Friday, February 04, 2011

John's Boner is a GOP Guidon, Flying at Half Mast

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

The first thing I noticed about John Boner was that, despite being a traditionalist, as in traditional hypocrite and traditional sanctimonious, talking out of both sides of his mouth; “I am above all laws both moral and otherwise”, is his breaking from tradition. Generally Republicans are attracted to young boys or male prostitutes, seasoned with drugs, they’ve made illegal for the rest of us. Boner is actually, at least in this case(s) attracted to women, plural, or so we hear. Not only that, but the main pump is a lobbyist, so he gets to screw the country at the same time as he is screwing her. Don’t look for this to be reported in the main stream, neo-Pharisee media, because I couldn’t find it at MSNBC or Fox News. You’d think this would be a big deal.

The Israelis are famous for blackmailing members of congress, residents of the White House and anyone whose position can be milked to their advantage. Therefore, it’s pretty clear that they want to put Eric Cantor into the speaker’s position. Eric is the guy who said he puts Israel first, above the interests of his own country and that he would defend Israel against the United States. This is treason but treason is the status quo of our times.

Daily, the force of The Apocalypse is bringing the epidemic corruptions of political leaders to the attention of the greater world. This phenomenon is accelerating and impacting on the centers of evil around the world. The main centers would be Tel Aviv, London and Washington D.C. It’s going to get more and more outrageous, comical and ironic as it goes. All of these revelations about despicable behavior are for the purpose of bankrupting the policies and pretenses of the terminally corrupt.

This is the drawback to being a politician. The worst people apply for the job because of the opportunity to advance their self-interest and make important contacts. As a result, they bring all of their vicious and indifferent qualities with them. John brought his Boner. John’s Boner is his totem animal but he’s going to be low man on the scrotum pole for a good long while now. For most of his life he lusted after power so that he could exercise it and swell his self importance. Since he isn’t actually very important, in the same way women who rely entirely on their looks disappoint, after the trampoline act and possibly before and during, John’s idea of his importance is far greater than that of any bonafide important person, who contributes to the lives that he/she touches. Some give, most take, some give and take. John’s a taker.

So John spent his life pursuing power and position, only to go contrary to everything he preaches and becomes an object of ridicule to his enemies, an object of scorn to his public and an object of shame to his family. John’s Boner is a GOP standard. Politicians are always fucking somebody and thankfully, occasionally they fuck themselves. Well, or Israel fucks them, when they see an advantage they want to take. Israel knows about The Apocalypse. She knows that her true nature is going to be revealed along with her revisionist past in a big way. She wants to offset that by solidifying this schematic that I linked at Visible Origami the other day. It’s impressive, isn’t it? It’s also anti-Semitic to draw any conclusions based on it.

John’s Boner is living proof that Israel has no friends, only marks and tools that can be broken or misused any time there’s a need. John’s Boner is the majesty of John, rearing up over the trembling, violated landscape. John’s Boner goes before him, perfectly lined up with his out thrust chest, both chest and dick extended to comparative exactness. John’s Boner is the mascot of congress and they should put a little knit cap on it to humanize it. You’re not going to humanize John. John traded his humanity for a pole position a long time ago. John sold his soul so that his Boner could have diplomatic immunity, except that didn’t work out so well. Basically, John is in the way or unwilling to do something and whatever that is, it must be pretty severe if John doesn’t want to do it. So John gets the Eliot Spitzer treatment.

Now, John’s wife will have to stand up for him and show the world what a gallant lady she is and John’s daughters will have to hear all kinds of jokes about John’s Boner. If you watch the daughters closely, you will be able to see them wince, when unbidden images creep up on the mind screen. In John’s mind, his Boner has a mask and a cape. It’s a super Boner. There’s an interesting irony here. They say a stiff dick has no conscience. Interestingly, neither does John. John’s a power player. There’s no question but that there is a line of bodies back down the highway behind him. It’s the nature of the kind of person who gets to be Speaker of the House and invariably they are among the most corrupt, like Tip O’Neil and his sexual escapades in D.C. Nancy Pelosi and her able assistance on behalf of her husband’s fortune, when she was in a position to do something. Tom Delay is the archetype and John and his Boner possess some number of the qualities possessed by them all.

Well, John can always comfort himself with the fact that he’s not Larry Craig, with his ‘wide stance’. It’s truly said that “those whom the God’s would destroy, they first drive mad”. That was coined by a madman but a legitimate philosopher none the less. He was no limp dicked poseur like Sartre or... the list is long.

If I decide to go down to the 7/11 that they don’t have over here and pick up a six pack of high school girls, no one would say a thing. I’m free to do as I please, because Love’s not love if you let societies rules steal the magic. Now, I’m far less likely to take advantage of my freedom than John’s Boner. I just like that it’s there and that I have the blessing of my consort and the universe should I want to drive a golden spike somewhere. Quite often, it is lacking that freedom that makes violating conventions unavoidable. I note that the freedom protects against the need for its expression. In the process of The Seven Ages of Man, one is supposed to come to ever new understandings about how certain forces work and how they can be applied. John’s Boner isn’t particularly interested in those aspects though. John’s Boner just wants to show John how powerful it is and that rank has its privileges. Then what went wrong John?

Just like they nailed that presidential candidate during the campaign, sooner or later some muckraking dirtbag is going to get you in the crosshairs and do an impression of the shit fly in “Meet the Feebles”. Do not watch this film with your children in the room. I told a friend about it but I guess he figured, How bad could it be? I always chuckle when I think of my friend Gerald, sitting there watching it with his 12 year old daughters as the general aura dawns on him. It wasn’t my fault. Don’t these very important persons know that they are being watched? Don’t they know about discretion and attendant cautions? Heck James Gannon was in and out of the White House hundreds of times and a whole lot of those times, he didn’t sign in or out and we still don’t absolutely know whose Boner or behind was getting celebrated with that. It never fails that people who set themselves up as pillars of rectitude turn out to have feet of clay. Those of us who know that sex is a part of life and who don’t let anyone make any rules for us, that we don’t plan to live by, do not run into these situations. We can be Jason Stratham in Crank 2 if we want to, but we don’t have to, because the pipes aren’t under that kind of pressure due to hypocrisy and repression.

I guess I feel a little sorry for John’s Boner, but at the same time, John’s Boner has no self awareness. I don’t feel sorry for John because I know that John is a nasty piece of work, with dark crimes against his soul that we don’t know about. Whatever happens to John that’s bad is good for the rest of us. It’s like when something bad happens to Neo-Pharisee land. That is generally good news for the rest of the world. John’s Boner isn’t the Lone Ranger, even if it does wear a mask. Congress is full of Boners and plots to bone; fevered imaginations that run the gamut from a pile of crystal meth and a sixteen year old boy to a VIP pass for the runaway shelter with a “Who’s your Daddy”?

I am so grateful for The Apocalypse and its relentless exposure of the fell deeds of the worst of us. It’s going to get increasingly more dramatic on the way to complete transformation. We’re on the doorstep of one of the greatest adventures of all time. Geez, it only comes around every 26,000 years! I imagine it’s going to be quite a bit more impressive than The Super Bowl and everyone’s a winner, if you want to be. As we take our leave of John’s Boner and reflect on all the boners and boneheads in Congress and wherever they gather, I think we can, for the most part, breathe a sigh of relief that we ain’t them and are not likely to be; all those sad, out of control, bloodstained clowns, dragging their asses in estrus toward wherever the money is sleeping, under the belly of the dragon/beast.

End Transmission.......

Patrick Willis narrates:

"We are standing on an endless horizon
With our faces turned into the blazing sun
And we have come all this way to Armageddon
Just to find that the battle has been won"


Anonymous said...

Wow! You nailed it.

A.Mouser said...


So a neo-pharisee becomes third in line to the throne.
Obama (shooda) bin dead long time ago gets sniped by a lone gunman in Chitown and Biden (i'm a zionist) Joe chokes on his own sandwich a la mama Cass - and presto we have the first ever overtly zionist commander-in-chief of the USA!


Zoner said...

I laughed, I cried. Thanks for both.


Neko Kinoshita said...

"all those sad, out of control, bloodstained clowns, dragging their asses in estrus toward wherever the money is sleeping, under the belly of the dragon/beast."

I never tire of the voiceover.

Watching the veils rip, shred, and fall away from here in the alley,


wv: beect, I have a block this morning, Erik? Dave? anyone? any ideas?

Anonymous said...

DC the Home of Virtue & Morality.

Nice to see a hypocrite get fucked

Seems the Past DUE notices can arrive at the correct address now and then.

What a bunch of ass-hats.

Thanks for your Blog Les.


Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that the Superbowl is one big message to fellow ZionPTB. The shape of the half-time platform, the designs of costumes, the performers, even the final score supposedly has a message. Last year, the WHO played. Old, off key mess. I wondered what the World Health Organization was going to be up to last year. Pushing the vaccines and H1 whatever flu.

This year, it is the Black Eyed Peas performing. Although black eyed peas are a mainstay in Texas, where the game will be played, I'll have to look at their song titles to try and get a hint. Lea Michele, from Glee fame, is going to sing America the Beautiful. She is Italian and father side Spanish Shephardic Jew.

Time to put our thinking caps on.

WV: cyawni -- cy a wni, is that the new Sayonora?

Mouser said...

Sott 04.02.11.

"Let's back up and look at a few other events in January.

First thing to note is the worrisome (for Israel) trend of countries "unilaterally" declaring official recognition of statehood for Palestine. Venezuela led the way on behalf of Latin American countries, nearly all of whom followed suit at the end of 2010 and beginning of this year. But the 'Big Daddy-oh' came on January 24 when Russia moved to recognise Palestine. A large bomb was detonated at Moscow airport that night, killing 35 people, but it was immediately overshadowed by the socio-quake of January 25 when Egyptians' "Day of Wrath" launched their revolution. Coincidence?

Egypt receives about $1.3 billion a year in US military aid and hundreds of millions of dollars in economic assistance from its benefactor, the US government. This is second only to Israel. The Israeli government seems to have been genuinely caught off guard by the scale of the uprising across the Sinai. Three days into the protests, Tel-Aviv was still declaring confidence that Mubarak would survive. At the same time, they evacuated their envoys' families from Cairo. Netanyahu said he was "shocked" by Obama's "betrayal of Mubarak." He has a point too. In effect, Obama HAS betrayed one of the empire's key garrison commanders. You could just about smell the desperation coming from Israel when it called on the US and EU to get back behind Mubarak "to preserve stability in the region." Headlines like "Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt" have been appearing in Israeli media all week.

While it's true that protesters found tear gas canisters marked "Made in USA" during the initial battles with the police, this shouldn't be surprising given that Egypt's entire military-security infrastructure, from its jets down to police uniforms, is leased from the US. With calls from the US for Mubarak to stand down, it looks like Israel will have to counter this revolution alone; Israeli planes landed at Cairo's Mina International Airport last Saturday, carrying "a large supply of internationally proscribed gas to disperse crowds." The presence of Israeli intelligence agents in Cairo has also been reported.

...We got another hint of US foreknowledge from this report of US troops being deployed to the Sinai Peninsula as early as January 15. There has been no official news yet on where they are now or what they are up to, but it is well known that such deployments are used as cover for the insertion for CIA teams. Of course, there is the genuine strategic interest of the Suez canal, and vast amounts of oil that transit through it, to consider.

Rage Days

Something that caught my attention early on was ...the 'Day of Rage' meme, a kind of clarion call for protest movements. Here it is being used by Hamas last year. Here's another 'Day of Rage' sponsored by "Muslim leaders"...

The term 'Days of Rage' was first coined by student protests in the US in the 1960s, specifically by the Weathermen faction of the Students for a Democratic Society, whose infiltration by the US government was partly responsible for derailing the civil rights movement. ...'Days of Rage' label being used by the protest organisers and the media to frame events in the Middle East today necessarily points to nefarious orchestration or instigation of the protests. It could be an interesting signature, or it could just be a convenient slogan that resonates with the people's mood. After all, the Muslim world should be enraged with everything that has happened to it as a result of the 9/11 attacks and beyond. The whole world should be enraged with the handful of psychopaths and their goons running the show. [Read: zionists, international NWO bankers]

Mouser part 2 said...

... should the protests fail, all that info in government hands will be used to track and torture the participants. It helps to remember always that your enemy is more devious than you can imagine... that this could even be done when the seven or so Internet Service Providers in Egypt obeyed a command from on-high last Friday to block all traffic to and from Egypt, which flatlined within just 30 minutes! ...Many Egyptians found ways around it (with help from outside) and resorted to ham radios and fax machines to communicate.

It's interesting to note that, as this was taking place, a bill was reintroduced in the US Congress to grant the White House executive control of an Internet "kill-switch"? ...coincidental in the sense that the 'Powers That Be' has figured that the whole house of cards is about to come down, so they're preparing to apply drastic measures. Cutting the Internet in Egypt could be a useful test run then, from their perspective anyway. What definitely isn't coincidental is that a US-based company founded by "Israeli security experts" makes the particular "Internet off-switch" that was sold to Egypt.

Let Them Revolt

...I think Joe Quinn hit the mark again by thinking of the deeper moves on the chessboard when, before any news of US involvement broke, he noted:

"It seems to me that the only reason that these protests in Tunisia and Egypt are proving successful is because the US has dropped support of those particular dictatorships. In years gone by, similar rebellions would have been, and were, brutally suppressed by the regime (by way of the military) because it was given assurances by the US (and sometimes the UK) that their support would continue.
Indeed, in years gone by, the CIA would have already been in Tunisia and Egypt for months, re-organizing the military command and in general directing the burgeoning "revolution" to ensure the right outcome. As to why the US has dropped its support of such regimes: they know that there are major earth changes in the pipeline that will make such revolutions largely insignificant."

And then a day or two later:
"What has been on my mind for a few weeks now, since the moves by several countries to recognise a Palestinian state, is that Israel is being cut loose by the powers that be. It was unmistakable, for me anyway, when I saw the near simultaneous recognition of Palestine and the wave of revolts in Arab nations. Both of these are undoubtedly felt as a serious threat by the Israelis. Since we know that nothing happens in politics by accident, it seems that word went out that it was time to cut the Israelis off. There are probably a few different reasons for this, but at least one of them is likely to be the progressive and strategic dismantling of the US imperial infrastructure - both economic and military (covert and overt) - in preparation for the expected earth change chaos ahead, including food riots across the world. Indeed, there is evidence now that, as regards Tunisia and Egypt (and probably the Arab world in general) the US has done a complete 'about face' and instead of propping up tin pot dictators in the Arab world, they are actively dismantling them:

Egypt Protests: America's Secret Backing for Rebel Leaders Behind Uprising

Mouser part 3 said...

While all of this MIGHT sound like good news from the point of view of those who have long wished to see the Israelis called to account and more freedom in the Arab world, it is in fact a very dangerous move because the Israelis have always made it clear that, if they were ever to feel "existentially threatened", they would take as much of the world with them as possible. Recent developments vis a vis Palestinian statehood and Arab nationalism are undoubtedly seriously threatening the existentialist core of the Zionist state."
We know that the CIA was instrumental in fomenting the failed so-called "Green Revolution" in Iran. William Engdahl suggests that what we're witnessing today is more of the same, albeit on an altogether more justified basis. If we accept for a moment that the globalised world IS perceived as a "grand chessboard" by the powers that be, then yes, there must be a deeper geo-political angle to this revolutionary fever.

Looking at it from another angle however, I get the sense that a dam has broken that they either cannot control or do not wish to control because they know that it won't matter for much longer. Mubarak is one of theirs, but like all the others plugged into the global power pyramid, he's just a patsy, expendable for the "greater good". People are thoroughly justified in rising up against the tyrants. An unfortunate consequence of confronting the predators in our midst is that the world is about to become a much more dangerous place. Don't get me wrong. I love to see evil regimes smarting from people power! It's living testimony to what most of us figure out at some point or another - we don't need the state to survive; the state feeds on us to survive.

And so, among other factors, the lack of involvement here from "Islamo-fascists", real or imagined, is most certainly conspicuous by its absence. Have you noticed that the Western media are broadly in line with Al Jazeera and other regional media outlets in reporting the facts of events in Egypt? Yep, they are pretty much telling the truth! This simply would not happen unless it suited the grand agenda.

As Above, So Below..."


Jarlsberg said...

Republicans Democrats fuck em all and their bankster buddies too. Ohh and their bootlicker piss stream media too.

Anonymous said...

New PSA on MSNBC late last night on how to survive a nuclear bomb going off in your city. It said to go into, or stay in, a tall building, go to an inside room above the 3rd floor, or a few floors down from the roof, and to stay there between 4-12 hours.

The minute I saw that, I thought, those bastards are going for it. How sweet of them trying to warn us. Guess they need a few minions to survive to be their slaves. F'ckers.

doubtingneil said...

Dang Vis, you went old school on their ass with this one, really turned up the heat lately, and if "they" boil in their corrupt juices so be it. I vote this one for your book.


John Bessant said...

Congress is indeed the boner in the arse of this country. But somehow most of the sheep like taking it in the arse cause they've been told it feels gooooooood.

Rape is revolting! End the congress and stop the rape!

Anonymous said...

arctic cold hearted
talmudic insistancy
of calculated turmoil
backfire inprison the
imprint on emotion
rupture corrupt
israhells lowdown
meet truth and erupt
lies smash into pieces
melt to the floor
crown of rothschild
shatter in core
peace over war
roar inner flame
shake the truth spear
leave the pig slain


Greg Bacon said...

The fact that Johnny boy likes to take many a trip to places that are also 'golfing paradises' is just a coincidence.

Like his costly, all expenses paid for jaunts to that state of hate, Apartheid Israel.

Many a trip by our bought and paid for Congress is sponsored by the Congressional Institute Inc. The Congressional Institute has drawn interest as a conduit through which lobbyists exert their influence without abiding by ethics rules.

Guess it's just another of those 'amazing coincidences' that our corrupt and craven Congress just loves visiting Israel?

If you thought 'Nanny' Pelosi was adept at kissing Israli ass, just wait and watch Johnny boy in action.

He'll plant so many smoochies on Apartheid Israel his lips will look like their 'Star of David' shaped.

siamsam said...

I am not very good at math so perhaps someone could assist me. I just can't work this one out:

Mubarak is widely reported to have accumulated a stash of $40 billion. Egypt has received $1.3 billion per year in (aid) for the past 30 years, during which time Mubarak has been running the show.

1.3 x 40 = 39...... so where did he get the extra billion from!!!

Of course tony blair has said he is a good sort.

siamsam said...

Off topic - but relevant. If anyone still can't see the true objective of Wikishite, here is a simple reminder or 2:

Erik said...

URGENT NEED FOR DONATIONS You know me; I never ask unless it is really necessary, but bills are piling up and expected money is not arriving in a timely manner. I know you keep hearing requests for aid from all the other blogs, screaming about how they may have to shut their doors if they don't raise $10,000 by next Tuesday. Well, WRH will never shut its doors, but I fear we might have to shrink a bit! Please help us if you can.

--Here's my problem. I do want to donate to Mike, but he only accepts credit-cards; I currently only have Pay-Pal ...

Les or anyone, can you transfer a PayPal payment for me to Mike?

Visible said...

Sorry, I can't help for 3 good reasons. Mike doesn't take Paypal; that I have. Due to a state of confusion, my credit card got canceled and the new one hasn't arrived and... Susanne is out of town this week so no help there. I doubt Mike is going down any time soon. This isn't to diminish the real consideration of his need, merely that, in a matter of degrees, I don't get 'critical'

I operate on next to nothing which is where I keep it at until nothing becomes something. Michael has a staff and other considerations, which is why there may have been a mention of cutting back. As someone who works for nothing tangible, I'm less sympathetic than most because I feel like if most of us went a little further, the world would soon tilt into a budding wonderland. This is all tangential to Michael who does fantastic work and it a real hero in any and every sense.

Michael's an atheist, which generally means he doesn't believe in the God of the fundamentalists who, strictly speaking, doesn't exist except as The Adversary. Luckily for me, I don't share this 'limitation' of Michaels so I can ask for help direct (grin). Strangely enough, I almost never do. Whenever I think I need something, a closer scrutiny reveals that it was just something that came up in my mind when I was distracted away from the only thing I really want.

Sorry to wax philosophical here.

You might have better luck with this by simply asking people to go and send a few bucks Michaels way. After all, it's less of a concern who it comes from as it is a matter of getting it to come.

Visible said...

Hey Zoner;

Well, two out of three ain't bad; I laughed, I cried, I shit my pants.

paolocaruso said...

Political stars in the USA do not rise unless they are tarnished, compromised, and controllable from the start. Or otherwise totally vested in zionist ideology.

In addition to doing the bidding of banks and Israel, congress are required to be bizarre clownish spectacles. The more the better.
I have to point to Oran Hatch and Joe Lieberman as examples.

These people are meant to incur the disdain of the public as a diversion. Its their job.

paolocaruso said...

Ciao Les, Your article is another gem, grazie mille !!!

From CNN:

Defense and security analysis company IHS Jane's says Suleiman's interaction with the Israeli Mossad as well as the Central Intelligence Agency catapulted him to a central role in Egypt's security apparatus.
In 2001, he led Egyptian efforts to confront a Palestinian uprising next door. Later, he played a crucial role in the formation of a new Palestinian government headed by Mahmoud Abbas, according to Jane's.

Anonymous said...

Waxing philosophical can be quite a lovely thing.

Anonymous said...

Dear Les,

Is a "boner" like a "hard-on?"

Hopelessly confused (grin),


PS: I vas survivor too. I excaped. I survived fur several months on tree bark and drinking my own urine. Zee French undergrouns find me and turn me over to Wharf Rats who smuggle me to New York. Now I vant my book and movie deal.

Anonymous said...

"Daily, the force of The Apocalypse is bringing the epidemic corruptions of political leaders to the attention of the greater world."

It's funny that just as I was reading that, I hear the radio announce, "70 year old Prime Minister Burlosconi has been accused of paying for sex with a 17 year old girl."

As the light increases it's going to become more and more difficult to get away with ANYTHING. Everything's going to be exposed, so I sure hope everyone's wearing clean underwear!

Also, kudos to you Mr. Visible, for making the most 'dick' jokes in any serious dissertation of anything I've ever read. I love dick jokes. You remember that one from Bill Hicks?

"There's dick jokes on the way. Please relax. They're goin, "This guy better have some good dick jokes, I'll tell you that, honey. I mean, this guy better have a big, long, purple vein dick joke comin' to pull himself out of this comedy hole." Throw down the big purple vein dick and I crawl out of it and that's gonna be the joke at the end."

Anonymous said...

Dear Les,

Re: The Italian PM sexual scandal

This an example of MSM at work. The age of sexual consent in Italy is 14; 13 in Spain. Maybe the guy got a 17 year old hooker or not. Who cares?

In the US there's the old saying that "15 will get you 20." In reality I suppose that's 5 years of being sadomized (sp?) in a state prison.

The US has very strange sexual laws and morals. Back in the 60's if a high school guy had sex with a foxy school marm it was called "getting lucky." Today they haul her out in front of sells.

The age of sexual consent where I live is 14. But no...I don't want them sitting on my lap.

I'm sleepy now,


Visible said...

Yes, I knew immediately that this was a put up job because the age of consent is a great deal lower than the age of the person in question. Usually they didn't list the age saying only that she was underage. Berlusconi has had a falling out with certain elements of TPTB and they want to fuck him over. When I saw the lady in question I immediately thought she ought to be wearing a conductors had, given that she looked like she's been pulling trains for awhile.

Visible said...

There is a new Smoking Mirrors up-

The Hidden History and our Invisible Guides.

GTRman said...

" PS: I vas survivor too. I excaped. I survived fur several months on tree bark and drinking my own urine. Zee French undergrouns find me and turn me over to Wharf Rats who smuggle me to New York. Now I vant my book and movie deal."

Tree bark? TREE BARK ? ..You lucky, lucky bastard...I used to DREAM about TREE BARK , while i were hidin' fer 6 years in the septic-tank at Bergen-Belsen ,with only me teeth to suck fer nourishment ,all the while treadin' filthy water with the manatee flippers DR Mengele had replaced me legs with...

but you try tellin that t' kids today..



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