Dog Poet Transmitting.......
May your noses always be cold and wet.
(Jeff H. from Honolulu. Only today did I get the letter you must have sent months ago. I have yet to read it but will today. Please email me. I'm going to be in your neck of the woods soon.)
What Really Happened has got a s-load of Ebola news up at the beginning of the articles list today, from yesterday and that might change in a few hours but you can find them. Yes, the government invented it and the government is disseminating it and if their usual policies hold true they will soon be taxing you for the privilege of catching it. However, if you are rich you will not have to pay for hosting Ebola in your system because the rich don't pay taxes. That's why God made so many poor people, so that they could finance the system, which is designed to make things go real smooth for the rich. In fact, the gears that turn the mechanical assemblies that pump out financial profit for the rich are designed to run on human blood. Not only is human blood the fuel that runs the machinery but human blood is also what lubricates the gears. You would have to say it is seriously multipurpose, especially considering that people (people?) like Little Georgie Sorrows, David Rockefeller, Lloyd Blankfein, Michael Bloomfield and many others also drink it as a cordial, aperitif, general cocktail and food supplement served up in smoothies. This is as it should be because they are smoothies. They slide through existence, like a lizard on a greased, inclined mesa.
A short while ago, the government propaganda agency, also known as the Crass Media, was mentioning how Ebola was created by the Russians but... since the completely Zionist owned American government owns the patent on Ebola and since GKS and the CDC and others are blockading all natural means for treating Ebola, it is to be presumed that this is a multifaceted assault on the public. On one hand they want to kill off as many useless eaters as they can in Africa and they've been killing Africans for profit and sport for decades now, while also testing whatever toxic diseases they can think of on them so that they can screw them over with pharmaceutical vaccines and, of course, they tested AIDS on them and of course they test all their jungle warfare weapons on them too.
After awhile, depending on when they need access to whatever resources they intend to steal, from whatever country their professional thieves, lawyers, bean counters and Zionist overlords decide on, they jump right in and do what they do. They are joined at the hip with the IMF (Bride of Dracula Christine Lagarde country) and the most powerful Satanic family bloodline in the world, The Rothschilds. How bad are these last? The matron of the family once said if her sons didn't want war there wouldn't be any war. Familiar with war are you? War is when people get blown up into small pieces, women and children get gang-raped by two legged animals. Mass graves get filled with hundreds of bodies that were first tortured. All this takes place under orders from BANKERS. Bankers own the governments because they print the money. In any case, you are not dealing with human beings here. You are dealing with hollow shells inhabited by real demons. This is why and how they can do what they do and have no regrets, remorse, or twinge of conscience whatsoever. The nastier the enterprise, the more tumescent they get. The screams of the defenseless work upon their libido like Viagra.
These seemingly civilized men and women in expensive suits provide nothing of any value whatsoever. They are a plague upon existence. They don't care who they hurt and they don't care how many they hurt. I am incapable of finding an adjective that accurately describes them. The toxicity of a soul like Binliner WackoffYahoo, Skull Olmert, 9-11 Barack and the rest of these mass murdering crocodile swine, is as vile and poisonous as any poison or virus on the planet. There is no if and or but about these characters. For thousands of years these contemptible densities of darkness have been adding (life after life) to the black marks upon what might have once been their souls. They are so far past the boundaries of the ring pass not, of what composes anything human that it is only the costume they are wearing that conveys the impression that they are human. They ARE NOT human. Human beings do not behave as they do. These fiends just announced that their next assault on Gaza will be worse that the last one. Think about that. They intend to wipe The Palestinians from the face of the Earth because the Palestinians ARE the people that they are fraudulently pretending to be. The Palestinians are Semitic. They are not.
Take heart in the fact that everything going on these days is all part of an extended and complex demonstration of the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. How are YOU carrying yourself in these times? WHAT are you up to? What do you say? What do you think? What do you do? What are you? The quality or lack of quality expressed in these actions defines you. Every moment of your life you are defining yourself. If you want to know what you are, look back the way you came and you will at least see what you thought you were. Look within and do it with the proper degree of intensity and perpetuating determination and you will see what you really are and there will be no concern about in what manner it gets expressed because it expresses itself without the need for thought or action, yet is bleeds through every single one.
I have screwed up any number of times. For a long while my judgment and level of self control were not what they should have been; in the ideal sense that is but... I have never stopped trying. I have never sugar coated my own behavior, in my own mind, so as to locate justification for anything. It is what it was but we are fluid creatures, unless we allow ourselves to become so stratified that change has become more difficult than we were capable of. That's Curmudgeon Country. You don't want to live there. Nothing has to be the way it is. Either we are stronger than our patterns or they are stronger than we are and that is singularly dependent on the degree to which we have surrendered to Material Nature.
The problem is that so many things passed off as spiritual behavior these days, are simply just another permutation of Material Nature. This can be determined by whether one operates according to self interest or not. Unless you have developed a sophisticated infrastructure of lies by which you have convinced yourself of what is not, in place of what is, you should be able to see through yourself. Self deprecation and humility are powerful tools. Don't leave home without them.
If too much of your focus is outward it can't help but impact on your inward view. Just because the mass of humanity is marching toward perdition does not mean you have to, nor does the mass create any kind of a measure for your own being. Simplicity is a killer app. It automatically engages as a continuing feature of an 'uncluttered mind', We've already discussed how you come into possession of one.
I am not here to tell you not to live in a city. I have no idea of the condition and direction of your personal Karma. There are countless tales of men in combat who moved completely unscathed through terrible circumstance, while everyone around them bought it. I will say that generally... generally, that is the location where the worst of what is coming will hit and you are remarkably dependent on the heat and other utilities; the trucks and trains that bring in the food and water. If you are resident in the pressure cooker of countless lives all compressed into a small space, the odds are... the odds are you had better be able to think on your feet.
It takes a very, very short period of time for formerly civilized, seemingly civilized people, to revert to 'beast mode'. I submit that you will be stunned at the velocity at which this happens. For most people, the patina of civilization is very thin. It is a kind of Formica that is extremely heat sensitive. This laminated surface can burn off in no time and leave something truly terrifying. When it expresses itself in mob behavior well... good luck with that. I have been in several mob scenes and seen what happens. It ain't pretty. You can forget reasoning with anyone. You have to go directly into toreador mode. There are things a person needs in times of great uncertainty and it is a certainty that you will experience the reality of whatever it is that you rely on so... make absolutely sure you trust whatever that is. You need both courage and restraint. These two have have a deep relationship with each other. Those who study the nature of desirable qualities, soon learn that there are all kinds of symbiotic relationships that exist between one quality and another. Raw courage is more of a liability than anything else if it isn't tempered by other qualities.
My friends; Push and Shove are on the marquee and Howling Chaos is in the orchestra pit. Our job is and always has been to weave harmonics out of discord, to refine our Love to its most comprehensive and efficient expression and to understand that often enough, simple and sustained endurance is all you need. Before I go off on yet another tangent, let me go off altogether. Have a wonderful day!
End Transmission.......
There will be no radio broadcast tonight because I am coughing and sneezing and not well; got some kind of flu. Sorry about that. I hope to be okay by next week.
♫ Too Old to Rock & Roll ♫
'Too Old to Rock & Roll' is track no. 2 of 7 on
Visible and The Critical List's 1987 album
'The Pope of Rock and Roll'

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The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World A spellbinding tale of mystery and the occult; haunted by a malevolent presence, Alan Douglas, a New York Detective, moves to Hawaii - where he encounters kidnappings, grisly murders, weird events and dark forces leading to a thunderous showdown of good and evil in a tale both horrifying and sublime... Click here for more information or click the Kindle icon to buy from Amazon. | |||
Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World Visible stamps his unique, inspired and seemingly effortless style within the pages of 'Spiritual Survival'; this outstanding guide will enable every seeker of truth and spirit to not merely navigate the spiritual path, but to thrive upon it during our extra-ordinary transit. Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon. | |||
The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine Infused with a wealth of occult wisdom and comparable to the works of Hermann Hesse, 'Ash and The Whine' is a not only a brilliant supernatural thriller in its own right - but one which also relays the truth about those responsible for 911 and other terror attacks in recent times... Click here for more information or choose an icon to buy your preferred format from Amazon. |
Thank you for another entertaining and profound "Satsang."
We are with you all the way !
I contend this is all a hoax, and wrh fear mongering the shit out of us. Mike Rivero the next Alex Jones
I don't see where Michael is doing anything to spread disinfo. He's merely linking articles and the Crass Media is full of stories.
All is well and all is under control. It doesn't matter where you live ... It only matters that you don't succumb to fear.
God will never desert us ...
Vis: "Our job is and always has been to weave harmonics out of discord, to refine our Love to its most comprehensive and efficient expression..."
You reminded me of a *literal* expression of that. Once, I was with a group that was going to do some chanting. We started, and one member was painfully off-tone with the rest of the group. I asked inside what to do. My voice immediately started to 'modulate' itself to where it was a 'bridge' between this member and the rest of the group. Somehow, the 'whole' was now melodious. It was very cool, and somewhat humbling. (I should mention that my normal singing voice causes people to grimace...)
Vis: "Bankers own the governments because they print the money. In any case, you are not dealing with human beings here. You are dealing with hollow shells inhabited by real demons."
I am curious about the literalness of the last. For some reason, Higher Self has not gone straight-up against them (in an energetic way). So, I have no direct 'sense' of whether the average higher-up bankster is still 'there' or not. I wonder in a general way what the 'strategy' is for the higher-up banksters themselves...
I did have one interesting 'case' that is absolutely unprovable. Long ago, I was asking about a certain leader who had been with the KGB. Higher Self said that - as part of the 'conditions' for his advancement - his soul had been literally 'de-installed' and another 'put-in'. His soul was being kept in some kind of 'holding facility'.
A few years ago, I asked Higher Self about this same man. It turned out that - as part of the Coalition's general 'sweep' from high to low - he had his 'original' soul put-in again. Plus, some 'enlightenment' was thrown-in along the way. I was quite surprised, although the man certainly had a different 'feel' to his actions now.
The above gets me to wondering how much we really do not have a clue about...
Best Wishes,
Ray B.
The conductor of the magic carpet ride I must have agreed with says that I will be arriving in Kauai by Nov.1! Jus la dat! Something is afoot...and it is larger than "life".
Great post, as usual. Just wish things would hurry up more.
How do I carry myself? Ya know, I'm kinda flatlined. It's like, what ever! Glad it's almost over, though. Just passin' through, with occasional acts of nostrilness.
how much longer will the nightmare of this modern society go on for?
looking at the economic data of the past two weeks, it is the most negative i've ever seen.
6th uranus-pluto square is december 22, that should be a major breakthrough in people waking up and seeing through the illusion
the 7th and last is coming in March or April (don't remember the exact date) of 2015. The indicators around it suggest that it will be a time of extreme explosion and revolution. who knows whether it will be a violent physical revolution or rather a revolution and breakthrough in consciousness and awareness. guess we'll have to wait and see!
i wish i knew what was to happen
like rasputin or nostradamus
but of course, i am just a plebe
not a clue, except what i feel, right now
Only a foolish false pride could prevent us from saying that this post is the finest prophetic call to action ever.
It is better than Marx' "A specter is haunting Europe..." wise persons say,'discernment is necessary'.
There are times of spiritual awakening and righteous mass anger. It has happened.
Perhaps again. But meanwhile, yes.
The Didache says, "There is a way of Life and a way of Death, and the difference between them is great".
We must choose wisely.
Thank you, les.
- the beggar, outside the walls.
To Anonymous @ October 06, 2014 4:54:00 AM
So, you mean, we are all in for a major upheaval and some great changes in December and then again in the spring, much like the ones we experienced back on Dec. 21, 2012 (you know, during the end of the Mayan Calendar)????
I await it with baited breath. Like I did for Y2K. And other such mainstream-media-driven "End Time dates" (wink-wink)...
You're so cruel sometimes, and mean spirited, guess it comes from trusting, few and nobody. You're the kind of poison some people need in this world, and I suspect it's why God keeps you alive and in good performance for the most part.
Anyway I meant that as a compliment, not an insult.
"Nothing has to be the way it is."
Nothing is possible, and impossible too, depending how our mental frame work is.
"Either we are stronger than our patterns or they are stronger than we are and that is singularly dependent on the degree to which we have surrendered to Material Nature."
Reading you is a part of my pattern, so is addiction to reading your crafty spite, disdain, and absolute loathing for the power structure, and its overlapping system, not to mention the world at large a problem for me? "Nah" I take it in stride, and healthy cynicism. I think most of your readers would agree that they enjoy reading, as much enjoy writing.
Alan... you don't have to patronize me by telling transparent lies as if I wouldn't publish your needy screeds otherwise. Truth be told, you wish with all your heart and mind that you were me but... you are not. I know what's going on with you.
I like coming here to read the comments section - it gives me a chuckle to see so many "evolved" people bashing anybody and everybody who doesn't toe the party line. And it continually reminds me of the fact that looking for gurus and salvation externally, is like looking for truth and enlightenment at a convention for the bipolar - heh. Great theater, all the same.
You know what always tickles me? It's when someone comes in anonymously and bangs on the people that bang, even though there is no more of that here than anywhere else and when it is, it is most often anonymous. As I have said, the reason people post anonymously is... if they left their name, something would be revealed. Vibe I'm getting is that you are one of 'them' or... we already know you.
We would love it here. I would love it here if... you came and listed your accomplishments. There's no good that comes out of looking like The Michelin Man and trying to get payback for making it public attention. Same thing with being gay. It doesn't take the weight off and it doesn't make you straight.
Me thinks schizophrenia is run amuck. Duck, things are being thrown and others want to own our sanity. There are caves for such advances, caves, wherein none from Assholelandia may enter. Find a cave. Make a fire. Talk to God.
Me thinks schizophrenia is run amuck. Duck, things are being thrown and others want to own our sanity. There are caves for such advances, caves, wherein none from Assholelandia may enter. Find a cave. Make a fire. Talk to God.
Vis, I hope you're feeling better and the flu is on it's way out. Would bring soup were I in the neighborhood.
Now that you mention it, you know what gets to me? The people who bang on the people who bang on the people who bang on others. You know what else gets to me? The people who claim that anonymous posting is indicative of some Dark Side shenanigans. This is especially humorous, in light of the fact that the elite want to make anonymous posting illegal, and are well on their way to making that happen. Why, it's almost enough to make a thinking person think that most of these "guru" blogs, are owned and operated by the very people with whom the gurus are allegedly at war...
Been a while since I've seen the comments section take a left turn (that's a metaphoric left, not a political one). ;-)
No worries.
Shillers be shillin' and chillers be chillin'.... Probably one of the dumbest statements I've ever made right there. :)
No worries.
What a load of bullshit. It just proves my point. Furthermore, no claims as to being a guru are ever made here and usually those so incensed about it are control freaks who wish to be one but don't have the credentials. Rave on MacDuff, You impact is south of nil
Sometimes I have to be anonymous, too, each instance is its own judgement call. I do not mind anonymous postings though sometimes frustrations want me to tare down the curtain and expose the wizard. And anonymity can not remain so with Mr. Apocalypse. With him, none isn't naked. We hide while we can, or think we can, but that stick, that relentless stick. . . Too often I've felt it on my back. My sins, they never stop teaching.
Maybe sins are the guru.
The morning you wrote this blog, there was an small earthquake here, I wasn't sure until I confirmed it on the USGS website, The epicenter was right in my neighborhood, the only damage a water main break happened just a block south of where I live. That wasn't the strangest thing that morning either. About an hour or so after, I looked up into the sky where the Orion constellation was at the moment, just to the right of several of those stars in the same pattern as the constellation there was baby clouds forming, almost as if those stars were beaming cosmic waves into the atmosphere, I don't doubt whatsoever that those stars in the sky influence the life and environment of the Earth no matter how far we're told they actually are. I also don't doubt spiritual guilds, or the way they influence You, me, or anyone who becomes a medium for them.
Dear Anonymous:
You seem to have Vis all figured out. Have you ever met him?
I have.
You have zero credibility. Accept that fact.
Dear Alan Jong:
Vis wants to be a 'guru' a great deal less than you don't want to be a passive aggressive narcissist.
A new Visible Origami is up now-
Ebola Suicide Bombers and Ebola Bombers of Conscience.
"Vis wants to be a 'guru' a great deal less than you don't want to be a passive aggressive narcissist."
You can write off passive in that characterization of Me.
As for the Anonymous having met Les, wouldn't the proper answer be he don't know? I certainly don't know. Maybe this Origami is a clue. about the deep Les expressed.
I am not looking for a guru, as much as I enjoy reading the work of someone who goes for the jugular, scraps in cyberspace and takes no prisoners. If as above is as below maybe He's already won.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now-
The Sad, Sad Inactive Epiphany of the Doomed Lab Rat.
Hi Les, and thanks so much for all that you do.
I believe you meant Michael Bloomberg rather than throwing the name of one of the finest Blues Guitarists that ever lived amongst that group of filth...(-;
All the Very Best to you,
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