Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"Destinies are Tailored Like Bespoke Suits... From Fig Leaves to Cloaks of Invisibility. You Broke It... You Fix It."

God Poet Transmitting.......

It's all about control. It doesn't matter what the theater of operations is; a bunch of thugs are muscling their way to the seat with the scepter. It's Julius Caesar over, and over, and over again, and... it has been since time out of memory.

All of them... in every theater of operations... are unaware of one critical reality and it is why they are as they are. That critical reality is that control is already established and shall remain so beyond time and memory... no matter what any of those... whose actions chose them a part to play... may think. They are NOT The Great Thinker into Being. They are The Minor Thought into Being... and their own thoughts are even less than that.

Don't be overly surprised if name players... at every level... start getting knocked off and disappeared shortly.

Joe Biden is an ice cream-eating... child sniffing... senile groping bundle of excited flaws without filters... demonstrating what consumes you when... by degrees of evil doing... you lose control of yourself. Obviously... Bwak! Obama and Hilary UnCleanton are in charge of the country on a superficial level. Susan Rice and other agents of their dark intentions handle the day-to-day.

Yesterday... I was told that the presence of immortality was going to have a lasting impact on me. It took a few beats for me to break into laughter.

You can't have a better gig than to be the side-kick companion of the ineffable... communicating from within, and through whatever external vehicle he chooses to speak... at any time he chooses to speak. It's like being in a cartoon with talking rocks and birds... trees that walk... and bougainvillea petals that spin in circles... beneath the feet of invisible dancing angels... while you are standing there watching.

It's like looking upon the smiling face of Eternity, as you ride off into the sunset crying... “Aiee Cisco!” And he replies, “Aiee Poncho!” Everything is in actual... living color, and you can see the prism through which those colors emerge.

What care I about corrupt political operators who are drunk on an appearance of power they only imagine they possess? They are dancing monkeys who can't even see the organ grinder. Inside their heads is a snake composed entirely of smoke.

It whispers to their inner ear, and their heads swell with the poisoned dreams of greater conquests... always there before them... as they descend... step by step... down into their own personal darkness that will survive their present form... for a long while... in a place where time is measured in tears. That is where the oceans come from.

Who tells Obama and Clinton what to do? That would be The Soros Crime Family. Who tells the Soros Crime Family what to do? That would be The Rothschild Crime Syndicate. Who tells them what to do? That would be The Prince of Darkness. Who tells him what to do? That would be The Lord God Almighty... whom I run alongside of... wherever he leads.

Everything you can see is controlled by what you cannot see. You know this to be true already since you cannot see the force that controls your actions, but you can see the effects of your actions; if you are paying any attention at all... and... as we have been saying; just as you have thoughts in your mind... You are a thought in God's mind.

If you serve His will, you arrive at the places he takes you... in The World that surrounds you, and... in The World within you. If you oppose His Will... you still wind up in the place he arranges for you... seemingly by accident, but... definitely on purpose, and... so it will be for everyone at every time and place that ever was.

Where now is Genghis Khan? Where are Brutus, Judas, and Ephialtes of Trachis? Where are all the players who danced on The Winds of Change... like trembling leaves, and then blew down into the gutters and dark channels to a darker sea? They are now in the present roles that were scripted for them by angels who write and frame the dialogues and scenes that continue... and continue... and continue.

From one role to the next... they go.. speaking of Fra Angelico. (cue T.S. Eliot) (grin)... and in these roles, they go from dark to light... and from light to dark, but... however long and torturous the road... they will lead to The Kingdom of God because... NOTHING is beyond repair. God makes all things new in the morning of The World. Well... he makes them new whenever it pleases him.

What can any of the tinhorn dictators like Obama and Clinton do about it? They are a punchline in a joke they do not understand; that they are entirely unaware of. It is the same with the craven little packrat families of banking fame. They amass mountains of gold that they will never spend. Slowly... BUT SURELY... sometimes in an instant... it dribbles away into other hands... equally as craven... equally as doomed.

Do you know the fate of those who exchange their souls for temporary gain? It depends on the sort of gain; wouldn't you think? Destinies are tailored like bespoke suits... from fig leaves to cloaks of invisibility. You broke it you bought it? Yes... something like that; you broke it you fix it. What if you break a whole lot of somethings? What if you steal and kill? What if you do it over and over? There are suits for every occasion... whether they suit you or not.

If you had the eyes for it, you could see everyone weaving their destiny on invisible looms; their thoughts and their emotions... their actions.. weaving into a magic carpet of time... sufficient to take them ONLY to what is written upon it.

This is why there is no point in anger or any thirst for revenge. They are more to be pitied than to be censured. What does God say... that revenge is for his hands only? Only God knows what is fitting and perfect to the occasion.

People rail at me now and again about one thing or another. Why am I not doing something about the evil in this world? Why am I recommending this or that when... if only I was as wise... and pure... and all-knowing as they are, I would recognize the futility of anything other than drowning in my own serenity. I am doing something about the evil in this world; I am not stupidly interfering and making more of it. God speaks and I take dictation, and... I am not talking about the posts.

Far be it from me to assume that I know more than a very little. Of course... now and again... people unhappy with themselves... wander in here.... take a look around... judge one passing moment... in an endless series of moments... then move on to the next shop to break yet more china because you can be drunk on Stupidity and Ignorance just as effectively as upon anything else.

Sometimes they don't like my syntax or the way I arrange it. Here's something to keep in mind. Nothing anyone has to say about anything that goes on here is any concern of mine... or theirs, and nothing is going to be done about it either... by them... or by me. It will go on as it does until God changes it to something else. Call e.e. cummings on the snorkel phone. Ask him what he thinks.

I'm not in control of anything... unless I think I am... and then The Purpose of Demonstration will IMMEDIATELY kick in. That's a big machine and it costs a lot to operate. I'm not going to start it up out of whimsy or impulse. I've mostly learned my lesson about that.

Almighty God is in control of everything... EVERYTHING!!! So long as that is a certainty in my heart and mind... it will continue to be true, and I will allow myself to be adjusted accordingly. If I change my perspective... doubtless that will also change the appearance of it all. I would rather not have that occur.

We are what we are until we are not. We are... mostly... not what we are... until our blinders are removed and we see ourselves in the mirror cleared of all selfish intent. Then we forget ourselves... everlastingly... while God takes care of the remembering and the doing... and everything else. We just happen to be there for a moment like a bookmark in time passing.

As soon as we take all the irksome characteristics of our unfortunate self-creation, and toss the whole bundle into the covering sea... just that soon will we be freed of the limitations we placed on ourselves through ignorant desire.

Have a moment of mercy for Obama... Clinton... and sundry assorted hench-fellows... who play the part of the villains of our times. They are on their way to meet The Greeter who waits upon them even now. Pray that they might yet turn from their serial acts of infamy, and cop a plea while there is still a plea to cop to... lest they soon see, Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate inscribed on the lintel of the door that lies before them at every turn.

End Transmission.......

Some links are to be found at GAB=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here; for those too lazy to look it up. Durante di Alighiero. Heh-heh. If I had the money to spend on trivial pursuits, I'd have that made and put on the front door.

Me thinks the best way to fight the system is to simply not play. Do as little as possible, or do the opposite of what the majority does. Don't fall for the beyond stupid programming. It's working quite well for me. Barring a couple of expensive pets of the past when I could afford them (One pet college student, one pet guitarist who is no longer a pet but an economic asset now.), I have avoided all other gratuitous obligations. Kept and keep the overhead as low as possible. Keeps the stress level down to a minimum. If I don't like a situation, I walk away from it if I can. Hence I be Schrodinger's Nose. It's the pragmatic thing to be. One nostril here, one nostril there. Dead-alive. It's the perfect state of mind for times like this.

Having nothing vested in the world has always been the best way to be. Of course that's not how people are programmed. They're harder to control when they live for the next realm as opposed to this pile of shoite from a sick cow.

Nostrils to the sky!

Gregory said...

Hey Poncho! Thank you!

robert said...

Party at Visible's!
Party of the first part
Parting where we play our part from partly fooling around

We instinctively seek sunlight when our souls are still speaking to us but seek the shadows when we grow deaf to our inner urge to grow away from death's promise of an end...

We may prefer the sunlight to our inner light because the sun slips out of view on a regular rhythm but our inner central sun is always on, if we direct our attention homeward...

Visible's outpouring (outgassing? (grin)) fascinatingly provides BOTH:

We get the seemingly external lightness of word art coming to delight our external senses
We also get the reflection at the back of our eyes of our inner light resonating to the ageless tuning from within

We are what we are until we are not. We are... mostly... not what we are... until our blinders are removed and we see ourselves in the mirror cleared of all selfish intent. Then we forget ourselves... everlastingly... while God takes care of the remembering and the doing... and everything else. We just happen to be there for a moment like a bookmark in time passing.

As soon as we take all the irksome characteristics of our unfortunate self-creation, and toss the whole bundle into the covering sea... just that soon will we be freed of the limitations we placed on ourselves through ignorant desire.

This un-self-burdened state appeals to our simple child's heart but may repel our adult dolt mind's idea of control

Control for the sake of sanity?
Control for the sake of emotional stability?
Control for the sake of physical continuity?

Operational definition of selfishness:
Holding on to anything, physical, emotional or mental, which blocks the higher love, light, and will from flowing through!

Retaining, maintaining, containing ANYTHING that should be in circulation, for the greater intention of the One to manifest perfection in motion, perfectly.

Some favor the illusion of hands-up letting go on a roller coaster ride, because control is not seriously tested in the passive processing of the experience

Letting the One take us on a ride that never ends?
Wowser! THAT takes us to task, tests our surrender, tries our faith on for size and our willingness to learn in a continuous moment, no clear break times scheduled!

We may talk the talk and even walk the walk
But are we flexible in our being enough to walk the talk:

Coming to our inner talk radio
Not from a pirate radio hack by the subliminal shadow talkers
But from our only soul-mate
Shining down into our cistern of cynical disbelief
Attracting us to turn and aim our worship, our deepest regard
Homeward, bound no more for limbo rock hard places?

We exhale our aspirations
We inhale our inspiration long neglected
We get along fine breathing only the best breaths we can create
From a single mind aimed at following the Conductor anywhere

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is now up=

"They do Evil for The Sheer Joy of It. They are The Landlords and Lampreys of The Many Realms of The Dark Splendor."

0 said...

"and in these roles, they go from dark to light... and from light to dark, but... however long and torturous the road... they will lead to The Kingdom of God because..."

You ever wonder if all the flip floppin inversions are there to calcine one to a State of Consistency? At some point it gets old being good or being bad, it becomes the better challenge to find right action in the Now regardless of if thats calling for perceived good actions or bad.

Perhaps when one be-comes consistently the same in all contexts one finally finds ones final placement in the morass. Like a molecule of specific gravity finding its place in the varied fluids of all formed things.

Take it easy!



Joseph Brenner

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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