Wednesday, August 12, 2020

"Add in Religion and you've got a Dead Zone, Flayed Man Bacchanal, with no Cellphone Service but lots of Selfies."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Well... of course... the whole tattered and torn, great unwashed of the Democrat Big Tent, Zombie Revival, which went down in the high wind of Hurricane Antifa, are walking along the virtual sidewalks of spiritual urban blight, talking to themselves ...and party functionaries are scrambling to handcuff them together, so it looks like they are having a conversation with each other. Up comes the Future Bride of Baron Samedi, Kamala Harris, and somehow... SOMEHOW... I am convinced that the Fix is now In, because... no way is the American Public (as brain dead as it is) brain dead enough that they won't see right through her. She makes Evita Peron look like Mary Poppins. Then again... I hope I am not wrong. I hope I am not Pollyanna here. I will get into that in the latter part of this posting.

They'll be holding the wedding on the Island of Corfu at the Rothschild Family compound. Marina Abramovitch is catering the affair with a Spirit Cooking Buffet. Looks like a whole bunch of firstborn are about to go missing and wind up on milk cartons or marinating with the crayfish. There hasn't been this much appetite and excitement since Elizabeth Bathory ran off with Giles de Rais for a dirty weekend. The Gay Men's River Dance Collective of San Francisco will be putting on a production of Satyricon after the wedding dinner, with musical accompaniment from whomever they choose to roast in the Brazen Bull. It should be a festive affair.

Do you think I exaggerate? Mais non. However dark you imagine certain characters in this Armageddon play to be, it is worse than that. We've had Hell on Earth a few times here. Every time there is a war, whether it be a hot zone skirmish, like the Serbian Kosovo conflict, or a World War, it has been Hell on Earth in specific locations and incidents that the normal mind could not visualize took place at times, now and again. Once the beast is loosed, there is no animal more vicious than that portion of humanity gone wrong, in search of vengeance or social reform. Add in religion and you've got a Dead Zone, Flayed Man Bacchanal, with no cellphone service but lots of selfies, cause that's how they do.

Few there are as monstrous as the possessed Liberal Mind when it is in power. Off goes the cloak of concern for the least of us and then it is reversed and you get the Hammer and the Sickle superhero, in a skin-tight latex outfit, replete with Ken Bump. There is no rage like the Rage of Impotence, in a state of full-blown psychosis, transiting through holometabolous metamorphosis.

It is neither my vocation, nor my avocation, to hold forth on the stages of psychopathic, many splintered transitioning, but I have studied the matter. It is something writers do, or they come off as less than informed, and believe me, following the time I invested in it, I wish I had not done so. It's one thing to wash your body and another to wash your mind. What I am trying to say is that those who are presently plotting and seeking to grab the reins of power are truly dangerous. If you are on the fence about this then... SIMPLY RESEARCH WHO IS FINANCING THEM!

I have had a friend since my late teens in Washington D.C. His father was one of those powerful lawyers that operate in the nation's capital and he was truly to the manor born. The family was very rich, with a six-story mansion near Georgetown with the Gore Family across the street. They had a massive beach complex in the Henlopen area at Rehoboth Beach and a sprawling estate in West Virginia called Bear's Den. I stayed a time or two at the last two; not often, because my name was anathema with my friend's mother, who felt I was the bad influence that lead him wrong. This was due to him running away from home several times to find me in my travels here and there, which he never did.

I posed as Leon Norton, of the Norton Motorcycle family for quite a while, until one of the dumb McGregor Brothers called me Les at the dinner table (grin). She pretended not to hear it actually because she had gotten to like Leon, so... there was a kind of uneasy truce after that, depending on how many Vodka Cocktails she had had. There were a few others in our circle and we have remained friends to this day. My friend lost most of his inheritance having to hire lawyers to get him out of a Bolivian prison and later to salvage his colonial home in rural Virginia when he was caught growing pot on his land. He kept a journal of his doings... unreal.

One of the other friends was the son of the former ambassador to Nepal, among other appointed posts he occupied. Another was the younger brother of Fox Newscaster Brit Hume and some were the sons of generals and other powerful types. They were all, more or less well to do. We've visited over the years. Sometimes I would go there to where they have all been living for a long time, in locations around Markham, Virginia and in Rappahannock County. Some of them are still well off (I think) and some of them are kind of shabby gentility, though they've lost whatever manners their early breeding might have conveyed (well... not all of them) and have become hicks from the sticks. They are happy in their fashion BUT... they ALL get their news from network TV and talk about uninformed. Whoa! They insist it's all like they've been told and are taking COVID seriously. I know by now not to argue with them and just love them, because they are my friends, tried and true.

I was talking with my main friend, probably he would be my best friend, among mortals, though I love them pretty much equally when I am around them. It is just that I only stay in touch with the one at a distance. He comes and visits for a while most years. We were on the phone yesterday. I might have a phone call 3 or 4 times a year, unless it is with my friend here, calling from town to ask if I need anything. That also seldom happens. During this call, he was telling me about how COVID has impacted on the local mindset. He told me about this one associate, not really a friend, who was so COVID crazy that along with the de rigueur mask, he is also wearing one of those plastic face shields and my friend said that he wouldn't let him get within 20 feet of him; probably exaggerating a tad BUT... that is crazy. The whole thing is crazy when you consider a virus that might not even kill as many as the common flu. What's up with that?

It breaks my heart to see my friends in a state of delusion, concerning what is and is not real. There was a time in the days of LSD when we could see forever, (♫on a clear day♫) even on a cloudy day. I'm the only one who went on changing. People crystallize in their roles. They have 'a window' when they are young but that closes. For some, that window is open for only a short time. Maybe it was the punishing childhood and the chronic arrested development that followed, maybe it was the recurrent Kundalini episodes but... my window never closed. I find myself peering into life, more and more often. I've learned to avoid certain conversations. No good comes of them. Bringing God into the conversation seems to be the best tactic. God is present at all times and knows when you are talking about him. He puts yellow highlighter underlines in people's heads during the conversations that get called up later, at different times as reminders.

I don't know what's going to happen to everyone. I find myself in that Buddhic state of Unbearable Compassion more frequently now. You want to say something. You want to intrude BUT... it will do no good. It all has to playout for the purpose of demonstration.

BIG CHANGES are coming, REALLY BIG CHANGES. I don't know what form they are going to take but I suspect it will be widely variable. Will there be an Ascension? Will the Rapture come? Are they both the same? Does the gobbledygook of 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th dimensions apply? I have listened, on rare occasions (intentionally rare) where spiritual dilettantes and purple patchouli people go on and on about things that I find it hard to believe can apply to them.

Maybe I'm being elitist and overly judgmental. Maybe they know what they are talking about. It just doesn't sound like they do. You know that thing where something 'rings' true? I can feel and hear that when it happens. Of course, I could be fooling myself. God knows I want certain things to be true with ALL MY MIGHT. The saving grace for me is that I DON'T KNOW. Applied not knowing when you know you don't know, confers a kind of humility that I can't imagine having to do without. I literally tremble when I see people acting all convinced about what they are saying as if they are in the VIP section of spiritual awareness. They're behind those velvet ropes of exclusion; like some of those 'saved' Christians. I have NEVER believed in an easy road... NEVER.

I'd like to be all confident and assured like those for whom every day is a feast day in the high tower, but a sense of dread comes over me, whenever the specter of self-importance tries to slip into my head. I count myself exceedingly lucky that I can tell the bad voices from the good voices in my mind. It's not that hard actually. It's a matter of the integrity of one's character. I sincerely believe that character is fate.

We all have God present within but few of us celebrate it and fewer still celebrate it with an inflexible self-abnegation. Only one persona can be supreme within. It is either self will run riot, or it is perpetual self-diminishing. God becomes more and more present the less of you there is. It's a hard course because that self elevator is VERY HARD to get rid of. It does its thing remorselessly. Shiva Nataraja can ONLY dance when the demon, Apasmāra is under his foot. Then the other foot is raised in dance. That is the conundrum- atavistic difficulty we are always suffering under. Selfless service accomplishes this too. Forgetfulness of Self ALWAYS results in remembrance of God.

My friends are not stupid. I can talk to them about most things but... that is the case with most of us. After the talks, Memory disappears behind a curtain of forgetfulness. Memory is the key to Self Realization. We have forgotten who we are. We are about to be reminded.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

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les visible at pocketnet


robert said...

Dear Visible One,

"People crystallize in their roles. They have 'a window' when they are young but that closes....Maybe it was the punishing childhood and the chronic arrested development that followed, maybe it was the recurrent Kundalini episodes but... my window never closed"

Do we adopt the adult mindset, to simply execute known behavior in an undiscovered world for the rest of our lives and stop learning because it can be humiliating and deflating?
Or do we realize that life is learning and to stop learning is deadly?

How can we follow the Spirit if we already know, as you point out?
Unless we embrace our spirits' insatiable desire to learn the Mind of the Creator in which we live, we can only pass out of here unfulfilled.

"I find myself in that Buddhic state of Unbearable Compassion more frequently now"

As wise parents know, the deepest passion dictates that we allow others to learn for themselves, despite the pain to which we, as connected beings, will suffer along with them!

"BIG CHANGES are coming, REALLY BIG CHANGES. I don't know what form they are going to take but I suspect it will be widely variable"
What can save our sanity from the corrosion of fear is to know that group think is fake and that our experience is ENTIRELY individuated by our consciousness, not herded by media glamour into uniform mind boxes.
Patterns there are but the manifest is universally unique, no duplicates possible, only perceived by coarsened senses.

"I literally tremble when I see people acting all convinced about what they are saying as if they are in the VIP section of spiritual awareness"

Like walking through a forest in a high wind storm, detecting the trees which might fall, we see that pride goeth before the fall and cringe in sympathy from our own experience of ignorance playing out!
Having our minds made up is the very definition of closed for business and in a volatile environment, leads to destruction.
Open heart, open mind, hear the call or take the fall!

"Memory is the key to Self Realization. We have forgotten who we are. We are about to be reminded"

Soul memory over human traumatic memories.
Re-minded; a new mind for a new Earth life

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils up.

Hereticdrummer said...

The road is never easy. Truer words were never spoken, VIS. I wouldn't be too concerned about the Quadrennial freak show and its current darling of the moment, Kamala the communist whore Harris. Rest assured that the Tribe has already decided who the next occupant of the Oval Orifice will be and concomitantly, their plans for the sheeple will proceed full speed ahead barring divine intervention.

Anonymous said...

"He puts yellow highlighter underlines in people's heads..." Brilliant. I always wondered why the moments I remember from life are so beautifully random as if "somebody else" had been there. OXO

Thomas said...

The story about your friends is really something - it gives hints of time moving, and different destinies meeting and diverging, but Love is there, without demand.

Isn't life with humans a strange and many-sided affair?

Kray Z8 said...

Greetings, Dog Poet.
Your efforts of late have been nothing short of remarkable, both in quality and quantity. Your resurgent satire is not only entertaining, but a worthy vehicle for a timely and pertinent message. The best humor is always based on truth, and yours is no exception.
I'm finding in these troubled times that I seem to have lost the capacity for fear and all its manifestations, i.e.: anger, frustration, confusion, etc. That's not to say I'm no longer paying attention. Our ability to perceive and evaluate possible threats in our environment in order to protect those we care about and ourselves is a gift from The Creator, one I try to utilize in a sensible and practical manner. I just no longer feel the urge to rise to the bait. There are much larger things afoot that demand the crux of my emotional energy. Besides which the most effective form of threat assessment is done in a dispassionate manner. To find out what we don't know we first have to accept that we Don't Know! Any other approach will certainly skew our observations because of our preconceived beliefs. As above, so below. In this time of chaos, even at the mundane physical level your mantra of "I Don't Know" pays priceless dividends. Thank you,Vis. Thank you, Great Spirit.
Most of a lifetime ago, when I was in boot camp, a combat instructor told us "A Marine fears only God. No other!". He then went on to explain that the worst an enemy could do was wound, maim, or kill us. This was simply an accepted occupational hazard for Marines. On the other hand, The Creator would KNOW whether or not you had given all you were capable of in the performance of your duties, whatever those duties entailed. He told us that we might fool the Corps, our comrades,the public at large, but that we should not fool ourselves and could not fool God about the intensity of our dedication and efforts. Some of us found this sobering and profound and never looked at things in the same way since. The only difference I find now is that I activate this principle based on love rather than fear; something facilitated in large part by your message, Vis, and also the amazing sychronicity and insight of the Gang. Thank you, Vis. Thank you, Gang. Like any good Leatherneck I await the future calm and alert and strive dilligently to get my own house in order before the changes that will soon happen. I don't know what will happen, I don't know if my preparations will be adequate. I do know that I will continue to commune with The Great Spirit to the utmost of my ability.
Dog Poet, your humor is golden, your music is wonderful, your message is priceless. Thank you for sharing your gift with the rest of us. Keep howlin'. Faith, Courage, Fidelity. NAMASTE

Chinese Sneaker said...

Great piece, Vis.

Very touching.

Lucid. Humorous. Profound.

Such a pleasure to have been able to read your writings all these years.

You know eye hold you to be the best American writer of your generation; and someday the tribe is going to have to concede that fact, too.

Thank you so much.

Be well.

Steve said...

Yes, I have been pondering on certain people of whom I know that go along with the Covid nonsense, and wondering how to discourse with them. I have decided to back off with them
and if they have not the awareness and intellect to consider the hoax, then it is pointless to discuss or try to convince them otherwise and safer as well.

Ray B. said...

Vis: "Few there are as monstrous as the possessed Liberal Mind when it is in power. Off goes the cloak of concern for the least of us and then it is reversed..."

I detect an 'insertion' in the Presidential ticket, especially since Biden possibly/probably will be medically retired some months after the election, leaving the VP as P for three years...

"All of this is stated in this Times of Israel report:

She's married to a Jew and followed the Jewish rituals during her marriage, which likely means she is a Jew (but they won't admit that).

She fundraised for Israel, which is something Jews would do.

She's going to ram 'hate crimes' legislation through like nobody's business. If she gets in, Watch Out, your web history will be deeply scrutinized. And if you ever said Jews were guilty of anything, you'll be toast, retroactively.

She is 100 percent Jewish supported; they are behind her TOTALLY.

She's more AIPAC than even normal Jews are."

Anonymous said...

Hello Les,

I like what you had to say about " Only one persona can be supreme within. It is either self will run riot, or it is perpetual self-diminishing. God becomes more and more present the less of you there is. It's a hard course because that self elevator is VERY HARD to get rid of. "

There was a time when I was actively trying to get rid of my ego. Hoo boy, what a fool's errand that was. The ego is so damn persistent, resistant, and clever. Wow is it is clever. You start to make some progress in that direction, and at some point you start to think "hey, I'm making some real progress! I'm a good person! I'm getting wiser and better. I'm, I'm... I, I...." and that that point you see your ego grinning back at you, and you go "awwwwww crap. Back to square one..."

As of now I'm no longer looking to lose my ego, I'm satisfied with achieving a state of uneasy truce. I'll call it a win if I can convince it to stay off of the furniture.

Elliott E.

G said...

Hey, Vis!

This situation seems to be picking up steam.

Any thoughts?

Alien Disclosure 2020


Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Some Thoughts on Meditation by Swami Vivekananda with a Brief Introductory Commentary by Some Guy."



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