys out number the good guys by as much as 3 to 1, it also stands that the criminally stupid also far outnumber the wise and well meaning. That percentage might actually go up a lot more. It certainly doesn’t go down.
During times like this, wiser souls retreat into the bush. I’ve got the testimony of a number of them to that effect. I consider myself more likely wise than stupid so I’ve taken the steps necessary to place me out of the mainstream, I’m just not sure it’s far enough . In hindsight I realize I should have left for the Himalayas 20 years ago if not before. Mongolia and Australia-New Zealand-Tasmania beckoned too. I’m in one of the oldest cradles of civilization so maybe that’s okay. It’s a sure thing you can’t find me unless I show you how. Ergo, the name, Les Visible.
But life goes on in some form, no matter what goes on around it. Anticipation and apprehension are both a waste of time. One should not have to worry for or expect anything if they were in tune with themselves and their surroundings. That’s not the case though. People are not in tune. They are not even in tune with their false front surroundings in the Formica Life. Their degree of imbalance has slowly driven them insane. Neurotic twitches, compulsive urges, obsessive needs and passive aggressive behavior compose the dimensions of this reality TV life. It’s a processed existence. It’s shrink wrapped in limitations and shot full of preservatives to extend the shelf life but it’s still a shelf life and it doesn’t extend anything except time of suffering and it’s stale on delivery.
Those of us who have our eyes open are mourning the loss of the last traces of an acceptable existence. Fitting in isn’t going to happen and succor and support are not a byproduct of a culture of self interest. The new Shangri La was supposed to create an area for discussion of what to do and where to do it, in hope that people would link up with those in their environs. A sense of community is one of the chief generators of personal joy and content.
Some of us flourish while being alone, in the understanding that alone is an impossible concept. Most people could not bear isolation. When I was in solitary confinement it was an opportunity to get really high and so I did. In one case I got so high that they came in and walked me through the jail and out to the street. I still haven’t figured that one out.
What’s truly gone missing from life is its magic. There’s no magic in this processed, shrink wrapped world. The magic is all at a distance in the movies, on TV and the various little masturbation devices that you see the youth messing with as they go down the street at any hour of the day. I saw a kid about six years old on a cellphone a couple of months ago. I can only imagine what it’s like in the US where every form of excess is cutting edge. The whole test messaging/cellphone thing is about separation as a communications aid. The whole point of the culture is personal isolation and uncertainty as an approach to the unknown. Those of us familiar with the unknown know how tragic this can be.
Insanity is an inescapable component of disposable culture and the celebration of ephemeral and superficial existence. This is why you have German education manuals for primary school which encourage fathers to play with their children’s genitals so they won’t be hung up about it. It’s why you’ve got TSA goons patting down young children and telling them it’s a game. The true ruler of this whole scheme is getting ready to announce himself apparently and we’ll see where it goes from there. Any realized soul has nothing to fear from the most powerful terrestrial force in existence; not so for those who cannot interpret either darkness or light.
Like I’ve said many times, this is all under control. There is a magical war going on and everything that you see in the external is being manipulated by forces on the internal for the purpose of the capture of your being. It’s a time of cosmic harvest and it looks like a whole lot of chaff this season. In a back is forth, up is down world, it looks like the homeless are better off that the gated community hunting reserves or the all too vulnerable underground protection vaults for the powerful and rich. It only takes finding the oxygen ports. You can only store so much of that for so long to accommodate so much space. I shouldn’t have to mention that they have invited death to be their guest in any case. The one thing I’ve learned is that no plans are going to realize themselves according to any perfection of design. Maybe with buildings and electrical circuits you get something close but, in human affairs it is generally not going to happen and if it does it will cost a lot in realization as to the value of it.
The whole reason that so many people believe they are here for no reason is that it lets them have their way with whatever they want. The idea that there is no hierarchy invisibly when there most certainly is one here is absurd. The symmetry of things alone should tell a profound tale, as should the evidence of sages and saints; though real saints are in a great minority and not usually to be found among those trotted out and historically revised for your enslavement.
It’s past time to stop being apprehensive and paranoid about the future just because so much crazy shit is going down. This is the last gasp in the destruction of a doomed empire of bankers and knaves. You’re having your noses rubbed in it so you won’t forget but you haven’t seen the most dramatic of it yet, not by a long shot. Appearances and transformations beyond the containment barriers of your walled in existence are going to become commonplace. It’s all part of the reality play, on the stage of present time, determining the value of what you have set your heart upon. If you don’t know what that is, I suppose you’ll find out. The good news is that you get what you are after and the bad news is that you get what you are after too.
End Transmission........
'Gone Too Far in Front' is track no. 2 of 13 on Visible's 2007 album
'The Sacred and The Profane'
About this song (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.
For a small number of people, yourself included I believe, this society, any society, is always abstract in many ways by a sort of personal default.
I've never been a joiner of groups, societies, clubs, etc., not so much because of any adverse sense or feeling, though these were there, but more so as just a natural state of being.
As a child of four, five, six years old I wandered the woods and played in and around the river and its field of persuasion which extended some distance and included a whole lotta wildlife.
I still do as I approach 60 and if the last thing I ever see is the river and a wood duck, then good for me..
Everyone should, at least once in their life experience both solitude and loneliness.
For the opportunity to realize the difference.
'This is the last gasp in the destruction of a doomed empire of bankers and knaves.'
By Bog and all his Angles, I love that line.
It's all good, Les. Just like you said, and although it's trite to say it, all the vissicitudes of life matter very little, it's how we react to them that does.
word verificaction- 'ories' or Oriax, the goetic spirit which teaches astrology and shape-shifting
Powerfully insightful on multiple, critical topics. My thanks, Visible.
Some days your rants remind me of dreams I've had; powerful and frantic, but still I slumber as if attempting to find the end through narcoleptic machinations of which I have no understanding. And I wonder how my mind betrayed me with midnight phone calls to you to describe what is going on in my head. Eerie feeling.
Then there are times when you words speak with such clarity and understanding that its as if you are on the other end of a really long string, tightly pulling on the attachment to my brain while your ear is pressed to the can at the other end...listening to my thoughts as I read the daily news across a multitude of sources and mentally fighting the urge to scream at the faceless powers 'ENOUGH'.
To say that I am awed at your insights and that I find myself agreeing with you is an understatement and does not do credit to the profound respect I have with your musings and abilities.
Thank You.
Hierosalyma Est Perdita!
You are so full of it!
Truth and light that is.
Nature and simpler times are coming.
The feather of Maat is still the hinge of the universe. She rides lite after all.
I muse the coming event like this...
"It will kill all of us and wake some of us up tomorrow."
I made little petri piece of my own, its coded of course, as I always do...
You have eyes ... would like you to peruse...
Monkey Bizness 191
Was just reading this this am, by John A. Livingston, quoted in Derrick Jensen's "Thought To Exist In The Wild":
"We have been unceremoniously ripped from our life context, SPRAYED IN PLASTIC, AND PACKAGED IN HERMETICALLY SEALED CONTAINERS. Sealed off from our aliveness, including our sensory processes. All this has been done through cultural conditioning. We have been divorced for so long not only from biophysical nature but also from the very awareness of biophysical nature that our images of the world and even of ourselves have become little more than institutionalized hallucinations...
Our culture has institutionalized such hallucinatory images as human supremacy over all animate and inanimate nature...There is even a picture of a planned, organized, ordered, and thus understandable and manageable universe...They are the sorts of hallucinations that arise in sensory deprivation...we take our hallucinations for truth."
(Not necessarily applying to your 'solitary' experiences [grin])
So it worries.
Watch out for those cloaked key gremlins.
Synchronicity is fun
thought i'd also let oyu know the reason my posts were getting chewed was that it tries to re-direct after posting to "somewhere else". I also noticed whenever I go to comment, the first timme it shows a broken image for the word verification but if I place refresh its OK.
existance superficial
shrinkwrapped and presented
preserved in obstacles
of restricted insentive
centraly desensitised
in concentrated doubt
of the higher frequencys
circulating out
round and round the magic
wandering the stars
essence trails of running streams
that penetrate through hearts
darting through the centre
stir a loving shake
in the patterns of a harmony
spring to life and wake.
Whew!! I had to read your article twice (may do it again) cause it was so deep in truth & perception. Great job!!
The "paranoid" of the future cannot slow us down sor hold us back. Life does go on, but this requires individual acts by each of us.
Like you, I've been waiting 5+ years for a war with Iran though I think the next 'war' will be in America as Americans continue to lose their freedoms.
Need to read a new thriller out where Americans finally take individual acts to save their freedoms. It's so real cause it's about each of us. I recommend it.
We must not give up on life. History shows all is repeated and nothing new so previous generations have gone through what we are now exsperiencing.
Only recently did I find this blog on Rense. You do a very good job at describing your intermost feelings. Thanks Anon for your insight: For the opportunity to realize the difference. I believe the only reason we are on earth is the same reason for the great war in Rev. 12. To finish evil. Once and for all. I believe if you KNOW who you were then, in Heaven, you KNOW why you are here on earth. The mission becomes very clear. It ALL connects to WHO GOD is. Not the do nothing gods of this small sacrificial planet, but the Owner and Creator of us all, and everything in ALL the multiverses. He is all that matters. HE created US to be HIS companions. nothing more or less. 1/3 got big egos and were thrown out, and given the earth for a short while. You see how that has worked out. We are here to do a job that GOD is TOO big to do. But we have His mighty power beside us. It is simply a spiritual war, our frequencies/energies speak for our hearts. It is about time to go HOME.
After "waking up" a couple of years ago, I thought I would go mad with fear and despair. Then I learned I could train myself not to be afraid anymore. It took a while, but I can stop fear from disrupting my life now and I have found a sense of serenity because of this. We're conditioned from birth to be afraid of everything--most of those things we have absolutely NO control over.
So I let fear go whenever I feel that familiar sense of dread creeping up on me for any reason. I am convinced that I am in tune with the Divine inside me and that I will be fine. I know this without knowing why I know this. I have to work at keeping my mind at rest when chaos is all around me, but living with a bunch of nuts has helped me considerably. I practice peace in the midst of their various disturbances. I still get involved once in a while, but those times are becoming less and less and I find they leave no mark on me because I can easily find my center of peace once I disengage.
Our worlds are what we make them. Our minds are centers of divine creation.
"It’s a time of cosmic harvest and it looks like a whole lot of chaff this season."
Meow Dog
I was reading an entry on the "What Really Happened" website, and thought to myself 'Wow. Whoever is writing this reminds me of Les Visible'.
Lo and behold. lol!!
It's just a testament to how long I've been reading your words. The way you write is distinct, I've found. And I've witnessed others come close to your style, but they're nothing more than imitators - it seems.
Over the past few years you have really had an effect on the way I think, and the quality (and, at times, entertaining vagueness) that you bring.
Just in case no one has said it; Thanks for being you, man. Thanks for sticking around.
~ Taylor.
Our worlds are what we make them. Our minds are centers of divine creation.
You are beautiful Karen..I know what you are experiencing. Took so much of my life 'figuring' it all out. The Divine/God certainly makes Himself 'known' to us in His mysterious ways. I, too, found that light in my head where peace lives. The peace that surpasses all understanding. Doubt/fear/hatred fueled by the ruler of this world cannot live in the same space as Faith/Trust/Gods Love. God places a part of Himself in every warrior that is fighting for Him on this earth. There is no way we can deny Him and His POWER ~ because WE are also a part of HIM!
I want to thank you all for the warm words of support this evening. I've been going through a particularly rough patch which has made me think things I would rather not have in my head and suspicions that the universe actually dislikes me intensely rather than the other way around (grin). I know how silly that sounds but it is frighteningly graphic now and again.
I feel a compelling urge to abandon everything and go to India and let go of whatever life lies behind. Tonight's comments have come at a particularly appropriate time and reinforce my desire to go on being useful for as long as I can manage it.
haha picked this Petri up from WRH, just from the title new it was LV.
its probably a measure of the paucity of my (realised) connections with the devine, but the most freaky synchonictic events with me these years are watching TV. I am "goofing off", thinking about something else (actually talking to myself), and my attention comes back to the TV just before the word I was just thinking comes on the TV. this can happen several times in the evening. one possibility is that the TV is controlling my thoughts somehow, or that time goes backwards. more likely is it that the universe is meaningful (or just connected) in a way that caters for all individuals, even though we are all watching the same programs.
another thing that happens, which is more likely to be causal, is that when I goof off, even though I go back in the program to watch what I 'missed', I goof off again and come back to the same point in the program that I came back to previously. rinse and repeat.
perhaps I should be like Jung when he did (100 years ago) his word association tests, and document it. nuh, too lazy.
just dumbfounded and gazing at the stars.
"Anticipation and apprehension are both a waste of time." spot on LV.
Thanks for this.
Karen, you've put it very well.
One can only feel sorry for the millions who have been trained to keep their minds passive and inert on many issues by the systems of education and information manipulation by the ptb. And who are unable (for whatever cosmic reasons) to ask questions and wonder about many things - from the socio-cultural to the religio- philosophical. This includes some 'highly éducated' people.
you know what mr visible's,have exactly the same thoughts at times.
to go and live up a tree in india or something...neil
Me again... I don't want to appear to dominate your blog, but I do want to thank you for your last entry. The dark world is a powerful evility that can make us 'think' any fears they thrust upon us are imaginary. They are NOT. I have lived in almost total seclusion in the Spirit world for the last 7 years. God did not leave me to 'think, or imagine' what was happening to me... no sir.. I awoke each morning, dead and cold to find myself in His bosom as He lovingly stroked me back to the human world. He would give me visions to show me what had happened, and I was never to fear anything, that I would be alright if I just did what He said. Everything is deadly evil here, and we, as it says in Rev 3, need only to persevere, and He will take us home where we belong and escape what HE has planned for the rebellious ones. You are a wonderful writer, I have only read 3 blogs but you have a deep spirituality and a gift of description of how it affects you. PLEASE, please even if you had only one reader, you would bring light to that one and you can never go and hide away. You have too much to offer to those of us who live in the dark world, but don't really know it.
I love your heart. Thank you so much for touching mine.
Ah Les, I totally identify with the urge to "escape" to India or wherever. Currently, I'm helping to care for my aging parents which inhibits such pursuits. It's not "grim duty"; it's the right thing to do.
I too anticipated greater upheavals were forthcoming post 9/11. I feel like I've really fucked up. Now I understand those who treated me with an amused indifference when I would yammer on about forthcoming "false flags", economic upheavals, police state, etc. Back in 1990 was when I first "grocked" fractional reserve banking and the inherently corrupt nature of the money system.
I was edified when I was able to have lunch with a professor of economics from the University of Waterloo who confirmed the "system" and was actually working to turn it around.
the following are excerpts from Brzezinski's "dissonant message" which is almost 20 years old as well.
2.Trade deficit
3.Low savings and investment
4.Industrial noncompetiveness
5.Deteriorating social infrastructure and widespread urban decay
6.A greedy wealthy class
7.A truly parasitic obsession with litigation
8.A deepening race and poverty problem
9.Widespread crime and violence
10.The spread of a massive drug culture
11.The inbreeding of social hopelessness
12.The profusion of sexual license
13.The massive propagation of moral corruption by the visual media
14.A decline in civic consciousness
15.The emergence of a potentially divisive multiculturalism
16.An increasingly pervasive sense of spiritual emptiness - which is felt by many who crave some transcendental belief but who find existing religious forms excessively ritualistic, unrelated to their dilemmas, with the churches handicapped by their inability to compete for allegiance in the face of the cultural onslaught promoting licentious values.
I'm a self-taught pessimist, but it wasn't always that way.
Dear Les Visible,
Thank you for another wonderful posting. Your words are a touchstone for so many of us, a virtual oasis for like-minds in the midst of our currently crazy universe. Also thanks to you, I met "Amicus" for lunch today and we had a wonderful conversation. We met through the comments at your blogs here and the New Shangri-La, discovering that we both lived in the same Colorado County, etc. Finding like-minded new friends is a very rare treat, and because of our shared love for you, we made a wonderful connection, the start of a "Les Visible Community" right here in Boulder! We discussed the possibility of coming to visit you in Italy this coming spring, if your invitation is still open. Your words and music really do make a huge difference in a lot of people's lives. Thank you so much!!
I thought about running away to a foreign land myself. I came very close more than once, but I stayed because my family doesn’t have a clue, and someone who does needs to be here for them when the chaos hits. It would be easy to disappear into a cave, but I have too much love inside, even if it is unrequited by some.
I keep hearing “it’s all good,” that no matter what happens, it doesn’t really matter. All that matters is how we choose to spend our days, and although I agree with this in an intellectual way, I know from personal experience that it is hard to practice.
For me, Armageddon has already happened. My wife’s death and the manner of it did that to me. When the five policemen showed up a half-hour later, wanting to arrest me, it intensified the effect tenfold.
What I am saying is that fate can turn on a dime in this world, and your world can come crashing down around your ears in the blink of an eye. Until fate’s hammer hits you over the head, you might want to reconsider whether or not it’s all good.
My wife’s two sisters got over it in about three days, and I thought “wow,” they must be very strong. Later I understood it had nothing to do with strength, and more to do with a trick of the mind in a denial sort of way. The death of a sibling didn’t affect them very much, but that’s just the way they are.
It affected me a whole lot and it still does, and when I said I wasn’t afraid anymore, what I really meant is that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse showing up on my front porch would have less effect on me that what had already happened.
There are some vicissitudes of life that aren’t much fun, or even good.
i Apologize for having to toss this bummer into the mix, but that oliver books link reveals that the author is...
"Jerry Clinton Oliver previously worked for the CIA, the NSA, and for America’s most prestigious and elite organization, the State Department Diplomatic Corps. In addition to serving in five wars, he accepted 16 overseas assignments. Before he retired from government service, Jerry received the esteemed Secretary of State Achievement Award. Upon retiring, Jerry moved to Temple, Oklahoma, where he was elected mayor. As mayor, he became alarmed at the apparent dissolution of local government at the hands of the Federal Government. Jerry continues to live in Temple, Oklahoma."
Perhaps i'm just being--you know, "paranoid"--but, c'mon, this guy and his fiction are virtually screaming out loud the words "CO-INTEL-PRO," at least to me.
And yes--by all means: Give yourself away--but not just to any old Judas Goat that comes along during the war. There are still some hard choices to be made going forth; and i can't see how going into an open revolt against the most militarized, technically^superior state apparatus in the world makes for anything but the worst decision and a death sentence for the dumb asses that take it.
So, for god's sake people--Be as Wise as Serpents.
so, it's cool that Demi Moore spends $140,000 per year to "look good". FIFA is announcing forthcoming world cup locations as distant as 2022. right well intended "doom saying" is biting me in the ass, and the jokes on me. I speculate that a well orchestrated war of attrition is the current modus operandi.
here's a beautiful song i came across
In the Words of Satan - The Arrows
You have been more useful than you could ever imagine. You have helped keep sanity in this insane time. You have guided me through some very rough times without even knowing it.
I met a fellow visible reader today. It was magical. May help in my quest to come to Italy.
WE will all ascend to the higher realms when the time times. Well the all is those whose hearts will allow. If you are connected to the materail plane then that is will you will stay.
Love you Les, hope to see you soon and thank you from my heart and soul for all that you have done. You have the lighthouse for many while the storms rage.
Dear Les, I want to add my voice, usualy silent, to those praising your existence. You are a true gift of God to humanity, but unfortunatly, humanity is too busy goofing off to reap the blessings you carry.
You are a genuine Loving being, one of a kind. We all feel at times unworthy of the all mighty's attention and we feel we have very little to offer him in his service. But he has made us that way to show us that we can do wonders with very little.
We all feel some times that the universe might be against us,just like God might feel that most humanity is against him, and the fact that we fell alike is testimony to our closeness with him, I hope to think.
There are many of us who stay silent most of the time, but nevertheless, we thank God for you, because you are able to put in wonderfull colors, the deepest fears and highest hopes we have for humanity, and you're doing so in time of need.
I never miss one of your posts or radio show, and I read most comments. You should be proud of yourself faithfull servant, because you've gathered from the face of the earth, the most precious collection of hearts God could have whish for.
We love you greatly Mr Les Visible, whoever you are.
I can't help thinking of the verse from the revelations which goes something like: 'mens hearts will grow faint with knowledge of what is to come.'
It seems that this doe not refer to all men - unlesss there is to be a mass awakening of sorts soon.
I also think of that verse which says something like: 'there will be scoffers of men' - refering to those of us who can see, being scoffed whilst trying to inform our kin.
There is certainly a lot of stuff in the book which seems relevant at this time. Also - in my mind - the fact that the guy accreditied with these words is hated so much by the people orchestrating events, only adds weight to their validity.
I mean how much would you have hate someone to 'boil him in a cauldren of excrement for eternity'
I think good begets good - infact I know. And the reverse. But the time is not of our choosing.
Don't go AWOL Les, you wouldn't want to miss your just rewards + bonus.
Very kindest thoughts to you
Stay cool
Don't sweat the timing, Les.
You have a lot of good insights, you make a lot of people think, and if your timing is off, it doesn't invalidate your findings, since you've never claimed omniscience.
Another thing to consider is, given that you believe we live in a thought-born universe: it's quite possible that enough people are awake and focusing their intent on "erasing" the bad boys out of the present timeline.
I mean, in a universe in which all possibilities already exist, it could be that we have changed our course and are navigating new ground, and what you saw then, and what you should have happened if everything had remained the same, is changed now, because thoughts & intent has changed it.
But what the hell do I know, I'm just a remora, here to sample the crumbs of wisdom that drop from your mouth as you wrestle with demons.
Salam Les,
So wonderfully true. I am thankful I have God - Allah. The source of all power, source of all peace, from Him we came and to Him we will return. With all the turbulence of this world, nothing can beat the pleasure and tranquility of being in HIs presence. That is true reality. The reason we are born - to seek Him and know His secrets. To prepare for the next life of eternity.
To hell with those who refuse to acknowledge God. My happiness is within me not outside. And He is the source.
All the modern communication devices, be it radio, tv or internet are mainly tools for us to forget The Divine. For enslaving us, tying us to this materialistic world, away from The Divine Presence.
For those who are yearning or searching for peace and harmony, the truth is so very close to yourselves. It is within. Once you found out who you are and the reality of your own existence, nothing gives more pleasure than being One with The One.
Nur Ilahi
Quitting the construction contracting life of a different address everyday and befriending Raccoons the best thing that has ever happenned to me. I feel drawn to go live in the woods with them.
[URL=]View My Video[/URL]
Nice one, Les.
The thing about pissing off to somewhere apparently safer when TSHF is, that it never is, because sooner or later the hungry hords will find you anyway. It's just buying you a little time.
I'll be standing my ground, staying and fighting the good fight with my family, friends and neighbors. I think the thing to do is to form closely knit communities wherever we are and to start going about it now. Everyone has a skill that compliments the others. Just the other day the little old lady next door flabbergasted me with her knowledge of food preservation. Now she's teaching me.
Spent 9 Months travelling India. Better off here, where I know the ins and outs and I'm not alone. On the road you may be free of the shit, but you're also extremely vulnerable.
Shangri La is where the heart is.
William Freeman
Thank you Les Visible for all you give without taking.
For those interested in traveling to "other places" I recommend
You might start with "Darkness Over Tibet" which can be found by scrolling the right side of the page.
To link directly to articles and books that are offered on the pages, try typing in "bibliopleyades (title of work)" or "crystalinks (title of work)."
The word is "biblioTECApleyades."
Know how you feel, about "Nature" and how She is your friend. And about ditching the whole rotten mess. That's partly why I am creating the Gaiene Communion. Check it out at -- you might be interested. In any event, keep writing. Your commentaries fascinate me. Thanks.
"Princess Diana’s mother is a Rothschild (Jewish), so technically, Prince William is also a Jewish Rothschild by blood. And he, of course, is positioned to be King of England- and hence, many believe the ultimate controller of the entire global secret government/Rothschild Octopus that includes the Committee of 300, M16, the Round Table, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the CIA, Mossad, the state of Israel, and their myriad corporations, think tanks, intelligence agencies, false business fronts, etc.
She quotes the Winston Churchill’s statement (2/08/1920, Illustrated Sunday Herald):
This movement amongst the Jews (the Russian Revolution) is not new. From the days of Spartacus (Adam) Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (real name- Bronstein, Russia), Bela Kuhn (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany) and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible inequality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Nesta Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities has gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from Jewish leaders.
Moret then notes that what is occurring is “spiritual warfare” and the Khazar Jews are not really Jews. They have adopted the Jewish religion as a fig-leaf. An example of the disconnect within the world Jewish community is that whereas Israeli Jews mostly support Bush II, American Jews do not. Meanwhile, the international bankers do view humans as “human cattle” (goyim is the Jewish term). She states that 300,000 American children are picked up by police each year and their organs are harvested (however, she did not mention the source of this statistic). Dyncorp forces young women into sex trafficking. The ruling elite use organized crime and the military to maintain their power. Today, as a result of their activities, organized crime is seamless around the world. The European Union is a Jacob Rothschild creation."
So if prince William is in the know about the murder of his mom - but that he accepts it as just one of those things the illuminati does to whisleblowers - the world is going to soon be exposed to a very, very psychically broken man with an incredible amount of economic and political power.
Remember the theories that Hitler was psychologically fashioned by the illuminati to be what he became?
What about William? What will he become?
The antichrist?
"Princess Diana’s mother is a Rothschild (Jewish), so technically, Prince William is also a Jewish Rothschild by blood. And he, of course, is positioned to be King of England- and hence, many believe the ultimate controller of the entire global secret government/Rothschild Octopus that includes the Committee of 300, M16, the Round Table, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the CIA, Mossad, the state of Israel, and their myriad corporations, think tanks, intelligence agencies, false business fronts, etc.
She quotes the Winston Churchill’s statement (2/08/1920, Illustrated Sunday Herald):
This movement amongst the Jews (the Russian Revolution) is not new. From the days of Spartacus (Adam) Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (real name- Bronstein, Russia), Bela Kuhn (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany) and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible inequality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Nesta Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities has gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from Jewish leaders.
Moret then notes that what is occurring is “spiritual warfare” and the Khazar Jews are not really Jews. They have adopted the Jewish religion as a fig-leaf. An example of the disconnect within the world Jewish community is that whereas Israeli Jews mostly support Bush II, American Jews do not. Meanwhile, the international bankers do view humans as “human cattle” (goyim is the Jewish term). She states that 300,000 American children are picked up by police each year and their organs are harvested (however, she did not mention the source of this statistic). Dyncorp forces young women into sex trafficking. The ruling elite use organized crime and the military to maintain their power. Today, as a result of their activities, organized crime is seamless around the world. The European Union is a Jacob Rothschild creation."
So if prince William is in the know about the murder of his mom - but that he accepts it as just one of those things the illuminati does to whisleblowers - the world is going to soon be exposed to a very, very psychically broken man with an incredible amount of economic and political power.
Remember the theories that Hitler was psychologically fashioned by the illuminati to be what he became?
What about William? What will he become?
The antichrist?
Tell yourself "We got em right where we want em", and the ways that we do have them there becomes apparent.
They're slaves to their lies. Every day, they send out their little paid hasbara golem to put out all these little fires, these little revivals. How precious and necessary are their lies to their existence. Like a person who has a wolf by the neck, they don't like it, but they sure can't let go of it.
They've vastly underestimated their own propensity for insanity. How long can they keep it up, when the wolf is only getting angrier, and more powerful with it? They gotta be shittin some bricks! The desperation of what I've been seeing on the image of the beast confirms it for me. They will be putting up that hubristic front until they completely collapse and start begging for mercy.
Keep that cooker turned UP. They have to spend 10X the energy and resources to poopoo it than it takes you to say it. Keep em jumpin.
We got em right where we want em.
I'll be taking it to those pantywaste pseudeo christian chatrooms. Their resources have been stretched. They've circled the wagons around their 2 biggest lies. They'll be sweating today.
Hi Les,
Sorry to hear even you are still hurting from time to time...not very encouraging for us novices ;)
You KNOW how you have helped me find the Divine connection; you have even written about it.
Two years ago I was a 'down and out material boy'.
Now, with your help, I am living in 'Shangri-La' where I prefer the solitude and the companionship and love of my animals and invisible friends here at your blogs, over the 'loneliness' I now feel when surrounded by friends at my local.
Thank you All,
In case some wonder about my views, God told me to write this to you, that is why I am.
To all of you who are brave enough to talk about Gods Love and who feel a bit foolish about the misperception of timing.. please look again at the depth of understanding on this one site. Les Visable has brought this army of God together with all our concerns, mixed with fear/apprehension perhaps a bit of anger because the GREAT I AM didn't 'move' when we thought HE should.. I have been 'the worlds fool' for over 65 years and although the evil ruler of this world has swung me/my emotions/my psyche around like a rag doll tossed into the raging sea with no visible means of even a small piece of driftwood to cling to..well, here we are. All of us opening our wounded hearts and souls and no one being harrassed or ridiculed. I have blogged my faith on more than one site that claimed religousity, and was run off by those who were 'most holy'. I did it on purpose. Those who ridicule Gods very elite of the elect are really spitting in HIS face not ours.. we are just His vessels. Look at all the truly heartfelt words spoken here.. might we just imagine for one moment that God wants us here all together, just before He raises His Righteous Right Hand to 'MOVE' heaven and hell for the anger He feels toward those who would hate His beloveds? Can we not see the BIG picture here, and know that if He allowed the evil one to do as he pleased 5-10-15 years ago, we would not have this pride that HE wants us to feel, about this bond, this comraderie, this link to HIM that Les has made possible? We are His clay, He will mold us to what HE wants. WE are all perfect in His sight if we listen to Him and do what He says. That small voice which is in all of HIS warriors on earth/hell. He says if we do HIS will, and who can know WHY HE DOES WHAT HE DOES????
I asked Him once, about 5 years ago, what He was doing with/to me. I can still hear His voice as HE on no uncertain terms said to me: I AM GOD AND YOU ARE NOT. He then added, 'so don't worry about it'. I thought then and I still believe, that through all this madness that He has a great sense of humour. And I love Him with all of me there is to love. Some of you who have shared with the rest of our little band of 'Gods Mighty Ones' have alot of insight into what all this is about. If we read parts of Isaiah, God tells us the ones He will judge cannot hide from Him. We will NOT be here on that day. I have been on some journeys that if I had to agree to them, I most probably wouldn't have wanted to. The darkness/evil that I faced would have been too over the top for my human understanding. That is why God throws us into some situations without any prior warning. We just couldn't do it with open human eyes. So we did it with Spiritual eyes that were shut. We are on different diminsions than the evil things that belong to hell/earth. THEY know it, they knew it from the start. We didn't. God says in Isaiah 30 that one of HIS Spirits can catch a thousand of them in battle, and 5 can slay them all. We don't know the power that HE has given to us. If we did, we wouldn't have lived this short blip of time on FAITH/TRUST/LOVE. I would love to single out some of your remarks.. truly amazing the souls and how advanced you are. Perhaps some of you might wonder how I seem to know so much. I have suffered beyond understanding on this earth. I was Gods companion in Heaven, and now on earth/hell. His innocent. The 'woman' in Gen. 3:15: God said to the serpent, I will put enmity between you and 'the woman', her seed and yours. You will bruise her (their) heel, but she (they) will crush your head. (Destroy him). Isaiah 66 was written about me and Gods mysterious plan. Rev. 12 when satan kills the woman and her newborn baby boy. Not a likely adversary, but that is the whole point. We are in this together, and we may as well view it as the Victorious warriors that we are, and not to feel the evil ones contempt. He is nothing but our enemy. God has written our story before the foundation of the earth. We are safe in His Mighty Hand.
Thank you for the link about satan.. really tells the story. also about the baby coons.. darling creatures of God.]View My Video
something to cheer you up Les
I'm okay. I just got hit with a few things that tapped me out on all levels and I have to deal with it. It makes no sense. I'm not sure I learned anything and what I did learn I am not happy to have discovered (grin) but so it goes. Most of the time I am just fine. For some reason, this week has been excruciatingly brutal without even the usual some kind of explanation.
Never mind. Lord Ayahuasca along with Lady Chaliponga rode in today and I'll be interacting with them over the course of the coming days. Without question it will explain itself.
up and round
liberation reach
tip of mountain
swirling east
north star glisten
winters cold
a warm the palms
on living flow
glowing solar
revolving union
rising pattern
equilibrium fusion
multi colored
galactic grains
of cosmic flow
universal change
rush in breeze
rise in life
lighting tip
touch in light
beam of essence
liberating grow
flow on wings
circulating flow
of indefinable
seems profound
wandering feather
floating ground
shine of sun
conscious root
rise in one
living truth.
Hey Les,...
“If these things were supposed to happen, something is holding them back.”
You are holding them back, we are holding them back; the dynamic prayerful energy that has been the result of all your work, your words, your council, your semantic guidance and the family of bloggers and commenter’s that have been inspired by you. You, we, those standing to the cyber-barricade, the bloggersphere: The cybercade. You have inspired an army of souls whose thoughts, whose sleepless nights, whose dreams and prayers have created the cyber antithesis to the egregious will of that synagogue of satanic minions, who have by hook and by crook determined to create a hell on earth of materialistic temporal quagmires in which to enslave the hominids and rob them of their spiritual latent imprinted memories, so as to manifest a gaggle of shameless consuming zombies.
You have had an impact that only the current status quo of ludicrous, obvious, impotent, egregious intent that falls short, flat and fizzing to the stony ground can testify to in real terms!
Your work is and has been tantamount to moving the goal posts every time this filthy tribe of hybrid scum have taken their ‘trophy shot’, their championship touch-down, their gold medal winning lunge has been thwarted because you and the upper echelon of OUR stalwarts at the cybercade have held their line and by their energetic will, so inspired, we have obtained the status quo. Not one step closer to their victory shall they take, for not one step to our rear shall we make!
Thank you for the inspiration, the dedication and the commitment that has held our line!
Don’t you worry about the when and how, so long as our line holds; there will be no when and how. The longer we withstand the siege the closer we are to breaking it!
“Vive le status quo”!
Maranatha brother visible: I post this comment without havng read the other comments,as yet, which sometimes proves fatal, I take that risk and accept the consequences...
Dear Les,
Whenever you post on one of your blogs, the first 15-20 comments are germaine to the topic. After that..........I'm clueless. Poetry?
Metaphysics? Religions of all types? Odd products and services?
Sometime ago I mailed you that I planned to Winter in Cambodia. The day before, I slipped on ice and seriously hurt my back. A cosmic joke? Don't know. It's not so bad watching the snow fall and getting a bit high. The Doc says I need to be flat on my back for several weeks.
People these days seem to be worried about every damn little thing. They can get real prissy about a little bit of cigarette smoke when Mother Earth is being destroyed. But hey...we can blame it all on smokers. The American human condition is now one of fear, despair, lonliness and alienation. What's there to look forward too? Some good drugs at the hospice?
Bah humbug!
The bottom line is that bitching and trying to define the problem doesn't help. WE NEED SOLUTIONS OR EVEN PROPOSED SOLUTIONS.
I personally really appreciate Nina's poetry even if I don't read every word all the time.
wv: focapo
It what the people would like to pour out all over the heads of the (almost all the) politicians and all the central bankers in the world.
I think it's probably more natural than not to get depressed over the injustices and suffering that happen in this world. I would be concerned if we felt nothing or indifference about it.
Most of us are not enlightened mystical self realized souls in this dimension although I think most of us are aiming to reach somewhere close to that or we think this is where we need to be in order to be at peace and whole but this is isn't the case.
Maybe our incarnation in this lifetime is about coping with what we have and getting closer to that self realization and the god realization within ourselves.
I know for myself, I suffer from many addictions. They are too many to list here but they are along the lines of just about every emotion (elation, joy, anger, excitement, despair, self pity, fear) taken to an extreme and getting caught up in it is exactly where I totally lose my center and loose who I am or that I think I am. The system is designed to make us addicts. it is aimed at supporting and encouraging unfulfilled self satiaton all the time and this includes the internet in many cases.
It can be dense here in this time consuming space.
I'm guessing plants like ayahuaska allow one to reach into the gods or god self.
Can we reach these stages without the assistance of plants that shamans use? Maybe not. I wish though!
Would love to hear more from you less and yes, I'm diverting from the blog topic but so be it.
I do love Nina, Mouse, blonothat, Seasiam ( i apologize for spelling errors here) and so many more that bring such gifts to this little community and grateful for you all.
Les, yes, please share from your experience and maybe I can learn something!!
Love, Debbie.
This is for Clueless, aka T. Frum.
I read your post over several times... seems you are very judgemental to some thoughts/opinions of Visables readers. Did Les appoint you the czar of his blog? Didn't think so. No one else, no not one, has ridiculed another brave soul that ventures a concern, maybe unsolvable by him/her, but it just feels better to 'get it out there'. I looked, but I didn't see any of your 'solutions'. You have a rudeness about you, but don't despair. It probably isn't your fault, since you admit getting 'high' is one of your priorities.
By the way, I happen to work with Quantum Physics. I am a 'distance healer'. I am able to heal you, but won't. You don't understand, so you would probably say, 'no' my 'doc' can fix it. Not probable, since they took a hippocritical oath.. oh yea, they pronounce it hippocratic. Nonetheless, the offer won't be extended. So, you see, some of us DO have some solutions, for some very impossible problems. I don't really understand what you were expressing, except for the 'bah humbug part. I can plainly see what 'side' you are on.
nicely said veritas,....neil
"SOUTHLAKE -- Chase Bank told a businessman to remove the Christmas tree he donated to a local branch because it could offend people.
Antonio Morales, owner of Bellagio Day Spa in Southlake, had assembled and decorated a 9-foot-tall tree in the lobby of the Chase Bank branch at 1700 E. Southlake Boulevard as a favor to the branch manager, who is one of his clients.
The tree remained in the lobby from the Monday before Thanksgiving until Tuesday. Morales said his friend called him Wednesday to tell him the tree had to go. She later showed him an e-mail from JPMorgan Chase saying that the tree had to be removed because some people were offended (sic) by it.
The bank referred questions to corporate offices.
Greg Hassell, a JPMorgan Chase spokesman, said that the company's policy isn't anti-Christmas. "People wish their customers merry Christmas when it's appropriate," he said.
However, to ensure that everyone who visits Chase branches feels welcome and comfortable, the bank's policy is to use only decorations supplied by the company.
"We appreciate the thoughtful gesture from Mr. Morales," Hassell said. "Unfortunately, we're unable to keep it [the tree] on display for the remainder of the holiday season." JPMorgan Chase ensures that decorations are "something everyone is comfortable with, regardless of how they celebrate the season," Hassell said.
But others see the tree as a symbol of the season."
Who the fauk do these 2.4% of the people think they are?
When is enough, enough?
My great aunt said "Never take the Christ out of Christmas", and she was right.
JPMorgan Chase - enough!
There is a new Visible Origami up-
Hey everyone, I just wrote this short piece last night in response to someone I had been chatting with on These are my own words:
I think Goddess is in complete control, but She is not controlling.
People tend to blame Goddess for humanity's woes, but She had to let the psychopaths rule our societies so we could learn that Her way is the only way.
If She interfered, then we wouldn't be responsible for our own actions any more. Then there would be no opportunities for ppl to gain wisdom and grow their souls.
And that, my friend, is the greatest gift anybody could give, opportunity for spiritual advancement.
-Thanks for reading this and thank u Les Visible for providing a place for me to post this!
Since I'm grounded car-wise until new keys arrive (god knows when), I shall be visiting in that very location through the weekend and am, in fact, already on the way. I was hoping to get the Origami out before that became difficult but seem to have managed.
There's a new 'visible streams of consciousness up.'
The Terrible Irony of Beautiful Words.
This GUY is now the President of this. So it continues.
If these things were supposed to happen, something is holding them back. There is a degree of uproar going on around the world and all of that is connected to the psychopathic behavior of bankers and we are hoping they get their just reward sooner rather than later
Amen to that.
I don't believe in a Heaven, but I sure hope there is a Hell, because those thieving, lying murdering scumbags deserve their own special circle.
As for Mother Nature, she can be your best friend or worst enemy. If you become her friend, the rewards are magnificent.
Just go with her flow and don't be a stupid dumb-ass like those fools in the US Army Corp of Engineers, who think they can bend Nature to serve their distortions.
They can't and they never have learned that lesson.
If you are still freaking out about the Old World Order and their diabolical plans, try to relax!
The evidence is becoming overwhelming that there is an extreme, multi-faceted worldwide effort being made to bring them down.
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