Dog Poet Transmitting.......
The Macrocosm and the Microcosm... hmmm. Think of existence... the mind as a mirror held up to the sky. Perhaps hold it like that but below eye level, so that you can look into it; held at an angle so that you are not reflected in it and... you will see the sky of blue and clouds passing across it. You are that mirror but you are not the sky and clouds passing. Some Advaitist's might quibble with that but one would have to be far along the upward path for that to have any relevance.
Meanwhile, down here, they continue to present the same distorted image, overlaying the presence of the angel, backwards, and IN YOUR FACE-

My name is Les Visible BUT... I have no connection to LesVisible's Yucatan. The power of The Mind is so much greater than what is commonly understood. In most cases, the mind is limited by The Thinker employing it, or being driven by it. In these times, the accurate term is, The Penitentiary of the Mind. How true that is. Think about it (whoops... there goes the mind again), What is a penitent? Does not Karma, in some regard, make penitents of us all, for so long as it rules the course of our events?
Each generation that appears, is 'mainly' composed of recent generations disappeared. They have returned, en masse to continue that which death had previously interrupted and which, in this life, they are reacting to what they learned about themselves in-between lives. There is no escape from it BUT there are novel ways of dealing with it.
There are twenty-four Lords of Karma and they set the conditions and circumstances for your EVERY coming and going. There is a caveat that is potentially operational in EVERY LIFE and that is when the one living it, tumbles to the core reality of existence and positively responds. On that day when any thinker understands that it is NOT ALL ABOUT THEM and turns their thoughts, feelings, and industry to the service of others, it makes The Lords of Karma TAKE NOTICE. From the moment you choose to stop thinking about yourself and begin to think of others, the Lords of Karma stop thinking about your debts and begin to look for ways to relieve you of them. What I am telling you is true.
Yes... existence is a precise mechanical dynamic, focused on every Jot and Tittle. However, the human spirit is beyond Karma. Those who have achieved to the Kingdom of the Spirit, have risen above Karma. The Lords of Karma are angels from that particular hierarchy known as Thrones. Thrones are notable for STABILITY. For petitioner-penitents like ourselves, exhibiting STABILITY is how you accomplish Friendship with The Lords of Karma. They could alternatively be named, The Lords of Destiny, or The 24 Elders. Their function does not change. What they watch for is A CHANGE OF HEART. Once this is demonstrated and consistency is evidenced, you are ON YOUR WAY.
Each of the Angelic Hierarchies is motivated by a different Virtue. STABILITY happens to be the Virtue of Thrones.
Remember and never forget, “As Above, so Below.” If there happen to be ways around things and if there is wiggle room down here, then there is also the same Above. You simply have to know how to negotiate it. We got lawyers on the material plane that ferry us through the dense complexity of particular conditions we have gotten into, or are faced with down here. They have their mirror associates Above. The ones Above though, possess Integrity and that is why you have that phrase in the Lord's Prayer which states, “Thy will be done on Earth, as IT IS in Heaven.” In Times of Material Darkness, terrestrial lawyers are advised and often controlled by Infernal Forces.
The Thrones abide in the 3rd Sephiroth. If you demonstrate STABILITY to them (and it CAN-MIGHT take a looooooong time to do) they will pass you on to the next Sephiroth, which is the place of Providence, also known as Grace. This is the sphere of Christ, called Chokmah, home of The Mazloth, and the zodiac. The realities of The Tree of Life are not something to interest the pedestrian mind and the complexity of it is far beyond the capacity of the ordinary intellect BUT... we all wind up in the consideration of it at some time. I have chosen to walk The Path of Love and all that knowledge gets added in once I've been GUIDED and LED Home. I don't fancy my chances via 'the other' approach and for those few who are successful on that route, they still have to return and walk The Path of Love; not so if you take The Path of Love to begin with.
I merely add in these few details in the hope of triggering certain correspondences in the mind of the reader. Sooner or later the shoe drops. The terms used here have been spelled differently by different schools. They are still talking about the same thing. This is the area of endless argument and debate that causes the deluded and egocentric to wind up serving time for in The Penitentiary of the Mind. How long they have to remain there is up to them. I'm guessing their stay is predicated on whatever length of time extends in which they think they know.
As has been stated, or at least implied, the mind is a mirror, and those unschooled or lacking the visceral awareness of it, generally PROJECT themselves on to everyone else, ascribing their own motives and inclinations to others. This is another cell-block where the self confined do time. Sooner or later and... it comes to everyone, you have to let go of all you think you know and all you think you are and throw yourself upon the mercy of The Ineffable. If sincerely expressed, angels WILL BE in attendance and take it from there. Knowing, viscerally, that you DO NOT KNOW, is the key to the door to freedom and Liberty, also known by various other terms, it is the SINGLE DRIVING AND COMPELLING FORCE in every single one of us. By whatever means or methods you may explain it to yourself, it is THE SAME THING; something proven by those who walked it long ago and who now wait upon our surrender to their guidance.
I mentioned in an earlier post about an eclipse that happened a couple of years or so ago and how the astrological configuration of America's Progressed Chart showed the same configuration that existed during the French Revolution. Observe this glaring evidence;
Protesters assembled outside of @JeffBezos's DC home have constructed a guillotine.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) August 27, 2020
Furthermore, observe the statements of BLM spokestards and Antifa mouthpieces. It might be worth the time to study what their stated intentions are and to consider WHO IS FINANCING THEM.
Every problem that ANYONE has, originated in their mind. Even when it 'might' be seen as the product of environmental circumstances, one's operating perspective, in respect of it, has EVERYTHING to do with the mind's reaction to it. STILL THE REACTIVE MIND and put an end to your every problem. Whoever is controlling your mind and thought processes is controlling you. Whatever the nature of your appetites and desires may be, they fall under the command of whatever Infernal or Supernal entity is in charge of that sector of direction and expression. For as long as you 'think' you know what's going on and you 'think' that you know what to do about it, in the present, tempestuous climate of The Sea of Life, you WILL CONTINUE TO BE out of your depth.
Little Georgie Sorrows is NOT an independent operative. He WORKS FOR SOMEONE. He is an employee of The Red Shield and The Red Shield is a front organization for The Kingdom of Hell on Earth. The Ruler of Hell is he who sits in the 13th Chair. Once again, let me state, unequivocally, there is ONLY ONE Supreme Regent and he IS COMING. He is on the way;
“Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. As they approach me, so I receive them. All paths, Arjuna, lead to me.”
Wherever there is Fear and Uncertainty, there... is a lack of Certitude. The quality of your Love determines the quality of your life. The great mistake that misguides the life of so many, is the tendency to put God at a distance, to THINK that God is far off when God is closer to you than ANYTHING else. You COULD NOT think or feel if God were not present. You could not breathe and your heart could not beat because, GOD IS THE LIFE IN YOU. It is a trick of the mind. I hesitate to call it a trick because the word 'trick' can have negative connotations. Perhaps 'tactic' is a better term. There is a tactic one employs to RIGHT THE MIND. In many people, the mind is upside down. Everything 'appears' to be other than what it is.
Patanjali addresses this in his aphorisms, along with many creative options, though perhaps... not always 'directly' as such. The point will still be the same.
One of the unfortunate limitations that keep one an inmate of The Penitentiary of the Mind is the mental resistance to accepting that there is ONLY ONE GOD, who is the same in every religion. Ramakrishna proved this by experiencing enlightenment in each tradition. We really are our own worst enemy and our mind is the representative of that. Our worst enemy can, in a twinkling... be transformed into our best friend.
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
Is it worth it to get there after having to jump through all kinds of hoops? I never had a problem myself but that is more likely due to my 'meant to be there' consideration. If you are meant to be there (at Parler), you will find the way.
There are some very nice and very decent people at this location, but you will never meet them unless you travel there. You get to Pocketnet by clicking on this link.
"The foolish ignore me, when I come in human form."
Dear Friends, There is a problem with the programming on this page. It is in the process of being fixed. Please bear with us. There are also problems with people being able to comment and problems with emails reaching me. There are a number of problems. I do not know if these are all connected. At the same time, there are people materializing in my sphere, whose intentions are to discomfit me, to cause me distress, and to generate anxiety. They seem to want to make me doubt myself. They have not been able to succeed at any level. Their tactics are cumbersome and tamasic. It seems they believe they are dealing with someone else. I wish them good fortune with their attempts to unhorse whoever it is they have confused with me. They've got the horse, the rider, and space through which they are passing ALL wrong, which is as it should be. You would think, on the whole, they would be more subtle. Whoever is behind this DID NOT send the A Team.
Dear Visible One,
Your words bring a dawn to our benighted slumbering minds.
"... the mind is a mirror... generally PROJECT themselves on to everyone else, ascribing their own motives and inclinations to others"
Service in writing, once again!
Succinct description of the inverted use of the mind. IN this final gasp of darkened mindsets, we are being shown the psychopathic use of the mind in action. People who still know they have a heart and can hear it weigh in on our actions, may catch themselves when they project their mental illness out onto others.
Psychopaths, disconnected from their hearts and all wisdom, project their extreme mental illness upon others, exactly like flies vomit their digestive juices on their food: to begin to digest externally what will sustain them, before chowing down.
"One of the unfortunate limitations that keep one an inmate of The Penitentiary of the Mind is the mental resistance to accepting that there is ONLY ONE GOD, who is the same"
As people circle around the truth that THERE IS ONLY ONE, in order to maintain the false sense of identity, a mind limited cover story over the true intrinsic uniqueness of conscious experience in time, there must be different externalized conceptions to worship, to provide excuses for identity differentiation.
This is just resistance to the demands of compassion, limiting it to "my tribe" for economic and egotistical advantages.
Discerning compassion to avoid empowering zombies to stumble and suffer unnecessarily, requires a hard to get, cleansed humility!
Bhagavad-gita 9.11
"Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature and My supreme dominion over all that be."
Truly, the Majesty of God is indescribable, even if one has only a limited experience of It. How good, how great He is!
The mind intrudes, again and again, but ultimately, we will reach the goal!
My apologies dear reader. I put up the wrong Patanjali Aphorism copy. Here is The correct version
Sorry about that. The Elf will be fixing it at the blog when he gets a chance/
Another 10 Nostril Post!
Bravo, Visible. Many thanks for your years of service keeping the light on in this dismal times. Much love, Jeff
A new Visible Origami is up now-
"There Are Many True Heroes to Pick from. DO NOT Emulate the Failed Dust of Witless Terrestrial Celebrities."
I'm going to put this comment at each of the blogs. If I get the slightest indication that Anonymous is baiting me, using trigger words and the like, the comment will not go through. The amount of negative commentary is very small but, as far as I am concerned, it's going to be NOT AT ALL in a published form. You're as free to write these things as I am to discard them. They don't affect me but... I'm NOT going to give them a forum. I KNOW where you're coming from and what your intentions are. I'm showing some latitude, even when I know that the reader holds me in contempt. I mostly feel sorry for that/those readers. It's hard to control certain low-end emotions. I thank my fortunate stars that that form of insecurity is not my problem. I wish you a speedy recovery.
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