Dog Poet Transmitting.......
It’s not easy being me. Manifesting multiple personalities, in order to survive early horrors, leaves one with a clan of various characteristics, not all of them harmonious with all of them.
I just finished reading David Icke’s recent article on Rothschild Zionism. It seems like that’s the most serious problem in the world. Inbreeding Satanists have taken control of the world in large measure; I used to wonder, when I would see The Forbes List of the richest people on Earth, why weren’t The Rothschilds on the list?
Another thing I wonder about; no one has ever taken control of the whole world and, invariably when they try, the angry mob, the headsman, the gibbet come to claim them. They’re trying it now, once again. What part of ‘this has never happened’ don’t they get? It’s kind of like marching into Afghanistan expecting different results. That pipeline is never going to be operational for long.
The Rothschilds and their brood remind me of something from Clive Barker’s “Nightbreed”. They’ve been successful for a long time, ever since Amschel made his pact with the devil and set a place at their table for him to dine. I wonder if he ever shows up? Usually he shows up inside people, not outside. The same could be said for all the good influences too.
I have to hand it to the American public and let’s not leave out the Canadians and The British and the ambulatory, perambulating toadstools (your government) in Oz. Goldman Sachs is right there in your face and you don’t storm the building? They are behind just about everything you are suffering from but you can’t get it together. I am sincerely glad I left the US. I would be in chains by now if I had not gone. I used to get thrown into chains back when the place was halfway sane. These days... how do you manage?
I manage by having multiple personalities. Some are more capable of certain tasks than the others. One of them wouldn’t hurt an insect. One of them takes no prisoners. Getting them to suit up in extremis can be a humorous vignette. So far, so good. I’ve had some number of people promise to rearrange my features and several times they were nearby and could have shown up at the rendezvous but they never did. I’m waiting around and thinking why does this not happen over and over? Are they waiting for me to get old? I guess you could say I already am but all of that is relative to something.
I’m six hours by ferry from Corfu, where the Rothschilds disport themselves like crazed satyrs by virtue of pharmacological advances. I was going to go to Corfu; until I found out they were there. I know someone who owns property there and would like me to drop by but I suspect that’s not a good idea now. So I won’t be going there.
You can see who your enemy is people. It’s more and more apparent every day. Are they going to back off and ease your state of being? I don’t think so. There’s only a few of them and so very many of you. Sure, maybe I should go to Corfu but I’m not Daniel Craig playing James Bond. I only play James Bond in my head, where I am neither shaken nor stirred. I guess that means you’re getting old too, when nothing that once seemed so important attracts you any longer. Well, I have one main attraction and it just gets stronger by the day so maybe that’s why the others have diminished so much.
It surely is The Synagogue of Satan that is behind all the bad things of the time. Some would argue that The Vatican is responsible but I think there are a number of nogoodnicks who each have their niche. I don’t know who is feeding off of whom and who is serving who. I do note what Icke says in his article and it’s hard to make an argument against the names and details being just what they seem to be; whores and scoundrels serving themselves from the plate of the larger misfortune of the rest of you.
Sooner or later something has to be done about the bankers. As you can see, all those attorneys general around the US have cut a deal not to press charges. It’s just confusion over process and practice, they say. New guidelines have to be instituted. The American public should bend over and grab their ankles and whatever happens after that is whatever happens after that. The Supreme Court gave corporations the right to buy the government. They are laughing at you. They think you’re a joke and can you actually argue otherwise? You cannot, not very effectively anyway.
No country is your enemy. Politicians are your enemy but they work for the bankers. The bankers are the enemy of humanity and until you do something about them, everything is just going to go on like it always does. I don’t doubt that something will happen shortly but it will probably be something ignited from something else; an economic Sarajevo, or some final capitulation on the part of your leaders that goes too far and arouses the military, ex-military and some of the personnel in the intelligence game.
I’ve no idea how it will play out. Here’s another gatekeeper pushing Wikileaks and not offending or mentioning who’s responsible for the shit going on. Him and all of his, birds of a feather, just want to be left to rub leather elbow patches in the ivory towers and pristine meadows of academe.
What’s so hard about telling the truth? Is it that difficult? Sure, it’s costly. You might have to get pleather elbow patches. Anyone defending Wikileaks is a troll, period because Assange says that 9/11 was a non event, according to alternative views on the matter. How can anyone above the IQ level of moron not see through this?
All kinds of so called leftist sites are featuring Wikileaks. Every time you see this, you know that one more self-satisfying fool has outed themselves. Nothing that appears in the main stream media is true when it concerns political and economic matters. They got control of the media and everything else by printing counterfeit money and then loaning it out. You need to break the stranglehold of the bankers. I don’t know how you’re going to do it but you must do it. It’s either them or you.
Here’s how they work, divide and conquer and then consolidate and rule. That’s what they are doing now and when you see systems starting to crash, you will realize that they are getting your attention before seeking to herd you into the direction they want you to go. Will you catch any of this? Will you just react, when reaction is what lies between the problem and the solution both orchestrated by them?
You can do a lot the change all of this. You can step away from the system and not support it. In fact, it is your support of the financial life-lines of your oppressors that gives them the power to do what they do. Your willing contributions to empty lifestyles, in the pursuit of plastic shit you don’t need and which fill up all the closed off portions of the self you present yourself as, is the dark side of your self indulgent nature, known as the basement and the attic and the garage and closet space. All those unlived and unsatisfactory choices, made from the impulse of appetite and the seduction of advertising, are all laying away in the haunted mind gardens of our susceptible nature.
We see what’s happening to us and we know what we have to do. We see it getting worse and we know what we have to do but we don’t do it. We think the people raping and killing us and maintaining us on a treadmill of forced enslavement are suddenly going to stop doing the things they’ve been doing ever since they got here. The only way to distract a psychopath from pulling the wings off of flies is to show them a bigger, better and more satisfactory target. If you don’t get that then you don’t understand psychopathy. Bankers enter the game because money is supreme above all they value and possesses more importance than anything else. Corporations work to maximize profit. They invariably cut labor costs and benefits and anything else they can find to increase profit. Then they cut product quality to the sharpest edge that provides the maximum profit. They squeeze the last bloody nickels out of the whole affair and then it gets sold to one of those companies that cuts the whole thing up and parcels it off for junk.
Still talking about it because that’s what I do and hoping that that long awaited mass awakening will soon suddenly appear and transform this world into something closer to what it should be, some long distance from all the things it presently is and never had to become.
End Transmission.......
'No Tracks' is track no. 7 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

The New Shangri-La.
For as much as your world and mine are apart, both by distance and by ideal, I look to forward to your writing.
A good day to you.
When the Messiah comes....
Speaking of sex.....
Sergei Katyrin, Vice President of Russia's Trade and Commerce Chamber, said McCain and Lieberman had better "not poke their noses in somebody else's business."
You're doing the most important thing, in the tradition of Jesus, and that's leading by example. If none of us worked for corporations and none of us paid taxes there would be no problem, not on this scale anyway. Anything else you do in addition, including writing about it to inform or galvanize the feelings of others is all most of us have had the courage to do so far.
Not speaking of which, since no one has linked this yet and some may not be aware: Map of recent mass animal deaths. (via ZeroHedge)
The Arkansas blackbirds and 8 other mysterious mass animal deaths
# There's something funny going on, he said
# I can just feel it in the air
Hi Les,
I've been reading you for along time now, I'm just not much of a commentator. Once again, you've nailed it as you have so many times before. I've come to realize over the years of exploring for the truth that truthseekers are few and far between in comparison to those that accept the lie as the truth. I live in a little town near the largest military installation in the Eastern US and I can safely say that the sheeple in this area are totally committed to the regime and their antics. Thanks to you and others I know I'm not totally alone.
I haven`t even read your post, but I`m going to comment anyway, since I`m ignorant.
Just kidding.
No, but seriously- maybe you even mention it, but the NYT reports that Cheyney`s new heart pump means that HE HAS NO PULSE.
It`s just an excuse, I tell you! He didn`t have one before the pump, either!
Bankers in The Big Valley
Greetings from the woods. Very few people where I am now, but lots of trees and birds. My neighbor Rick up the hill raises sheep and border collies. It’s a different world from the one I left behind a few days ago, like stepping through a door into another dimension. It sounds easy enough, but getting here was incredibly difficult.
In San Diego, we rented a U-haul truck and a car transport, upon which sat my Buick Roadmaster. The car trailer was the kind with straps for the front wheels so the car doesn’t roll off and into whatever is following behind. These straps don’t work, and are designed not to, so I made stops about every 50 miles in the pouring rain and wind to reposition the stupid things. Now I have frostbite and a touch of pneumonia.
The first and hardest leg of the journey involved the torn-to-shit Interstate 5 Freeway through Los Angeles, then up the Grapevine and Tejon Pass. We climbed this grade during a blizzard, the snow driven by hurricane-force winds. The hurricane, or microburst, or what-have-you, continued down the mountains and blew for another 30 miles into the San Joaquin “Big Valley.” Don’t ask me why. These days, asking why is like whacking yourself over the head with a wooden mallet.
I remember traveling between LA and Sacramento on Highway 99 as a kid on a greyhound bus full of drunks, pickpockets, and farm workers, rolling through mom and pop hamburger stands, fried chicken stands, pastrami stands, fruit and vegetable stands, root beer stands, fortune teller stands, gas stations with funny names, and checkerboard square farms stretching into the horizon.
Highway 99 was destroyed by Interstate 5 the same way Route 66 was destroyed by Interstate 10, and both atrocities destroyed the way of life of the inhabitants and their families who plied their trades along these colorful routes.
Today, Interstate 5 is a corporate wasteland built on the murdered carcass of its supplanted owners. Try to imagine orchards 30 to 50 miles long. You travel for 60 miles without a gas station or rest stop, because that’s how the corporations want it to be. They want you hungry, tired, and needing to pee. You finally spot an overpass in the distance and the familiar signs for Shell, Mobil, McDonalds, and Taco Bell, and 500 other cars and trucks fight you for the right to fill their tanks and buy some crummy food. You can either stand in line for a restroom, or, like I did, find a bush behind a building. There are several police units posted in these hamlets to keep the frazzled travelers in line. It made me think of The Grapes of Wrath, and I realized California is regressing back to that ugly time once again. It’s a civilization Gone with the Wind.
I don’t know why my car didn’t blow off that trailer during our 17-hour nightmare, but everything changed once we got north of Sacramento. The cars disappeared and so too the contrived weather. Here about 10 miles south of Lake Oroville, there are blue skies and lots of fish in the water. Although there are light chemtrails, they don’t last very long, as the proximity of the Sierra Nevada range and all the trees is just too much for the flying defilers to fuck up. The mojo is just too strong here. I look at the jet black sky at night, filled with crystalline stars the like of which I haven’t seen in 30 years.
It’s good to be here with my children. I now know you can change your life by changing your location, and if you’re lucky like me, you can run away and get away with it. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
Six billion versus a few hundred. The Icke article was grreaatt like Tony the Tiger. They paint him as some tinfoil hat lizard men from space guy, didn't detect any of that in the essay. Stay away from that Corfu. The slime trails left by the enemies of humanity would mean rough sledding.
I feel your frustration Les.
So I run to the street Pitch
fork in hand and scream FREEDOM !
Someone one honks at me because
I'm blocking the entrance to the drive through window.
They scowl while pulling in
and continue to Text.
I did see one bright spot this week
though !
A little video On you tube that's starting to get as much attention
from the kiddies as ...
" Man hit in Balls with Baseball"
The is called "The American Dream"
Link below. .
The comments by the viewers are
really encouraging. Maybe because
it's in cartoon format ?
I'm hoping for that spark to Les.
Thanks for your blog.
We are doing something. Soon it will be apparent what many of us have contributed to the new ORGANIC form.
We are putting together a Organic structure for the Culture to step into. We have come to understand/innerstand the basic spell and what it takes for one to bring all ones scattered selves back home and then rebuild.
We are putting together new ways of exchange and trade.. back by solid Current Means. Creating a Natural spiral that brings all involved deeper inside the core process. NO one left behind is a important concept and requires many hands in the Cookie Jar (ever expansive) We work directly with iNfinite intelligence which allows us the eyes that see the who what when and where.. sometimes even the whys.. We are only asked to resolve and dissolve this within our selves and the methods will die. When there is no longer a place holder then there will no longer Be that which wished to be placed non chalantly. Resolved and Dissolved. We could us media in this way.. .but its not really necessary. We will be solution oriented. Working to strengthen whole with the Cosmic pulse and the hearts Heart beat (12hz +)now AND FOREVER MORE.
I am blessed to be such a complete council within myself.
Rise and Rise Again
Congratulations Mark!
Hey Les,
You must someday learn me that 'trick' for multiple personalities (not really, grin)
Cause, though nothing in Icke's story was new to me, a cool clinical summary of the facts still makes my blood boil.
Isn't there any way to cut of the Hydra's (Rothschild) head, paralyzing the others? Or is using 'the Field' to our advantage our only option to kill the evil virus.
Can't wait for Paul Levy's publication on the antidote ...
The Illusion
America shimmers, losing shape,
lost souls, the weakest generation.
Democracy stumbles, people awaken,
trouble on America’s plantation.
America stands strong and free,
a land of life and liberty?
Indentured servants, ever on,
from sea to shining sea.
Laws for this, laws for that,
control of the air you breathe.
Nanny State, exploding prisons,
Stalinist tits, on which we teethe.
House and Senate, bought and sold,
mortgaged by corporate donations.
Court Supremes, selling their soul,
torture’s cool, but do it in other nations.
Traitors act, as though elected,
a free and fair republic?
Lying thieves, electronic frauds,
in office to cheat the public.
Bankers steal, Pelosi jets,
stimulate this, stimulate that.
Corrupt leadership, so brutal,
little need to trim the fat.
China profits, Brazil prospers,
around us the world grows.
Bush and Clinton, hold their power,
JFK? Oh, no one knows?
It’s falling apart, not so funny,
at least I’m close to passing.
Before the riots, the martial law,
before Obama starts the gassing.
Long before the troops deploy,
during all the fucking confusion.
Lucky enough, simply to know,
our lives were just an illusion.
RJ O'Guillory
Hello Vis ...your insights are brilliant as always....the sequential incarnates are dominating planet earth with their conform or die agenda....the simaltaneous incarnates are catching hell...the planetary spirit is about ready to graduate and the sequentials cannot stop it ... Love the ones your with...good luck to all!
America The Prostrate
In a simplistic sort of way,
Across a desert lit by the moon.
America lay prostrate,
Lulled, through prosperity’s tune.
Beautiful thing in a world gone mad,
Everyone knows the lies being spoke.
They spill from the mouths of bankrupt souls,
Leaderless people, morally broke.
The globe spins on in a compact disc,
Television soothes the planet.
Hard drives quietly think away,
Politicians run the gamut.
Prostrate pricks, sucking away,
At America’s aging tit.
Pay up now, or go to jail,
They care less, how you take the hit.
They act as if it will never end,
The Nazi’s felt much the same.
Fortify your home, your town,
These criminals have no real shame.
The knock on the door will surely come,
Midnight terror of the state.
Theft, lies, fraud and deceit,
Social incubators of pure hate.
Hang from a rope, they surely will,
These prophets of civic duty.
After the riots, the death, the trials,
Before these pirates split the booty.
RJ O'Guillory
The Epileptic Rap
Blink I’m here, Blink I’m there,
Blink I wake up anywhere.
Highway wind, filled with trucks,
Midnight seizure, Blink you fucks.
Piss my leg, wet my pants,
Think me lost, childish rants.
Till I shake and start to drool,
Blink it’s over, not so cool.
Blink I’m back, what did I do?
I hope it didn’t involve my poo.
I’ll be around, the next few hours,
Blink I forgot, did I have superpowers?
Cop on my face, Cop on my back
Blink mid-evil, back on the rack.
IV’s in, IV’s out, red lights Blink and flash,
Blink again, broke I am, finances rest in ash.
Take a pill, no just one more,
Or blink, awaken on the floor.
Blink your Honor, it wasn’t my fault,
Blink your Honor, let’s call a halt.
I wasn’t asleep,
it wasn’t a nap.
Blink I was driving,
doing the epileptic rap.
RJ O'Guillory
A winter wind upon us,
Crystal, chilled silk bones.
Lust, no lonely orphan,
In manufacture of our groans.
Joys of youth, sands of time,
Pass slowly through the crack.
Aged genie, trapped in the bottle,
Life’s set, fades gently to black.
Material gain, material loss,
Get George Foreman’s grills.
Magnetized cards, internet orders
storage lockers, filled to the gills.
Broken families, raised by a village,
perhaps, battered by a spouse.
Credit floats the whole generation,
everything riding on the house.
From the bottom of the barrel,
Looking up, from where one lay.
Rot dreams of glorious youth,
The price we were forced to pay.
The barrel may be home or den,
Hell takes any kind of shape.
Looking up from the bottom,
It still feels mostly like a rape.
Everyone may think it done,
America remains, just a rumor.
Whoever pulled down those towers,
You’re nothing but a Boomer.
RJ O'Guillory
Lukiftian; You're not welcome, ever... final... clear?
When I tell "anybody" I stopped paying the IRS their "cut" back in '86, they look at me like I'm a traitor.
WTF? Who's the traitor?
Auto Insurance is another scam I will not participate in, even though it's mandatory in most sTATES. (Thank goodness for Adobe InDesign and a good color printer).
It's hard to get around not having a bank account. The key there is keep a minimum balance at all times. Use a Debit Card if necessary, but toss the credit cards and never use an ATM machine.
Use only Cash. Clean deal that way. Or better yet, barter.
Gold and Silver rather than "Federal Reserve Notes" is even better. (90% PM & 10% Notes)
Growing your own Organic Food is the Only way to be "relatively" sure.
Rest, exercise, and be nice to good people and avoid the rest.
Lay low while the Storm passes over. It may take 9 years.
And stay tuned in to "Do Les and accomplish more".
with illusive moments
in scandalous times
future looks bleak
world run by crime
people in turmoil
starved and in pain
but the people wont rise
they look down in shame
the shame of wont do
cant stand or dont matter
trapped in the trap
of an unnatural chapter
life needs to lift
get back to home
this earth could be paradise
instead of a war zone
Hi Les,
Thanks again.
Mark, I am real close to your new place (near Bullards bar reservor). I left the 'southland' pretty much like you 6 years ago. You are so right about the I-5, I prefer the 395...
Happy new year everyone, the fireworks are just starting.
Love to all,
DW in Tahoe
I love your article titles. Too much man. It is a tragedy. Good Icke article but nothing we don't already know. He sure makes allowances for most Jews who aren't Zionist Rothschild. Hey, they just like us. Sure Mr. Icke. What percentage thought Cast Lead was the way to go?
You got it Les. Step away from the system and not support it. DON'T PLAY THE GAME. I read in last Sundays newspaper that one sign the economy is picking up is there are more people buying stuff in the pawn shops (most of the time you read about people hawking stuff). I shit you not. The asshole who wrote the article actually believes that is a sign of economic recovery. I have my reason for getting the paper and it sure as hell isn't for the journalism.
Keep us posted Mark on your new adventure. That Greyhound bus thing brought back some old memories. Two of my best friends were Greyhound bus drivers. One was a hard core druggie who developed such a tolerance for whites he could take a hundred a day. I know you won't believe that, nobody does. It is a fact because I saw him do it, more than once. He had a coronary bypass operation at 21. Kept smoking, drinking and drugging until about thirty when he had a stroke. He said it was impossible to give up these things. Died a year later. He drove for Greyhound up until he had the stroke.
Another friend who was also a Greyhound driver was more straight laced. His problem was women. Couldn't keep his dick in his pants. He married a woman he met on the bus. Unfortunately he was already married. Managed to be a bigamist for over a year until they found out. Can't remember how many times he had been married. I do remember he killed his last wife and his step daughter then killed himself.
Both of them would drive passengers into Reno, stay up all night gambling and then drive the same passengers back into the valley. Heard stories about other drivers that were just as alarming. "Take the bus and leave the driving to us."
This was back in the days of the mom and pop hamburger stands etc. Maybe they were your bus driver.
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
- James Madison
"Nothing is more dangerous to the power of the elite than the public discovery and understanding of the private control of the money supply."
- Anthony Sutton in his book "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy"
"Those who believe that history is only made by the men on the stage and determined by the most evident economic, social, political, and cultural factors, do not see and do not seek any other explanation; and yet this is exactly what every force operating in secret desires."
- Julius Evola
"The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is The People vs. The Banks."
- Lord Acton, Lord Chief Justice of England, 1875
I was obliged to sing this twice a week during morning assembly at school:
'And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire.
I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.'
Everone seems to know that the 2012 Olympic logo says ZION, but can you see the very obvious 2nd Zion. I have never hear anyone mention it. (answers on a postcard)
Point being - seems they are a little ahead of schedule.
Kindest to all
Oops, forgot the link:
Zion logo:
"Well, I have one main attraction and it just gets stronger by the day so maybe that’s why the others have diminished so much."
Music to the ears.
Is that a flute I hear...
Thanks Les once again. Many people are surprised when they find Mr Icke can string a sentence together.
Mark -that's a fantastic bit of writing there , very natural and I enjoyed it a lot. More please !
Here's a link to a great article by Keith Johnson at Revolt of the Plebs:
" V for Zionism "
"...This propaganda is relentless. I recently scanned through the TiVo directory on my TV cable box. First, I typed in the keyword, ‘Hitler.’ Over 70 titles came up for programs scheduled over the next two weeks. Here’s a short list: Hitler’s Ghost, When Hitler Invaded America, The Hunt for Hitler, The Fatal Attraction of Adolph Hitler, The Making of Adolph Hitler, and Hitler’s Last Deadly Mission.
Next, I typed in the word, ‘Nazi.’ 74 titles came up. Here’s that short list: Nazi Ghost Train, Nazi UFO Conspiracy, Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy, Nazi Secret Weapons, Nazi Supership, and Hunting Nazis.
Finally, I decided to type in the names of two other famous dictators: ‘Stalin’ and ‘Mao.’ I came up with squat. You know what else I didn’t find? I didn’t find any programs dealing with the USS Liberty, The Lavon affair or Operation Cast Lead. Go figure..."
more from same :
"..Piper says that the United States today has become “the virtual engine of Rothschild power.” In the Jewish worldview, the United States constitutes, “The New Babylon.” It has become “the seat of power,” and the mechanism whereby which “they want to achieve the New World Order.”
This is the reality of the New World Order. But the makers of V for Vendetta would have you believe otherwise. They accomplish this by introducing Nazi imagery into a contemporary setting, and blending it with modern images of the police state: surveillance cameras, black-clad paramilitary police, etc. By doing so, they propagate the message that the threat of Nazism is still very much alive.
The political party that rules over the people with an iron fist is called Norsefire, alluding to the Nordic/Aryan archetypes and mythology that are alleged to be integral to Nazi ideology.
The colors of the Norsefire party’s flag are black, white and red, and also utilize a perverted cross symbol that is similar to the swastika.
The ‘Chancellor’ of the Norsefire party is an Adolph Hitler clone by the name of Adam Sutler, who delivers impassioned speeches in a Hitler-esque style.
Before being interrogated, the film’s heroine—Evey—is dressed down and has her head shaved. This familiar image of the concentration camp victim stays with her throughout the remainder of the film.
Part of V’s back-story reveals that he, himself, was among many other ‘political dissidents’ and ‘social deviants’ who were subjected to Nazi-like medical experiments while interned in a concentration camp. The facility was eventually burned to the ground. But unlike the other prisoners, V managed to escape. He emerges from the flames with superhuman strength and unbridled rage. This baptism by fire symbolizes V as both the embodiment of the Holocaust survivor, and of those who perished.
He then sets out on a mission of revenge—a vendetta—against those whom did him wrong. This mission of vengeance is the very essence of Talmudic Judaism. Lately, it has become a very popular theme in films like Steven Spielberg’s Munich and Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds, the latter of which spawned a new film genre known as “Jewish revenge porn.”
more from same :
"..Piper says that the United States today has become “the virtual engine of Rothschild power.” In the Jewish worldview, the United States constitutes, “The New Babylon.” It has become “the seat of power,” and the mechanism whereby which “they want to achieve the New World Order.”
This is the reality of the New World Order. But the makers of V for Vendetta would have you believe otherwise. They accomplish this by introducing Nazi imagery into a contemporary setting, and blending it with modern images of the police state: surveillance cameras, black-clad paramilitary police, etc. By doing so, they propagate the message that the threat of Nazism is still very much alive.
The political party that rules over the people with an iron fist is called Norsefire, alluding to the Nordic/Aryan archetypes and mythology that are alleged to be integral to Nazi ideology.
The colors of the Norsefire party’s flag are black, white and red, and also utilize a perverted cross symbol that is similar to the swastika "
"..The ‘Chancellor’ of the Norsefire party is an Adolph Hitler clone by the name of Adam Sutler, who delivers impassioned speeches in a Hitler-esque style.
Before being interrogated, the film’s heroine—Evey—is dressed down and has her head shaved. This familiar image of the concentration camp victim stays with her throughout the remainder of the film.
Part of V’s back-story reveals that he, himself, was among many other ‘political dissidents’ and ‘social deviants’ who were subjected to Nazi-like medical experiments while interned in a concentration camp. The facility was eventually burned to the ground. But unlike the other prisoners, V managed to escape. He emerges from the flames with superhuman strength and unbridled rage. This baptism by fire symbolizes V as both the embodiment of the Holocaust survivor, and of those who perished.
He then sets out on a mission of revenge—a vendetta—against those whom did him wrong. This mission of vengeance is the very essence of Talmudic Judaism. Lately, it has become a very popular theme in films like Steven Spielberg’s Munich and Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds, the latter of which spawned a new film genre known as “Jewish revenge porn.”
wv "oldisms"
I am near the end of my run on the internet. The Zidiots have become so abusive and vile towards me that I can no longer hopld a channel or site on any website for long before being suspended by sheer weight of false complaints by the JIDF terrorist organisation.
Last effort will be a legal challenge and I'm instructing a lawyer now for that. However my guess is that time is short and the net as such is on its last legs as far as freedom is concerned and the Zits will simply dictate from their brimstone filled caves.
I don't have to do much more, my race has been run as best I could and I don't feel obligated by my spirits to pursue it further, and the reason is that all is in place and things will unfold as they should. My price is paid, and my ride off this hell hole is guaranteed.
Thanks as always Les.
DW in Tahoe
You are six years smarter than I. I'll look up Bullards Bar Reservoir.
Those are sad stories; then again, my childhood felt like a Greyhound bus ride...I had an affinity for those drivers without knowing why. Maybe because every single relative I had was addicted to something.
Thanks for the compliment. I'll keep it coming because my fingers have a big mouth and Les puts up with it.
That is true: Why don't you ever see the Rothschilds listed on the Forbes Riches?
Something to think about...
wv: cansupe :)
Damn strait vis. There will be the "shot heard round the world" II. Maybe when they come for our guns. iunno. They may starve us out first or drop us like so many birds they've been practicing on...... Great post Mr Visible.....Buzzsaw
Then they came, breathing fire and belching another God’s name. This is my home, and I will set it aflame, before I let the wicked agents with no face but a name, lay claim to that which with hard work became, a place to die in the defense of, and be it not in vain. I see you in the shadows, I know you from my dreams, the clever dealers of all that is not what it seems. Though with your methods built on the planner’s backs,my oath to my motherland is fearless and always intact.Only one outcome will take place when you are driven by greed. and it has been a long time coming indeed. We are now backed into a corner and trust when I tell you, that everyone will bleed, until we drive out the evil that is you, and your gang of cowards, and we are once again freed. When the day arrives that you are caught without bodyguards, that one careless moment that you slip and have no security in your yard, and it will happen, you sir will feel the calloused hands of the oppressed wrapped around your neck, lifting your helpless ass off the ground. You will be looking into the eyes of justice as darkness falls on you and your life is snuffed out like like a candle flame. All of you. Then and only then can the almighty God be re-introduced into this country and all the ridiculous nonsense be stopped. You and your henchmen have decided to bring America to her knees, so be it sir, but I am here to warn you, it's going to be a long night. Oh, and , bring a change of clothes and pack a lunch! The filthy pigs in the white house are not now, nor have they ever been Americans, nor will they ever be. Now begins the fight to be free....buzzsaw
Hey Les,
You said:
"Bankers enter the game because money is supreme above all they value and possesses more importance than anything else."
I think it goes beyond that. John D. Rockefeller made this statement: "I want to own nothing but control everything." I think the oligarchs view money only as a stepping stone to achieve their holy grail of world control, and to enjoy the feeling of power they share with their peers, all of whom are members of the Synagogue of Satan cult. While thinking about it a few minutes ago I had a remembrance of something I experienced that was a lot like it (on a minute scale by comparison) which took place when I first started taking psychedelic drugs back in 1967 when I was twenty years old. I lived in Huntsville Alabama which was a small town then which at the time was being inundated by an influx of engineers and scientists (and their families) who were working on NASA and Army defense programs. There was a sharp distinction between the scientists' kids and the local kids and for the most part they didn't like each other. My dad was a scientist who worked on ballistic missile booster technology so I fit into the group of the newcomers. One of my friends moved to Huntsville from S. California and he brought LSD with him. So I became a member of a small group of kids and young adults who were 'experienced' (per Jimmy Hendrix' saying). When I say a small group I mean around fifty teenagers and young adults in a town of almost 80,000 population. We were different from everyone else in our age group and we were well aware of it and we really liked it. We had an unspoken unity that we loved because it made us feel superior. We referred to those on the outside as 'lamers.' We knew how to tell who was 'experienced' and who wasn't even if we didn't know them personally. I can imagine that your experience was pretty much the same Les, so you know what I'm talking about. So, you can see my point about where I think the oligarchs are at.
To further clarify my point here are a couple of paragraphs from Daniel Pouzzner's 'Architcture of Modern Political Power' Intro 1.5:
"Bilderberg is the most powerful of the surviving descendents of the Round Table, a secret society founded in an 1877 will by the spectacularly chauvinist Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was financially supported by Lord Rothschild and by Alfred Beit of de Beers (a Rothschild agent), and his vision was directly inspired by proto-Nazi John Ruskin, a professor of fine arts at Oxford. Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) maintains (in his voluminous 1966 tome, Tragedy and Hope) that the Round Table was formally organized as a semi-secret multinational anglophile society starting in 1908, and that its unifying principle was the oligarchical federation of the English-speaking world - evidently, the political, economic, and cultural reconstitution of the British Empire. This initial goal has evolved into the goal of oligarchical world federation.
Despite the disproportionate influence of David Rockefeller and the Rothschild-influenced agenda he subtly conveys at each meeting, Bilderberg is a true committee, and the actions of its affiliates are driven by consensus which all involved can influence and none involved can dictate. Affiliates are not commanded. Their cooperation is secured through dialogue, incentives, and hints. As Earl Long, late governor of Louisiana memorably put it, “Never say what you can grunt. Never grunt what you can wink. Never wink what you can nod, never nod what you can shrug, and don't shrug when it ain't necessary.” Affiliates are chosen partly on the basis of their compatibility with this modus operandi. Affiliates of Bilderberg, and of the other major committees, establish symbiotic, often exclusionary relationships among the organizations they command or influence; the dividends of affiliation are enormous."
End of quote.
The point I want to try to make by bringing all this up is that what all this unity is about is a spirit, which in previous posts I have referred to as the spirit of top-down-control (which is the second most powerful of the fallen angels, second in power only to Satan himself). So you can imagine the sense of power and the euphoria of the unity the oligarchs derive from the association they have with the other members of the cult. I mentioned also in a previous post that top-down-control is but one of many facets of the spirit of Antichrist. The power structure of governments, big corporations, foundations, and organizations is rooted in this spirit which imparts a sort of unity/euphoria to those nearest to the top. So it's not all about the money as most people are inclined to think. What's happening is that they're on a continuous high as they abide in Antichrist.
As for what to do to throw wrenches into the works of the top-down-control machinery I have some ideas which I'm trying my best to get across in these comments I post here. But it isn't an easy subject matter to try to tackle, not to mention that every time I try I come under demonic attack. So I have to do some extra praying and sometimes go into the breaking of curses aimed at me (which sometimes goes on for days after I post a comment). So I have to try to get as close to Jesus as I can during those times, mostly by not doing anything religion wise and getting quiet in my spirit so I can hear what he might have to say. In other words if I get busy religion wise I'm likely to miss hearing what he has to say. Then I'm more or less on my own.
Hi Les
your insistent altruism is much appreciated whilst addressing the ignorant masses on your occasional returns to Plato´s Cave.
If anyone debating the claim that our media is owned by the line of Rothschild is inclined
to further substantiate their arguments with a little known corroborative fact they should internalize this:
The Springer Publishing Company (“BILD”) in Germany has included in its contracts of employment a special passage that is casually called “Israel Paragraph”.
Employees are bound by contract and obliged to not utter a spoken or written word on behalf of the conduct of Israel which could be interpreted negatively and would put the state in a bad light. On top of it this prohibition is also extended to the employees´ private lives !
Have a nice weekend
and stay away from Corfu
your Bro
This is such a good article Les.
There needs to be a spontaneous awakening for this to be 'nipped in the bud' - how do we get to that point??
Then to have the people/infrastructure/sustainability in place to replace - a really big ask!!
The alternative is to, over a longer period, change one by one - a more practical approach and difficult also.
You (and we) have a job for the rest of your life mate.
ps I hope you have an excellent 2011 and that your projects come to fruition. Stay safe.
Whatever Satan is, it has energy behind it. It's drawing it's ilk to it, like the moth to flame. Probably this will have to play itself out, with the evil consuming itself in the end. I wish I could turn the lights on for everyone right now.
Hey Les,
I got to thinking that what I said about doing nothing religion wise might cause some confusion in the minds of some of your readers so I thought I'd try to figure out a way to explain why I think most religion is bad for people to be getting involved with and this is what I came up with.
I have quite a number of Christian friends who have defected over to the Christian Zionist camp and as a result they now think the world revolves around 'God's Chosen People.' But there are some other things going on that contribute to their confusion, the main one being pride (and its near filpside which is guilt). It seems to me that where the pride gets its start is from a feeling of powerlessness and being dissatisfied with themselves and with life in general, because it has been being drummed into their heads for years and years by their so-called 'pastors' that they're supposed to be spiritual warriors who have a good measure of spiritual might. They then look at themselves with eyes of secret (subconscious) self-contempt for not measuring up. This (inverted pride) is promptly lit upon and exacerbated by whatever religious spirit has been assigned to them from the kingdom of darkness headquarters to keep them corralled and always moving in the desired direction. What almost automatically happens next is that they start looking for an authority figure to hold up as an ideal (i.e. idol) they can emulate in order to reach the 'high calling.' Enter the man-at-the-top which is usually some 'great man of God' figure (who has no shortage of words) who satisfies the gnawing sense of lack with a huge dose of pride.
What also happens almost automatically (thanks to the swarm of religious spirits that are drawn to such scenarios who are dutifully looking to perform their assigned tasks) is that they gravitate into relationships with like-minded people who feel the same powerlessness/guilt and want the same relief. And nothing better fits the bill of rescuing them from those things than having a collective vicarious relationship with the ultimate 'winning team' which in this case happens to be 'God's Chosen People' and their bastard offspring 'Mother Israel' (along with their demonic religion of Zionism/Talmudism/Judaism/Holocaustianity). And so they come under the spirit driving the whole thing which once again is the spirit of Antichrist (i.e. counterfeit Christ) who comes up behind them and gives them that ever-present extra push into whatever mindless religious scenarios he can prop up in the path just ahead for them to wander into, which are almost always some sort of religious agendas that will keep them constantly busy and controlled. Once they're firmly plugged in to such an energized and busy agenda Antichrist is afforded the luxury of leaving them alone to police themselves so he can go his way and be about more important business.
What got them there was a feeling of powerlessness and the guilt it produces, mostly the things that keep them there are a closed mind (i.e. a refusal to question the system), stubbornness, and pride. Their second biggest mistake was ignoring Jesus' admonition to discern where people are at by their fruit, NOT by claims they make about themselves (e.g. the false Jews constantly going on and on about being 'God's Chosen People'). Every one of my friends who have defected over to Christian Zionism share another thing in common which is that they're totally convinced that they're too smart and well informed to be brainwashed by the Jooz media. The spirit driving it has rights to blind them so that no amount of truth seems to cut through the fog. Add to this the satisfaction they derive from being a part of the 'winning team' along with such 'a fine bunch of spiritual warriors' and what you have is an impenetrable religious stronghold built on the pillars of dissatisfaction, guilt, stubbornness, pride, confusion, deception, and pollyanish stupidity.
GTRman, you overlooked one pivotal key: Authors use lies to tell the truth (clue: it's not the knotsies)
What about this apocalypse thing? The wise and the courageous have been oppressed while the obedient have been championed. The proof is in the pudding; all of these marvelous inventions and gadgets are only improvements or applications of what was known 100 years ago. Where is the free energy and flying cars? Discovery has been subverted. It's the dark ages again.
Truth is their Achille's Heel their cryptonite, their light of day to dracula. It has a synergy and a look. It's lean and mean and unmovable and incorruptible and our ace in the hole.
It occurs to me that YHVH writes his word in the incorruptible although the Synagogue of Satan has tried to move the stars, being born without the eyes to see, they didn't succeed.
So, what about the prime numbers?
If you array a number grid 30 columns wide, you see a very striking symmetry. ALL of the prime numbers fall into the same 8 columns, except for 2, 3 and 5, which seem to be a key. The twins add up to 30. 2, 3 and 5 are also a spiral. Unknown supernatural numbers and common factors of the primes are suggested. Not left or right of zero, but above/below or fore/aft of zero. There are palindromes and odd relationships between those columns. You can look at them and learn something new everyday. Girls saw some things I missed.
Anyhoo, I'm getting fatigued of hearing what animals in human form do. There is more apocalypse and it's all poison to them, so that's my little donation to the apocalypse, for now.
Welcome to my old stomping grounds :)
Now that you're there, time to see the sights:
Big bald rock, the little bald rocks (hard to find) and this spring... a drive up Table Mountain where there are more diverse wildflowers then anywhere else nearby. Or is that North America? Shit it's been awhile, and I've forgot exactly what the books say about place.
Just between you and me, Table Mt is a great place to take a young lady if you're just out of high school and lookin' for some nookie. Young ladies love that place, and a picnic spread out amongst the flowers is sure to equal a good time. Or at least it did for me 22 years ago ;)
Rabbit, I feel what you're sayin' bro. You've been fighting the good fight and after some time the ol' hammer hand gets tired... take a rest and rejuvenate yourself, find somethings that make you laugh honestly ,and you'll recover just fine. I wish you luck!
Peace everyone, and may our spirits grow stronger as everyday the sun stays around longer. Burn them with truth!
Hi All,
This is a 'deviously' clever text ...
'The Topic of Topics'
... a must read!
To be honest, it took me a second read to 'grok' it's real message ;P
Or you can read it at Bholanath's
(link tool please Nina ;)
Is it time to beat our ploughshares into weapons and cut the fucking grass or what?
adequately addaptable
in versatile stability
intensifying reverberating
nourishing in livity
consciously observable
revitalise profound
synchronistic universal
greatness all around
vibrations of the multicolor
scent of higher way
hung upon a moment
paradise in inner play
lifting of the details
understanding of the mind
rising liberation
onward inner shine.
with indigineous victimization
practised in hateful deceit
abject removal of innocense
systematic abuse leaving greif
construction of artificiality
the powers that were going down
the crown they wear being falsehood
corrupting ears the eye's the ground
men looking down in shamefull
harmony known just to some
but the essence of nature in all life
intensified by the pound of a hum
the drum of a passageway open
pathway leads to the gate
vibrating within inner paradise
come man its time to wake..
I was born in '55. Which makes me 55 right now. Am I too old for Table Mountain? I am lady-less at the moment. Someday, however...
I need to find one of those maps that show utility and logging roads, as the highways here are heavily traveled by leadfoots :-)
Thanks everyone for cheering me on. I don't know what I would do without your cerebral/spiritual support. You are my true family.
Hi Les! I usually pick up your links at Rixon Stewart's Truth Seeker and always look forward to some great entertainment that inspires us to move forward.
Thanks again, Dude! You're the Sh*t, maan!
coffeespray on monitor! ahahahaha!
thankyou rasta's,for the word livity...
peace and respects...neil
Just a thought ...
D.C. is a 'city state', like the City of London and the Vatican.
It is legally separate from the U.S.
So how can any contract from this seperate legal entity D.C. have any binding implications for U.S. citizens?
I don't know ...
WV: soonken
Thanks for another great reflection Les... They way I see it you basically have two choices in life: Do you want to be rich, powerful, successful and popular OR do you want to do the right thing?
It reminds me of a poignant but often ignored line from the Matrix movie when Morpheus saids to Neo: "All I am offering you is the truth, nothing more."
wave a palm of thunder
crescent moon beam swing
a shard of star burst resonate
sunlight shone from spring
multicolor concentrated
deep atuning earth
reverberating patterns
of living loving worth
versing natures activating
path of higher flow
revolving consciously
roll of river blow
swift a bolt of light in
rise the living sound
pound the hearts intensity
connecting sky to ground.
I find this unbelievable. and had to keep going and checking to see if I actually said any of it.
I suppose my faith in God is real.
Hi Les,
I admire how you and others have "opted out".
I am a single parent from the get-go. (other 1/2 of the gene pool AWL: absent WITH leave...) I was flying under the radar since the age of 15, but then, alas, had to "opt in" or have my baby at home which was not feasible at the time. So, I got the Medical Insurance and from the moment my son was born, I've had a hell of a time trying to circumvent the traps...
First, I opted out of the "mandatory" hospital procedures and injections and all manner of misery automatically performed on newborn babies in Canada.
For that transgression, I was interviewed (interogated), in hospital, by a woman sent by the S.S. (Social Services...)
Then I opted out of "The Vaccination Program"... and the shit really hit the fan when I TRIED to enroll my child in school.
I won't bore you with the hundreds of ways the system keeps you ensnared once you "opt in" to it... Suffice it to say it's been one bloody battle after the next in a 14 year long war for me, and it ain't over.
One thing I did recently was "declare bankruptcy". That was the first step back to freedom for me...
Then we joined the carnival. An all cash on the barrelhead underground economy where you AND your loved ones can hide in plain site. (Especially if you're a gypsy and actress at heart.)
So nowadays my boy and I live in a (cara)van during the spring summer and early fall, then we hunker down in winter, hanging on by our fingernails, waiting for spring...
We adore it.
"Gypsies Tramps and Thieves" are far and away the easiest people to get along with, and the sheeple watching can't be beat!
So if anyone wants a job you can disappear into, you don't need ID, and are paid cash every week? I recommend that you find a Ferris Wheel...
(I used to be "Em Pee" but forgot my google account and password, so had to get another. Now you can call me Milena.)
Hello Les and Friends of LV.
I've just created a place where we can all come to hang out, post our thoughts, our comments, our pictures, our links, our videos, and above all: it's somewhere we can all connect with one another and take a little stress off of Les!
Stop by, knock on the door, use the secret password: "litmus test", and you'll be welcomed in!
A fitting voice-over for our 'War of the Worlds'.
Yet another timeless testimony of your good works and faith, my dear friend ...
Hi All,
Through Nina's blog I learned that Joe Bageant is terminally ill from cancer and currently in hospital.
Now is perhaps the right time for yet another concerted effort.
His email:
I intend to send him the link to the 'voice-over' or do you prefer do that yourself Visible?
WV: inall
milena,cant get to that fb page from my computer,just wont go....neil
I just found this:
The famous YouTube cartoon characters discussing 'What Is My True Nature'.
Rather than to the youtube directly, I will point you Randall Friend's site.
... an interesting place to discover ;)
Cartoon Dogs
As a human is never too old to fall in love, you're never too old for Table Mountain... Amazing place, full of magic. If you find the right lady, drive up on a spring day when Table Mountain is set with thousands of wildflowers, take a walk, and let Cupid do the rest ;)
There are back roads, but, honestly, most of them are being driven by crazed meth heads and are likely to be just as scary as the main roads... plus a lot of roads are the only way in and out because of how many river valleys and ridges there are.
I'm nostalgic for my old stomping grounds... you never know a place like the place you grew up in. My great grandmother was a nurse that helped deliver half of the people in Oroville (back years ago... the folks that would remember her must be in their 70's now)
A lot of magic up there, lots of good fishing and exploring, much public land that doesn't see many people (but damn if you donn't always hear a chain saw or motorcycle off in the distance...)
As for being friendly... friendliness begets friendliness, and you've come here with an open mind and I think everyone here respects that. At least I do. I suppose I shouldn't speak for everyone... hell somedays I shouldn't even be speaking for me.
Peace and, is it just me, or does watching an empire slowly collapsing bring a smile to your face too? I know there are a lot of fools who are suffering at the moment. I feel for them – even the ones who should have known better. But shit, even a bad show needs actors, and empire doesn't ever seem at a loss for them... there is even a line of people eager to play a corpse. Empire is producing this season's hit show and the line of people willing to be extras is stretching around the globe.
Shit, I rant. Sorry.
wv: phinyl... the PTB have made their world out of phinyl, 'cause they're so damn cool.
Litmus Test
Some of the people I left behind pass the litmus test, yet cannot apply it. It's a trick of the mind, and it goes like this...
If A=B, and B=C, then A=C
For some reason, they will not see that A=C; that is, they will not accede that if 9/11 was an inside job, then other truths must be self-evident. They have chosen(willful ignorance) to disallow the self-evident.
Milena, I have a feeling you have an interesting tale to tell. I tried your Facebook ID and it wasn't found. Maybe I didn't do it right?
Banks dug their own graves with quiet title actions.
I decided to get off my poetry horse for a second, and comment on
the realities of being Fucked by the Man.
Don't take this the wrong way, twisted little ways,..
I beat The Man several times throughout my government career,..
but in the end, The Man is The Man,
because we've given them this power, this authority,....through
our fear,...our collective fright
at what may really happen, well as the regular diet of phony boogie-men, hiding just over the next pool of oil, or camaflouged amongst some other country's ore' filled landscape....
...for this reason, when it comes to government,leadership and
authority, I try to leave out god, spirituality and faith or hope.
They do not mix,...
No one will ever know if someone called a "Jew" will ever inherit the earth (spiritually or physically), or that someone called a "Moslem" will ever get their fair share of virgins...
..however,..I taught business management for decades all over the world,..war zones,....plush R&R facilities located in ex-Nazi hangouts,....I learned to watch people's behavior, and to ignore their beliefs, or their purported beliefs,....
...other than how I could exploit and manipulate them, I was not interested in a person's personal motivations,.....only their did they behave, what did they do?
If someone's behavior met my expectations for the nature of the relationship,..? If so, we were cool,...if not,..performance improvement for you,....
We should apply the same philosophy
to government, especially Israel and the US, UK.....forget what they say,...ignore their supposed motivations,...what do they do?
Then,..indict, try them and hang them if guilty,...just like Saddam....
..the religious aspects of the issue allows for obfuscation...
let's clean that shit up,...we don't care what you think about your god,.....we care about your behavior,...let's quit killing, stealing, torturing and kidnapping,
......then I'd love to hear about your spiritual experience......
Fucking, sinister idiots.....
RJ O'Guillory
The Messiah already came...and they killed him!
Yes I agree that the government was sold to the Corporates which is why they can cut your hours down to say 4 hours a week which leaves you not being able to collect unemployment nor pay your bills.
I read the article on Walmart and how it is the biggest business in America. We should ALL look at Walmart as a warning to how America will be run soon. Pretty soon only the Elite will be able to afford shopping at Walmart while the rest of us will be forced to work there for slave laborers. If we are lucky enough and we don't have a bunch of kids on the side to raise we may be able to live in one of their shacks they provide for their employees in China. They are smaller than a closet cubbyholes and you share a kitchen and bath. Oh, did I mention you have to PAY RENT on these too? Walmart never ceases to amaze me with how they earn their money! NOPE I didn't even say they were good looking. They are more like the shanty towns you see in movies like Gone With The Wind. Speaking of Gone With The Wind this is what is going to happen to all of us soon!
Yes I am Anonymous cause it is my way of bucking the system. Truly I don't want to fill out any forms if I really don't have too!
Mark, try this:
It's the new "Friends of Les Visibles" group page I've set up, in homage to Les, located on the Big Facebook "Free"way.
I was trying to find a way for us all to commune with one another in one spot, without Les having to work any harder than he already does here and his other blogs to accomodate all his pals...
All you need to do to get in is:
The secret password? litmustest
I want to see what kind of trolls hang out here who would mess up such an interesting experiment in free speech as I've set up.
You are free to post anything, including pics, videos, links, comments, rants...
The only criteria? To be used for the common good.
Let's see what happens there, eh? Shoud be fun!
Hope to see you soon, in some form or other...
I watched my wife pass away at our little place in Alpine in east SD county. She wanted to look at trees and hear a stream. Alpine had both and it was the best I could do. That was March 6, 2010.
Renee it was who discovered Les and the rest of you, because she couldn’t sleep at night for the pain. She called me over one night and had me read, and I’ve been here ever since. We both have already received solace from these blogs and the wealth of wisdom you each possess.
Her spirit was far more powerful than mine, and I was always a little in awe. We could talk about anything and be fully understood…grokked. I always felt that as long as she was by my side, I could withstand anything the destroyers might send my way. Taking her away was the worst thing they could have done, and I’m still here.
I think she had something to do with sending the kids and I here, and I brought her with me. No one can replace her, but there is room in my heart for new friends.
I understand your nostalgia for this place, ‘cause it is beautiful beyond words. I felt instantly at home here, and my dog Jack has come to life as well. This is where we make our stand.
Rabbit, don't despair, you can still hang out with us... and bring your friends too.
Friendsof LesVisible on Facebook.
Find another video hosting site. Start your own blog.
Come on man, the Tube isn't the only game in town. (Or is it? If so, then they need some competition on that monopoly.)
There's always another way around their impediments. Be creative.
Do I need a Facebook account? Because I recently cancelled mine...
Mark: I can help with the maps and other items. You can call me the 'welcome wagon'. Please email to
dwintnf at the gmail. com
DW in Tahoe
"Peace and, is it just me, or does watching an empire slowly collapsing bring a smile to your face too?"
It used to make me smile, Dave. It doesn't anymore. I think my tolerance has run low through the years we have been watching. That and also because I think we've all had enough. I want it to end. I understand it always does eventually; it always has before. I do not feel smug knowing what seems to elude the notice of so many, I have no desire to say I told you so, nor will I hold anything against those who couldn't or wouldn't see.
An open mind is the one trait I am most proud of, but you and the others also have's one of the things which makes this group special.
Bankers: The priests of Mammon. Offering up the lives of widows and children worldwide for thousands of years. Now with extended hours and drive up service.
No doubt they are playing well established games with neighbor kids who don't realize there are two sets of rules. While your quietly hiding in the bushes waiting to be discovered, they are going into your house taking your Fathers' jobs, forclosing on your homes and filling the Spiritual heart of many homes with despair and rage.
While the children sing London Bridge is falling down and are busy locking each other up into metaphysical prisons...
Mothers work themselves into exhaustion mostly having to fulfill obligations to those other than their own families, Only enough energy at the end of the day to go buy some new fab boots and check their facebook accounts.
The children are busy playing Evil Games R Us. Dad is getting drunk and growing numb in the garage while watching football on his mancave flatscreen that was bought with his wifes earnings.
Mom is sitting comfortably peeling off Made in China stickers from her recently purchased living room decor.
Thank you bankers for making the American Dream so easy to buy on credit
The oldest tricks in the book are still being used, Don't let pass any oppourtunity to tell a child what what Ring around the Rosie is really talking about.
To Mark and anyone else who does not have a FB account: Friendsof LesVisible is your account. Simply do as instructed in my previous post.
I just received an email from a friend from my past, linking me to something received from my "hotmail" account, which he knows must have been hijacked.
I opened the link in question, and it was certainly interesting spam, but quite dangerously so, and nothing I would ever link him to...
This summer while I was on the road, a similar thing happened. That time to a different friend. I thought it was a one off and didn't do anything about it.
But today I went to hotmail and deleted that account and informed them both, clearly telling them that if they received any future mail from that account, it was NOT becuse I had reactivated it..
So, while the internet is a useful tool, it can also be used by people (or even bots, I guess) for nefarious purposes. Against us.
I am hoping this won't happen to us on FB.
If it does, there's always Plan B.
No worries warriors.
DW in Tahoe
I sent you an email, but I'm not sure my emails are being received. My address is:
Let me know if you received it, ok?
"The Endless Tragedy of the Clueless and Manipulated"
So true so true in so many ways Les...
We Still Have Ways to Thwart The Evil Doers!
OK, *sigh, the spamming has already begun on the new FB account, but no worries: I got rid of the culprit. We all possess the smarts and technology and tenacity to give them a run for their money.
For those who do not have a FB account and wish to participate in the FB Friends of Les community: get one! The first option I proposed is no longer on the table.
Not Safe. Full of landmines... and I don't possess the necessary safety gear to survive the shrapnel.
#1: It takes a few minutes to set up a Hotmail account, using any BS you want to dream up to do so...
#2: SAVE IT, as well as your password. (cuz if you're like me, it's really hard to remember BS...)
#3: Set up a FB account, using your newly set up BS Hotmail account...
#4 SAVE IT. As well as your password.
#5: Now that you're in (after confirming your new FB account via the email sent to your bullshit Hotmail account) do a search for Friendsof LesVisible and send me a friend request.
Use the option to write an accompanying message: please write a little note confirming you're Neil or Rabbit or Mark, etc... Or if you missed that option, just "message me" letting me know it's you who've made the friend request.
I will then add your new bogus FB ID to the community. Ta Da!
Simple enough, a done deal, and no one the wiser...
Secondly? I want those of you who currently use "free" Gmail to do some research and decide for yourselves whether that's a prudent option... You know the old adages, "nothing's ever free" and "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is..." I can say the same for Hotmail, but it took 5 years for "them" to hack my account...
Lastly? Those of you who still "google" should look into the alternative search engine I use, called "Scroogle". Why? Easy: No cookies, no search-term records, and access log deleted within 48 hours.
They've had their problems over the years, these brilliant guys, maintaining the Scroogle engine, cuz Google attempts to thwart THEM at every turn, but they're no slouches and seem to be able to tippy-toe around Google's technological landmines every time without getting blown up...
Here ya go: It's my homepage of choice for many years. NO ADS, no nothin'. Support them when/if you can...
I'm no cyber geek. In fact, I might formerly have been known as a die hard luddite but I finally had to give up that stand and join the 21st century, albeit kicking and screaming. Since that time I've learned a few tricks which have served me well.
I also pay attention to what's going on, and I ADAPT, which is all we can really do if we're gonna survive this madness.
Les I have been trying to post this, tried endless times... If you have endless copies of these? Delete all but one. TY and I apologise for the BS and extra work. Every time I try to post, I get bounced out of your page!!
Last try:
"The Endless Tragedy of the Clueless and Manipulated"
So true so true in so many ways Les...
We Still Have Ways to Thwart The Evil Doers!
OK, *sigh, the spamming has already begun on the new FB account, but no worries: I got rid of the culprit. We all possess the smarts and technology and tenacity to give them a run for their money.
For those who do not have a FB account and wish to participate in the FB Friends of Les community: get one! The first option I proposed is no longer on the table.
Not Safe. Full of landmines... and I don't possess the necessary safety gear to survive the shrapnel.
#1: It takes a few minutes to set up a Hotmail account, using any BS you want to dream up to do so...
#2: SAVE IT, as well as your password. (cuz if you're like me, it's really hard to remember BS...)
#3: Set up a FB account, using your newly set up BS Hotmail account...
#4 SAVE IT. As well as your password.
#5: Now that you're in (after confirming your new FB account via the email sent to your bullshit Hotmail account) do a search for Friendsof LesVisible and send me a friend request.
Use the option to write an accompanying message: please write a little note confirming you're Neil or Rabbit or Mark, etc... Or if you missed that option, just "message me" letting me know it's you who've made the friend request.
I will then add your new bogus FB ID to the community. Ta Da!
Simple enough, a done deal, and no one the wiser...
Secondly? I want those of you who currently use "free" Gmail to do some research and decide for yourselves whether that's a prudent option... You know the old adages, "nothing's ever free" and "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is..." I can say the same for Hotmail, but it took 5 years for "them" to hack my account...
Lastly? Those of you who still "google" should look into the alternative search engine I use, called "Scroogle". Why? Easy: No cookies, no search-term records, and access log deleted within 48 hours.
They've had their problems over the years, these brilliant guys, maintaining the Scroogle engine, cuz Google attempts to thwart THEM at every turn, but they're no slouches and seem to be able to tippy-toe around Google's technological landmines every time without getting blown up...
Here ya go: It's my homepage of choice for many years. NO ADS, no nothin'. Support them when/if you can...
I'm no cyber geek. In fact, I might formerly have been known as a die hard luddite but I finally had to give up that stand and join the 21st century, albeit kicking and screaming. Since that time I've learned a few tricks which have served me well.
I also pay attention to what's going on, and I ADAPT, which is all we can really do if we're gonna survive this madness.
For Mark & Renee
Tracy Chapman: The Promise
it's kind of like
when you buy something
some assembly required
we've all done it before
stared at 'instructions'
in four language
then tossed them aside
and put it together
all on our own
A new Visible Origami is up-
What if we all just Tried a LIttle Harder.
Anonymous 12:37
Thank you
A new Smoking Mirrors up-
Somewhere Down a Dark Road.
Desmond Tutu being critisized for his stance on Israel - please look at this petition -
i can only hope that you see this comment, because for the best part your article is spot on! but you share no connection with the perception of the youth today. for those that see the monster hidden in plain sight, they dangerously react with anger and fear towards such truths because spirituality in the uk and western world generally is so 2nd nature, young people dont know how to deal with the persistant socialist propaganda and brainwashin the media floods their brains with. when ur trapped in a system with no silver spoon to scoop you out just knowledge that its either uni and a heap of debt, or working class and minimum wage, the de-moralisation that occurs is the reason for our futures aches and pains.
"I just finished reading David Icke’s recent article on Rothschild Zionism."
I just read it too. Lot's of truth there but also plenty of deflectionary damage control.
The zio-boys may be the worst of them, and yes there are certainly innocent ones, but it is a dismally small percentage. The Jews are the problem and have always been the problem.
PLEASE read Eustice Mullins definitive work, "The Biological Jew" for the most eye opening anaysis of this age old problem.
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