Thursday, July 01, 2021

"Material Stardust Causes People's Eyes to Glitter. They are Like Children Watching a Movie. Then it Ends."

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

No matter who you THINK you are talking to, you are always talking to God, or his counterpart, depending on what your intentions are; “Sir! What are your intentions?” Whatever you are eating, you are eating God. When you are breathing that is the life-giving breath of God and POTENTIALLY a source of things the general public does not yet possess the imagination for. I know that could be discriminative (I hope it is discriminating). It could be racist, if... for instance, you were a racist. However, EVERYTHING that takes place in your life is between you and God, even the most insignificant seeming events. Most are not aware of this and gain no benefit. Being aware of it changes EVERYTHING.

The level of Stupid is beyond anything I thought it was. A very large body of the public allows itself to be led down the garden path right into the cacti. They let themselves get whipped up into a frenzy of racial hatred for pedestrian gain and ultimately used as pawns in a game they have no say in. Material stardust causes people's eyes to glitter. They are like children watching a movie. Then the movie ends.

All of this is me. I am the Stupid and the Smart because I contain a microcosm that is a reflection of the macrocosm. If I can just get out of God's way I can be on my way. How can you decide where to go when you have Eternity to play with? It changes everything. It has a powerful effect on your values as well. It's like the Hindus say, “I am that.” Om Tat Sat.

Here's a little something I came across in my travels as the thing I am seeking;

“Om is the sound Brahman, the sphota. It was what projected out of Brahman that the whole universe came from. Om is Brahman.

Tat is 'That' - the way to refer to Brahman as there are no words to directly describe Brahman.

Sat is Reality or Existence Absolute.

Om [is] That Reality [Existence Absolute]. Om Tat Sat is [The] Lord Om [is] That Reality [Existence Absolute].

Swami Vivekananda said "Repeating the Om continually is the only true worship. It is not a word, it is God Himself."

To achieve the state where one communes with God seems to me to be the best of aspirations and includes being in the presence of God, which is the resolution to every concern that you will ever have. Still... people love their concerns. They give meaning to their lives; what they THINK they Love and Hate. People say they want to solve their problems. They want to get beyond this and that. They want to be free, BUT... the truth is that they need their problems. Their problems define them. They would not know who they are without their problems, which means they do not know who they are.

God is a friend to all life, BUT... all life is not a friend to God. When life gets the ability to see itself as apart from everything and everyone else... eventually... finally... one is driven to cease to be apart. Of course, since one is usually dancing with temporary things, one remains apart, or... thinks they are and the Suffering continues, as one mates with all manner of things and gives birth to all kinds of progeny. We live in a world peopled with our own creations and The Sorcerer's Apprentice is a fine analogy of what happens... sooner or later. When you play God and have no idea what God is, you are playing with fire.

I've heard it said that when a person dies, they lose all that they learned, and many other things which they must again reacquire when they return. I am not so sure that is true. Whence then come the prodigies we see? Whence come those human anomalies for which there is no explanation? I'm pretty sure you carry various parts of yourself as you come and go, even if they are submerged, because they are magnetic touchstones of your Karma, without which you would not be present anyway, having no amounts of Earth left which are owed.

Perhaps I am wrong and there is something more to be found in the clamor and glamour of the 'bright lights big cities' thematic. No... there isn't. Eventually, it will occur to everyone that The Way Out is what is worth searching for and The Way Out is The Way In. It is best to be quiet and unobtrusive if one can manage this. Sometimes you are meant to be more public and then you must be thoughtful indeed, lest it all go astray.

Think of all those people out there who WERE in those name positions; Tony Blair, George Bush, that woman from the European Counsel... Donald Rumsfeld; here recently and gone yesterday. Now we have the present Gang of Darkness. We don't even know the important names. They are out of the public view. Only those who can be thrown under the bus are in the public thoroughfares. They can feel the Heat of the Avatar on the backs of their necks, and like galley slaves, they are rowing with all their might under the lash of the (alleged) Freeman. They have to get it squared away now, or it will soon be over and they will be irrelevant, or worse.

They are kind of rowing against the tide, so it's a futile effort all around, but they don't know that. They THINK there's hope of victory and there is NOT. The battle is already over. We are in the aftermath. What we are watching is cultural meltdown. Heaven is brewing up something out of the mix. It really does depend on where you are standing, what you see, and how you see it. As long as personal perspectives rule the day, there will be inconsistent outcomes. Some will win and some will lose. Some few will win big and the reverse will be true as well. HOWEVER... if you do not have a personal perspective, and The Witness is free to observe without your colorations, amazing experiences are the order of the day. You see magic everywhere when you are not mucking up the perception of it.

I spent years circling around what I had already been made aware of previously, and finding that all my machinations avoided nothing. As soon as I left the whole of it entirely in the hands of God, it was no longer my concern. In the beginning, there is, of course, some trepidation. What does Lao Tzu say?

Long ago the land was ruled with a wisdom

Too fine, too deep, to be fully understood

And, since it was beyond men's full understanding,

Only some of it has come down to us, as in these sayings:

'Alert as a winter-farer on an icy stream,'

'Wary as a man in ambush,'

'Considerate as a welcome guest,'

'Selfless as melting ice,'

'Green as an uncut tree,

'Open as a valley,'

And this one also, 'Roiled as a torrent,

Why roiled as a torrent?

Because when a man is in turmoil how shall he find peace

Save by staying patient till the stream clears?

How can a man's life keep its course

If he will not let it flow?

Those who flow as life flows know

They need no other force:

They feel no wear, they feel no tear,

They need no mending, no repair.

There is a wealth of arcane law and hidden teachings in these 81 sutras. Once it impresses itself on you, you can cease being a thing apart. It's the Separated Mind that accomplishes this AND confers Mortality on you. If you want to live forever you must emulate that which does. You MUST also recognize that the basic tenet... the PRIMARY reality of Life is... ENDLESS CHANGE. As soon as you grab on to something temporary you ground the spirit or at least try to. The tool of The Spirit is The Mind. The tool of the Soul is The Heart. If you let the TOOLS operate without this guidance, trouble is coming. It is inevitable, just as an accident is certain when you cannot see where you are going, and persist in continuing.

I realize (as I mentioned recently) that millions of words have been produced on these sites. Lao Tzu said all THAT COULD BE SAID, and he did it with those 81 sutras. I recognize that I have said many things and they are sometimes at cross purposes with other things that were said. I continue to do this because I KNOW that people need encouragement and reinforcement. What seemed so clear the day before can be elusive now. It slips in and out of us (or seems to) like a fish. It never really goes away. BUT... we do. Part of our problem is seeing God as someone, or something, as distant from us as the stars are. This is NOT true. God is INTIMATELY connected to you, as we attempted to explain in the first paragraph of this posting.

My job is to remind myself of The Presence of God. As a result, my job is also to remind others. Whether others have any interest in this is not my concern. Some there are who have GREAT INTEREST in this and it is for them that I write. I would do this if no one were reading and when I began, that was the case. I realize that there is a small contingent of readers who actively dislike what we discuss here. I seldom hear from them but I know they are out there. The World is a lot bigger than any of us think it is, and there is EVERY kind of delight and distraction for those in search of them. My job is not to distract but to direct (I've always wanted to direct!!! grin). I honestly don't mind when people go off on me or diminish what I do. I understand very well how they come to be as they are, but that changes nothing. I must talk about God. I must bring the conversation to talk about God, or I will go where I can.

Something happened to me. I could not possibly explain what it is but The World for me is like a diorama with some of the attributes of a kaleidoscope. I watch with The Witness as I am taught the utter insignificance of it all. I am a slow learner so it has taken longer than it should have for me to catch on, but now I would say I hold it in a death grip, as The World once held me. So... in answer to the unasked question, “Why do you do this?” I can only say I am compelled beyond my ability to resist. This is all nothing in the scheme of things. I am nothing in the scheme of things, BUT... what I love is the critical something in everything, in me and in you. I am touched, deeply by this... this inexplicable something, and I must write about it, and sing about it, and dance in the celebration of it, and I can only hope it is contagious.

End Transmission.......

Please go to the right-hand menu of this blog (of each of the blogs). That would be to the right of you and right near the top is the list of blog followers. Add yourself to that list so that should I have to switch to a newsletter format, or should any disturbance occur in the flow of these postings, there will be no disturbance.

not much in the way of links. Tomorrow should be better if I trouble to go and look for them (grin);

Via YouTube
"The Lost Kitchen"


Thomas said...

It is contagious, good Visible. I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't found your blogs some 10 years ago - and the wealth of spiritual teachings you have pointed to.

Ray B mentioned recently that he wondered how people would be shown the way, seeing that many ancient traditions have been suppressed or eradicated, and there are not many left to teach them.

I think it only needs one who gets it for it to spread - and that one doesn't even have to get it perfectly. I'm thinking that a good image of it is a supersaturated solution crystalizing (here is a 26 second video showing the phenomenon - the clicking sound around 7 seconds is tiny crystal particles being tapped off of a spoon and into the solution - then watch what happens! True devotion, and true words, have a way of hitting something inside of those who are receptive, and it spreads, if it is genuine.

And there is more than one who is in conscious contact with something true, for sure! Not to mention that it is very possible for angels and masters to contact those whom they wish, even without physical intermediaries - it happened to St. Francis, to name only one of many.

And if someone starts to get it, there is a wealth of genuine teachings available. This is probably an exaggeration, but the wonderful St. Francis pretty much built his entire philosophy on 4 or 5 sayings of Jesus!

Nayon said...

Well at least one person is very much inspired and comforted by your luminosity. When I come across one of your post, I drop everything, slip in a particular frame of mind and absorb it without delay. You are my primary interface to the voice of God. My only frustration is that nagging feeling that you don't know much more than you would like us to believe you don't know, if that makes any sense at all. English is not my native language. Craving for spiritual reality is just another form of appetite I suppose. No one has total control over those. We're all impatient for Mr Apocalypse's big "V for vendetta" fireworks moment. Hope it's sooner than "soon".

Visible said...

I, in fact, do not know any more than I would like you to believe I do not know, BUT... I have one distinct advantage and that is I know who and how to ask about whatever needs knowing, and it often doesn't stay around much longer than it takes to clarify the matter in the mind. My head is mostly empty unless there is a reason for something to be there. I met another who said he did not know and he was/is so far in advance of me that I am comfortable in my own state concerning finer and deeper degrees of unknowing to come (grin).

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Yes, people seem to thrive on problems. From what I see, most make their lives a problematic and unpragmatic as possible. I used to do that too, but not quite to the extent of the majority. I never dug myself in so deep I couldn't get out, and now I am trying to make the remainder of my sojourn in this HELL HOLE as easy as possible. At present, circumstances seem to be complying.

There is something annoying. I am allegedly following you, but have never received any notification anywhere. Maybe I should unfollow and refollow. I dunno, but I'll try that. Anyway, you and your writings are appreciated by many. Nostrils up!

Ray B. said...

Thoughts brought-up by this excellent column. Thanks, Vis...

Vis: "When you are breathing that is the life-giving breath of God and POTENTIALLY a source of things the general public does not yet possess the imagination for."

This reminded me of the flowing-of-energy that occasionally occurs within or after a Cleaning. It occurs when a Being is really depleted of some energy, or the energy is needed to offset some pain during a Cleaning. It can be quite spectacular. Higher Self just directs it, as HS is not depleted following the flow.
Vis: "Material stardust causes people's eyes to glitter."

I have actually 'seen' something like this in front of a few people's eyes. It is a literal glitter. It is not a part of them, like an aura. I wonder if it is a form of hypnosis, whether from without or within.
Vis: "I've heard it said that when a person dies, they lose all that they learned, and many other things which they must again reacquire when they return. I am not so sure that is true."

I have an analogy which I put together for this topic: A guy walks into a bar which has a piano. He sits down and starts playing. He is good. People start clustering around him and listening. As the bar shuts down, the owner comes up to the guy and offers him a job as the resident piano player. The guy turns him down, stating that this is just a hobby for him. Something he feels good doing, on the spur of the moment. Then, the guy strolls away... (Guy was a piano Master in another life. That 'slot' in his Soul was completed. Now, he is on to fill other slots, but the soul memory can be tapped-into.)
Vis: "HOWEVER... if you do not have a personal perspective, and The Witness is free to observe without your colorations, amazing experiences are the order of the day. You see magic everywhere when you are not mucking up the perception of it."

I have been having spontaneous 'happenings' along this line. Some people seem to have this amorphous goodness around them and in them. (Any random person.) It is not an auric phenomenon. It feels like I am 'touching' the god-presence in them. It brings-up reverential/appreciative/gracious sensations (Namasté). The cool part of this is that it happens spontaneously; I am not looking/prodding for it to happen. In that way, it feels 'truthful'. And the best: It might mean that my colorations are diminishing...
Also, thanks for the Lao Tzu quotations...

Best Wishes,
Ray B.

Anonymous said...

hi viz...
"cease to be apart" ....just wow..
that is an anagram so profound...just... wow!
thanks again

robert said...

Visible One,

HOWEVER... if you do not have a personal perspective, and The Witness is free to observe without your colorations, amazing experiences are the order of the day. You see magic everywhere when you are not mucking up the perception of it.

If we do not insist upon holding on to our habitual personal perspective at the cost of our joy
If we let go of personal attachment to experience, allowing it to evolve as intended
If we realize that our limitations of being but a fractal are OK as long as we are growing closer to One

Then we are as free as the Witness
Then we are in love with the Witness
THen we are loving more than a personal existence

If you want to live forever you must emulate that which does. You MUST also recognize that the basic tenet... the PRIMARY reality of Life is... ENDLESS CHANGE

Yes, what is sustainable in life but Life?
What static state is more than deadly resistance to the flow?
Holding on is only fruitful when we embrace the Eternal over the temporal.

We wander off our desire to live and wonder why we die.
Funny how we always know our mistakes looking back and miss our victory looking forward:
Presently, we rejoin the Presence and our hearts find peace thought lost forever.

what I love is the critical something in everything, in me and in you. I am touched, deeply by this... this inexplicable something, and I must write about it, and sing about it, and dance in the celebration of it, and I can only hope it is contagious.

Love suffuses the emporium of experience yet we find ourselves thirsty as we shop.
Well finders MUST share their discoveries or blow up from holding back the flow!

When we find we are One, we are driven by a better chauffeur than our inner adversary to a better place along a more scenic panorama.
Who or what keeps insisting that we stare only at our errors along the way?

We are along for the long ride home, but it is always a short trip to our center piece, the pulsing song of Creation weaving a wetter way than deserted dreams

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

"Don't Lie to Yourself and NEVER Become a Field Agent for The Father of Lies."

Graham Hook said...

BUT... what I love is the critical something in everything, in me and in you. I am touched, deeply by this... this inexplicable something, and I must write about it, and sing about it, and dance in the celebration of it, and I can only hope it is contagious.

Yes, it is :)



Joseph Brenner

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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