Monday, June 14, 2021

"The Bad News is that Some of the Changes to Restore Order Will be Extreme."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

All the greater troubles, at present, in this world are related to one another by a singular trend. The people have turned away from God. The Media in all of its forms outright ridicules people of Faith and the war is on to tear down the traditions. I'm guessing that is what the demolition crews are doing without knowing what they are doing. The structures must and will be transformed to accommodate the directions being set for the INCOMING new age. This has thrown traditionalists into confusion and their flocks are drifting in all directions.

Of course, IF this turns out to be true...

Many people Talk about how we are now in that New Age. The New Age is brought into being by The Avatar and doesn't happen until he's been here. It is from The Mind of God that it comes. Here is a statement I consider to be more true and more relevant than most of what I hear from those who wish too much and work too little;

"In Hinduism, Kalki is the tenth and final avatar of the God Vishnu in the current Mahayuga, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, the current epoch. The Purana scriptures foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword. He is the harbinger of the end time in Hindu eschatology, after which he will usher in Satya Yuga."

Of course, there is allegory and metaphor there (duh).

Much of the present nonsense has to do with the programming that has conditioned the human mind to look outward for its solutions. This puts them into a reliance upon government and technology, as well as fashion and celebrity worship. Every time some D-list celebrity NEEDS to increase their celebrity and INCLUSIVENESS in the larger moshpit, and makes a public announcement about their sexual orientation, it is headline-making news all through the bugger-land of contemporary media

Turning away from God, en masse, especially the young, is at the root of all of the problems of the present. It is to be expected though, with the long present infrastructure and institutions crumbling and losing all credibility with the masses, except for the fanatic wing, which gets even more consolidated and paranoid. Meanwhile, the non-stop onslaught of information from electronic media, and through computers, tablets, cellphones, and whatever else there is, all come with an atheism and appetite-stroking massage; “if it feels good, do it!” “You only live once!” “You've got to treat yourself right!”

External events have a great deal to do with the human mind, as it connects to other minds, and creates force fields that hold certain mindsets and traditions together. When large parts of humanity turn away from God, and self-interest is what replaces it, trouble is coming. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

How we collectively think in a society, impacts on everything that comes about in our lives, while we are members of it. The weather is affected. There is a subconscious meditation that radiates from us and accounts for whether we live in harmony, or if there is disharmony all around us because that is our internal state. The Mind is VERY powerful and where people are jammed together in massive hives, you get the bad magic of negative group-think. This is self-evident. If you have need to prove it to yourself, you simply travel to LA and you will see a kind of history being made before your eyes.

Move up the coast to Montecito and it is a whole other ball game. Then follow on to San Francisco and have a gander. From there you can go cross the Sierras to an entirely different mindscape. Come down to Scottsdale, which is a part of greater Phoenix, and have a look and a feel. From there you can head to urban St. Louis. You can pass through the south-lands and hit the East Coast. Then you can lazy-like make your way up that coast and watch the pulse and vibratory nets shift and change in frequency. It seems like both of the coasts are now one extended urban sprawl.

Modern life is not healthy or harmonious. Not only is it out of balance but it is moving further out of balance with an ever-increasing speed. This is not tolerated by the one who set the stars in space and to whom we are like living cells in a vast and incomprehensible body. He has a plan in mind that is so far-reaching no mortal mind can grasp it. If we study what few records there are of past events, we can see that there has been a great deal of coming and going and not much in terms of staying. Life from a particular perspective makes it seem like a slaughterhouse when viewed in extreme fast forward.

The general climate of life has gone wrong. The good news is that IT WILL be set right. The bad news is that some of the changes for restored order will be extreme, depending on where it is extremely out of wack.

I tend to talk in a folksy manner and seem, sometimes indifferent to grammar and traditional forms of schooled expression. This is intentional. I could just as easily present in more elegant and articulate forms, with a lot of large words, and I sometimes do for brief instances (when I'm not paying attention), but my desire is to communicate, not to bedazzle, nor to be in search of an admiration which can also turn bad in short order. A man is a fool who thinks he has many friends, or that any loyalty is unconditional. You get your noble and remarkable exceptions, but they are exceptions. One has to be aware that people can change on you in a heartsbeat, so... you are either committed to the message, or you are engaged in currying favor.

There are many ways to get lost in this life. There are few recourses to getting successfully through it. I have found one and it has proven out. My concern is to please that agency that is my deliverance and to not care a wit what anyone else thinks. Life WILL and DOES prove over and over again that one MUST have a firm foundation. This is not found in Christianity, or Islam, or Buddhism, or Hinduism. It is found within yourself, and any of these can be a vehicle or delivery system for this, but in most cases, religions are training wheels, and at some point, the training wheels come off. You can see around you that it is LITERALLY Sink or Swim. It might require a little time-lapse thinking and historical references but YOU SHOULD be able to see that life is a serious business that needs to be handled with a sensitive touch.

Another feature that we can't help but notice is how unfair life seems to be. How is it that such ignorant and clueless individuals can prosper? Why are lies and deceptions rewarded? How come some people can get away with murder or buy their way out of trouble? Part of the answer is in the ever-shifting tenor of the times in which we live. It is not the cream that is rising to the top these days, but road apples. Also... NO ONE gets away with anything, and Justice is served to the last jot and tittle. You cannot, usually, know what is present behind those smiling faces, as the privileged go by on the red carpets. You do not see how they spend their days and end their days. You do not see the dread and fear that grows in them as they continue on their way. You do not see to which far country they are bound.

Granted, there are people who will argue against every single word that appears here. Here is a classic example of what shows up here and there, and now and then in certain comment sections;

Quote #1: “... Because they (ACTUALLY) know (inside) that they don’t know ...”

Knowing is absolutely worthless, unless it implies seeing.

A man does not need to know that he does not know... he simply needs to see that he does not know... and that means he should see the truth that he is unable to see the truth of a particular phenomena.

You may say this is the same... but it is not! Not going to accuse Les Visible of pride and arrogance but he sure is resistant to logic and reason. On multiple occasions this was explained in solid logic.”

What do you say to something like that? You don't. You don't say anything. That portion of the mind which I call, The Reactive Mind, MUST BE stilled. Elsewise you would be arguing till Doomsday's Break about NOTHING, with people who know even less than that. If you should be fortunate enough to discover The Truth, you must treasure it. You must protect it from those who seek to pervert it. Of course, The Truth DOES NOT need your protection. That is not what I mean. What I mean is that you must protect its presence within you, lest it flees from your contentious nature

God and the elements of his being DO NOT conform to Temporal Logic and Reason. Those are tools employed by Religion, to validate the right of venal priests to interpret that which can not be interpreted in that fashion. Why else would one be admonished to become as a little child?

Many there are who rose to spiritual heights and who then fell an equal distance. You cannot advance a righteous cause through argument. One way that I take the pulse of this country is by reading the comments that are made at different news organs. They are most revealing and also expose a certain characteristic of those who have made little self-inquiry. They are REACTIVE. If you can still the Reactive Mind you WILL find Peace. You have to make peace with yourself before you even think about it with anyone else.

How do you still The Reactive Mind? I would recommend asking Heaven for assistance, but you train The Mind the same way you train anything else from a Bonsai to an elephant, and there are two basic ways to go about it; the gentle way and the hard way. They both work but they are prone to different side effects. You see these two techniques at work all over The World, usually, more of the hard way comes into evidence. The gentle course requires you to be much more careful and informed.

All things are subject to time, including our words. Household names are completely forgotten once their time on the meter runs out. If your Ideal is timeless it will have a lasting effect. It matters NOT AT ALL if The World remembers you, but... if you can get God's attention, The World doesn't matter at all. Few are so inclined because the cost of it becomes apparent soon enough, and... what is the cost? Nothing you can't afford to lose in the exchange. It really depends on your values. That will be a strong determinant of your destiny. Go with God.

Word has it that this particular Avatar will be born in Shambhala. This means that the ordinary route, the usual route of appearance here does not need to be taken. He CAN appear at any time. Here is more information on Shambhala.

Here are pictures of the Altai Mountains where Shambhala is said to be located.

Altai Mountains
Follow image link for more examples, or click here

End Transmission.......

I will include some links where you can check the pulse of The World if you want to;

Stanley Johnson, father of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and author of the fictional novel The Virus
View on Twitter

Stanley Johnson, father of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and author of the fictional novel The Virus
View on Twitter

The Virus, an entirely fictional novel by Stanley Johnson, father of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson
View "The Virus" on Amazon

E Michael Jones, Via The Truthseeker
“The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” Enthrones Satan

Via The Real History Channel
NY Times: The Boys in Their Summer Dresses

Via The Real History Channel
Let the "Bad Guys" Speak!


robert said...

Visible One,

Thank you for being here now.

Probing reality dredges up fears attached to denial, as we have been in denial up to our ears.
To cleanse ourselves of the phantom power of fear ALL must be raised to our attention, so that we can check our gut for where our treasures are stored.
Remind us always to rest on the One and not on our diffracted minds!

Turning away from God, en masse, especially the young, is at the root of all of the problems of the present

Turning to the superficial, away from depth
Turning to the projected matrix, away from source
Turning to the quicksand of human opinion, away from the knowing heart

Collecting the effluvia of assholes, storing the paid opinions of minions and emptying the storehouse of the heart

The exhorting exortionists endlessly expostulate:
The distraction of Maya continues on overdrive, powered by the desperation of the deceivers about to lose their lunch

"Look over here! Never within!
If you stand on a firm foundation, you cannot be a good zombie!
If you believe in timeless verities, you cannot be consumed on time!
If you think outside the box, you will be excluded from the matrix harvest!
If you think at all, you will be the target of zombie programming!
If you value your soul over your life, you cannot be conned into selling both short!"

Fear fear fear, until destruction or fearlessness ensues.

The Mind is VERY powerful and where people are jammed together in massive hives, you get the bad magic of negative group-think

On the flip side, against the tide of dark nebulous mental murmurings, the power of awakened minds cuts right through the fog of war, creating clearings in the mental landscapes of Armegeddon.
A smile from the soul sinks a thousand shits
A belly laugh at the futility of opposing the will of the One, shatters a million miasmas
A loving intention directed back to the Source wihtou conditions, raises all lifeboats above the tsunami of trepidations.

We get the picture: having faith, we are connected to the inexhaustible.
We are moved from the tidal forces within to shine on through the murky madness...
Like the lone opposer in Tiananmen square, we say no to the illusion of power and YES to the real power.
Unlike that solitary image, propagated by the Matrix to demoralize, the children of the One, those who know they are more than corporate assets of corporate asshats, far outnumber and outshine the actively possessed minions.

We will not be yielding up the Earth to the would-be plunderers of Heaven.
We will be, despite all anti-life agendas
We will be victorious over our betraying selves and become more than the soul-sellers bargained for.

We imagine human potential powered by the One and never look back!

The gentle course requires you to be much more careful and informed.

The hard way takes longer too.
The human trained by duress and trauma becomes less useful for fine work, at least until scars are healed and life is allowed back into continuous flow.

How would we touch our lover?
Can we be anymore gentle with another's form than we are with our own?
Charity begins in the home, Love blooms when planted where we are.

Every contrary notion is bent on taking us away from our true Self.

As the contrast rips wide between:
---the injected degeneracy of zombified life simulations
---the wholly spiritual life of soul-connected beings

there are a coming series of gate moments where we can choose the One over all imposters
Those who see no choice will lose their chance to change course
We who see the choices will choose wisely as there is only One choice!

Anonymous said...

"Many there are who rose to spiritual heights and who then fell an equal distance. You cannot advance a righteous cause through argument."

This goes along with that which I mentioned last night at a 12 Step meeting. For years I tried to get to the Promise Land (freedom from "self") by understanding my way there when doing is the only way. And in doing have I now begun to understand. I could sense much of the TRUTH that is of God via my intellect through the knowledge I sought regarding Him. But I simply could not get to the promise land via my intellect. I realized at 19 years of age that God was real and I immediately asked Him to save me from "myself". I didn't yet realize the depths of that recognized problem, being "self". I didn't realize until just recently that the peace and contentment that I thirsted for could come only through harmony with the Living One. I didn't yet realize that it would take alignment of my will with His will to get what I was yearning for. I didn't yet realize that which was discontented within me was the life within me that needed more life, more God. Less of me and more of Him. With things being very bleak I checked myself into rehab on April 7th out of a sense of duty to try and set myself right. A couple of weeks in I started leaning desparetly hard on God to help me perform that which I could not. In the past few weeks that sense of duty has given way to a choice driven by what I can explain only as love. Now I simply cannot tolerate God from a distance anymore. I must have more of Him always, everyday throughout the day. This harmony with Him that I now have is what my soul has yearned for since childhood. Not all of the various joys from the hunting, fishing, golf, drugs, alcohol, sex, intimate relationships, money, toys, etc., etc., etc., could fill the void that was within me. Only the presence of the Living One could set me right and give me a peace and contentment that is quite frankly unspeakable. PRAISE God!!!!!!!
I use to leave comments here years ago under the title of "Justin_N_IL". You might remember me and my high mindedness. Fortunately for me that Justin is in the grave. Much love my friend.
Justin Virden

Anonymous said...

"Many there are who rose to spiritual heights and who then fell an equal distance. You cannot advance a righteous cause through argument."

This goes along with that which I mentioned last night at a 12 Step meeting. For years I tried to get to the Promise Land (freedom from "self") by understanding my way there when doing is the only way.
Doing as in the trying to do what I know is the right thing to do ever asking God to help me do it. Ever asking God to help me be a righteous man. And in "doing" have I now begun to understand. I could sense much of the TRUTH that is of God via my intellect through the knowledge I sought regarding Him and a hungry heart to know Him better. But I simply could not get to the promise land via my intellect while wanting to hold back parts of my old self centered will. I realized at 19 years of age that God was real and I immediately asked Him to save me from "myself". I didn't yet realize the depths of that recognized problem, being "self". I didn't realize until just recently that the peace and contentment that I thirsted for could come only through harmony with the Living One. I didn't yet realize that it would take alignment of my will with His will to get what I was yearning for. I didn't yet realize that which was discontented within me was the life within me that needed more life, more God. Less of me and more of Him. With things being very bleak I checked myself into rehab on April 7th out of a sense of duty to try and set myself right. A couple of weeks in I started leaning desparetly hard on God to help me perform that which I could not. In the past few weeks that sense of duty has given way to a choice driven by what I can explain only as love. Now I simply cannot tolerate God from a distance anymore. I must have more of Him always, everyday throughout the day. This harmony with Him that I now have is what my soul has yearned for since childhood. Not all of the various joys from the hunting, fishing, golf, drugs, alcohol, sex, intimate relationships, money, toys, etc., etc., etc., could fill the void that was within me. Only the presence of the Living One could set me right and give me a peace and contentment that is quite frankly unspeakable. PRAISE God!!!!!!!

The edited version of my first post :-)
Justin Virden

Visible said...

I am very pleased for you. I know the terrain of which you speak VERY well. It seems, always did seem to me, that the hardest part is sticking to the groove in the low points. Sometimes they can become all-encompassing (seem to be) but... it's just weather and weather passes.

Anonymous said...

Thereafter, at the conjunction of two yugas, the Lord of the creation will take His birth as the Kalki incarnation and become the son of Viṣṇu Yaśā. At this time almost all the rulers of the earth will have degenerated into plunderers.
Srīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.3.25

Everything you never wanted to know about Kalki avatara.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

So so long ago, I read 'Meetings With Remarkable Men' by George Gurdjieff. Can't remember if the Altai Mountains were one of the places he visited on his trek.

Again, everyone is PROGRAMMED to be a materialistic idiot. I spent some time there myself. I obviously got over it, not that I ever even got close to trying to live the phantasy.

I swear! Me thinks 'Theory of the Leisure Class' should be required reading to show how stupid materialism is. I ought to read it again, myself.

Ray B. said...

Thoughts brought-up by your excellent blog (thanks):

"The Purana scriptures foretell that Kalki will be atop a white horse with a drawn blazing sword." I am currently reading about the Younger Dryas time-period and a possible comet/asteroid event or events initiating that epoch. The above quote could refer to a close cometary encounter with Earth. A comet has a nucleus and two separate tails (gas and dust). The horse would be the nucleus, and the brighter of the two tails would be Kalki. The lesser tail would be the "drawn blazing sword." (Note that I am not excluding spiritual-happenings, also...)
Vis: "Turning away from God, en masse, especially the young, is at the root of all of the problems of the present."

This has been a longtime goal of certain evil ones for humanity. When I was growing up, there was a 'springtime' of psychic & spiritual happenings around the globe. (Even the 1972 TV-series Kung Fu and "Grasshopper.") Since then, the baddies have been tamping-down this 'rebellion' - almost to extinction. I truly fear for younger generations who did not experience this kind of environment before the Evil Wall went up...
Vis: "External events have a great deal to do with the human mind, as it connects to other minds, and creates force fields that hold certain mindsets and traditions together."

Ahh, Sheldrake's Morphogenetic Fields. I do wonder if the 'deepening' of negative MFs is what triggers what-you-call the Descent of the Avatar. Once people are within a strong MF, it is very hard to claw yourself out. Basically, one is trapped - without even knowing one is trapped. Intervention from a Source higher and stronger than that MF is then required. The effects of unwrapping a strong MF should be interesting...
On traveling-around and noting the 'feeling' of different areas, I had some interesting reactions, too. To me, it felt like an area had crystalized out at some time-period. (Perhaps, a Sheldrake 'Morphogenetic Field' effect.) The New England area felt like the crystalizing-out had occurred in Revolutionary War times. Florida in Spanish times. Southern California felt like it had crystalized in the 1930/40s. Seattle was in the process of crystalizing in the 1980s.
Vis: "It seems like both of the coasts are now one extended urban sprawl."

Yes, the group-mind 'bubble' is straight up the East Coast. Even the sea-shore areas of Delaware, once clear, are now within this bubble. It 'feels' like being in dirty bathwater. The West Coast is a little better. The big-bubble there is from San Diego up past San Francisco. It dissipates in the low-population area north of there. A smaller-bubble is reaching down from the Seattle-Portland area. It dissipates partway down Oregon. The 'bubble free' area is in the Nature between those two group-mind human bubbles...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

Yes Ray, many see the comet and indeed a comet will suffice.

Sri Dasa-Avatara-Stotram
By Srila Jayadev Goswami

10 mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavalam
dhumaketum iva kim api karalam
keshava dhrta-kalki-sarira jaya jagadisa hare

O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Kalki! All glories to You! You appear like a comet and carry a terrifying sword for bringing about the annihilation of the wicked barbarian men at the end of the Kali-yuga.

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Sooner or Later, It gets More Unreal. Then it gets Ludicrous and Then It gets Real. Be Patient."

Anonymous said...

I tend to talk in a folksy manner and seem, sometimes indifferent to grammar and traditional forms of schooled expression.

And that’s why your post are so fabulous to your the quiet readers out there - Such as I.

Dog Bless Les

Asil said...

At one point I could not understand how a person, given that supposedly every human has a soul could be an atheist.

Even without any spiritual or religious education the soul within seeks the Divine – it can be simply the feeling of warmth that rushes from your heart when you feel the beauty of nature or the love of your furry friends. The warmth you feel in your heart is the love of God without even “the knowing” from where it comes.

I now believe the only way one can be an atheist is to be without a soul. There are many people populating the earth who do not have souls and that is a fact. They are empty vessels lost in desire and greed for material things. They have an empty hole inside they will never be able to fill no matter how much junk they accumulate. They are soul less and mindless creatures that are roaming and forever lost.

And, just to note I abhor all institutional religions, whose sole purpose is to divide man from God.

As usual, thank you Visible for sharing your profound insight.



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