Dog Poet Transmitting.......
‘Well, dog my cats, it’s raining frogs’.
Good day my friends. Some of you are not happy with me that I revealed certain ongoing assaults on my name, behavior and imagined past. If I hadn’t brought it up, some of you would have, in fact, some of you did and that was why I brought it up (grin). If I hadn’t brought it up, I would have had to answer too many emails and I am already nearly a month behind in answering them. Some people are waiting on me to proof some things so that they can publish them and I’m trying to find the time.
I’m going to do something I should have done a long time ago. I want you to imagine that I am under oath, under circumstances that count with me and you are free to ask me anything. Some things might be too private but I will answer if I can and there are presently no limits on what you can ask. If you know how to ask properly, I will answer truthfully, even if it makes me appear to be insane. You are free to hold me to what I say and free to rigorously check what I say. I will even provide witnesses to certain things that might appear supernatural.
I’m not going to directly reference anyone who is mentioned in the latest Smoking Mirrors, you can intuit as you wish and you can peruse the comments there if you like. Now, my telling you something doesn’t make it true but you will have the evidence of my saying it is and the evidence of others, should that be required.
Most of us know that many alternative news sources are compromised by different agendas. Some of them were birthed for this purpose. The sites that publish or link to me I am reasonably secure with. God only knows what the deepest heart of anything is. Maybe you can find me in Kris Kristofferson’s, Silver Tongued Devil and maybe you can find me in something by Joni Mitchell. If you do find me then please put me into one of those UPS Boxes and send it to me.
I’ve come across some outrageous claims being made about me, for all I know, I’m living a double life and neither of my parts know each other. As far as I know, I’m a singer/songwriter and a poet and a not very successful one. I’ve got five hundred dollars to my name and I live by the good graces of a couple of people who love me. I don’t think even they know why they do. My life has been filled with supernatural events and premonitions of something that finally is about to show itself. I will be as surprised as anyone else when whatever it is shows up and that’s going to be pretty soon.
These days I am as antsy as I have ever been. I can’t kick back and I am uneasy about the next phase of whatever my body wants to put me through. It looks like it’s over but I told myself that before. I’m literally afraid to go see Lord Ayahuasca because the presence is now overwhelming and I don’t recover from the impact now, so he sits on a shelf in my icebox (not my icebox) and he lurks, knowing I’ve got no say in the matter if someone wants to talk to me in flaming letters.
I’ve got no life insurance and sometimes it feels like I’ve got no life. I have no savings and nothing of value materially but a few guitars and my Roland keyboard and I am fast losing my ability to play them anymore. It’s going away. I’ve got my computer and some clothes. I own no jewelry or precious metals or stones. I have no income and must rely on the kindness of strangers. It’s too bad I’m not pretty. I think I used to be but I was unaware of it until it didn’t matter anymore.
The only thing that matters to me is to be of service. I seem to be doing a halfway decent job of that. I don’t get paid for it, except for the satisfaction. I don’t go anywhere except to Italy and that’s to keep the place together, so I work a lot there. It’s a small little place that you would never find unless I took you there.
I’ve got no company to speak of except my dog Poncho and his buddies. I see Susanne every day and she doesn’t understand me but she must like being around me cause I’m still here. She’s can’t make sense of what I do but she sees the use of it. She doesn’t believe in God but she will say grace with me when we eat. That is a peculiar thing because I’ve never been with anyone before who didn’t acknowledge the presence of ‘the one’ in life. She is the most honest and decent person I may have ever met. She’s a better human being than I will ever be and the most convincing proof that I’m not a bad guy if someone like that loves me.
I recently came right out and said that I admire and like Jacque Fresco and Roxanne. Maybe I should explain that. I don’t know them and I have never met them except that we exchange emails some times. I admire Jacque because he is a marvelous inventor and visionary. I only saw the original Zeitgeist once and that was years ago. I don’t know anything about the people who did it. I don’t know anything about any connections Jacque might have to anything but what I get from him is that he is a vigorous man in his late 90’s, who can’t hear very well at all anymore. I saw the film, “Future by Design” and it really touched me. I didn’t think of the political implications. All I saw was a futuristic world that was a lot better than the one I’m in. Maybe I’m deceived here. I don’t know. People give me far too much credit for knowing things.
I have had a love affair with God that dwarfs anything else in my life. It consumes me and everything is about that. I screw up regular but not like I once did, now that my fires are banked and directed. I have had no life except for the changes I got put through and the force of it all was just completely beyond my ability to affect it.
I’ve been plagued by inconsistency because I am very mercurial. My whole days are involved in creating something connected to my love affair. That’s why I like Jacque. All he does is fashion and shape his dream. You can play six degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon all you want. I don’t engage in these things. I don’t concern myself with the hidden rulers of this plane. I know they’re there but, to me, they’re nothing but shadows headed toward the place where shadows go. I’m not a Mason and never have been in this life and the only organization I ever belonged to was when I was studying with The Builders of the Adytum and my time at the Guru Bawa Fellowship. I’ve no connection to either anymore. Like Bawa said about me; “He’ll be okay, he’s chosen a different path. That path doesn’t even have a name.
If you can find out anything about me, besides my having been in trouble with the law and reckless with my life to the point of insanity at times, you are welcome to bring it up. I’ve been indiscreet but not so much any more. I’ve played at being a human chemistry set and I did that because the materialism of the day is so pervasive that I needed a rocket to get into the atmosphere. The driving force of my life in everything I do, whether intelligently accomplished or batshit unpredictable, has been because I miss someone more than anything there is and there’s nothing in the world that means anything to me next to it. Recently my dog has had some bad seizures. I think it’s because of the Frontline tick medicine. I thought, one day he’ll be gone, so shall we all …and I felt that attachment and the tears it engendered but I have always been pretty much catch and release.
I’d like to say that I’m pretty much what the reader thinks I am, except for some things that are about to happen that involve me and why I’m here and you can just wait on that. Am I a Bodhisattva? Yes, but that and ten bucks will get me a Starbucks concoction and I’d rather have the ten bucks for something worth imbibing. I almost never eat in a restaurant because I like what I make. That is one thing I can do, I can cook good food that tastes great. I can sing and I can dance and I know some integral dances and I’ve demonstrated them enough so that there shouldn’t be any questions on that score. I’m pretty good at most sports and games of accuracy. I’m not afraid of much, except for my own unpredictable behavior patterns.
I don’t work for any intelligence agencies and good luck finding ANY evidence of that. I consider myself a friend of God and he does too. He wouldn’t give me the time of day otherwise. I am certifiable and clinically mad. I suffer from depression sometimes from having been hit a lot when I was a kid and I use Ketamine when I can get it because it treats that condition. If you’ve got any questions for me, consider that I am under oath and ask me. I’ve got nothing more to say here. I would think the lyrics of my songs would tell you all you need to know.
End Transmission.......
'Prevail' is track no. 6 of 11 on Visible's 2001 album 'God in Country'
Lyrics (pops up)

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 256 Newer› Newest»In anticipation of people telling me to drop it, don't do that. Enjoy the entertainment factor. I await your questions. Ask away.
Right, I forgot, I was a Boy Scout, one merit badge shy of Eagle.
Mom asks,"Well,Les, what would you like to be, when you grow up"?
Tell Jimmy
VISIBLE! Why do you think you have to defend yourself? I personally don't care about what anyone says. I know I'm not important and I have no connections other than the divine which I believe has found a rest in me and I in him/her.
I saw a couple of posts on-line with your 'name' on them, but I don't think it was you because it contradicts what you express here.
What can I say? I don't want to know deep, dark and private things about you unless you want to tell them to me when I meet you one day (god willing). It's tragic, I mean that you had some hard knocks and some of the experiences you've written about are frightening, but that's ok, because I really believe that you have something special to share and that's why I'm here. I don't glorify you or anyone else, I glorify God alone. Yes, I've been fooled before by people, but this time, I don't think I am a fool. You know I love you, even if you don't love me. I know I'm simple and sometimes stupid and ignorant and behave like a child, but that's ok. I'm with you totally and even if you're a whatever these people say you are, I don't care. I know what I feel and I don't even 'know' you outside of these pages anyway. I dont' know exactly why I'm writing this or what I'm trying to say here. :-), but thanks, thanks for everything. Melanie Stone
Ok, I'll ask....
You said "I am certifiable and clinically mad."
Is that true? Have you been 'diagnosed'?
Why don't you live in the US anymore?
Are you currently wanted on any felony in the US or anywhere else?
What was your job previously, I mean, you're almost as old as my mother, so what did you do as a career before?
Am I asking too much? Just say and I'll stop.
Melanie Stone
I can't imagine what it is like to be you.
Oh wait, sure I can. Maybe.
Hang yourself out there and give yourself away for free, without demanding so much as a bow or some form of worship/tribute? Who the hell would sign up for such a thing? Where are the banners and ads? Where is your marketing department? What are you banking in all of this effort? (not a real question since that answer is known as well). Hey Les, what is in it for you, man?
The only question I would have is personal, and irrelevant. My own mountain to climb, and to know you have made it there tells me I can too, because you are not in any way different or special as far as I'm concerned. We're made of the same stuff, just maybe with some options checked differently when the order was made. I come here and take from you, seldom giving back, so there is no desire to demand anything from you and you have nothing to prove.
I'm sure demands will be made, and that you will meet them honorably. I would ask why you keep doing this but you have told us many times. You have my respect and admiration, and a great deal of love is included as well.
That is the payoff while here for me. Looking at the people around me and seeing that they find me tolerable enough to love - how can one be anything but grateful?
But to demand more? Not a chance.
How old are you?
Did you go to college/graduate?
I want to be a child when I grow up and a friend of God, that's all I want.
Yes, I have been diagnosed as a chronic Schitzophrenic. I don't live in the US because it is a fascist country and I have no connection to what they are up to any more. We parted ways.
I am not wanted for anything and have no criminal record because I got a pardon from the governor of New York and the last time I was acquitted.
I have worked as a restaurant and spiritual occult bookstore. i have worked in construction and as a resident manager at large resorts in Hawaii. I have been a cook/chef and a bouncer at times. I have been a newspaper editor and a radio personality. I have been a bodyguard. I have been in the military. I have been a performing singer songwriter and a standup comic. I have been a self defense instructor. I have been unemployed and I have been a relatively incompetent handy man. I have been a consultant for individuals who have paid for the time to talk to me. I would have done that for free but they insisted on paying me. I have probably left things out.
Apparently I will be 65 this August 22 but I can say I'm a lot younger than that but that's evident on meeting. I had to leave school in the tenth grade. I went to college for a couple of semesters and carried a 4.0 I was about to go to Swarthmore for their under graduate writing curriculum and then to Iowa State University for followup but my life fell apart and I turned to rock and roll. I scored in the 95 to 99 percentile in the Iowa State tests that everyone had to take in school
I saw a couple of posts on-line with your 'name' on them, but I don't think it was you because it contradicts what you express here. -- Melanie Stone
Exactly! And who's to say that the PTB hasn't figured out a way to pretend to be whoever they want to be--such as LKJ. They're good, Les, real good. BUT. I have my instinct.
Are you gay?
PERFECT,perhaps we will play together, one day!
James is my middle name. My Mom called me Jimmy. Only for business and legal matters, I go by Lowell. Thanks for sharing,
Am I gay, I'm expecting this sort of thing; No
Let me assist you in further inquiry.
How many women have you had sex with?
About 200.
Do you still have sex? Not in any way that you might find familiar.
How were you able to manage to kundalini force, given that it is female?
Anyway I could.
What do you notice about people that you find attractive?
Their eyes.
Do you do mercy fucks?
I certainly have.
What does it take for someone to have sex with you, given that you have permission to do anything you want?
Does that mean anyone?
Pretty much.
But that's not actual sex is it?
You'd be surprised. Doesn't mean I'm contemplating it.
What kind of women do you like, in a purely physical way?
Inner beauty and the promise that someone set the librarian on fire.
What's your sexual operation like, if you were engaged?
Do you have orgasm?
Not in any of the usual ways.
Have you had sex with anyone famous?
What's your idea of foreplay?
It's happening right now and it's always going on. The whole beauty of the thing is anticipation and that's how I tend to communicate with God, through the agency of desire sublimated.
So, how wide is your level of experience?
Comprehensive, varying between what's demanded of me. I think you can figure that out.
If I left something out I'm sure you'll ask.
Dear Les...
All my life I gravitated to those that weren't the conformers, those that were easily molded by the system...many years later I am still that way...
I was called the black sheep of the family and friends close to me state the same thing...
there is something to be said of the ones that don't comform to this evil system like the minions and robots do, it is they that keep the evil illusion going....we the black sheep on the other hand expose the evil system by refusing to comply and NOT accepting what this evil takeover is shoving down our throats as normal occurances (we tend to question authority and they hate that) wonder the minions/robots seek out to attack the non-conformers...for the only ones fearing such exposure would be those of evil...seeing their evil illusion coming to an end...and soon will face their DAY OF JUDGEMENT...while the black sheep of this dimension rejoice like never before...
living (if you can call it that) in this evil dimension it is very difficult to come out unscathed in some way or another...worse yet severally depleated of prana or life force to the point the soul transgresses.
Best Wishes Always
I’m happy with whatever you wish to say.
It is apparent there is a single driving force in your life, your flaws just make you human. I can admire your dedication at the same time that I realize that my path might be a different one than yours, even if we are moving in the same direction.
What’s that other thing? Oh yeah, I don’t have to agree with everything you say to respect and desire your opinion. You can say anything, and I will listen and try to understand.
I know what it is like to have so much music and then it is not there anymore. Other pursuits slowly fill in the gap, but the there may be a lesson in the loss.
Four-footed companions come and go, and every one of them is missed when their light no longer illuminates this existence. Sometimes I wonder why more of them keep finding me, but being there for them seems to be enough to allow them to be with me.
I understand why you are no longer in the US, but being here is part of my path. Perhaps I can come and visit once we are past this, but if not I shall strive to be part of the “global” network.
Hmm, there are really no questions I wish to ask, you tell me everything about yourself that I need to know, and I just send all these words in a primitive attempt at saying, I understand.
You have many friends Les, and we all love you,
No conditions apply.
Dodging falling frogs in the downpour,
When do I know it is time to stop smoking mj?
You stop smoking when you no longer enjoy it and you shouldn't smoke anything but roll your owns with good tobacco. All the problems come from commercial products.
I still smoke, American Spirit and I can tell you that on the odd occasions when I have to smoke something else, I definitely notice.
thank you.
Very important question to you Les. Fave recipe for a rainy day? I'm hungry.
You might try a clove of raw garlic every day in your dog's food for ticks. It sometimes works.
As a continuation on your Willie Nelsen comment yesterday ...
Willie Nelson Sings His Way Out of Jail Sentence
Prosecutor said:
"You bet your ass I ain’t going to be mean to Willie Nelson.”
Greetings Les.
I don't have any questions at the moment. I already know you and love you for who you are.
May God truly bless and protect you.
I'm surprised you're doing this.
I'm not surprised at the openness, but rather at your need to answer people who just won't get it.
There are so many damn paranoid fools out in cyberspace that a gray with a million digits couldn't count them all. I mean seriously, there are endless souls who can't think for themselves and are willing to parrot anyone who seems to make sense. And in our chaotic world, the folks that make sense are the ones you've got to watch out for.
I trust you because you don't make sense in any of the normal materialistic bullshit ways that these freaks are looking for. They're like the Tea Party/Libertarian dunces who think they're gonna get something for nothing... Ah, I begin to rant, something I'm good at. Especially if I'm not required to make sense ;)
Les is simply the town crier for the mystical, and I like reading his words whether I get them or not. His life experience comes thru, and he is one of the elders who've 'been there, done that' and who can tell the rest of us about it. Very few people who've walked the line between life and the divine are able to describe that place as well as Les does.
At the rate this 'show me' attitude is going, we're gonna have nekked Les pictures up, fingerprints and tracking devices to keep track of his every movement.
Who cares if Les is the unholy of unholies? If you think he's foul, don't read him. It's that fuckin' simple. And if you think you're doing anyone a favor by trying to 'wake them up' you're bullshitting yourself. People do exactly what they want, whether they, or you believe that or not.
I'm getting preachy, sorry.
I always think of chili when I'm really hungry or pasta but those things have to come from scratch and can take awhile. Chili with rice and nicely hot with yogurt or sour cream is a never fail scenario.
Otherwise you can do what i sometimes do with potatoes. I don't make anything that doesn't have garlic in it and I am prone to using at least a bulb. Toast your garlic so it's crunchy and if you have access to Maui or Vidalia onions keep them raw You can use mushrooms sauteed in wine and butter but that's just a matter of them being there and all.
You boil your potatoes, although I prefer to bake them with the skins on. Then you mash them with the skins and some milk and butter is good, up to you how much. Then you add Shoyu or Tamari for the salt and toss the garlic in. Sometimes I like some red bell pepper that's sauteed by stir-fry crunchy, again, a matter of taste. You whip all this together with the raw onions and some Parmesan. I tend to mortar and pestle dry red chilis but you can use fresh ground black pepper or even the multi colored cajun. Sometimes I like curry in this and for that I sautee it for a few minutes in the butter and then wisk it in.
At this point you can choose to put the whole thing into a baking pan and crisp the Parm on top. I tend to make enough for about six people so that I've got enough left for potato pancakes later on. You can get a tube of concentrated tomato puree and whisk that in if you like too.
I guarantee that if you make enough of this you won't be hungry later. Be sure not to overeat because I have found with this dish that people do. I don't eat rich foods most of the time so I can get away with a lot which most people can't. In that consideration I tend to make sure I have sour cream. Fresh parsely diced and thrown in with some fresh Basil will not go amiss but I recommend overdoing the Basel so you should make sure that you got lots of it growing like I do. Fennel can be nice too but only the green part. It doesn't go so well with Parm, although I've seen people do that, not me though.
The curry can do wonders and it's probably best to have the paste. You can consider tossing a can of albacore tuna into this. If you're vegan or vegetarian, obviously that doesn't work but I have always been partial to fish. These day though I'm all about tofu products.
"I want to be a child when I grow up and a friend of God, that's all I want."
Me too.
Dave, see it as entertainment. I'm looking to demystify this thing and make it light hearted. This is like putting a clown nose on the devil. He's only scary and serious if we make him that way. We want to handle this before it attempts to mishandle us. it's ridiculous and that is how we must treat it.
I'm doing everyone a favor here. It might not look like it but it is so. this is how to defuse the whole thing. The fact is that there are no naked pictures of me and no videos. Wait, there is a naked picture around somewhere but it's all good... heh heh.
This is taking the charge out of the whole thing. SOTT has a very large readership. They could do a wider damage if they try. It won't come to anything, especially given what's going to happen to me soon but, honestly, look at it as entertainment. Ask me anything. ou might be surprised.
Of all the people who come here, Homer gets me better than anyone. I don't personally know anyone quite like Homer. He's committed and probably, like me, he would be committed more than once, save for the grace of God. Homer lives in the worlds I frequent. I don't think I puzzle him at all.
What happened to Atlantis?
OK I'll bite :)
Have you ever been to Berry Creek in California?
And what's your favorite movie?
wv:warucci... Obama is too good to be a plane warmonger, he more warucci because of all the name brand weapons the USA uses.
It depends on who you ask. The prevailing thought is that excessive techonolgy in the wrong hands brought about their demise. To that effect I mention the Great Sun Disk of Lemuria which was a sister state at the time. What I have heard consistently was that there was a breach of communication between the workers and the elite. Class warfare brought them down; much as it is today.
The only official mention of Atlantis is by Plato but if you read occult history you can find a great deal. Most of our loss of awareness of Atlantis went when they burned the library at Alexandria. There was an intensive purpose behind this and the results of it are a big part of what controls the world today.
Good Dave, see? This is fun. I have never been to Berry Creek or ever heard of it until this moment. My favorite movie is Time Bandits.
Dear Les,
One thing that I've learned in life is that there are no coincidences.
Laura Knight-Jadczyk lives in France in a chateau with hanger-ons. She channels, seeks money and praise.
JZ Knight (new age scam queen) lives in a French chateau in Washington State and channels Ramtha, a 35,000 year old warrior who first appeared to her in 1977 in a trailor park. Ramtha speaks through her in a voice that resembles a B movie Dracula.
FOLKS! THESE ARE NOT GODFEARING WOMEN! But they sure are materially wealthy.
In Estonian folklore, all werewolves (libahunt) are female. A man should be thankful if he escapes from one with his testicles intact.
Tom frum
Off topic for this article, but . . .
Atzmon has just posted this essay taking apart Lipstadt.
He still doesn't come out and call it for the obvious fraud it is, but he does make a few good points.
And he nails Lipstadt.
Do you still love teh rock n' roll?
I wondered if you ever had a kid Les? Also if you have any ideas about the winning lottery numbers this week ?
Sometimes I feel like telling my whole life story here because well I don't know why I want to do that. Then I remember what that Comedian George Wallace said.
"You know who cares about your problems less than you ? " (pause) " EVERYBODY ! "
I'm here to learn. I don't look at the horrible things as bad things any more I just feel like I've been selected for the advanced studies program, kind of feel honored. Maybe i'm gettin out this time !
I get that people want to believe in something that isn't as screwed up as themselves. Something greater. If that thing is a human being then usually there's disillusionment at the end somewhere. I get that I shouldn't put my faith in men. I just like reading your shit. Even if you're batshit crazy , whatever that is.
I found myself locked up in the silly hotel once and found myself in the position of trying to prove to someone I was sane. I defy anyone to try that right now and let me know what you come up with.
Thanks for your blog Les
Patrick V1.0
Suggestion: Read JAILBIRD, by Kurt Vonnegut, if you have not done so already.
It's got your name written all over it.
Oh something else I wonder is. When I drive under street lights at night they regularly turn off just when i get to them. Does this ever happen to you? If so why do you think that happens ?
Patrick V1.0
"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.
Rember the list of the seven countries without Rothschild central banks when 9/11 occurred?
North Korea
The first three, as of today (30 March 2011, have Rothschild controlled banks and money supply.
What is the plan for the plebs once Rothschild and his PTB control all the money in all the world?
Remember right now 50% of all mankind live on less than $2.00 per day - food, clothes, shelter, the lot.
And this is by design, on purpose.
If you controlled the whole world how would you treat the human race?
Once total control is reached by Rothschild, I believe their will be only two classes. One that own and control everything the ruling class (1%), and the remainder of the workers (99%).
The latter class will own no land or business and will have no vote on anything. They will in fact be very similar to the slaves of old.
This is the plan called the new world order - now openly identified on CNN.
I have never had a streetlight go off on me.
I've mixed feelings these days about rock and roll. I don't listen to music anymore and rock and roll did some funny things to me when I might have been being more useful but it's also at the core of my soul as something more than music.
I have a daughter and a son (allegedly). I'm on very good terms with the former and have no clue as to the latter.
Lottery numbers are not my field and I wouldn't know what to tell you but if you want, just ask for it and specifically ask not to have a lesson made out of you. My preference is to know what riches are and then you're set forever.
The zionist and talmudic jews in israel and america are only the foot-soldiers (often unwittingly)of Rothschild and the globalists. For 99% of them will also become a part of the worker class of the new world order.
Visible, you are incredibly brave and a most humble man, especially evidenced in the way you bare your soul while engaged in selfless service to all of us that visit here regularly. If you are insane, then so we are too, because you are like a touchstone of "sanity" in this crazy world. Are you a serious truth seeker? Do you share your personal insights and thoughts freely, without seeking any particular monetary or personal gain? Is staying connected to the Divine the one most important thing in your life and consciousness? Since we know the answers to all of the above is "yes", what possible fault can be found or laid at your feet? We would all do very well to remain similarly focused on the ultimate prize, the only purpose of "life". By the way, you are now at least $500 richer today, because I have just visited your PayPal account. I love you and my support is unconditional. Karyn
Les I have a question, or maybe it’s a request.
When you grow up and become a child and a friend of God, will you please put in a good word for me and tell him I’m sorry for being such a waster? (I’m serious)
In an insane world only the insane are sane.
If being a debt slave and thinking you are free is sanity , I choose madness thanks.
Also people can't make a fool of you if you make a fool of yourself first.
Nice move Les, mate in 3 I think
This brought tears to my eyes...the simplicity the honesty.The way I have always felt.
Do you remmember I e-mailed you asking after that Michael?
I need to scratch an itch... Given your time around occult books and such. Could you describe for "thousand points of light" phenomenon, if phenomenon it be?
resort lady,
that is really cool.
and zoner,
i did not see a response from visible to you but i found your letter deeply moving and very honest.
i hope he read it and absorbed it.
and i have no questions for you les.
just think you are a pretty cool invention of my mind.
my own internal lyricist and poet.
I have not posted a comment for months but I have been keeping up with your blogs and listening to your radio talks.
You've had a place in my heart from the start and all that goes with that.
Almost every morning I'm up at dawn to greet the sun. I'm one hour ahead of Italy and I sense you are there with me at that peak moment when the clouds are getting lit up.
I have missed very little and what has been said in this blog was already 'known'. Your courage and honesty has always been astounding and over this time I now accept your consistency and trustworthiness.
I would not feel very comfortable with a cushion of $500 though I well know the difference between positive and negative numbers.
Guess what the w v is! : backe
I mean, as it this site isn't amazing enough!
Les, I'm really sorry for starting all this, although unknowingly. Maybe it was the synhronicity you needed to get some things off your heart, who knows what it's good for.
Ok, now the questions:
On that topic - since LKJ accused you of being a "organic portal" possessed by some "dark" entities - do you sometimes or did you ever feel "possessed" in any way that would resemble her insinuation? By "aliens", "God", ghosts, whatever such?
Do you get in contact with the "supernatural" in your normal state of mind, or only when you're "high" or in certain however induced states (say like dervish dances or just whatever does the job)? Or to rephrase, in what states do you get those experiences? Does it require any sort of rituals (in a broadest sense)?
Do you think that the material world is ONLY a school, just an illusion? Emphasis on "only", like it being irrelevant except for schooling purposes.
What literature does the best job in describing the true nature of the universe in plain language, in your opinion?
What do you know/think about Rosecrucians?
Dou you believe that the "original" Illuminati exist as both good and bad fractions? What's your opinion on The Armageddon Conspiracy group and their meritocracy ideas, also your opinion on gnosticism in general? Do you believe that something like the Holy Grail exists, in whatever form or shape?
Do you think that all languages stem from the same origin?
Why do you prefer dogs to cats? (if you do, that is)
What situations make you feel like crying? Do you cry, often, ever?
I hope it's not too much or too personal, just curious.
Sorry to hear about Poncho's troubles.
(hopefully you got him eatin' anything that's not commercially, mass produced dog "food" - as it's all full of shit (literally), nothin less than a slow poison).
You know about 'seitan' (who came up with that name (in english)?; it's food/meat from wheat gluten); if not, check it out.
I like DaveS's description of "a town crier for the mystical" ... you've got a real gift for putting very difficult to express concepts into words, Les. And your blogs have proven to be a magnet for higher vibrating people who are aware of what's going on but might not be as capable of expressing it themselves. So if you don't mind my straying off-topic, can I just announce to all these good-hearted folks this message from Masaru Emoto:
Name of ceremony:
“Let’s send our thoughts of love and gratitude to all water in the nuclear plants in Fukushima”
Day and Time:
March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone
Please say the following phrase:
“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant,
we are sorry to make you suffer.
Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”
Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands together in a prayer position. Please offer your sincere prayer.
Thank you very much from my heart.
With love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water
Dear Les,
I spent of few hours researching Laura Knight. Oh my, what a piece of trailor trash. How can I get her to name me a "Cointelpro Agent?" It would be a great honor for me. How much would she charge me for certificate suitable for framing?
I know about seitan, wheat gluten but I prefer tofu products. Poncho eats home cooked meals. They all do.
I am possessed by the spirit of my kundalini and anyone would be but it is transformative and takes upon itself the characteristics of the chakras.; visitations yes, possessions, neine.
I have supernatural contact in any state but absolutely when high.
True Rosicrucians are souls of a very advanced order.
There are good and bad scret societies, the predominance of either is according to the tenor of the times.
The Holy Grail is a spiritual item.
The material world is not an illusion but it is a breeding ground for them.
The Way of Life by Lao Tzu is the simplest and most profound of books.
All languages do not stem from the same root.
I'm a dog person because I am a cat.
I get the dervish thing and others as well.
Gnosticism is true christianity.
Emotions upwell in me and cause me to cry, nothing in particular does. Things might trigger it. If I've been drinking it can happen without trouble.
Gurnygob, done!
Karyn, thank you you gracious and generous heart. You're a better friend than I deserve and you've proven that in every possible way.
Now, see how much fun this is?
Yes, I have been diagnosed as a chronic Schitzophrenic.
Now I see why Setters like you
As seen today, 30 March 2011, at BBC home site on the web:
Ads by Google
Hotels in Fukushima
Book a hotel in Fukushima online. All hotels with special offers.
This is not humour or a cartoon or a lampoon, this is legitimate.
Now would any from the caravan of truth like to get a really good hotel rate in Northeastern Japan?
Thought not.
How about you Les. Is there anything you would like to ask us, any of us?
Are there any requests that I may be able to help you with?
What in your opinion is the best way to get to grips with tarot cards?
This is fun, thank you.
The flaming letters, do you see Sanskrit?
How did you found out about werewolves and vampires?
When Love pokes you in the ribs, is it ever from the inside out?
It is a strange, yet exhilirating time!
I emailed you a while ago to introduce myself and to thank you for inspiring me to finally begin expressing myself in writing and sharing what little bit I think I know, in the hopes of assisting other people to prepare for the GREAT changes forming up as we speak.
I have had an incredible sycnhronicity with your work. Every time I see a title I like on Rense, it is to one of your Blogs. I laugh now because I don't even have to click to know.
I have tremendous understanding regarding what it is you struggle with. It is my struggle in slightly different words.
Just know you are not alone.
I think it's Chaldean.
Of course I get poked internally in the ribs. god has a prodigious sense of humor. Vampires and werewolves are energy predators. I've seen them, especially in Hollywood.
Thank you Russell!
Tarot cards. Use the Paul Foster Case deck and color them in yourself. Familiarize yourself with all of their planetary and quality associations and then meditate on them. They are each of them a portal to a whole world. Everything is contained them that can be contained.
Thank you, LV.
How was your Kundalini activated? Did the man you met on the beach tap you or touch your forehead?
Were you on the spiritual path before that meeting?
I came across this:
"Many clinicians still regard phenomena associated with spiritual emergence as indicative of pathology because the signs are so easily confused with the indicators of psychosis, mania, depression, schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder."
Don Harper, a person who uses natural methods for treating dog and cat problems suggests, when you find a tick already attached to the skin, smear a little vaseline on the back end of the ticks. This causes them problems in breathing, so the ticks will fall off on their own. Combing with a fine-toothed comb daily will catch ticks before they attach themselves.
I thank you for all you've given me.
What's you favorite color and why?
erik if you read this,I dont seem to be able to write anything on the new site,I do have a tendancy to completely mess up all things computerised but it could be something else ,dont know.
ok mr visibles,is telepathy intentional or does it just happen by accident.
respects neil.
Kundalini was activated psychedelically and at a distance of many miles. It scared the shit out of everyone but me and no one would speak to me afterwards.
My favorite color is teal/turquoise. Reason, the vibration.
Why don't we take up a collection and offer to send Laura and her buddies to Fukushima for R&R - I heard they have some really good hotel deals going on there right now (grin).
Side note Les:
Since your e-mail may be jammed...
I finished the first 28 chapters of The Curious Tale of Ash and the Whine that you sent me.
Quite entertaining; I await the final chapters.
HAH! WV: "ashper" The death voice used by Ash of course.
Hi Les,
In what branch of the military did you serve? Were you drafted or did you enlist? What was your military occupation? Did you get caught up in the Vietnam mess?
Tell us about your experience with Elvis Presley and Joni Mitchell - at different times of course.
Is it true that whoever has the most toys when they die wins? and-or That nobody gets out alive?
Name the four most important people dead or alive that you most respect, and why.
What year did you wake up /realise the truth?
Love Honey vis?...hope you will enjoy this...its wonderful, bee happy : )..Jean...
Kurt Vonnegut's son, Mark, was afflicted with a form of schizophrenia.
He wrote a very unique book called "The Eden Express," in 1975.
I read it in 1975 and up to that time I had never read anything quite like it.
A short read but nonetheless a very special book with personal insights into ... well... into what I really can't quite say.
Mark Vonnegut says it though.
When did your Spiritual Awakening happen initially, and how old you were at he time (you're 64 huh? *blink*)? Where did it occur?
What sort of classifiable spiritual cultivation / meditation methods do you do/have done?
Oh, and a comment on Jacque Fresco: How obvious Vulcan archetype is that guy, really? Humble appearance, amazingly hardworking, inventive, ingenious and crafts beautiful stuff. Dislikes Mars and names his dream project after Venus. :)
Snake Sage
Uhm, I have one.
Why do you write Profiles in Evil? How does this work for you energetically to give a focus to these half dna'd slimeballs? Does this not tire you out on an energetic level?
As always, much love to you Les! Keep writing and dancing! Thank-you!
thanks, this place needs some fun
See, this is how to answer all that other business.
Okay then-
When did your Spiritual Awakening happen initially, and how old you were at he time (you're 64 huh? *blink*)? Where did it occur?
That happened the first time I took LSD. I think was 19.
What sort of classifiable spiritual cultivation / meditation methods do you do/have done?
Practically everything, too numerous to list.
Tell us about your experience with Elvis Presley and Joni Mitchell - at different times of course.
How did you find out about Joni Mitchell? That's obscure. I'd rather not say anything at this time.
Elvis picked me up hitchhiking and then drove past me when was sitting on a bench on the main street of Palm Springs. Because I amused him he stopped in the middle of the road in his limo and talked to me like an old friend while people were screaming his name and running from everywhere. He drove down the street about ten more times and acknowledged me each time so that word got around that I was his friend. Don't want to say any more.
Is it true that whoever has the most toys when they die wins? and-or That nobody gets out alive? It depends on whether you are going to Hell afterwards. People have gotten out of here alive.
Name the four most important people dead or alive that you most respect, and why.
Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali and the man on the beach. Michael Jordan is in there too.
What year did you wake up /realise the truth?
In what branch of the military did you serve? Were you drafted or did you enlist? What was your military occupation? Did you get caught up in the Vietnam mess?
I was in the Air Force. I enlisted. I worked with parachutes but was discharged before I got a chance to do much. They said I was crazy. Vietnam did not factor into anything.
My wife says I'm a like a magnet for dysfunctional and troubled individuals. Would you consider that a compliment or an insult? Also, as you claim to be insane yourself, have you any idea why these people would even give me the time of day?
Why do you write Profiles in Evil? How does this work for you energetically to give a focus to these half dna'd slimeballs? Does this not tire you out on an energetic level?
As always, much love to you Les! Keep writing and dancing! Thank-you!
Because it needed to be done and no one else is doing it. It has no effect on me at all.
My wife says I'm a like a magnet for dysfunctional and troubled individuals. Would you consider that a compliment or an insult? Also, as you claim to be insane yourself, have you any idea why these people would even give me the time of day?
I would have know way of answering that because I don't know you and I don't know what your effect is on these people.
It depends on whether you want to know what time it is. Insanity is a prerequisite to illumination. You MUST go mad first, otherwise none of it makes sense.
When David Icke went through his kundalini experience the first time, all he wore was just turqouise.
Name the four most important people dead or alive that you most respect, and why.
Les said
Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali and the man on the beach. Michael Jordan is in there too.
related question
do you consider Jesus Christ to be alive or dead. Just for the record I believe he died and rose again from the dead and will come again.
or is that me just being catholic?
"Insanity is a prerequisite to illumination. You MUST go mad first, otherwise none of it makes sense."
Hmmmm, on second thoughts, perhaps it's me who is attracted to them. They have something I need to become better acquainted with. What effect do I have on them? I probably get on their nerves :)
Thanks for the response Les. I'll take your comment above as free advice. Now I just have to figure out how I can get in touch with my insane side.
I didn't know that about Icke. What I do know is that that color has a tremendous impact on me.
Jesus Christ is eternally alive. Jesus was a man, Christ is a station. Jesus is now the very flesh of god whose blood is the currency of the age. He's living money and that's about run out so... you do the math.
You don't have to worry about that and you had better not look for it. Seek God, he'll take care of the crazy. It's not crazy anyway. It's sane.
C'mon people, test me.
Mr. Visible,
Do you expect this to be your last incarnation as a human, and what do you intend to become next?
Considering your reverence for and experience of Hindu forms of divinity, wouldn't you have fitted more easily into Indian life as a wandering holyman; so was there a positive reason for being born and raised an American?
No questions from me Les. I've liked you from the first thing I read which was long enough ago that I don't remember when it was. It took awhile to get into the flow of understanding and I'm still not mid current, probably never will be. I sat back for a very long time not feeling worthy or knowing enough to comment and now I do more than I should (sorry). Your unique insights are all I need, all I deserve. You are simply yet complexly you and I see you as a very good version of a human being with some jaw-dropping talents and a past life that went way beyond ordinary. You are extremely gracious to share as much as you do with all of us so no questions from me ... just thanks again.
The nature of my status is that it is all hidden from me. I am jivanmukti but not in the Turiya state. I was quite precisely not born in India and have not been allowed to go because of what could happen if I do but I will be there (god willing) in 2013 and then, it's the Himalayas baby.
Go on... ask the questions you want to ask. I'm not troubled by what I might have to say. The time is right anyway.
On the other hand, I detest ballet, opera, modern art and modern poetry and modern composers. I do like arias and love Pavarotti.
A lot of people seem to think you're some kind of avatar. Hard questions, alright. Are you an avatar?
I know you have a great taste in entertainment and that
you like Bill Hicks and Trailer Park Boys for example.
What are your favourite books, films, comedians, songs
or other forms of entertainment where you've found
that repetitive consumption results not only in
uplifting happiness but also to insights into something greater?
hey Les,
I have one vital question, I hope you are able to answer it because for me it is of real importance. other than that, who am I, (or indeed any of us who are welcomed here) to ask you questions. I come here to marvel at a genius, I am here to be inspired, amused and as far as I am concerned, educated. I am here by choice and by your grace, for that I thank you most profoundly. So, the the question if I may....when is the next Profiles in Evil? I will understand if you do not answer me........ You owe me nothing. I owe you Les......... Love your work man!!!
Steve B
why did your
[earthly] father
beat the shit
out a you ?
was he an alcoholic ?
have you ever struck
another - in anger ?
Frontline? I used to Advantage the cats, half dose, light cat, even though the biggest one is 18 lbs./8.2 kilogrammes. This was for fleas. A buddy told me to put boric acid on the floor, vacuum it up, and there would be no more fleas. It worked. I don't have to poison the cats anymore. I have no idea if it will work on ticks, but maybe you can try it.
Sorry, no questions. I already know all the relevant stuff.
Well now, that's more like it. Challenge me. Let's see what I'm made of.
Yes, I get that a lot (grin). I get it inwardly and outwardly proving God has a sense of humor. He has called me his friend and I have his favor so, what does that mean?
Why not let's just look at the situation. Look how people respond here and how few enemy intelligences are even allowed to show up. Look at the fact that I can say certain things and nothing happens. Study the evidence and you won't need me to tell you anything. What do I think? I don't have a clue. it's hidden from me. I get told all kinds of things and they are coming true as a matter of fact but God can spank my ass just like anyone and he has (please! no mas). So, what I am is a common household servant and I am no more than that. I have no value to myself other than that I am useful.
I can tell you that you are about to be pretty surprised concerning me and I'd be a fool to say it if it wasn't true so, there you are.
What I want is a big house full of people I can cook for and make music with, dance with and lay on big cushions with. I want a company of friends that hug and kiss me and like my dogs and are committed to helping our animal friends without being a PC nut job.
I want to sit in the sauna three times a week and not care about having clothes on with people who don't care either but I don't want to make nudity some kind of necessary thing. I just don't want to be concerned about it because we're all naked all the time.
I don' want to go in and out of someone's body mechanically or artistically anymore than I want to appear out of someone's body any more. There's no sex like the kind you can have with God. It ruins you for anyone else and I've had the best and the whole 'fucking' thing is a colossal disappointment because it produces the glue that attachment is named for.
Most of you don't understand the Venus Fly Trap dynamic or the fact that it's possible to simply just someone on the arm and make them orgasm like they never ever did before.
This world and the best and brightest are dung beetles on the biggest mountain of shit I've ever seen and I'm not downwind.
My kundalini is near fully awake and I pay the price, trust me on that. You think suffering through life here is hard. Try suffering through here when you can palpably taste and see the other side. You want suffering, that's it.
I'm nobody special and God picks people just like me for that reason. He confounds the experts and always has. I am aghast at people who pick on Jacque Fresco. He's just an little guy who's more industrious than most of us would be in ten or a hundred lives and he doesn't know any more about illuminati this or that than I do. The guy does not stop working. You distrust him? go visit him.
What's wrong with you people? Don't take second hand hearsay, go meet the man while he's still here. he's a sweet and gentle guy who has no agenda except he wishes there were more hours in the day. he doesn't have time to be cointelpro. He's obsessed and so am I. All we do is work. Here I am working. it's all I ever do.
You shit on your heroes and the only people who actually give a shit about you no, not you the reader, you know what I mean.)
I'm one of a number of people here in this time who showed up and didn't actually want to. You are every bit as good as I am you just don't work at it every conscious moment like I do and I only do that because everything else is a waste of time.
Like Jason Stratham says in the mechanic, "Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment".
why did your
[earthly] father
beat the shit
out a you ?
was he an alcoholic ?
have you ever struck
another - in anger ?
My karma was such that I had to be beaten until all sense of self was gone. Even the personalities I have now are made up; functional envelopes I operate through. God has told me he did this himself. Yes, he was an alcoholic. I have definitely clocked some people but usually not in anger and I only did it when all of my other ruses would not work or when the intensity of the harm coming needed to be immediately dealt with. I have encountered guns, knives, clubs, fists, you name it.
What is your earliest memory?...mine was the loving the face of my twin brother born twenty minutes before me...sadly we are now a million miles apart..he still believes Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon. :( and that 9/11 was masterminded from a cave :( ...Jean
I know you have a great taste in entertainment and that
you like Bill Hicks and Trailer Park Boys for example.
What are your favourite books, films, comedians, songs
or other forms of entertainment where you've found
that repetitive consumption results not only in
uplifting happiness but also to insights into something greater?
I love The Office and I think Dead wood is possible the greatest work ever to have been screened on TC. I watch American Idol and this season has the best talent I've ever seen. I like a fellow named Jacob Lusk. When he was asked where his talent came from he emphatically pointed his finger upward with a big smile on his face. he won't win but he's proof that the lord walks among us.
Lonesome Dove was one of the greatest books I ever read. I like most people who are good at what they do. I appreciate excellence which is why I like Tom Brady. I'm just a fan of the talent I spot that means the one is operating through the vehicle.
I love Tolkien and Monty Python. I like Guy Peace, Brian Cox, Jude Law, Emily Page, Merchant and Ivory, most period pieces, piano sonatas, guitar players and songwriters. I thought Unstoppable was a great film. I'm a middle of the road hack who can cry at the drop of a hat. Susanne is bugging me to watch Bonfire of the Vanities so I got to go. Ask me again because I'm not half started.
You're the sanest man in town, and doing a great service, IMHO. Thanks!
My pendulum says Jacque is a 6th density wanderer. Makes sense, doesn't it? (seeing that he practically made a blueprint for the new world, and shares his vision freely... !!!) - Zeitgeist is mostly lies otherwise, as I see it, but I don't know much anyways...
What would be the most awesome thing you ever witnessed?
All the Best, to Everyone :)
The Office? Who knew? Oh, I get it, you like that silly wit.(grin) I loved that sci-fi show Farscape. It's to bad they cancelled that show over money and politics. Now that was a cool fucking show. Pond Owl
Les, When you look people in the eyes, do they often wince, cringe,Cover their eyes with there hands or quickly break eye contact? This happens to me often. What's up with that?
"In another meeting with Sudan's Foreign State Minister Kamal Hassan Ali, Ahmadinejad said coordination between the two countries regarding important bilateral and regional issues benefits regional peace and stability.
'Iran and Sudan will always stand together and the enemies cannot damage the relations between the two nations.'”
Sudan is presently Rothschild central bank free because they are direct friends with Iran.
Dollars to donuts when the attack begins on Iran that within hours a military take over of Sudan will occur.
If, yes if, Rothschild forces succeed in scuttling Iran by the precision assassination of Ahmadinejad and WMD's upon the Iranian military and civilians disguised as nuclear power plants blowing up, Sudan will go like a lamb to the central banker allies.
That will leave only 1 of the 197 countries in the world without a Rothschild central bank: Cuba.
Tactics would suggest the natural passin-on of Castro before the Rothschildean forces take over Cuba - otherwise they would risk the old soviet/russian friendship again being evoked of Fidel.
Once Fidel passes from this world Cuba will be wrestled from the hands of his brother and others one way or another by zionist Nato forces.
At that moment Rothschild will have reached his NWO goal with central banks his family controls in every one of the 197 counties of the world.
What Rothschild intends to do with the world once he controls it only he and his PTB know right now.
We the plebs should sincerely hope Rothschild fails in his attempt to take over Iran so that we never have to find out what the NWO will mean for us or our children.
Thank you for your previous reply.
I wonder whether you expect to die in India in 2013, and then metaphorically ascend the Himalayas to a more exalted level of existence.
I notice here
"Even Mount Olympus in Greek mythology would pale in front of the reverence shown to the Himalayas in the Hindu mythology."
It was said that Herakles was taken up to Olympus by the Gods, to be a demi-god, because he had divinised himself through his 'herculean' efforts and sufferings.
If that's to be the case with you, you have deserved it, and you will have our respect and affection. Go well.
Going to bed, answer everything in the morning. forgive me for checking out on you but I didn't sleep at all last night. All my love.
I'm just an ant but according to the SOTT people tried to do a smear campaign on him as well. And from the writings and work of this guy I get the feeling he is an honest fellow as well. Who at these blogs really cares what SOTT thinks? I know I don't. The truth of your writings shine through Les and the service you give to others is a wonderful thing. Power on sir. Pond Owl
Hi again,
Not a test. Just curious :-)
How did I find you?
Am I on the right track?
Am I under divine protection?
Any advice?
Damn Les does your lady realize what an illogical proposition it is to not believe in God? Whenever I run into an atheist I can usually at least make an agnostic out of them. Does she have any scientific/genetic understanding? It is more difficult with people who have no understanding of science.
Ask her if she knows what DNA is. The most complicated substance known to man. There isn't any mysterious elements in it, all can be found on the periodic table. The arrangement of these elements somehow creates life, and when the DNA dies the same elements exist but the life force is no longer present.
Now your lady being an atheist believes millions of years ago this super complicated substance DNA somehow arranged itself from the 85 or so natural occurring elements. You can factor in solar radiation, volcanism, and any cosmic consideration you can think of.
This is an absolutely inconceivable proposition. If it were possible at the minimum you would expect much less complicated inorganic things bringing themselves into spontaneous existence. How about a garden rake, bicycle, refrigerator or dildo.
Nope, there is no evidence of any of these things forming on their on get go, only (says the atheist) the most unimaginably complicated substance DNA which is able to reproduce itself, and in its highest state form a aware human being who can contemplate his own existence.
I'm curious about anything that you've experienced and would find difficult to explain as other than supernatural. Mind, a lot can be explained as the workings of the subconscious. I would be curious if there is anything beyond such things. I have personally experienced a few such things, did during a supposed psychotic episode, although they weren't anything I've ever heard anyone else experience, and certainly aren't typical of psychosis or schizophrenia. Those things included a door that opened on its own just as I was about to open it, then closed behind me as I watched. Hard to believe, I know. I have more, but I'm not known here, so none of you would believe. I'm only curious if Les has some of his own and what they are, precisely.
Hi Les,
I am the builder guy.
I was very busy today building my restaurant, but kept this page open and refreshed to watch the magic.
I have cried many times of being so alone, and all at once, I find you good people. It is not just you Les, It is everyone here. Please forgive the new guy. I begged God for help and here you all are. My deepest gratitude.
Are you insane? Who cares. My heart tells me otherwise.
One question only.......
Can I be part of the family?
Hi Les,
You Elvis encounter brings about the suggestion for a blog about the famous, near-famous, the has-beens, wannabes, and almost-weres that you've encountered along the way in the art, literary, political, business, military and musical worlds.
Let's call it 'Profiles in Elvis'
Correction: the country of North Korea also remains without a Rothschild central bank.
Good grief Les, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had physical symptoms up the ying yang. I got a stomach virus a week ago, everyone else who got it before and after me is done with it, but not me.
btw, i heard an interview a whiiillle ago on project camelot with Laura and I couldn't listen to her, this voice in my head kept telling me that she's crazy and I listened.
I am crazy too but not in the crazy way I perceive her to be which just means i don't feel a resonance with her. Now I have proof of why i felt that way.
I'm still waiting on my taxes and going to buy ur cds and books.
I got a question: Did you and I have astral sex?
I could swear we did over a year ago. it's when I first discovered your writings and your were sharing your ahuasca experience.
Man, I felt really freakin connected but then I found out you had a beloved and I felt guilty for wanting to have sex with you. LOL
We are sily and beautiful creatures aren't we.
Man, I love you so much and all your readers. Even the crazy ones. They let me know I'm not so crazy.
But I am!
Love, Debbie.
What is your take on supposed alien presence on earth or in the sky?
Have you met any?
What is your opinion on the main purpose behind chemtrails?
Can you say you are NOT an avatar?
is evertyhing going to be ok? really?
Hello Les, Ok, I have got a couple of questions...I have never experienced special k as opposed to vitamin A. John Lilly said he could control the length of time of his trip on ketamine compared to LSD. What is your take on the difference between ingesting these two substances?.... Also because there is so much pain and suffering in this world, what is your take on relieving misery in the human condition? Thanks mr visible... I feel like I know you, even though I don't know you, do you know what I mean? ( grin).... Peace ... Love .... Out......
Love you Les Visible. Always have done ! God bless
If you saw someone steal a quarter. Would you report it?
What is a poet?
An unhappy person
who conceals
profound anguish
in his heart
but whose lips
are so formed that
as sighs and cries
pass over them
they sound like
beautiful music.
Soren Kierkegaard
you my friend
are a truth poet
that's all
i need to know
Les, we all need to inform ourselves about the goings on in this world. Which primary websites do you visit to get the information you need?
When did you start blogging? I've been reading your blogs for a number of years, or so it feels.
Have you heard William Fitzsimmons?
If you haven't, I would dearly recommend it.
Have you ever had a near death experience?
William Freeman
PS: Don't worry, at the time of writing I have 166,24 Euros to my name, but I live a life richer than Bill Gates could ever do. I had to part with an old friend recently, a Martin D18, which I sold. I paid the rent and stuff and with the rest I picked up an old Eko Jumbo, which also has a lot of character. it feels like the long lost son of Martin.
Oh, about the Frontline thing. It's a nasty concoction of chems which actually stresses the animals. I make my own colloidal silver and put a drop in the cats water every few days. No fleas or other parasites since then and way better for them.
Ah! but Les; very, very, very important question.
Which version of The Office...British, or American?
Fast, between a flash and a clap
slapping sidewalks
to wash dusty worries off the world
where once i danced and ran through
the place where the sky brought the sea to me
strontium, a strange concept
strontium, like strength
bones and teeth
and bones
and bones
worm moon
the March rain
vw antomma...sounds like a type of cancer
HI Les
I tried posting on the Petri 'look mum' Dish but got bounced right out and all the questions vaporized.
Oh well. I find the way you break silence so bright and honest that it almost makes quietness look like
cover. So, what I wanted to ask was about certain choices at certain times of exposure to what is present to awakening.
Like, are your psycho-karmic circuits self-intact? Or are there connexions made by choice with different ranges of the energy of identity-continuum?
Do you distinguish between visceral, nervous and lymphatic sensings when in the presence of a demon or a god?
Is there anything in this world that tempts you?
Is your vision solely receptive? (expressing vision is not what I mean by active)
Have you been subjected to ECT?
When i functioned as singularity teacher I would say: 'The answer to all your questions is what you really are, and that is beyond question. Any questions?'
And that persists only as an ironic tenderness.
Now is heart=knowing radiant in any question/answer setup and smilingly so in terms of these questions.
brotherly love Duncan (ajnabeamer, third eye long time enflamed)
Your concerns here are pedestrian.
Doesn't matter, we all shift from higher to lower vibrations all the time. It is the way.
I'm not criticizing you so much as I am simply sharing my perceptions with you. Lord knows I've delved into some BS before, and dwelled there unfortunately and unnecessarily long.
I love you, you're a friend of mine and I don't think any less (or any more) of you for it.
I always hold you in the same high esteem.
You've got insight, brother.
My question is this: What's K like? (cimorah girl)
Melis...Edna and all spaces in between
Like, are your psycho-karmic circuits self-intact? Or are there connexions made by choice with different ranges of the energy of identity-continuum?
"Find another way to ask this question. It can't be answered in this form".
Do you distinguish between visceral, nervous and lymphatic sensings when in the presence of a demon or a god?
"I don't run into demons, or, not for a very long time. When God shows up he talks to me in my thoughts as if he were a part of me, which is how it works. If it's really intense, I can be thrown around the room. Otherwise it is generally visceral. I wouldn't know what a lymphatic sensing is."
Is there anything in this world that tempts you?
"Well, not really, if you mean something I would go after and plot to acquire, no" Mostly what tempts me is the thought of certain spiritual adventures. I've been invited to be a guest in The Devic Realm sometime soon and, things like that definitely get my attention."
Is your vision solely receptive? (expressing vision is not what I mean by active)
"That's difficult to answer. Anything resembling a vision is usually an independent operation and I'm a bystander. But there's a lot more to it. I just don''t understand where you want me to go,"
Have you been subjected to ECT?
When i functioned as singularity teacher I would say: 'The answer to all your questions is what you really are, and that is beyond question. Any questions?'
"I don't know what ECT is".
Les, we all need to inform ourselves about the goings on in this world. Which primary websites do you visit to get the information you need?
What really happened
The last two are looking to see what lies are being crafted.
"I don't spend a lot of time researching, just enough to get a feel and then the writing modality comes up and off we go. Everthing else is sporadic.
When did you start blogging? I've been reading your blogs for a number of years, or so it feels.
"Hmmmm, 2003? I think.
Have you heard William Fitzsimmons?
If you haven't, I would dearly recommend it.
Don't know him.
Have you ever had a near death experience?
"Not so that it compares with the classical tales. When my kundalini rose I died, whoever that was, was gone and never returned. I became immediately full bore telepathic too and that is always around but I don't think about it. I never try to get inside someone's head or rummage around. For some reason that doesn't attract me. It feels sleazy to do that. You would be surprised at how very similar most of us are."
Paul, no, I'm not a snitch and proud of it. would have to say that I proved that under the worst possible conditions.
What? Not even slightly touched by anything you've done, or even what's been said about you (and to you, but wasn't approved)?
Man, you've got some thick skin... but not much brains, have you?
The harder you try to pull yourself out of this quicksand, the harder it pulls you back in. Just by showing how to (pretty successfully, I must admit) get yourself out of any shithole you can dig out for yourself, you are actually proving the very thing said about you - you have most definitely had some good training at psychological and counterintelligence operations. Something like the stuff CIA field agents have to go through before being sent to the field.
Know what I mean? That torture all of them have to go through at some point in their training? The experience makes them quite resilient, but also quite easily identifiable among the general populace. Something like you, don't you agree?
No (legal) proof possible to obtain, but no proof is really necessary other than the one you keep providing yourself.
On a side note, let me explain what is currently happening to you. You don't seem to be able to grasp that little piece of information either.
In the shortest possible terms - you are being sacrificed as a bait to lure some people out there to show themselves. You have given your consent to be sacrificed by your superior(s), and so you are.
Well, most unfortunately for you, by giving your consent to be used, you have given up every right to choose *by whom* you are going to be used. And now you find yourself right in the middle of a pulling contest between two irreconcilable sides in a never-ending war.
But, hey, look at the bright side! I preserve the right to take the best pieces of you left, so you will eventually do some good! Your experiences are going to be shared by the very people whose enslavement you have tried to accomplish.
What a poetic justice! Don't you just find it so beautifully elegant!? Like an ancient ode to a fallen (anti-)hero, a bringer of (false) gifts who never realized that he had to die in order to give away the only real gift he ever possessed - the priceless knowledge of the enemy he was a part of.
T'is brings tears to my eyes... so sad, and yet so happy moment at the same time!
Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
But seriously, you should really feel proud for being able to become a part of something much bigger than yourself... which is an idea you should have no problem with since you were perfectly willing to be placed under Artificial Intelligence control.
It's almost like (well no, not really) the idea advertised by your friend Fresco. Obviously by yourself as well since you've never bothered to refute it. Not even in this blog post. What you actually did was to simply reinforce the idea of how beautiful and kind Fresco really is... Ahhh... such a commendable commitment to The (Grand) Cause!
There's definitely something worth left in you, and that something is going to make quite a nice addition to the experience of the whole human kind.
Where were we? Oh, yes... 6,5,4,3... not much time left. How will you spend the little time you have still left?
If I were you, I'd try confessing my sins. A new-born Christian automaton! Well, that would be a sight to behold! Repent! The End is Near!
Did I convince you? No? Didn't think I would, but then again, why not try?
I very much doubt any kind of confession is going to do you any good now, but one never knows until one tries, right?
Ah, almost forgot it again...
You have never answered my one, only one, and incredibly simple question I keep bringing up - do you agree with Fresco's words that people are too stupid to think for themselves and that they should let computer(s) do all the thinking (and resource-management of the whole human race)?
Start your sinful confessions with that question. Will you respond with approving this comment? Now, that would be an absolutely idiotic thing to do... which means that you will actually do it!?
What was your Mother like? If anyone has asked the question before I apologise but I had only a quick look at the questions and comments before getting the babies up. You have mentioned your father a couple of times but I haven't seen anything on your Mother.
Anon 7:51,
Whether or not Mr. Everty Hing is going to be OK is uncertain at the present time.
He has not been seen functioning properly for a fairly long period of time now. One could say he got off track and began to live disharmonously back when he was living in Eden with his wife.
Everty showed some signs of coming around to a rich life when he came into contact with a simple carpenter friend but the liaison was relatively short lived and Everty found himself falling rapidly into the same morose mess he had been in before the friend came on the scene.
In recent times Everty has also been plagued by external corrupt authorities at an ever increasing level. He doesn't know what is true and what isn't any more. This has contributed to his now being He has gone completely lost and off track concerning his morals, and his relation to God.
At this time he is certainly dying lost and confused. One can only hope his old friend the carpenter can again reach him in his dire time of need.
The situation is indeed very critical. It is not possible at this time to state for certain whether Everty is going to be OK or not. He has diminished in his physical, mental and emotional states perhaps to the point of no recovery.
We must wait and see if Everty Hing can turn his situation around otherwise he will soon die a completely broken man.
Hello Les, Ok, I have got a couple of questions...I have never experienced special k as opposed to vitamin A. John Lilly said he could control the length of time of his trip on ketamine compared to LSD. What is your take on the difference between ingesting these two substances?
Ketamine isn't really like anything else and most of what you get depends on who you are. Depending on your level of awareness I would compare Ketamine to having a flying saucer that can traverse not only time and space but dimensions and I have done this regularly. Remote viewing, time travel, meetings with remarkable individuals, initiations, you name it. It's much more effective than LSD. You can't get good LSD any more and the astral plane where this kind of thing operates has become polluted with all the junk thoughts of people operating at the lower levels.
I remember people getting into sex via LSD. I could never understand that. it was the last thing on my mind except for union with the divine. I screwed up any number of times on my way due to my lower nature. I'm a fairly passionate individual and I learned some hard lessons. It's funny now that I have no interest in sex except for union with the divine, it's all over the place. I study people and the idea of having sex with them is similar to Chinese boxes or a Rubic cube. It can be easy getting in but it comes with a cruise liner full of complications. And most of the time people are lying to themselves in terms of their motivations. Most sex is about control which is why people have so little control (grin).
I could write all day about my Ketamine experiences and the wonders I have seen; things I've gone through that were sometimes horrifying and out of this world. Mostly it's a very positive thing.
.... Also because there is so much pain and suffering in this world, what is your take on relieving misery in the human condition? Thanks mr visible... I feel like I know you, even though I don't know you, do you know what I mean? ( grin).... Peace ... Love .... Out......
"Relieving human misery in any large sense is not happening except in the sense of Karma working out. People have the mistaken sense that there are solutions to every problem and ideas about world peace. This is a place of trial and suffering. It's what the place is for. You can individually become free and that is the point. As far a relieving human suffering, one can serve as they go and definitely have an impact. Look at how we help each other here.
That feeling people have of knowing me has to do with the fact that we share a common connection to something and when that connection is genuine it is also contagious."
Les, here just a taste of William Fitzsimmons:
Good for late afternoons, when the ghosts of the busybodies slowly fade.
William Freeman
What is your take on supposed alien presence on earth or in the sky?
Yes, that is real and there are other alien presences that are not spoken of much, there are things that are like a bacteria that inhabit trees and other flora.
Have you met any?
"Yes. I had an interdimensional flying saucer land right in front of me in the desert. i was with Douglas Hume at the time; brother of Fox Newscaster Brit Hume. I could see right through the ship and the beings that came out were holographic. they were talking to me in a sort of musical vibration. They seemed to want me to go with them but Douglas said, "just walk away" Since we had encountered a frightening presence in Tamarisk Park earlier and Douglas had said the same thing, I went with him.
Another time a craft went over my head in the daytime in Arizona desert. Another time I was on the Pacific Coast Highway with a Buddhist monk and a orange disk came out of the sea and then sank back in again.
Once at a Jefferson Starship concert I was in the lobby and a voice boomed into the room, "We are aware of you!" That was funny. I've had too many episodes to recount."
What is your opinion on the main purpose behind chemtrails?
"I have no idea of what that is but I would say it has to do with deadening awareness."
Can you say you are NOT an avatar?
"I am not an avatar (grin)", easy enough to say either way but it's not relevant. Whatever is is and it will present itself when the time comes. I hear all kinds of things but I do not accept them because I could be deceived. I have certain physical characteristics that indicate 'something' but I am in the dark mostly concerning it. I do not intend to be taken for something I am not and make no claims in that regard. I prefer a fellowship of equals.
I got a question: Did you and I have astral sex?
I could swear we did over a year ago. it's when I first discovered your writings and your were sharing your ayahuasca experience.
"That's not the first time I've heard about something like that (grin) but I can safely say that there is and was nothing intentional on my part concerning anything like that. We are all of us here connected in certain ways."
I wonder whether you expect to die in India in 2013, and then metaphorically ascend the Himalayas to a more exalted level of existence.
"Something is going to happen before that and much of what follows will depend on that. I've had the idea for sometime that I would just disappear. therefore the name, Les Visible".
Is everything going to be okay?
"I don't know. That's what the man of the beach said when I asked him the same question. That's a relative thing anyway. It depends on what you consider 'okay'.
Builder Guy-
Can I be part of the family?
"Yes, of course".
Hi again,
Not a test. Just curious :-)
How did I find you?
Am I on the right track?
"I don't know. What do you think? Seek the divine and you are on the right track".
Am I under divine protection?
"We all have varying degrees of protection that is dependent on behavior and the degree to which one has surrendered into the encircling arms".
Any advice?
"Seek the divine".
I suspect she believes but just doesn't know how any of it works. She's certainly surprised about me and has seen some things so...
What would be the most awesome thing you ever witnessed?
that's hard to say, there's been so much. What happened at my kundalini experience, oh, dancing with the giant cobras at Joshua Tree, the flying saucer, the things that happened in prison was mindblowing.
Steve B
thank you.
Probably the Rothschilds.
Les, When you look people in the eyes, do they often wince, cringe,Cover their eyes with there hands or quickly break eye contact? This happens to me often. What's up with that?
I could think of some very amusing replies to this but I'll pass grin). I don't know what's up with that. It doesn't happen to me. Mostly I am aware of people watching me.
Do you expect this to be your last incarnation as a human, and what do you intend to become next?
"I hope so. I want to be a friend of God in whatever shape or form that takes".
Anon 7:51,
Whether or not Mr. Everty Hing is going to be OK is uncertain at the present time.
He has not been seen functioning properly for a fairly long period of time now. One could say he got off track and began to live disharmonously back when he was living in Eden with his wife.
Everty showed some signs of coming around to an honest life when he came into contact with a simple carpenter but the liaison was relatively short lived and Everty fell rapidly back into the same mess he had been in before the friend came on the scene.
In recent times Everty has also been plagued by external corrupt authorities in ever increasing amounts. He doesn't know what is true and what isn't any more. This has contributed to his now being blinded to the truth. He is now completely lost and off track concerning his morals and his relation to the creator.
At this time he is certainly dying. One can only hope he will again seek out his old friend the carpenter in his dire time of need.
The situation is indeed very critical. It is not possible at this time to state for certain whether Everty Hing is going to be OK or not. He has diminished in his physical, mental and emotional health perhaps past the point of recovery.
We must wait and see if Mr. Hing can turn his situation around in this the eleventh hour of his life otherwise he will die a completely broken man.
What was your Mother like?
"She was an enabler but her family was her whole life. She's in her 90's now. After my kundalini experience I no longer had any connection to my former family. That just went away. I am on good terms with them in my mind but they are somewhere else."
Which version of The Office...British, or American?
"I like them both."
I answered the Ketamine question.
I see that a SOTT-bot has dropped in. Mercy me. That all just sounds like words to me and I think I'll never answer the Fresco question because it annoys you. Nothing you say has any impact on me because it's utterly absurd. You can't imagine how funny we find all that talk about intelligence agencies here. Susanne and I were laughing about it this morning. Neither of us could figure out where they get this shit.
Here's an interesting observation about Laura. She freely admits to setting people up and toying with them like lab rats while free range psychopath hunting. What is it that psychopaths do? They toy with their victims. They behave like Laura does. Interesting irony. All of her behaviors fit the profile.
Les do you do any sort of formal prayer during the day and if so how do you word that prayer. Is it Our father or Lord or ????
Generally, Lord; Lord God. It could happen at any time, I've no set routines. Speaking of prayer, a Japanese man is asking for the world's prayers to heal the water at Fukushima at 12 noon your time whenever it gets to be that. That's in ten minutes here so I will be engaged with that. I'm pretty astonished that I am not feeling a deeper empathy. Yesterday I was reminding myself of all the wonderful things Japan has given to the world.
Whoops, that's Ellen Page, not Emily Page.
OK. I do have a question, though superfluous it may be. Why do you assign the neuter (or should I say, 'all in one'?) Source a gender?
Hey Vis,
It sure is funny how "The One that dwells in all of us" shows us how he/she can also divinely 'firewall' this blog ...
I have no questions for you, since you have 'taught' me how to ask my questions to the Divine directly (grin)
I would love however, if you have no objections ;), take this opportunity to answer a question myself; I was recently asked on your blogs what my/our motivation was for creating your new site and community.
This reply came to me in a 'vision' last weekend, after the little struggle we have had amongst the volunteers ...
------ snip from mail to Amarynth last weekend
Had trouble falling asleep after all the 'ruckus' yesterday. Woke up in the middle of the night again with a very clear mind ...
We have had our own little 'battle' between 'good and evil' :)
... and you know what? Evil is 'fucked', cause it can't adapt (still uses its old patterns) Love can now 'suss' it before it can even start ...(Glad I don't have to play that role currently, must be a nightmare)
Furthermore, the site we created with divine inspiration, was shown to me to be a 'resting' and gathering place of 'angels with damaged wings' I saw angels 'flapping' their wings like pigeons, trying to get to our 'safe haven' landing dock ...
metaphorically speaking, of course :)
Love, Erik
Well, shiver-me-timbers-and-slap-me-on-the-face... you did make the only idiotic thing you could do! You actually approved the comment!
And you even did it without answering the question! While the first thing was idiotic, the second one is simply... staggering by the level of its imbecility.
But, all things being considered, if there ever was any doubt what side you are on (never, really), none exist at this point. I hate it when people get shot in a friendly fire, but that's a non-issue in your case. Not a trace of friendliness inside you, not a grain of humanity inside that empty shell... but plenty of useful data, Very, very useful data.
Let me assure you, you are one tasty snack, and it will be my pleasure to eat you alive.
Side note for observers:
CIA training may explain much, but what this guy is actually doing goes well beyond any intelligence training I am aware of on this planet.
In the spectrum of possible ranks, ranging from a common foot soldier to a general, I'd place this one somewhere along the rank of a captain.
Rather easily replaceable, but significant enough to attract attention... and also privy to enough important information to be subjected to "information extraction" (which, in this case, has completely different meaning from the usual one, but all in good time).
Some quiz questions before the end:
1. How much advantage do you think one may have with a *full* access to the enemy's lines of communication?
2. How do you think such access is gained?
3. What is the only possible explanation for an incredibly stupid enemy? (hint: some incredibly stupidly programmed equipment?)
Yummy, yummy, I'm already feeling hungry, so don't mind me while I proceed with consumption of the rest of this deliciously delightful delicates.
So ol' wise Cliff HIgh has a new post up...
Read it and weep.
Watching from the alley...
One gets to the point when one wonders when will the one lie to many come - the one that breaks the Rothschilds back and wakes up the whole world.
I as you feel lethargic, paralysed, catatonic, apathetic, de-energised from doing anything and everything beyond personal hygien, eating and sleeping.
Has there been a secret usery on our internal energies, our jioux de vivre, all love of love that has been taxed and taken surrepticiously by the Rothschildeans commensurate with the level of our knowledge of the truth?
Squirelling or dumbed-down diving might be just the ticket. Those who do not have a clue about the truth or who successfully supress it from their consciousness seem to be able to 'enjoy life to the fullest' while we in the "know" about reality seemed to be hamstringed from doing much more than getting out of bed to work and feed ourselves.
The truth will make us free. But it often seems the opposite to be occuring. The truth seems to paradoxically suck the life force out of us.
Is it the feeling of powerlessness against Rothschild? The impending total economic and social breakdown.
Why does knowledge of the truth sap energy instead of increasing it.
I think I'd like to be cat - I don't really know why. But I love tigers.
Helen Thomas is jewish, yes? But she writes strongly against zionist control in DC and against the apartheid state of israel against th ePalestinians, no?
How does that go together?
How come she still has energy after she realises the truth?
I wonder what kind of animal Helen would like to be?
No questions from me but this is what I see. To me you are like a sun, shining brilliantly, sending out plasma rays of truth into inner cores of planets of all sorts and expanding them. Over the past few weeks it seems the plasma has been redirected and sent back into you and having a reverse affect and causing you to implode. Looking inside yourself is one of the hardest views to obtain but yet is right before your very eyes. All the great galaxies of truth have been named and labeled as if that is what it is and shall ever be, this not the case. Most people take other peoples thoughts and sayings about other people as the end, they never listen to what the person who is being talked about has to say and its not until that real person has gone supernova before they realize it's too late to go back and enjoy the view. You know what's right and wrong within your heart, no need to answer to any of the 6 and half billion supposed human beings on this planet. (We can transplant the heart, but not the brain so maybe that's a metaphorical statement) These prison walls of reliEgion confine us all, even if you are above and beyond and look to the universe, we are still contained, which is a dam shame, but you already know all that. All I can do now is smile when someone calls me a racists and anti-semite for pointing out criminal activity, because that's all I'm or was doing. I'm over it now and just look down as if I'm sitting on the moon and shake my head at the 'my god v your god' horse shit. I have a saying when some one calls me a racists, "I'm not a racists, I hate cycling" most of the time it goes over well, but again, I'm over it, I'll let them deal with it. Another thing is you cannot have love without hate, it's the duality of man, the yin yang, man and woman, the sun and the moon, the dirt and the water, I guess what you mix in it will result in mud or clay, to destroy or sculpt, I'm not sure, I think I've done my quota and I've lost myself within this post and don't know where I'm going. Anyway, purging is good, it clears away the toxic shit but it does hurt getting it out but it's worth it. Something in our DNA has to change, other wise it's rinse and repeat all over again for another 10,000 years. Karma karma karma, where for thou are ya? I know you're there, don't be scared to bring the drama, if I only I could wake myself from this slumber and pull the trigger for someone but then I will come undone and just be like one of them, see you at the end, my visible friend.
Les Visible, your blogs are outstanding, and I am afraid that the fat lady, and her dorky friends are going to make you feel badly enough that you quit your brilliant writings, thereby depriving me of the only person's blog that I actually agree with, and enjoy reading.
These types of women suffer from extreme lack of IQ. That is why they write in cotton balls, and obsure ramblings. Most of them are completely insane, and know it. This fat lady looks insane, and the people at that table look like morons.
I realize that is mean, but the things the fat lady said were even meaner, and smell of some kind of set-up. Obviously, she doesn't have virgin ears, and if your song upset her fat arshe, she shoulda kicked you out, rather than sit there and listen and then whine afterwards that she only met you that one time, and therefore your song bothered her virginity.
Sobeit! Let her continue w her crazy friends, and ignore her. Also, I wouldn't suggest you ever invite her over to your house for dinner, and bother to cook for her, bc first off, you don't have enough food, and couldn't get enough fast enough to feed her, and secondly, why toss your pearls before swine???
All this stuff is totally unnecessary and best left alone. What's done is done, you shouldn't have gone over to her house, and that is all.
Meanwhile, you don't have to justify anything. You give a lot to us, out here in the blogosphere. You are already generous to a fault. You don't owe us nothing.
Secondly, I would like to invite you to my house, sometime. I am a great cook, and make tons of good stuff, and you can sing any damn song you please, and you can stay as long as you like, for the weekend, that is.
Don't let some fat arshe make you feel bad, bc she is a tool.
I try to be respectful of other peoples identification as the divine. For some it's he and some she and some it. Of course I'm not successful so I move it around. the Divine doesn't mind, that's all human business.
"global jihad against banksters/tptb (Rothschild)."
As Cliff High said: we are all dead now from the Fukushima meltdown.
When universal sterility and rampant cancers strike WTP, we should stop paying taxes, stop 'working' and start gardening. Yes I know all food will be radiated and lethal as well.
Therefore, gutting the Rothschilds and their minions like fish would not be a bad form of final closure for the NWO. Better late than never.
seriously, Les....
Don't Worry about anyone. Do what you do, and keep on.
Expect the Charlie Sheen treatment, bc they do that.
You said in a previous comment that the world is not an illusion, but at some point in your blog you wrote that the universe is thought bound. Which is which? Isn't the material world a construct of our conciousness that does not really exist? Is it out there or in there?
Thank you for your previous answers.
To Mr. decoder ring, I spy you spy wannabe who knows what..
Don't you realize, has no one ever mentioned to you the old 'exception to every rule' trick?
Do you realize who you're messing with (plural)?
We all got it coming kid, but some sooner than others.
wv: zonsts - just add the i's
I believe that not only is love without hate possible, but the point.
When the kundalini experience is complete does it 'pop the bubble' of perceiving as separate entities, and integrate your consciousness into unity of all that is?
Do you have any insight into the purposes of the ancient megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge and Newgrange? Might their builders have had a system similar to kundalini, to attain higher states of consciousness?
Do you expect to be a kind of John the Baptist figure spreading the message about imminent changes, or do you expect to take a more active role in bringing them about?
How do you reconcile your personal Hindu inspiration with your public 'Christian' expression? Concepts like 'Satan' and 'Apocalypse' are surely early Christian rather than Hindu. Is it that the Christian terms are what will be familiar to most of your audience, and that all such terms are merely conventional 'Masks of God' over an inexpressible reality; or has there been a change of plan on high, so that the Apocalypse and Second Coming are now being run as a Hindu operation? If so,some people will get an almighty shock to meet Krishna or Shiva or Ganesha etc rather than Jesus Christ!
I thought about this last night. I thought to myself "What would be the hardest questions for me to answer in a public forum ?"
Who do you regret hurting the most in this lifetime ?
What is the one thing you cannot forgive yourself for ?
In the movie Sophie's Choice. A woman is forced to choose one of her two children for execution.
Have you ever faced a situation like that. An impossible choice with no right answer yet an answer is demanded ?
(These ?'s may not be hard for you at all, just my frame of reference)
Patrick V1.0
PS : Can I get one of your old shoe phones , like the ones on Get Smart ?
Les Visible - do you write/compose all your music; when, how, did you become a musician; you play guitar, keyboards, any other instruments; did you write above that you aren't doing as much music now adays(?); why's that so -?
I realize this isn't solicited but, i gotta say this: First and last impression after one look at this SOTT (homepage); be better to name it SHLOCK AND AW(FUL) ... load more to say about it, but i've said too much already and i don't like walkin' in doodoo ... .
Thanks in advance for reading/answer
Les Visible - do you write/compose all your music; "Yes".
when, how, did you become a musician; you play guitar, keyboards, any other instruments;
"Just picked it up along the way. I'm not very good at it either".
did you write above that you aren't doing as much music now adays(?); why's that so -?
"It just went away. I still write songs and have a lot of them waiting to record. don't why why things happen like this but they do".
Who do you regret hurting the most in this lifetime ?
What is the one thing you cannot forgive yourself for ?
"There isn't anything".
In the movie Sophie's Choice. A woman is forced to choose one of her two children for execution.
Have you ever faced a situation like that. An impossible choice with no right answer yet an answer is demanded ?
"Can't remember if I have. Things just happened like they did".
When the kundalini experience is complete does it 'pop the bubble' of perceiving as separate entities, and integrate your consciousness into unity of all that is?
"I suspect so".
Do you have any insight into the purposes of the ancient megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge and Newgrange? Might their builders have had a system similar to kundalini, to attain higher states of consciousness?-
"I don't have any insights into that".
Do you expect to be a kind of John the Baptist figure spreading the message about imminent changes, or do you expect to take a more active role in bringing them about?
"I have no concept of anything like that. I just do what I do and don't have any projections on it".
How do you reconcile your personal Hindu inspiration with your public 'Christian' expression? Concepts like 'Satan' and 'Apocalypse' are surely early Christian rather than Hindu. Is it that the Christian terms are what will be familiar to most of your audience, and that all such terms are merely conventional 'Masks of God' over an inexpressible reality; or has there been a change of plan on high, so that the Apocalypse and Second Coming are now being run as a Hindu operation? If so,some people will get an almighty shock to meet Krishna or Shiva or Ganesha etc rather than Jesus Christ!
People see the deity on the terms they are expecting according to the culture they were raised in. I use whatever is handy that I think will get the point made. Most people who read here are Christians so, there you have it (grin).
You said in a previous comment that the world is not an illusion, but at some point in your blog you wrote that the universe is thought bound. Which is which? Isn't the material world a construct of our conciousness that does not really exist? Is it out there or in there?
"I said the universe is thought born. I don't see a contradiction in it being that and being not an illusion. It's real enough but some places are more real, lasting, enduring. It is inside and outside. Our perceptions of it are one what. What it actually is is another, usually. Some see it for what it is. Some live in paradise here.
ANaughty Mouser, I feel exactly the same way and couldn't have said it any better myself. Much love to Les and everyone here.
Honestly, I don't have any shoe phones. You'll have to ask the SOTT-bot. He's plugged in to all of that stuff.
Usually guys brag in a bar that they are connected with the CIA. I have other people bragging that I am. You don't see that very often.
Do you know of SITA SINGS THE BLUES? It has been made available by its creator for free download and viewing.
Three shadow puppets narrate both ancient tragedy and modern comedy in this animated interpretation of the Indian epic Ramayana
You sometimes speak of things loosely connected with elements of the movie. If you've seen it, I wonder what you think of it.
And while I'm here, thank you for your writing. I have no weighty questions.
166 comments and I don't have time to read them just yet. Did you really take all your clothes off at that party?
Brother Les,
Thanks for this open window into your life, the comments have been enlightening and entertaining to say the least, I wonder how many of us would be willing to submit to the harsh light of personal disclosure like you have? When the bot showed up my first instinct was to jump in and trash him for trying to muddy the waters, but I know you are perfectly capable of handling the situation by yourself, and know that the truth will always prevail,
I have noticed however that the SOTT platform seems to say that they have all the answers, while you on the other hand are willing to leave things open with the statement"I don't know." Religions in general follow the same format of all knowing by supplying the interpretations to support their veiws ready made, or in other words dogma. Not much leeway for personal growth eh.
On to my question, is it possible we have met? I went into a little bookstore in Lahaina in 2005, just a little niche in the wall downtown, I purchased my first copy of "In search of the miraculous" from a fellow who seemed to be you. He advised a eastern book that in my hardheadedness I declined and always have regretted. Now I know the time frames don't add up, but I also know that anything is possible, the universe contains all, so do you have anything in your memories?
warmest, and thanks for all your efforts.
Lets check with an expert concerning physical matter. If I understand you correctly Les this is basically what you implied.
"Physical matter does not exist. All matter originates and exists by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind."
Max Planck (theoretical physicist)
Niels Bohr (physicist) who was instrumental in the birth of quantum mechanics also made a great statement along these lines. Can't find it in my notes but will post if I do.
I never worked in any Hawaii Bookstores, except to play music.
I'm taking a chance on a third intervention here. I figure at some point you're going to end the exercise.
"Some live in paradise here". Do you say a similar earth occupying the same space exist in another dimension and is inhabited by some more evolved specie? I think I remember you saying you had a vision of that place, with more vivid colors. From your last radio show, in the wink of an eye, is that the place we're going to?
On a side note, I had my family braging to a psychiatrist recently that I was in CIA too. Must be a good sign. ;-)
Love to all.
Yes, Fud, as far as that goes I'm in general agreement.
Naryon; Consciousness effects one's state of being. Heaven begins where your fett touch the Earth.
I said I wasn't going to ask anything, but let me prove again how little words mean sometimes and how full of shit I am...
What is your understanding of the consequences of taking one's own life?
Thanks in advance.
Do you expect Nature to take much more conscious and deliberate action to change circumstances? Might it even target individuals, by for instance stopping their bodies from working?
Do you intend to promote some new and useful methods of contact aDnd co-operation with Nature, like the founders of Findhorn managed to do?
Do you like the books of Marko Pogacnik, who claims to contact nature elementals etc and help them alleviate problems that humans have caused for them?
Les, what became of the 'Fourth Way' that Gurdjieff tried to bring back to the West? Is it too late for that information to make a difference?
Les, while the World leaders are engaged in an epidemic of lying, the truth comes through in this quite place. Your life story puts to shame all the rich and famous who try to control and mutilate our spiritual nature .There is differently an intense conscious energy pushing humanity forward into higher awareness. Many secrets are being revealed. The lies of the elite will be obvious and well known just as the goodness of the unknown spiritual seeker will eventually triumph.
Just recently I experienced a lucid dream implying that my dark side should be integrated, plus another one telling me to accept myself holy. This feels close to what you are expressing. Have you found some bliss in the now?
The whole system is becoming increasingly chaotic but I have become much more quiet and peaceful understanding on deeper level that everything is changing in this world except the silence within. It’s as if nothing really matters now except the truth behind our illusions of grandeur.
Can you tell if another persons Kundalini is active? When I meet certain people for the first time their hidden truth is revealed to me in dreams, some are filled with darkness, others light, or I see through their pretenses. , does that happen to you? I have experienced the Serpent Power rise within since the age of 29 in 1979 on Christmas morning. , and continue to feel guided by a superior higher self , its frustrating in that nobody seems to understand where I am coming from.( including me some of the time).But the most important question is how should I share this knowledge with the world ? I have been told to serve, but how? Have you read any books by Gopi Krishna or Aurobindo on Kundalini and evolution ?
welp ... nobody has asked you "What is it in a being that asks another being to explain itself?" which gets into some interesting areas, and not without a certain kind of humor, but I'm still not gonna do it dammit.
Thanks for your work Les.
Can you tell if another persons Kundalini is active?
"Depends on how active. This is a massive and mysterious force which can take any number of shapes and actions."
.But the most important question is how should I share this knowledge with the world ? I have been told to serve, but how? Have you read any books by Gopi Krishna or Aurobindo on Kundalini and
evolution ?
"You serve by being willing to and looking for the opportunities that appear before you. Once you can spot and respond to these you will be led into more consistency of application.
I know about Gopi Krishna's book. He had a rough time. Ive read some excerpts and I've read some things from Aurobindo but mostly, everything that happens to me is apart from books, schools and teachers, except for the one I have."
Les, what became of the 'Fourth Way' that Gurdjieff tried to bring back to the West? Is it too late for that information to make a difference?
"The problem with Gurdjieff's operation is that a lot of it was based around him. When he went away it sort of just treaded water after. I've not had good experiences with the Gurdjieffian operations so I'm not the person to ask"
Do you expect Nature to take much more conscious and deliberate action to change circumstances? Might it even target individuals, by for instance stopping their bodies from working?
"Yes and more"
Do you intend to promote some new and useful methods of contact aDnd co-operation with Nature, like the founders of Findhorn managed to do?
"I'll do what opportunity and providence put in front of me. I've been invited to visit The Devic Realm, so... that's probably going to be the start of something."
Do you like the books of Marko Pogacnik, who claims to contact nature elementals etc and help them alleviate problems that humans have caused for them?
"I've never heard of him. I'm really out of the loop concerning most writers and people in just about any field. I keep to myself and work from within".
As for suicide-
"It's not a good thing but every situation is different and has a different price tag associated with it. There's a mystery connected to this that gets revealed after. People in extremis and things like assisted suicide are different than the garden variety offing of oneself."
Les, I've been thinking about this all day. Truthfully, you should sue this woman, and everyone else who slanders you.
I'm really tired of people like that. Same thing w others who like to slander people.
It's time to just sue. She can't afford it. She wrote a bigger check than her mouth can cash.
G'day Les,
I would like to hear what you learned from your aya experience. To be more specific, did you receive any specific messages regarding the present/future of humanity and the planet?
I'll get to these questions tomorrow. It is late and I'm headed for other places, hopefully something bright and illuminated.
angelic pin dancing test
Les, someone said:
"I have noticed however that the SOTT platform seems to say that they have all the answers, while you on the other hand are willing to leave things open with the statement"I don't know."
You know, your ability to say "I don't know" is one of the things I love about you. I was wondering if there was anything intelligent I could say, or ask, as I read through the comments, and this was the best one for me.
I was brought up heavily in the church and became deeply dissatisfied and finally left. One of the reasons is because they "knew" all the answers, and I didn't like too many of them...
I love your writings. I love the craziness and the lack of ego. You have taught me that God can be fun. So I'm learning about that.
Whatever the future may bring, in your life and ours, there will be many of us who just keep returning to your blogs as long as you keep giving them to us, because they are food for our souls.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Daphne
Sorry about phrasing of my first question and the slomo state of this response (I get modest time-slices out of the clockwork)
'Are your karmic circuits self-intact?', and so on..
It has often been this way and when I try to rephrase, the meaning changes. In some way this may connect with having experienced ECT (shock treatment)as a heavy verdict on miscommunication. In those long gone days I used to refer to it as Electro Crucifixion Therapy.
So there is a little clarification I hope.
And to further clarify: I find real treasure in the visible dumpster and the back alley jive around it and yet without personal attunement to the constellation of it. I do sit with a living master and in the rapidly dwindling stock of current days I live in service to human vulnerablity in an unprotected state of presence.
I delightedly enjoy your colours and am not barking at your caravan.
It's truly OK for me to be left in the dancing dust.
Hoping this is clearer, as the bouncing buddha-ball bounces on.
And now for something completely off topic:
The 13th tribe, ashkenazi jews are white from Khazaria which converted to judaism around 800 AD. Their country 'failed' about 100 years there after and they migrated to Russia, Poland, Hungary, Checheslovakia(sp), and then to Germany and England, and then to America.
They have White Khazarian mitochondrial DNA and chromsomal DNA.
The Sephardic jews actually have semitic DNA (mito- and chrom.) as they originated in the land of Judea and then migrated to Spain and there intermarried.
DNA in Khazarian (Askenazim) and Sephardic jews is NOT the same.
Only the latter is semitic. It is the former who through Rothschild and Balfour created Rothschildlandia.
The Askenazim (non-semitic jews) actually 'look down' on the Sephardic and other semites.
Anti-semitic is in fact a gross misnomer when applied to all things Askenazi.
They ain't semites - but the Palestinians they are genociding to steal their land are!
No questions, except maybe geographical, I have to say I don't mind so much bleeding out with you for company, there used to be so many, but Kali's very hungry, and busy, and there's too many to die, and not enough to live. I don't know yet much about their real faces, except for the invitation, which became a haunted vacation, and blew up history, but it's making sense, if nothing else is, except for the one.
Please keep some fire back for us, we are going to need it. I will help when it really matters.
somewhere in nowhere
up above down below
obscured in clarity
unknown in unknown
forwards past backwards
horizontaly in depth
outwardly inwards
projections reflect
perception infused
mystery engaged
paving subliminal
verticly raised
inverted patterns
reverberating pinnacle
embracing sanctity
simplifying difficult
What do you think of this Les?
You never even answered mine, but never mind, tells me all I need to know
this ain't good folks
Les what is your take on a hierarchy system for ruling the affairs of men. Do you agree with it or not, and if not why not?
I'm a couple of days late reading this. I don't know why. What I do know is that I know you.
I should have felt that Deadwood would be something out of a pile of garbage that you and I would also share as worthy of time invested. No other show before or since has ever been as HONEST as Deadwood.
The miracles from you brother have surpassed what I ever thought I was worthy of and you have not even attempted any of them in my physical presence or with my verbal request. I was pushed and pulled here; by you for the Divine?
It is a reward to be called mad; so many inclinations, "There are so many mansions in my fathers kingdom!"
Will this transformation that is upon you climax during the solstice and would it help you, Susanne and ya'lls mom if I were near?
grasshoppers in a meadow of love and kinship,
gurnygob thang?
Was Jesus able to see to the atomic level or beyond and with Sources permssion, granted the right to rearrange them to create the material and to view the signatures in the ether and is that how it works with you?
a grasshopper,
Brother, I have no questions of you.
Joey Tavares
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Visible said...
Do you expect this to be your last incarnation as a human, and what do you intend to become next?
"I hope so. I want to be a friend of God in whatever shape or form that takes".
2:07 AM
Anyone who loves sincerely and endeavors everyday to expand the awareness and understanding of that love to all beings is a friend of God.
The love one has and the love one demonstrates speaks for itself. It also speaks to those who LACK this quality. One's virtues should always outshine one's vices.
My experience of the One God, is that it has no gender because it contains no duality; Divine is whole and perfect, no contradictions. Outside of time is where we transcend opposites, that is where the Divine resides. In YOU maaaaan.
You are my perfect children as you were born from perfection itself.
There is no imperfection, only the illusion of such. You have to take all those pesky walls and barriers you built inside yourself to keep you divided from yourself, and tear them all down. Then you will see the perfection contained within.
In a dream I once heard the words of Walt Whitman: "Do I contradict myself? I contain multitudes." That's true for most people, I think.
This is such a stimulating place. Someone mentioned something about angels with broken wings? Some of us have fallen here and there.
I'm not Christian but I do believe that Jesus is real as he spoke to me during a very trying period in which I was fasting and seeking answers. I only found out it was him because I asked who I was speaking with. Was sure nice of him to reach out to me in my time of need; what a swell fella. I believe there are many lesser and greater Divine beings, those of the highest vibration are closest to God's presence, Jesus being one of them.
We must concentrate our thoughts on Love, brotherhood and compassion for all beings on this planet. We're certainly reaching critical mass here. Thoughts are things. Mind is the builder! Get to work y'all!
Joel 2:25:
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten...
when you pray, what do you pray?
I know you're not a fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer.
How do you feel about these other "new age" messengers:
a) Neale Donald Walsch
Have you read Walsch's "Conversations With God" series?
It seems legit and very consistent with your message, would you agree?
b)Deepak Chopra
les, what do you mean when you say that things will happen with you soon that we will see? i dont want to lose more people even if i can't see them. if that makes sense? not yet anyway, i need a bit of rest, to catch my breath, before the next round.
A couple more questions if you please...what is your internal dialogue like? Do you think the internal talk is an ancient mind overlay? How do you still your mind? Is the star maker waiting for us to be still ? Thank you for sharing....
You know, you talk a good line, but it's just another internet waste of time. Visible, you're really gifted man, but you've missed your calling, so you found a niche in the world of energy sucking, hope promising, divine intervention someday bull shit. What you do is not even well meaning. What it really is, is self serving crap. All the online cesspool of unlimited subject matter does, is suck people into a faux reality that keeps them in their homes in a fantasy world, a world where they don't have to, god forbid, get out and participate. When you put too much hope behind this drug induced prophet, what you wind up with is an empty wallet in the morning and a pain in your butt that you can't remember how you got. Visible can write, and all good writers can also bull shit. IMHO. I think you're having problems with depression and you like people kissing your butt because you have a deep need for that. You're depressed because instead of focusing on a writing career, you focused on not focusing on anything because that requires responsibility. But now that's all changed, you're a "blogger", you and fifty million others too. Stop bottling hope and selling it, it's a holy crime, or as you may know it, a sin.
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